Sunday, March 25, 2012

March 26-30, 2012

Mon. 3/26 -- Today groups will finish their current events and three groups will present their information.  We will then work quietly on the review sheet for the test on Wednesday.  I move the test back a day to allow time for the current events. 
Tue. 3/27 -- Finish the presentations of SW Asian current event.  Complete the review for the SW Asian test and if time play a review game.
Wed. 3/28  -- TEST for SW Asia.  Fun facts about Africa assignment.  The test will be the last new grade recorded on third quarter.  Work on Thursday and Friday will be counted for Q4.
Thur. 3/29 -- Physical map of Africa.
Fri. 3/30-- Human environment worksheet on Africa. 

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 3/26 -- Research paper on Greco-Roman legacies due today by 3:30 p.m..   Review for Asian Empires test.
Tue. 3/27 -- Asian Empires test.  Notebook #3 Due. The test will be the last new grade recorded on third quarter.  Work on Wednesday to Friday will be counted for Q4.
Wed. 3/28 -- Video:  Empires of Faith Notes
Thur. 3/29 -- Reading from the Qu'ran and discussion.  Short worksheet on the Rise of Islam. p. 263-268,  Vocabulary review for quiz.
Fri. 3/30 -- Quiz on Islam Vocabulary.  Map on the Expansion of Islam (pp. 269-272.)

Mon. 3/26 -- Qz: Introduction to Archaeology.  (open note).  Reading "The Worst Mistake" and map on early domestication of plants and animals.
Tue.  3/27 -- Finish the map, notes on the Bronze Age
Wed. 3/28 -- Video on the Celts of Europe, video worksheet to complete
Thur. 3/29 -- Review for unit test. 
Fri. 3/30 -- Test on European Pre-History

Friday, March 16, 2012

March 19-23, 2012

Mon. 3/19 -- Notes on oil and politics (there is a handout to complete).  Reading pages 529-531. Worksheet from the book. Review SW Asia map.
Tue. 3/20 -- Qz SW Asia.  Video on the Arab Gulf States, questions to complete.
Wed. 3/21 -- Graphic Organizer on the Three Religions of the Middle East. Get a copy of the directions.
Thur. 3/22 -- Notes on Israel and Palestine. Reading pages 510-513.  There will be a short worksheet and notes to collect. 
Fri. 3/23  -- Current Events.  There will be several current event groups which will "jigsaw" different topics.  Each group in class will present a summary of their current event.  If you are absent, find a news article from the area of SW Asia and write a 12 sentence summary.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 3/19 -- Poster Project on Hindusim and Buddhism Due.  Go to the library to work on the paper on Greco-Roman Legacies.  Paper Due Monday 3/26.
Tue. 3/20 --  Qz. on the three religions we have studied (Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism).  The quiz will consist of statements about the religions and students will have to match the facts to the correct religion. Notes on Chinese Dynasties.  Begin a "making rules" assignment on Chinese philosophies.
Wed. 3/21  -- Finish Making Rules assignments (get a copy of the directions).  DVD on China (Great Wall and Qin Tomb)
Thur. 3/22 -- Computer lab to work on paper, handout on citations and Work Cited page.
Fri. 3/23 -- worksheet on Han China p. 200-207.

Mon. 3/19 -- Libary to work on the "Archaeological Mysteries" paper.  A short, relatively informal paper that will be be plagarized!
Tue. 3/20 -- Worksheet on Archaeological methods.  Reading by Fagan (packet handout).
Wed. 3/21 -- Lecture on Mesolithic Europe (notes to complete).  Students will have time to ready about Neolithic Lake Villages in class, but some may have to finish at home.  They will need to take great notes about what would be found in these lake side villages in France.  [NOTE: Student groups will need a large shoe box, rocks, twigs, etc..]
Thur and Fri. 3/22-3/23 -- Buidling Neolithic Lake Village Dioramas.  Hot glue guns will be used.  Be very careful.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 12-16, 2012

This week is HSPE testing which means late starts for 9th, 11th and 12th grade students (for the most part).  We are on altered schedules Tuesday-Friday.

World Geography
Monday 3/12 -- Collect maps of SW Asia.  Review map questions.  Read pages 487-490 together.  Skim and discuss vocab from 491-493.  Students will take notes on  a power point about the regions of SW Asia. 
Tuesday 3/13 -- Pamphlet of SW Asia regions.  Students will make a pamphlet of the regions of SW Asia.  the pamphlet includes a map showing the countires P. 502.  Label 16 countires, color the map to show the regions.  For each region draw a picture of the region, write 4 fact sentences and one opinion (commentary) sentence. p. 503-519.
Wednesday 3/14 -- Repeat for 1st period.
Thursday 3/15 -- Finish pamphlets.  Arabic culture.  We will look a little at art and Arabic writing.  There will be a handout to keep.
Friday 3/6 -- Repeat for 1st period.

Ancient Medieval
Monday 3/12 -- Begin India.  Read p. 44-49. Worksheet on the planned cities of the Indus.  How does Harappan culture match with teh characteristics of civilization from the first day?  On to pages 61-65.  Discuss Aryan invasion of India.  Begin project on Hinduism and Buddhism.  Student groups of 3-4 members will make a poster on Hinduism and Buddhism.  Materials and directions are provided in class.
Tuesday 3/13   Day 1 poster making 5th period
Wednesday 3/14 -- Day 1 poster making for 2nd period
Thursday 3/15 -- Day 2 poster making 5th period
Friday 3/16 -- Day 2 poster making 2nd period

Monday 3/12 -- Review day 2 for the exam.  If you are done with your review you can participate in the game.  Discussion of short essay questions.
Tuesday 3/13 -- No Class
Wednesday 3/14 -- Test on chapter 7-10 (more focus on 9-10).  Notebook #2 DUE.
Thursday 3/15 -- No Class
Friday 3/16 -- Begin European Prehistory unit:)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 5-9, 2012

Mon. 3/5 -- Parade of Flags activity/worksheet for Russia and the Republics.  Map review activity (study for the map quiz on Tuesday).
Tue. 3/6 -- Map Quiz on Russia and the Republics.  Review sheet for Europe and Russia section. If absent get the review sheet and complete it.  Due Thursday.
Wed. 3/7 -- Review game, outline the essay.
Thur. 3/8 -- Unit test over Europe and Russia and the Republics
Fri. 3/9 --  Map of SW Asia (Mid-East). 

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 3/5 -- Discussion on the Fall of the Roman empire Reading pl. 173-176.  Partners will create a graphic organizer on the fall of the Empire.  Get the directions from me. 
Tue. 3/6 -- QZ: Fall of Rome (fill-in the blank). Class activity comparing Greece and Rome.  We will be working on groups of 4 making large charts comparing the two cultures. If absent read p. 178-183 and do questions 3-7. 
Wed. 3/7 -- Library to begin research on paper about legacies of Greco-Roman culture. This paper is due on Monday 3/26. Notebook #2 DUE
Thur. 3/8 -- Review day for the test.  Review worksheet.
Fri. 3/9 -- Rome unit test.

Mon. 3/5 -- Internet lab on later species of Homo.  Complete the lab worksheet.
Tue. 3/6 -- Lecture on Paleolithic Art.  Oil pastel drawing of paleolithic art.
Wed. 3/7 -- Chapter 10 reading. Worksheet on Upper Paleolithic People (Cro Magnon)
Thur. 3/8 -- Tool chart, review tools.
Fri. 3/9 -- Tool Quiz.  Review sheet for the on Wednesday 3/14.