Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 28 - May 2, 2014

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 4/28 -- Library to work on research paper.  Students are writing about a historical figure in the 1st person, so I am calling the paper an autobiography.  It is worth 150 points and is due on Wednesday, May 7th.
Tue. 4/29 -- Library day 2
Wed. 4/30 -- Feudalism simulation. Reading pages 360-363 on Feudal manors.  Students will diagram a manor with the eight parts listed on p. 363.  Define Manor, create a map/diagram of a manor and label (manor house, village church, peasant collages, Demesne, crofts, mills, common pasture and woodland.  From pages 360-363 describe life on a manor with a minimum of 6 bullets.
Thur. 5/1 -- Lecture notes on castle and knights. Reading on sieges warfare/offense and defensive tactics.  This vocab will be on a quiz on 5/7.
Fri. 5/2 -- Library (last class day) for research and writing.
*Most of the writing for this project will be homework.  That is why there is a weekend and 5 more days to finish. 

Mon. 4/28 -- Test on Banking and Finance (I moved the test fro Friday) Be prepared to take the test today if you were on a field trip.
Tue. 4/29 -- Notes on how to figure out GDP and GNP.  Look and find data on 10 countries and color a map to show their per capita GDP.  Get a copy of an almanac and the key if you are absent.
Wed. 4/30 -- Video on the increasing income disparity in the U.S.  Research on different countries and their demographics of prosperity.  What makes some communities well off while others have high crime rates and low levels of education?
Thur. 5/1 -- Read p. 428 about Keynes.  Lecture on the out-put expenditure model and a color codes diagram.  Video on Keynes.  If absent:  Get a copy of the circular-flow diagram.  Read pages. 325-327.  According to Keynes the economy is divided into four sectors GDP=C+I-G+F (x-m).  Read and take notes on the four sectors.  Keynes argued the Great Depression would not fix itself -- that the C and I were too low.  Government spending was needed to jump-start the economy.
Fri. 5/2 -- Definition of the inflation rate.  Skits on vocabulary. Reading pages 366-367.  If absent do: p. 367 --  1) define. consumer price index (CPI); creeping inflation, hyper inflation, demand pull inflation, cost-push inflation and wage price spiral. Do question 2, 5 and 6.

Mon. 5/5 -- Open note quiz on Keynes

Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 21-25, 2014

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 4/21 -- Reading pages 353-354 on the Germanic kingdoms.  Get the map of Europe in 500 and complete.  You will need to take notes on the back >> research the Franks, Vandals, and Visigoths between 450-750.  Write three historical bullets for each kingdom (total of 9 notes).
Tue. 4/22 -- Video on the Dark Ages (about 20-25 minutes) reading p. 353-355 review the life in a monastery.  Complete the diagram of St. Gall's monastery.  We are color coding the diagram to match the activities of the monastery. Get the color code from a classmate.
Wed. 4/23 -- Lecture notes on Charlemagne.  More video on Charlemagne and the Battle of Tours. 
Thur. 4/24 -- QZ: Germanic kingdom vocabulary (posted in room).  Video on the Vikings (drawing of a viking longship and video notes). 
Fri. 4/25 -- Reading "Saga of Eric the Red" -- Make a model of a Viking Ship and write a Viking name in Runes.

Mon. 4/21 -- Short lecture to review what we have learned about investing.  Students will make an investment pie based on their risk level.  Risk Assessment quiz is due TODAY  //
Tue. 4/22 -- Day 1 -- Library (picking a stock for investing) Students will get a section of the NYSE to research for stock investment.  Each student will get a different section so they don't overlap.  Using the NYSE they will look up 5 stocks and then narrow their list to one.
Wed. 4/23 -- Day 2 -- Each student will write a stock profile for one stock from their group.  The profile will include an analysis of the trends of the stock, a profile of the company and a look at analysts opinions.  It will conclude with an evaluation of the stock.
Thur. 4/24 -- Skype visit from Max Li (hopefully).  Review day.
Fri. 4/25 -- Banking and Finance test.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 14-18, 2014

