Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25- March 1, 2013

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 2/25 -- DVD on Julius Caesar,  notes will create a timeline showing Caesar's rise to power.  These notes will be used on the open note quiz on Tuesday.  Either research Julius Casear and create your own timeline or copy from a classmate.
Tue. 2/26 -- Open note quiz on the history of Rome (multiple choice). Reading on the Roman Empire with worksheet.  p. 160-165.
Wed. 2/27 (Periods 1,2,3)  -- DVD on Engineering an Empire: Rome Section on the Colosseum (Flavian Ampitheater) Pantheon and Hadrians Wall (maybe also the Baths of Maxentius).  Draw a sketch and write 5 bullet facts from the DVD.
Thur. 2/28 (Periods 4,5,6) -- See above
Fri. 3/1 -- Worksheet on the Rise of Christianity.  Pages 168-172.

Mon. 2/25 -- Complete Regions project on Russia and the Republics.  Get a copy of the directions and a small map.  We watched a section of video on Moscow.
Tue. 2/26 -- Map of Russia -- video on St. Petersburg if time allows.
Wed. 2/27 -- (Periods 1,2,3) History of Russia worksheet, reading on Chernobylp. 368. 
Thur. 2/28 -- No Class Parent Teacher Conferences
Fri. 3/1 -- Reading on the Aral Sea p. 353-356.  Power point on Russia and the Republic, chance to review the map.

Art History
Mon. 2/25 -- Test on the Baroque :)  Art Cards 32-36 Due
Tue. 2/26 -- Notes on the Rococo; new calendar and art card list.  How to tell a Gainsbourgh from a Reynolds. 
Wed. 2/27 -- (Periods 1,2,3)  No class
Thur. 2/28 -- (Periods 4,5,6) Graphic Organizer on the Enlightenment.  There will be  a sub, but it should be fine.
Fri. 3/1 -- Lecture on the French Revolution (It is about 35 minutes long, so I think we will review the test also on this day).

Saturday, February 16, 2013

February 19-22, 2013

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 2/19 -- Introduction to Rome. Reading and worksheet from the Heath text in classroom. pages 130-137.  You must borrow a copy of the chapter to make-up the assignment.  This is covered in our textbook, but not as well.
Wed. 2/20 -- Readings on different aspects of Roman culture.  Packets will be provided in class.  You may borrow a packet or do reaseach on the following three topics: Roman legions, Roman gods/religion/  or Roman entertainment (baths, theater).  If you read a packet you must do an 8 sentence summary for each packet (two required). If you choose the research option -- write a brief report 200 words (your own words) on the topic you chose.
Thur. 2/21 -- Roman Republic activity.  If you are gone read pages 156-157 and describe the postions of consuls, senate and dictator.  Compare to the United States of America (see chart on p. 157).
Fri. 2/22 -- Lecture on the transition between the Republic and Empire.  Get notes to copy.

Tue. 2/19 -- Reading pages 282-285.  Complete the physical map of Europe.
Wed. 2/20 -- Power point on Eastern Europe (notes to copy). Read pages 319-321 OR 323-325 and takes 10 notes.
Thur. 2/21 -- DVD France -- pilot guides.  Review map of Europe for Quiz on Friday.
Fri. 2/22 -- Quiz on Europe.  Russia Regions project with partners.  Get a copy of the directions if you are absent.  You will also need a small map of Russia and the Republics.

Art History
Tue. 2/19 -- Lecture on French Baroque.  open note quiz on the Baroque -- Art Cards 23-31 due.  The topic is the Netherlands and Flanders. 
Wed. 2/20 -- Library to work on Baroque architecture.  We have another webquest!
Thur. 2/21 -- Versailles map and notes to walk through Versailles.  Notebook #2 DUE
Fri. 2/22 -- Review for Baroque Test.
NOTE:  Monday we have a test on the Baroque and 5 art cards due -- 32-36.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

