Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24-28, 2011 (last week of the quarter)

World Geography
Mon. 10/24 -- Reading from National Geographic and worksheet on health and economic issues in Africa.  You can pick up the worksheet and a copy of the reading from the blue folders.
Tue. 10/25 -- Review day one for the test.  Students will complete the review sheet for the test.
Wed. 10/26 -- Review day two for the test.  We will discuss and take notes on possible ideas for the test essay (where students will discuss three problems in Africa). We will also play a review game.
Thur. 10/27 -- TEST over Africa.  There is a three-paragraph essay.  The test is the last grade on the first quarter.  I will collect reveiw sheets.
Fri. 10/28 --

Mon. 10/24 -- Finished the pies on state and local spending.  We spent most of class reviewing current events having to do with taxes.  Absent students will have to choose an article and write a 10 sentence summary with analysis.
Tue. 10/25  Federal Debt. Reading page 227-283.  Quick discussion over topics.  Students will read the chapter and take an open book test over the reading.  No talking at all.
Wed. 10/26 -- Review for the test over chapters 8-10.  The essay will focus on federal government taxes and spending.
Thur. 10/27 -- TEST over Labor, Taxes and Government unit. 
Fri. 10/28 -- Library Money Scavenger Hunt

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/24 -- DVD: Engineering and Empire: Rome.  Notes are due on the Flavian Ampitheater, Hadrian's Wall and the Pantheon.  This information is on the test.
Tue. 10/25 -- The fall of Rome -- Graphic organizer with a partner. If Absent read p. 173-176 From the section 4 questions P. 176. Do 1. Diocletian and Atilla.  3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Wed. 10/26 -- Group activity comparing the legacies of Greece and Rome.  No make-up.
Thur. 10/27 -- Review day for the test.  Get a review sheet
Fri. 10/28 -- Test on the Roman Empire.  Notebook #3 Due.

Monday, October 17, 2011

October 17-21, 2011

World Geography
Mon. 10/17  turn in political map of Africa.  Notes on the history of Africa.  If absent, get a note sheet and copy the notes from a classmate.  Turn in the notes for credit.
Tues. 10/18 -- Fast Facts about Africa -- Half-sheet of paper activity.  (No make-up).  We spent most of the day reviewing countries for the quiz on Wednesday.  Students created neumonic devices (memory) to help with the many names of African countries. 
Wed. 10/19 -- Quiz the Africa map. (Quiz is only over countries and physical features, cities are extra credit)  Parade of flags of AFrica.  If absent collect a Parade of Flags assignment and a country to study.  I recommend you check out an almanac from my room, but you may try to do the assignment on-line. has a World Fact Book that is helpful.  Also the Background Notes at the US State Department are good.
Thur. 10/20  - No class modified schedule
Fri. 10/21 -- Environmental Issues -- Viewing a series of video segments on environmental issues in Africa, from the drying of Lake Chad to Biodiversity in Madagascar.  Notes are due.  If you are absent you must copy notes and turn them in.

Mon. 10/17 -- Questions from page 221 are due.  Vocabulary from Chapter 9 section 1.  Get a vocab list to complete and study.  Class made political cartoons about the vocabualry words.
 Tue. 10/18 -- Finish vocab words.  Lecture on types of taxes.  Students will have a tax chart to complete about different types of taxes.  Use the reading in Chapter 9.
Wed. 10/19 -- Quiz on tax Vocabulary from Chapter 9. (see Monday). p, 256-257 Reviewing main ideas, 17-23, 27; Choose between 28 or 34
Thur 10/20 or Fri. 10/21  (modified schedule).  Go over spending ofr the Federal Budget, compare to 2007. You will need to pick up a hand-out.  State spending pie chart:  See me for directions.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/17 -- Lecture on the transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire.  Lecture notes from a worksheet -- get a blank sheet and copy the notes from a class mate.  Also the Julio Claudian family tree.  A quick talk on the interworkings of this first imperial family and the first five emperors.  There are also notes on this sheet.  Notes will be used for a quiz on Thur. Fri.
Tue. 10/18 -- Library day for Roman Travel project.  Get a copy of the assignment.
Wed. 10/19 -- A&E Biography on Julius Caesar.  We will use the DVD to create a timeline of Julius Caesar's life.  12 events with dates.
Thur/Fri 10/20 or 10/21  -- Quiz on Roman history (open note) Growth of Christianity in Roman Empire. Make-up -- A worksheet to complete on Christianity with timeline and critical thinking questions.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 10-14, 2011

