Saturday, November 24, 2012

November 26-30, 2012

[Test make-up available in class on Monday or after school on Tue.]
Mon. 11/26 -- Notes on the calculation of GDP and GNP (get notes from a classmate). Complete a GDP search of a Continent map.  Get the directions and a map and borrow an almanac or use the World Fact Book at the CIA website. Pages 320-324 discuss GDP/GNP.
Tue. 11/27 -- Read page 428 about John Maynard Keynes.  Lecture on the output expenditure model. We have a diagram in class we will use to lecture/discuss the model.  In the text use p. 325-327. Video on Keynes and the Depression.
Wed. 11/28 -- Lecture on population and growth in the US. Mini-presentations on demographic data in small groups. If absent read p. 329-335 Questions on p. 335. 3-5.
Thur. 11/29 -- Qz on Keynes.  Library to do an internet quest on inflation and the CPI. 
Fri. 11/30 -- Read p. 346.  Each student will be assigned a country to research which focused on the output expenditure formula and economic growth.

Art History
Mon. 11/26 -- Notes on the High Middle Ages.  There is a sheet to copy the notes onto.
Tue. 11/27 -- Lecture on Late Gothic Art.  Review Gothic Regional Styles on a nice purple sheet on the Gothic.  Possible see a shor video segment.
Wed. 11/28 -- Qz. on Gothic Art, Art Cards 62-73 are DUE.  Begin project on the disasters of the 14th century.
Thur. 11/29 --  Group work on the disasters of the 14th century. Review sheet out.
Fri. 11/30 -- Review day, TEST on Monday
Mon. 12/3 -- Unit Test on Romanesque and Gothic

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 11/26 -- Map of the Germanic Kingdoms, Notes on p. 353-357, p. 357 Define: Middle Ages, Franks, Monastery, Carolingian Dynasty. Do questions 3,4,5,7 Do the questions on the back of the page.
Tue. 11/27 -- Video notes, Dark Ages. Monasteries and St. Gall diagram.  If absent you will need a diagram and a color coding key.
Wed. 11/28 -- Reading on manuscript illumination, Lecture on Charlemagne -- notes.
Thur. 11/29 -- Qz. Germanic Kingdoms, Vikings notes and video
Fri. 11/30 -- Group porjects on the Vikings.  If you are absent then write a short report on an aspect of viking life (weapons, religon, mythology, exploration in Canada, runes, etc.).  About 200-250 words, list your sources. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November 19-21, 2012

Sorry to post this so late!!

Mon. 11/19 -- I collected late stock market research from last week.  We reviewed for the exam on chapters 11 and 14 (Banking and Finance).  I demonstrated some graphs and we checked the work from Friday.  Finished the period with a short round of jeopardy.
Tue. 11/20 -- Test on Banking and Finance unit
Wed. 11/21  2nd and 3rd period guest speaker Omar Vaishnavi from Blue Mountain Capital (New York investment firm where he is an analyst in a hedge fund). 6th period -- The constitutionality of the Federal Reserve (McCoullough v Maryland)

Art History
Mon. 11/19 -- Back to the Library to work on powerpoint project on Medieval cathedrals.
Tue. 11/20 -- Lecture on Gothic art -- Art Cards are due on Wed. 11/28
Wed. 11/21 -- Final time on the powerpoint, turned into Ms. Fenton during class or e-mailed by Saturday (for a few groups with technical issues).

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 11/19 -- Review sheet for the test, group work on the essay question.
Tue. 11/20 -- A very short round of connect four and then the test on Islam and the East.
Wed. 11/21 -- Map of Europe in 500 (we will continue this on Monday.)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 13-16, 2012

Tue. 11/13 --Begin work on investigating stocks.  Students will each recieved a range or stocks to look at.  From this section, they will then select 5 to research on-line.  They will find the price, 52-week range, profile the stock and look at their 5-year trends.  Students will complete a worksheet showing this research.
Wed 11/14 -- 2nd and 3rd meet in the computer lab.  From yesterday's stock list, choose your best stock for more research.  You will use yahoo finance or a similar website to research the compnay's earninings and product news.  Complete a full company profile -- you will need a copy of the directions.
Thur. 11/15 -- 6th period see above
Fri. 11/16 -- Stock profiles and research DUE.  Complete work on the review sheet.  We have a test scheduled for Tuesday, 11/20.