February 11-15, 2013

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 2/11 -- QZ: Golden Age of Greece, Discuss the end of the Golden Age and the Peloponnesian War (worksheet on the war).  Finish drama masks with extra time.
Tue. 2/12 -- Listen to story about Alexander and his horse and then look at an interactive map of the conquests of Alexander the Great.  Divide into groups and work on Hellenistic Greece project.  If you are absent you will have to do a scaled down version of the project on your own. Notebook #1 DUE
Wed. 2/13 -- Finish projects and do presentations
Thur. 2/14 -- Review for Greece Test
Fri. 2/15 -- Greece Test

World Geography
Mon. 2/11 --Review for the test
Tue. 2/12 -- Test on Latin America.  Introduce Europe. 
Wed. 2/13 -- Political map of Europe, discuss the regions of Europe. 
Thur. 2/14 -- Read p. 282-285, Power point on the regions of Europe.  Begin region projects with partners.
Fri. 2/14 -- Regions project of Europe.

Art History
Mon. 2/11 -- Lecture on Italian and Spanish painting.   Go over the exam
Tue. 2/12 -- Video on Caravaggio, notes
Wed. 2/13 -- Baroque art from the Netherlands, hopefully some segments from "Girl with a Pearl Earring" on mixing paint and using lenses. Art Cards 16-22 (Italy and Spain)
Thur. 2/14 -- I am watching time here, but I would like to make still-life portraits today.  Check later in the week to see if the timing works out ;)
Fri. 2/15 -- Lecture -- Baroque art in Catholic Flanders. Compare the Netherlands and Flanders.
Note Art Cards are due right after President's day.  Cards 23-31 on the Netherlands and Flanders.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

February 4-8, 2013

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 2/4 -- Review the map of Persia (today it is DUE). Watch Persia DVD with a brief set of notes (borrow and copy); Finish class with an introduction to the Persian Wars, causes, technology, etc. These will be some more notes which we will finish on Tuesday.
Tue. 2/5 -- DVD 300 Spartans.  Notes will focus on 10 reasons why the Greeks win these wars in spite of Persia's huge advantage in numbers.
Wed. 2/6 -- Power point on the Golden Age of Greece (an introduction); Reading from the text p. 134-139 Add to notes about Greek accomplishments in the Golden Age.
Thur. 2/7 -- Greek Architecture worksheet, watch a section of the DVD showing the construction of the Parthenon, discussion of Arete. We will do a worksheet and add notes to it.
Fri. 2/8 -- Greek Drama -- Introduction to Greek Drama.  Students will take a summary and the end of a Greek play (there are three choices).  We will use a piece of construction paper to draw a Greek drama mask and then write some quotes from the play. 
NOTE: Monday there is a quiz over the Golden Age of Greece.  It is True/False.

World Geography
Mon. 2/4 -- Library Day 2 on the Latin American Resource Map (Each student is drawing a map of a country in Latin America and learning about resources in the region.)  Map is DUE on Wed.
Tue. 2/5 -- Video on Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands; Quick quiz review
Wed. 2/6 -- Quiz on Latin America.  Know the cities, countries and physical features on your maps.
Resource map due. Power Point on the history of Latin America.  There is a sheet to fill out with the power point.
Thur. 2/7 -- Culture Shock assignment.  We will use culture grams to find out about the cultures of various countries in Latin America (yes the same country as your map!). Complete the assignment in class. There is a worksheet and handout to check out if you are absent.  I will pull each student asside today to complete their share of the class project on resouces in Latin America.
Fri. 2/8 -- Rain forest in Latin America.  Video and reading p. 245-247. If you are absent -- you must do questions 1,2,4 on p. 247. Number 4 should be about 3 sentences long.

Art History
Mon 2/4 -- Short quiz on the Northern Renaissance cards.  This is an open notecard quiz.  The class will then go to the library to work on an internet quest on French Renaissance chateau -- mostly Chambord and Fontainbleau. .
Tue. 2/5 -- Test Review
Wed. 2/6 -- 16th Century Test; Introduce the Baroque
Thur. 2/7 -- History of Europe 1550-1650; worksheet
Fri. 2/8 -- Italian Architecture and sculpture -- There will be some notes and hopefully a little architecture, diagram project.