Monday, December 17, 2012

December 17-21, 2012

Mon. 12/17 -- Read introduction to trade p. 441-443. Lecture on absolute advantage and comparative advantage.  Read. 446 the Virgin Group.
Tue. 12/18 -- Make a T-Chart comparing the ideas of protectionism and free trade.  Use the text p. 448-452 to provide information for the chart.  As you read please look carefully each section has the protectionist argument first and then the free trade argument -- they are clear in the reading, but you need to read.  The heading says "arguments for protection" but in the reading it has both.  Do the first five blue headings.  Define Tarrif and Quota.
Wed. 12/19 -- Short lecture (w/ notes) on trade history and the WTO.  We will then divide into groups and look at different conflicts with the WTO.  You will have to get an article from me and do a summary to make up this work. Get a copy of the notes.
Thur. 12/20 -- Open note quiz on trade.  Economic Development worksheet.
Fri. 12/21 -- Fiscal Cliff Activity

Art History
Mon. 12/17 -- Notes on the High Renaissance.  Big Day (Leonardo, et al.)
Tue. 12/18 -- Movie "The Agony and the Ecstasy"  This is a classic movie staring Charleton Heston as Michelangelo -- he paints the Sistine Ceiling.
Wed. 12/19 -- Day 2 of the movie
Thur. 12/20 -- Venetian painting notes -- Titian and Giorgione
Fri. 12/21 -- Great Debates in Art History -- color vs line

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 12/17 -- Introduction to the Crusades.  You will receive a yellow packet on the Crusades which we will use for FOUR days.  Today will be the introduction and lecture part.  We will also look at several primary source readings.
Tue. 12/18 -- Movie: Kingdom of Heaven"  The movie is about the fall of Jerusalem to Saladin and the beginning of the third Crusade.
Wed. 12/19 -- Finish the movie
Thur. 12/20 -- Sum up the Crusades.  Notes on the Age of Faith
Fri. 12/21 -- Qz: Church and the Crusades.  Small assignment on Cathedrals.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

December 10-14, 2012

Mon. 12/10 -- Computer lab to work on corporation projects and culminating portfolios.  Corporation projects are due today at 3:30 p.m..  
Tue. 12/11 -- Last day in the computer lab for culminating portfolios. 
Wed. 12/12 -- Economic Current Event #3 due today.  I will weight it twice the points, making it worth 60 points in the grade book. In class we are looking at types of unemployment.  Make a cartoon showing the five types of unemployment. Read pages 369-375.  The five sources of unemployment are on pages 372-373 (but will will also discuss how unemployment is measured and the effects of unemployment).  Make a cartoon that clearly illustrates each type of unemployment,
Thur. 12/13 -- Review for test
Fri. 12/14 -- Economic Policy Test, Chapters 12-13

Art History 
Mon. 12/10 -- Finish the graphic organizer on the Renaissance.  Watch about 30 minutes of "Medici Godfathers of the Renaissance."  Take notes
Tue. 12/11 -- Early Italian Renaissance architecture.  Video from Engineering an Empire on Brunelleschi. Notes.
Wed. 12/12 -- Early Italian Renaissance -- sculpture and painting.  Hand out on one-point perspective.
Thur 12/13 -- Artistic Techniques -- engraving, fresco and more -- special project.
Fri. 12/14 -- Quiz on the Early Renaissance (Flanders, France and Italy). DVD on Botticelli and the Primivera. Art Cards: EIR 81-90 DUE.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 12/10 -- Introduction to Japan, notes.  Comparing European and Japanese Feudalism.
Tue. 12/11 -- Video on Japan, notes on Tokugawa's rise to power.   NOTEBOOK #5 DUE
Wed. 12/12 -- Letter on Japan, library research (you need a set of directions if you are absent.
Thur. 12/13 -- Review for unit test
Fri. 12/14 -- Test on Middle Ages

Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 3-7, 2012

Mon. 12/3 -- Computer lab to work on Corporation Project powerpoints.  Students will have four days to complete this research.  Each group will turn in a power point on an American corporation, showing it products, financials, career opportunities, current issues and good works.  Full directions are available in class.
-- Some students will use this time to work on their culminating portfolios.  The CP binders are part of graduation requirements.
Tue. 12/4  -- Corporation research and CP binders
Wed. 12/5 -- Corporation research and CP binders
[Thursday and Friday on the calendars are reversed -- switch 126 and 12/7]
Thur. 12/6 -- Measuring inflation (CPI).  Reading p. 363 and skits on the causes and types of inflation.  IF you are absent then read p. 361-367 Do question #2 and then describe the four causes of inflation.  Turn in your work.
Fri. 12/7 -- What is the business cycle?   Brief notes on the business cycle. Read p. 353-359. Do questions 2,3,4, and 7.  Read p. 360. 
** Note the Corporation research project is due by 3:30 p.m. on Monday 12/10 (we will have the day in class).  Also the third Economic current event is due on 12/12/12. 

Art History
Mon. 12/3 -- Test on the High Medieval period -- Romanesque and Gothic art
Tue. 12/4 -- Analyzing painting:  How do you analyze a painting?  What is subject, context and symbolism to look for in art.  Notes.
Wed. 12/5 -- Early Northern Renaissance Art (ENR) lecture.  Notes will introduce the context of the Renaissance in northern Europe. 
Thur. 12/6 -- Map of the Italian city states.  Students will complete a map and take notes on the major Italian city -states that will figure in the history of art.  If you finish at home: Do Rome, Florence and Venice for your notes, look on-line, focus on the years from 1400-1525 and take four bullet notes for each city-state.  Finish the map.
Fri. 12/7 -- Art Cards on the ENR are due. Graphic organizer on the Italian Renaissance and the Quatrocento.  Get the graphic organizer form and use the text and pictures to learn the background of the Renaissance.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 12/3 --Finish presentations on the Vikings.  What is Feudalism in Europe and how did it develop?  Feudalism activity and discussion of early Medieval feudalism.  English royal family with Alfred the Great (family tree for fun)
Tue. 12/4 -- Lecture on Castles and Knights.  Reading "The Art of Courtly Love," primary source document.  Students will read the rules and choose three that are still good, three that need minor edits, and three that are quite out of date.  If absent copy the notes and collect a copy of "The art of Courtly Love," to complete the assignment.
[Another calendar switch -- move 12/7 up to Wednesday and shift Wed and Thur to Thur and Fri.
Wed. 12/5 -- Quiz on Feudalism and knights vocab.  Mini-lecture on lay investiture and reading of the letters from Henry the IV to Gregory the VII about the controversy.  Students will re-write the letters in their own words as a summary. 
Thur. 12/7 -- Finish letters, starts Castles, technology and sieges.  Students pairs will make a model of a medieval castle on tag board with construction paper and write about the history of that castle. Handouts on each castle provided in class.
Fri. 12/8 -- Finish castles and read about siege weapons (hopefully).