Art History
Tue. 11/13 -- Slides on cathedral architecture.  Complete vocabulary diagrams similar to the project on Greek temples. You will need an architecture sheet to complete this work.
Wed. 11/14 -- only periods 1,2,3
Thur. 11/15-- Qz on Cathedral terms.  Lecutre on Romanesque art, notes for notebook.  I will show one of the cathedral powerpoints from a previous year.
Fri. 11/16 -- Begin power point project on Romanesque and Gothic Cathedrals.  Students will have 2.5 class periods to complete the project.  11/16, 11/19 and a half period on 11/21.  The projects are due on Wednesday 11/21 (right before Thanksgiving break.)

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 11/13 -- Power point on Russian history, Engineering and Empire on Russia. Notes on The Cathedral of the Assumption and St. Basils.  If absent copy notes from a classmate.
Wed. 11/14 only periods 1,2,3
Thur. 11/15 -- Mongols project.  A bit of history and culture on the Mongols and the expansion of the group into Russia. The project is planned for partners and students will read about the four Mongol Khanates, Genghis Khan and Mongol culture.
Fri. 11/16 -- Summary of Russia with a timeline.  For the timeline use pages 307-311 in the book and your worksheet and notes on Russia.  Make a horizontal timeline of Russia.  Choose 10 important events on the timeline and note why they are significant -- dont just list Ivan III made Tzar (why was Ivan the Great important?).  Students may work with a partner.  Hand out review sheets. -- We have a unit test on Tuesday, 11/20.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

November 5-9, 2012

Mon. 11/5 -- Lecture on Monetary Policy and the tools of monetary policy.  Class will read an article on monetary policy and discuss.  May watch some of the video on the "Power of Money"
Tue. 11/6 -- Open Note quiz on Chapter 14.  It is T/F and pretty hard.  You will want your worksheet on Money and monetary standards, notes on banking history, chart on the federal reserve and the notes on monetary policy. Read p. 289-294 on investing.  Define: Certificate of Deposit, Financial Intermediary, Pension, and describe the four basic investment considerations.
Wed. 11/7  -- Economic Current Event #3 is Due.  Begin project on investment tools. We will look at different types of investments and then assess the risk level of the investment. Three pocket project.
Thur. 11/8 -- Finish Three-Pocket Project.  Introduction to reading a stock market report. Make sure you do the risk quiz.  See Friday or your calendar.
Fri. 11/9 -- Lecture on Stocks, What is a portfolio, diversification etc.  DUE: Risk Assessment --   Make sure you print out the final page.

Art History
Mon. 11/5 -- Lecture on Art of Islam,  hand out and start the review papge
Tue. 11/6 -- Review for the test.  Back of review page, slide game.
Wed. 11/7 -- Test on Christian, Byzantine and Early Medieval Art. Notebook #4 Due
Thur. 11/8 -- Video "Cathedral"
Fri. 11/9 -- Age of Faith Notes, Cathedral map

Ancient Medieval History
Mon. 11/5 -- Map of Constantinople (There is a copy in the folder for those absent).  Watch Video from Engineering an Empire and add to the map notes.
Tue. 11/6 -- May need more time to finish the video.  Lesson Lecture on Byzantinum.  Notes for notebook.
Wed. 11/7 -- Begin two-day project on the legacy of Byzantium.  What are the major legacies of Byzantium from the lecture yesterday?  Divide into 6 groups -- each group will take one legacy and make a poster.  The posters will be presented in class on Thursday.
Thur. 11/8 -- Present posters.  Review of Byzantium for quiz.
Fri. 11/9 -- Quiz on Byzantium.  Reading of a primary source: "The Primary Chronicle."  Discussion of primary source bias.  Reading p. 307-311 from the book.  Complete reading guide.  Collect a reading guide from the folders if you are absent.  Complete for your notebook.