Ancient Medieval

Mon. 4/14 -- Primary Source reading: "The Primary Chronicle" We will read an account of the conversion of Prince Vladimir or Kiev.  Students will then read pages 307-311 in the text and complete a reading guide for the material on Russia.
Tue. 4/15 -- PowerPoint on Russian history (notes).  "Engineering an Empire" notes on the Church of the Assumption (where tzars were crowned) and St. Basil's cathedral (where Ivan celebrated his victory in the Battle of Kazan).  The 8 towers represent the 8 days of the battle.
Wed. 4/16 -- Mini-project on the Mongols.  Student will use the text to make a map of the Mongol empire and summarize a brief history of Genghis Khan and the ruler ship of the Khanates. (p. 330-334) and read about Mongol culture.  If absent read the section and on page 334 do questions 4, 5, 6, 8.
Thur. 4/17 -- Assembly schedule (45 minute classes) : Review for the test.
Fri. 4/18 -- Assembly and PLC schedule.  Class will be 35 minutes long.  Test on Islam and the East.  Notebook #4 DUE.


Mon. 4/14 -- What is the Federal Reserve?  Money activity.  Reading pages 400-401 and 406-407.  Complete the chart on the Federal Reserve. Watch "Eye of the Storm" video from the Federal Reserve.   Culminating portfolio binders are due for "first-time" students working on the project.
Tue. 4/15 -- Tools of Monetary Policy lecture and another chart :). Monetizing the debt. Discussion. Video clip "The Power of Money"
Wed. 4/16 -- Open note quiz on Chapter 14.  Economic Current Event #2 DUE today.  Read p.  289-294.  How is money invested and how do you personally decide how to invest?
Thur. 4/17 -- Assembly Schedule -- Types of Financial Assets.  Three pocket organizer. (You will need directions and special paper for this.)
Fri. 4/18 -- Assembly schedule and PLC schedule -- Finish the assignment as needed.  Guest speaker Max Li (hopefully) live from Philadelphia.
Mon. 4/21 -- Risk Assessment DUE -- //

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7 -11, 2014

Ancient Medieval

Mon. 4/7 -- Partner activity where we do a project on the contributions of Islamic Culture. Using pages 274-279, students (solo or with a partner) will find 7 contributions of Islamic culture (art, architecture, science, medicine, math, philosophy, etc.) One must be the House of Wisdom.  Describe each contribution with 2 sentences.  The project must also have three graphic elements.
Tue. 4/8 -- Map of Constantinople in the year 550 AD.  I have a set of directions for those absent.  You will draw a map (p. 302), labeling major features of the city.  In spaces around the map you will describe Justinian and the Hagia Sophia (four bullets) and the Nika Riots/Hippodrome and city of Constantinople (three bullets). We will finish the notes using Engineering an Empire: Byzantium.
Wed. 4/9 -- Finish the map and video. PowerPoint notes on Byzantium.
Thur. 4/10 -- Small group project on the legacy of Byzantium.  Groups of 4-5 will concentrate on one of the legacies of Byzantium. Teams will make posters on their topics and present them to the class.
SENIORS at SENIOR MEETING -- Choose from the following list of topics -- Justinian and the Law Code, Hagia Sophia, Icons and Iconoclasm, beginning of the Eastern Orthodox church or St. Cyril and the alphabet.  Do research on-line and write 1-2 paragraphs about the topic.  Write between 150-200 words -- do NOT cut and paste.
Fri. 4/11 -- Poster presentations: Quiz on Byzantium.


Mon. 4/7 -- Work on either the Culminating Project or the Corporation PowerPoint.  Meet in the computer lab.
Tue. 4/8 -- Ditto
Wed. 4/9 -- Ditto
Thur. 4/10 -- Back in the room to review the history of banking we learned before break.  Student pairs will create a timeline showing the history of money and banking in the United States from the Colonial period until the Financial Crisis of 2008. The timeline will need 12 events.  Choose 4 of those events to write about explaining why they are key in the development of US banking.
Corporation PowerPoint Due
Fri. 4/11 -- Meet in the computer lab -- everyone will have time to update their culminating projects -- Seniors your interviews are on the 18th.
Upcoming Due dates
Monday 4/14 -- Culminating projects for those who started from scratch.
Wed. 4/16 -- The next Economic Current Event is Due