Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 29- May 3, 2013

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 4/29 -- Video on the Early Middle Ages, monasteries and Charlemagne,  Some lecture notes on Charlemagne HW: Read p. 353-355 to prep for the quiz.
Tue. 4/30 -- Qz. on the Germanic Tribes. Video on the Vikings and drawing a Viking longship.
Wed. 5/1 -- Viking readings -- group projects about the Vikings. Each group will have a different topic about the Vikings to explore.  A drawing and 8 interesting facts. IF Absent -- Choose one of these topics (Viking Runes, Viking (norse) Mythology, Viking forts, Viking exploration (Iceland, Greenland) and do some research.  Write (in your own words) about 125 words on the topic and return to me. 
Thur. 5/2 -- Introduction to Feudalsim. Reading p. 360-363.  A quick simulation on feudal structure. Students will spend about half of the period reading about Feudalism and drawing a diagram of a feudal manor. p. 360-363.  Diagram all 8 parts of the manor and write 6-8 sentences about life on a manor.
Fri. 5/3 -- Lecture on Castles and Knights. Reading about the technology of seiges.  We will read about different seige engines and defensive structures used in the middle ages.

World Geography
Mon 4/29 -- Video "Gandhi" for two days will we view the movie "Gandhi" to look at questions of independence in India and how the partition (based on religion) affects South Asia today.  Students will identify several forms of civil disobediance used in the Indian independence movement.
Tue. 4/30 -- See above
Wed. 5/1 -- Global Issues paper, 3rd work day and 2nd day in the library. An outline of the paper is due by the end of the period.
Thur. 5/2 -- Final class time for the Global Issues paper.  We will take about 10 minutes in class to look at creating a Works Cited page and citing quotes properly in a paper.  Students will also recieve directions.
Fri. 5/3 -- Powerpoint pictures/review of South Asia.  Quiz on South Asia geography. Worksheet on the history of India. p. 567-572.
Tuesday 5/7 -- Global Issues Paper due by 3 p.m.

Art History
Mon. 4/29 -- Art Cards 77-87 are DUE -- Early Modern art and 2 buildings.  Library time to work on art team research questions.
Tue. 4/30 -- Art team research, second day in the library (questions due at the end of the period).
Wed. 5/1 -- Modern Art Review day -- I have three types of cards to play review games with.  You will switch between types of cards.  We are preparing for a quiz where types of modern art are shown and students correctly identify the style.
Thur. 5/2 -- Quiz on Art styles,  Discussion of the AP Art History Free-Response Questions, format and scoring guides.
Fri. 5/3 -- Post Modern Art lecture.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

April 22-26, 2013

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 4/22 -- Project on the Mongols.  Pairs will complete a map of the Mongol conquests, and record facts about Genghis Khan, the Pax Mongolicia and culture of the Mongols.  If absent get a set of directions and legal paper.
Tue. 4/23 -- Russia Summary -- timeline of Russia. Begin Test Review
Wed. 4/24 -- Test review day
Thur. 4/25 -- Test over chapters 10-11 (Islam, Byzantium, Russia and Mongols). Map of Europe in 500 AD -- Germanic Kingdoms
Fri 4/26 -- Monasteries and manuscript illumination, Diagram of St. Gall Monastery and brief video segment.

World Geography
Mon 4/22 - Review maps from Europe, Latin America and SW Asia.  Discuss the final. 
Tue. 4/23 -- Global Issues Paper Day #1 -- Directions and the first source. Reading.
Wed. 4/24 -- Global Issues Paper Day #2 -- Library for Research; This paper is worth 100 points and is due Monday May 6th.
Thur. 4/25 -- Introduction to South Asia, map of South Asia
Fri. 4/26 -- Worksheet on 551-555 Human Environment Interaction in India, also p. 560-563.  Segments from India Revealed DVD

Art History
Mon. 4/22 -- Architecture Review Day -- vocabulary from architecture for the year.  Team projects and group drawings and definitions.
Tue. 4/23 -- Review Non-European Art
Wed 4/24 -- Modern Painting Lecture from 1945 to present. Discussion of social commentart and art. 
Thur. 4/25 -- Lecture on Modern Sculpture -- students will receive a copy of the power point to have copies of the images in the lecture. 
Fri. 4/26 -- Sculpture Review Day

Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 15-19, 2013

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 4/15 -- We will finish the map of Constantinople taking notes on Justinian, the Hagia Sophia, and the city itself.  Also students will take notes on a brief lecture on Byzantine history. 
Tue. 4/16 -- Lageacies of Byzantium -- Today student teams will begin the look at legacies of Byzantinum (law, engineering, art, Eastern Orthodoxy, Cyrillic).  Each group will prepare and poster and presentation for class.
Wed. 4/17 -- Finalize presentations.  We will also complete the presentations today in class.
Thur.. 4/18 -- Qz. on Byzantium.  Russian Empire reading guide, p. 307/311.  We will also read an exerpt from the Primary Chronicle, a primary source on Russian history.
Fri. 4/19 -- Powerpoint notes on Russian history.  DVD Engineering an empire on the Cathedral of the Assumption and St. Basils.  Notes from DVD will be added to lecture notes.

Mon. 4/15 -- Finish the lecture on African history.  Read National Geographic cartogram on AIDS/HIV rates in Africa.
Tue. 4/16 -- Environmental Issues in Africa.  Video on Lake Chad, Madagasgar, and Ndoki Rain Forest.  Students will look at causes and solutions for environmental problems.
Wed. 4/17 -- Finish work on the economics and health care in Africa.  Guest speaker Mr. Mars who has traveled to Kenya and worked with the Turkana people.
Thur. 4/18 -- Review day for Africa Test
Fri. 4/19 -- Africa Test,  begin India map.

Art History
Mon. 4/15 -- African art, looking at the beginning of the art movement in the Haarlem Renaissance -- Aaron Douglas and Jacob Lawrence.
Tue. 4/16 -- Introduction to Modern Art Styles.  Lecture and activity
Wed. 4/17 -- Early 20th Century painting.  Lots of notes today!
Thur. 4/18 -- Biography of Pablo Picasso.  Open note quiz on Picasso.
Fri. 4/19 -- shorter notes, Modern Architecture notes -- Gaudi to Gehrey.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 4-12, 2013

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 4/8 -- Reading a small section of the Qur'an.  worksheet on the Rise of Islam, p. 263-268 in the textbook.  Review game for the vocabulary quiz.
Tue. 4/9 -- Islam Vocab Quiz; Map on the Growth of Islam -- Map page 261 and questions p. 269-272 in text.
Wed. 4/10 -- Finish map as needed.  Reading about the Dome of the Roc, p. 266.  Islamic Art Show and discussion of trends in art -- How does Islamic art reflect the culture of Islam?
Thur. 4/11 -- Partner activity on the Contributions of Islam.  Read page 273-279.  Choose 8 legacies of Islamic culture and describe with at lteas two sentences each.  One must include the House of Wisdom.  Look at Astronomy, math, literature, art, science, architecture .....
Fri. 4/12 -- Map of Constantinople (get a copy from the file if you are gone). We will work on the map for about 30 minutes and then switch over to Engineering an Empire to write notes on the Hippodrome, Hagia Sophia and the Nika Riots.

Mon. 4/8 -- Reading on the Sahel pages 424-427 -- students will complete a worksheet while we read through the section.   Political map of Africa.
Tue. 4/9 -- African tribe project.  Each student will get a different African tribe to read about.  The project uses a set of books from the HHS library.  Students will read about the tribe, summarize some customs, and draw a house to put the the environment map.   If you are absent you may try to use the internet (but it is easier to check out a book from the library) and complete the assignment.
Wed. 4/10 -- Video on botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe. 
Thur. 4/11 -- Learning the map of Africa.  Parade of Flags.
Fri  4/12 -- QZ. Africa Map,  Power point notes on the history of Africa.

Art History
Mon. 4/8 -- DVD on Van Gogh.  Covers several other P-I artists as they interact.
Tue. 4/9 -- Art Cards 69-76 (Post Impressionism, sculpture and Art Nouveau).  Project on Symbolism, Sculpture and Art Neoveau. 
Wed. 4/10 -- Finish the Fin De Siecle project.  Hand out review sheets.  Notebooks DUE
Thur. 4/11 -- Slide Review day
Fri. 4/12 -- Test on Realism through Post Impressionism.  Right up to the end of 1900.  We start the last unit on Modern Art on Monday.