World Geography
Mon. 10/10 -- Complete the physical geography of Africa map.  It requires coloring in climate zones.
Tue. 10/11 --  Grade physical map, Read p. 424-427, Worksheet on the Sahel. View powerpoint pictures of African regions.
Wed. 10/12 -- DVD on Botswana, Nambibia, and Zimbabwe -- Questions to complete
Thur. 10/13 -- African Tribe assignment.  We will use books checked out from the library.  If you are absent you will need to either check out a book on your own OR do the research on-line.  I have tried to do it on-line -- it is easier to get a book.
Fri. 10/14 -- Political map of Africa -- countries and cities.  Complete the map and turn it in.  Make sure to highlight the city names.
Mon. 10/10 -- History of Labor Unions in the US.  Powerpoint lecture and notes to complete.  If you are absent get the note form and borrow a classmates notes.  Video on early labor strikes during the Depression -- more notes.
Tue. 10/11 -- Labor and Wages worksheet.
Wed. 10/12 -- 2nd period only -- Union Profile -- Get directions on the union profile and complete the 200 word research report.
Thur. 10/13 -- Simulation on Collective Bargaining.  If absent then find a news article having to do with issues of labor or unions or wages.  Read the article, print the first page for me, and write a 8-10 sentence analysis of what you read.
Fri. 10/14 -- Open note quiz on section 8.1 and 8.2.  Union history and labor and wages.  Read p. 222. Read 215-221. p. 221: Define Giveback, two-tier wage system, glass ceiling, set aside contract.  Do questions 2-5.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/10 -- Review for test on Greece
Tue. 10/11 -- Test on Greece
Wed. 10/12 -- Worksheet on Roman Republic.  This worksheet is based on a supplemental text in the room.  You will have to check out a packet to complete.
Thur. 10/13 -- Packet summaries of topics on Roman culture.  Each person reads two packets and write a 8 sentence summary of the packet.  The summary may include interesting facts.  Turn in the summaries.  Packet are available for check-out.
Fri. 10/14 -- Notes on Gravitas (Roman Culture).  Video on Pompeii.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 3-7, 2011

World Geography
Mon. 10/3 -- Finish the assignment on oil. Pages 529-531, worksheet with questions.  Watch the DVD on "The Arab Gulf States."  (Questions with DVD due).
Tue. 10/4 -- Graphic Organizer on the three religions founded in SW Asia.  See Ms. Fenton for detailed directions on a graphic organizer.
Wed. 10/5 Conflict in SW Asia. p. 511-513, 532-533 (Israel) and 525-527 (stateless nations).  Worksheet, notes and discussion.
Thur. 10/6 -- Review for test.
Fri. 10/7 -- Test on the Middle East.

Mon. 10/3 -- Market Failures (definitions, p. 179-182 if absent).  Class did a project using newspapers to search for examples of market failures.  If absent p. 183: 1, 2,4, 5.
Tue. 10/4 -- Library research on different regulatory agencies.  Students will have a partner and will complete a research sheet on one regulatory agency.
Wed. 10/5 -- Finish Government role in market.  Review federal regulatory agencies. Review for test.
Thur. 10/6 -- Review for test
Fri. 10/7 -- Test on Microeconomics

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/3 -- Project on the Golden Age of Greece.  See. Ms. Fenton for complete directions. 
Tue. 10/4 -- Finish Golden Age projects, Powerpoint on Arete, note sheet.
Wed. 10/5 -- QZ: Who is who in Ancient Greece. Peloponessian War
Thur. 10/6 -- Alexander the Great, interactive map and conquests.  Begin 2 day project on Hellenism. Notebook #2 Due.
Fri. 10/7 -- Finish Hellenism project and presentations.