Mon. 1/30 -- Qz on Continents and Oceans. Work on the Five Themes of Geography. For make-up Read pages 5-9. Define each of the five themes of geography and provide and example that is NOT in the book -- in other words think of an original example.
Tue. 1/31 -- Map Standards discuss and examples of how to do a map. Middle America map. If there is time Map skills handbook read p. 20-23.
Wed. 2/1 -- Read p. 228-229. Power point notes on Caribbean culture. Get a copy of Caribean chart, copy notes and turn in.
Thur. 2/2 -- Map of South America. Read p. 240-241. Review Middle America.
Fri. 2/3 -- Read p. 201-205 together. PP on the regions of Latin America. We will take notes on the terrain and review the maps. Do map activity on p. 206. If you are absent take 10 notes on pages 201-205 to convince me you read it. The notes should reflect all five pages :)
Ancient Medieval
Mon. 1/30 -- Greek Map DUE. Minoan culture notes (boxes). Write a theory for the fall of the Minoan civilization.
Tue. 1/31 -- Video note -- Minotaur Island. HW: Reading guide P. 123-126,
Wed. 2/1 -- Group Project on Mycenae. Review your map.
Thur. 2/2 -- QZ: Map of Greece and basic geography. PP notes on the Iron Age of Greece (early polis structure).
Fri. 2/3 -- Comparison of Athens and Sparta. Make a chart and compare using these factors: geographic setting, 2 historical bullets, government, education system, 3 daily life bullets and 2 disadvantages of each system. p. 127-131 will help along with your notes. Compare Athens and Sparta
Mon. 1/30 -- Worksheet on Dating techniques in paleoanthropology. Discuss the difference between absolute and relative dating.
Tue. 1/31 -- Handout on the primate order and power point. Primate anatomy worksheet. Review for the quiz on biology and dating.
Wed. 2/1 -- QZ: biology and dating techniques. Notes on early primates from a powerpoint.
Thur. 2/2 -- Library reserach day on famous anthropologists.
Fri. 2/3 -- Poster making day for anthropologists -- Poster due on Monday.
Mon. 1/30 -- Qz on Continents and Oceans. Work on the Five Themes of Geography. For make-up Read pages 5-9. Define each of the five themes of geography and provide and example that is NOT in the book -- in other words think of an original example.
Tue. 1/31 -- Map Standards discuss and examples of how to do a map. Middle America map. If there is time Map skills handbook read p. 20-23.
Wed. 2/1 -- Read p. 228-229. Power point notes on Caribbean culture. Get a copy of Caribean chart, copy notes and turn in.
Thur. 2/2 -- Map of South America. Read p. 240-241. Review Middle America.
Fri. 2/3 -- Read p. 201-205 together. PP on the regions of Latin America. We will take notes on the terrain and review the maps. Do map activity on p. 206. If you are absent take 10 notes on pages 201-205 to convince me you read it. The notes should reflect all five pages :)
Ancient Medieval
Mon. 1/30 -- Greek Map DUE. Minoan culture notes (boxes). Write a theory for the fall of the Minoan civilization.
Tue. 1/31 -- Video note -- Minotaur Island. HW: Reading guide P. 123-126,
Wed. 2/1 -- Group Project on Mycenae. Review your map.
Thur. 2/2 -- QZ: Map of Greece and basic geography. PP notes on the Iron Age of Greece (early polis structure).
Fri. 2/3 -- Comparison of Athens and Sparta. Make a chart and compare using these factors: geographic setting, 2 historical bullets, government, education system, 3 daily life bullets and 2 disadvantages of each system. p. 127-131 will help along with your notes. Compare Athens and Sparta
Mon. 1/30 -- Worksheet on Dating techniques in paleoanthropology. Discuss the difference between absolute and relative dating.
Tue. 1/31 -- Handout on the primate order and power point. Primate anatomy worksheet. Review for the quiz on biology and dating.
Wed. 2/1 -- QZ: biology and dating techniques. Notes on early primates from a powerpoint.
Thur. 2/2 -- Library reserach day on famous anthropologists.
Fri. 2/3 -- Poster making day for anthropologists -- Poster due on Monday.