Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 29 to November 2, 2012

Mon. 10/29 -- Worksheet on Money and Monetary Standards.  Complete worksheet, due on Tuesday.
Tue. 10/30 -- [Calendars Out] Video on US Mints,.  There is a video note/worksheet.  Get a copy and complete it using a classmates notes. Extra Credit Opportunity: AP Government is putting on a mock debate between President Obama (Ian Gephart) and Mitt Romney (Tyler Salyer) It is in the auditorum at 7 p.m. Free.
Wed. 10/31 --  Show money, Watch a segment of "It's a Wonderful Life" Powerpoint on Banking history (pick up a copy). Create a timeline showing the history of banking and mints in the US.  Use the dates from the notes, worksheet and text.  Find 10 key dates and put it on the timeline.
Thur. 11/2 -- Finish the bank timeline, Watch "Your Bank has Failed"   Discuss
Fri. 11/2 -- Chart on the structure and responsibilites of the Federal Reserve.  Video "Eye of the Storm" about how the Fed deals with a crisis.

Art History
Mon. 10/29 -- Color Code the Monastery of St. Giles, and complete the questions on the back about Feudalism, p. 360-363 in the Blue history book.
Tue. 10/30 -- Notes on Early Medieval Art.  Start Video on the Vikings from Nova.
Wed. 10/31 -- Finish the video.  Project on the Early Medieval art -- Medieval Fusion.  The project involves looking at different examples of early Medieval art and finding component elements.
Thur. 11/1 -- Lecture on Carolingian Art.
Fri. 11/2 -- Research on Islamic Art -- Partners will research different pieces of art. We are going to the library.

Ancient Medieval History
Mon. 10/29 -- Video on "Islam Empire of Faith"  Students will list 12 facts from the video about the beginning of Islam that are new pieces of information.
Tue. 10/30 -- Reading a part of the Qur'an.  Students complete the worksheet on the "Rise of Islam" Review vocabulary for quiz on Wednesday.
Wed. 10/31 -- Quiz on Islam vocbulary .  Map on the Growth of Islam.
Thur. 11/1 -- Finish the map.  Reading on the Dome of the Rock, p. 266.  Start a project on the contributions of Islamic culture.  Student pairs will read pages (p. 274-279) and identify 7 contributions of Islamic culture.  For each write two sentences and add three graphic elements. We will finish on Friday.
Fri. 11/2 -- Finish project.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 22-26, 2012

Last Week of the 1st Quarter

Mon. 10/22 -- Finish pie graphs from Friday on state and local spending.  Summarize highest areas of federal, state and local spending.  Read p. 274- Public Education. SEE Tomorrow!
Tue. 10/23 -- In class reading of page 277-283 on the National Debt.  Students will take notes on the reading and use the notes on a open book quiz.  May start note-taking the night before. QZ: on the National Debt.
Wed. 10/24 -- Review Day
Thur. 10/25 -- TEST: Labor and Government
Fri. 10/26 -- Money Scavenger Hunt -- Library * End of the First Quarter.

Art History
Mon. 10/22 -- Test on Roman Art
Tue. 10/23 -- Library for an internet quest on themes and symbols in Christian art. These themes will be prominent from the Early Middle Ages to post Renaissance.
Wed. 10/24 -- Lecture -- Early Christian Art.  Partner work on architecture of the Greek and Latin Cross church styles.  Extra Credit -- Mini Mosaics.
Thur. 10/25 -- Open Note Quiz on themes of Christian art.  Lecture on Byzantine Art. Video on Hagia Sophia.-- Engineering and Empire.
Fri. 10/26 -- Video : The Dark Ages, p. 200-205 on pages 205 define monastery, abbot, ID: St. Patrick, Clovis and Benedict.  Do questions 1,3-5 and 7.
Art Cards due on Monday.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/22- -- Introduction of China -- Early dynasties to Qin. Get a copy of the notes from a classmate.  Worksheet on Chinese Philosophies and making school rules to match the philosophies.   Greco-Roman Legacies paper Due.
Tue. 10/23 -- DVD Engineering and Empire China -- Great Wall and Qin Tomb.
Wed. 10/24 -- Han China worksheet, p. 200-207.  Hand out test review
Thur. 10/25 -- China vs. Rome chart -- Finish Review
Fri. 10/26 -- Test India and China.  Notebook #3 Due.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

