Mon. 3/26 -- Today groups will finish their current events and three groups will present their information. We will then work quietly on the review sheet for the test on Wednesday. I move the test back a day to allow time for the current events.
Tue. 3/27 -- Finish the presentations of SW Asian current event. Complete the review for the SW Asian test and if time play a review game.
Wed. 3/28 -- TEST for SW Asia. Fun facts about Africa assignment. The test will be the last new grade recorded on third quarter. Work on Thursday and Friday will be counted for Q4.
Thur. 3/29 -- Physical map of Africa.
Fri. 3/30-- Human environment worksheet on Africa.
Ancient Medieval
Mon. 3/26 -- Research paper on Greco-Roman legacies due today by 3:30 p.m.. Review for Asian Empires test.
Tue. 3/27 -- Asian Empires test. Notebook #3 Due. The test will be the last new grade recorded on third quarter. Work on Wednesday to Friday will be counted for Q4.
Wed. 3/28 -- Video: Empires of Faith Notes
Thur. 3/29 -- Reading from the Qu'ran and discussion. Short worksheet on the Rise of Islam. p. 263-268, Vocabulary review for quiz.
Fri. 3/30 -- Quiz on Islam Vocabulary. Map on the Expansion of Islam (pp. 269-272.)
Mon. 3/26 -- Qz: Introduction to Archaeology. (open note). Reading "The Worst Mistake" and map on early domestication of plants and animals.
Tue. 3/27 -- Finish the map, notes on the Bronze Age
Wed. 3/28 -- Video on the Celts of Europe, video worksheet to complete
Thur. 3/29 -- Review for unit test.
Fri. 3/30 -- Test on European Pre-History
Mon. 3/26 -- Today groups will finish their current events and three groups will present their information. We will then work quietly on the review sheet for the test on Wednesday. I move the test back a day to allow time for the current events.
Tue. 3/27 -- Finish the presentations of SW Asian current event. Complete the review for the SW Asian test and if time play a review game.
Wed. 3/28 -- TEST for SW Asia. Fun facts about Africa assignment. The test will be the last new grade recorded on third quarter. Work on Thursday and Friday will be counted for Q4.
Thur. 3/29 -- Physical map of Africa.
Fri. 3/30-- Human environment worksheet on Africa.
Ancient Medieval
Mon. 3/26 -- Research paper on Greco-Roman legacies due today by 3:30 p.m.. Review for Asian Empires test.
Tue. 3/27 -- Asian Empires test. Notebook #3 Due. The test will be the last new grade recorded on third quarter. Work on Wednesday to Friday will be counted for Q4.
Wed. 3/28 -- Video: Empires of Faith Notes
Thur. 3/29 -- Reading from the Qu'ran and discussion. Short worksheet on the Rise of Islam. p. 263-268, Vocabulary review for quiz.
Fri. 3/30 -- Quiz on Islam Vocabulary. Map on the Expansion of Islam (pp. 269-272.)
Mon. 3/26 -- Qz: Introduction to Archaeology. (open note). Reading "The Worst Mistake" and map on early domestication of plants and animals.
Tue. 3/27 -- Finish the map, notes on the Bronze Age
Wed. 3/28 -- Video on the Celts of Europe, video worksheet to complete
Thur. 3/29 -- Review for unit test.
Fri. 3/30 -- Test on European Pre-History