[Test make-up available in class on Monday or after school on Tue.]
Mon. 11/26 -- Notes on the calculation of GDP and GNP (get notes from a classmate). Complete a GDP search of a Continent map. Get the directions and a map and borrow an almanac or use the World Fact Book at the CIA website. Pages 320-324 discuss GDP/GNP.
Tue. 11/27 -- Read page 428 about John Maynard Keynes. Lecture on the output expenditure model. We have a diagram in class we will use to lecture/discuss the model. In the text use p. 325-327. Video on Keynes and the Depression.
Wed. 11/28 -- Lecture on population and growth in the US. Mini-presentations on demographic data in small groups. If absent read p. 329-335 Questions on p. 335. 3-5.
Thur. 11/29 -- Qz on Keynes. Library to do an internet quest on inflation and the CPI.
Fri. 11/30 -- Read p. 346. Each student will be assigned a country to research which focused on the output expenditure formula and economic growth.
Art History
Mon. 11/26 -- Notes on the High Middle Ages. There is a sheet to copy the notes onto.
Tue. 11/27 -- Lecture on Late Gothic Art. Review Gothic Regional Styles on a nice purple sheet on the Gothic. Possible see a shor video segment.
Wed. 11/28 -- Qz. on Gothic Art, Art Cards 62-73 are DUE. Begin project on the disasters of the 14th century.
Thur. 11/29 -- Group work on the disasters of the 14th century. Review sheet out.
Fri. 11/30 -- Review day, TEST on Monday
Mon. 12/3 -- Unit Test on Romanesque and Gothic
Ancient Medieval
Mon. 11/26 -- Map of the Germanic Kingdoms, Notes on p. 353-357, p. 357 Define: Middle Ages, Franks, Monastery, Carolingian Dynasty. Do questions 3,4,5,7 Do the questions on the back of the page.
Tue. 11/27 -- Video notes, Dark Ages. Monasteries and St. Gall diagram. If absent you will need a diagram and a color coding key.
Wed. 11/28 -- Reading on manuscript illumination, Lecture on Charlemagne -- notes.
Thur. 11/29 -- Qz. Germanic Kingdoms, Vikings notes and video
Fri. 11/30 -- Group porjects on the Vikings. If you are absent then write a short report on an aspect of viking life (weapons, religon, mythology, exploration in Canada, runes, etc.). About 200-250 words, list your sources.
[Test make-up available in class on Monday or after school on Tue.]
Mon. 11/26 -- Notes on the calculation of GDP and GNP (get notes from a classmate). Complete a GDP search of a Continent map. Get the directions and a map and borrow an almanac or use the World Fact Book at the CIA website. Pages 320-324 discuss GDP/GNP.
Tue. 11/27 -- Read page 428 about John Maynard Keynes. Lecture on the output expenditure model. We have a diagram in class we will use to lecture/discuss the model. In the text use p. 325-327. Video on Keynes and the Depression.
Wed. 11/28 -- Lecture on population and growth in the US. Mini-presentations on demographic data in small groups. If absent read p. 329-335 Questions on p. 335. 3-5.
Thur. 11/29 -- Qz on Keynes. Library to do an internet quest on inflation and the CPI.
Fri. 11/30 -- Read p. 346. Each student will be assigned a country to research which focused on the output expenditure formula and economic growth.
Art History
Mon. 11/26 -- Notes on the High Middle Ages. There is a sheet to copy the notes onto.
Tue. 11/27 -- Lecture on Late Gothic Art. Review Gothic Regional Styles on a nice purple sheet on the Gothic. Possible see a shor video segment.
Wed. 11/28 -- Qz. on Gothic Art, Art Cards 62-73 are DUE. Begin project on the disasters of the 14th century.
Thur. 11/29 -- Group work on the disasters of the 14th century. Review sheet out.
Fri. 11/30 -- Review day, TEST on Monday
Mon. 12/3 -- Unit Test on Romanesque and Gothic
Ancient Medieval
Mon. 11/26 -- Map of the Germanic Kingdoms, Notes on p. 353-357, p. 357 Define: Middle Ages, Franks, Monastery, Carolingian Dynasty. Do questions 3,4,5,7 Do the questions on the back of the page.
Tue. 11/27 -- Video notes, Dark Ages. Monasteries and St. Gall diagram. If absent you will need a diagram and a color coding key.
Wed. 11/28 -- Reading on manuscript illumination, Lecture on Charlemagne -- notes.
Thur. 11/29 -- Qz. Germanic Kingdoms, Vikings notes and video
Fri. 11/30 -- Group porjects on the Vikings. If you are absent then write a short report on an aspect of viking life (weapons, religon, mythology, exploration in Canada, runes, etc.). About 200-250 words, list your sources.