October 15-19, 2012

Mon. 10/15 -- [There is a sub today.]  Students will work on the vocabulary from chapter 9, section 1.  Student partners will be assigned one vocabulary work for the unit.  They will read the section in the book that describes the word and then create a political cartoon to demonstrate the word's meaning.  Partners will then present their word to class.  Student will have about 35 minutes to complete the cartoon -- we will start presentations today!
Tue. 10/16 -- Finish vocabulary presentations.  Lecture on the major types of taxes in the United States (federal, state and local).  Notes to complete and turn in for mark.
Wed. 10/17 -- Matching vocab Quiz for section 9.1.  Read paged 246 as group.  Read and discuss p.  251-253.  Complete the review questions on p. 256-257: Reviewing main ideas 17-23, 27 and choose eithe 28 or 34. 
Thur. 10/18 -- Federal Budget numbers, budget process.  Watch part of IOU USA.  Discussion about spending and debt.
Fri. 10/19 -- Begin working on spending pie graphs for State and Local Spening.  Students will work with a partner, which each completeing one of the pie charts.  We will finish on Monday.

Art History
Mon. 10/15 -- [There is a sub today.] Students will watch a DVD " Engineering and Empire: Rome." They will see segments on Colosseum, Trajan's Market, the Pantheon, and the Baths (which are a basilican plan building.)  Students will draw sketches and take notes. ** Prepare for the quiz on architecture for Tuesday.
Tue. 10/16 -- Roman Architecture QuizBe prepared for T/F questions about the great buildings of the Roman empire period.  Worksheet on the Rise of Christianity.
Wed. 10/17 -- Narrative in Art theme day -- Early Japan and the Tale of Genji. 
Thur. 10/18 -- Roman City video -- Students will watch the DVD and complete a plan of a Roman City and draw a Roman villa. 
Fri. 10/19 -- Review day for the test on Rome.  There is a review sheet and we will review the art by playing a game.  TEST is on MONDAY. 

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/15 -- Poster day 1 for the Poster on Buddhism and Hinduism
Tue. 10/16 -- Poster Day 2 for the Poster on Buddhism and Hinduism
Wed. 10/17 -- Library to work on Greco-Roman legacies paper,  Paper is due on October 22nd.
Thur. 10/18 -- Library to work on Greco-Roman legacies paper, Paper is due on October 22nd.
Fri. 10/19 -- Review of India, Asoka and religions,  Quiz on Religions of India and Christianity.  It is matching you will identify elements that go with each religion. 


Monday, October 8, 2012

October 8-12, 2012

Mon. 10/8 -- History of Unions in the United States.  There will be a short powerpoint lecture and a note sheet.  If absent get the sheet and fill in the notes.  We are also watching about 25 minutes of a video series on the Great Depression called "Strinking Back"  It focuses on union action prior to WWI and the creation of the NLRB.  Absent students will also need to borrow and copy these notes.  These notes can be used on the quiz Friday.  [Several students will be in the library making up a test.  They are also responsible for this work.]
Tue. 10/9 -- Worksheet on Labor and Wages.  Get a copy of the WK and do it. 
Wed. 10/10 -- Simulation on Collective Bargaining.  No make-up.
Thur. 10/11 Library time for the first economic current event assignment.  This writing assignment is due on Friday.  Students will write an analysis of a current bit of economic news.
Fri. 10/12 -- Quiz on chapter 8 (open note).  Read p. 222.  Read p. 215-221 on page 221 define giveback, two tier wage system, glass ceiling and set-aside contract. Do questions 2-5.  ECE #1 due by 3 p.m.

Art History
Mon. 10/8 -- Lecture on the history of Rome from its founding to the end of the Republic and the beginning of the empire.  Notes.
Tue. 10/9 -- Open note quiz on History of Rome.  Short lecture on painting in Rome (mostly from Pompeii).  Looking at Roman houses and domestic architecture.
Wed. 10/10 -- Diagrams and charts on Roman architecture and types of Roman painting.  Students will make a chart showing the fours styles of Roman painting.  For each style they will describe the style and draw a sketch of the style.  We will use oil pastels (or crayons at home). AC: 29-33 DUE.
Thu. 10/11 -- Lecture on Roman archtecture during the Empire -- also some sculpture.  We will do notes on all of the remaining art cards.  Its a long lecture-- we might have to finish on Friday.
Fri. 10/12 -- Finish lecture if necessary.  Read about the Pax Romana p. 162-165 in the text book.  Take bullet notes on the section.  Two bullets per paragraph.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/8 -- Finish graphic organizer on the Fall of Rome (discussion).  Look at the legacies of the Greco-Roman period. Qz on the fall of Rome.  Notebook #2 Due
Tue. 10/9 -- Library day on paper on the legacies of the Greco-Roman world.
Wed. 10/10 -- Review day for the test.
Thur. 10/11 -- Test on Rome
Fri. 10/12 -- Begin India -- Early Indus Valley civilization.