Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 30 to October 4, 2013

Mon. 9/30 -- Russian Regions project.  To introduce this section we do the three regions of Russian and the Republics.  Get a small map of Russia/regions and color the three regions.  Label the regions, not the countries.  (p. 360) Glue to larger paper and divide space into three sections.  For each section (p. 361-379) color code to match the map.  Find and list the following information: List the countries in the region. Provide one sentence on history, economy, culture and life.  Go to page 342-343 and add the populations of the individual countries to find the total population for the region.
Tue. 10/1 -- History of Russia worksheet, read about Chernobyl p. 368 and finish the video.
Wed. 10/2 -- Map of Russia and the Republics
Thur. 10/3 -- Power point pictures on Russia, discussion of the region.  Environmental problems. Reading p. 353-356.  There is a worksheet/graphic organizer to use with the reading.
Fri. 10/4 -- Parade of flags for Russia and the Republics.  Quiz review!
Mon. 10/7 -- Map Quiz, Review for the unit test.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 9/30 -- Watch A&E Biography on "Julius Caesar."  Students will use the information to make a timeline of Caesar's life.  Get notes if absent.
Tue. 10/1 -- Handout on Roman Rulers and Open note quiz on the History of Rome.  Bring your notebook!  Short reading assignment on p. 160-165 with worksheet.  Watch the chariot race scene from Ben Hur.
Wed. 10/2 -- Engineering and Empire: Rome -- Diagrams of buildings with bullets -- Colosseum, Pantheon and the Hadrian's Wall.  About 15 minutes per building. 
Thur. 10/3 -- Timeline of Roman activity.  The Rise of Christianity worksheet.
Fri. 10/4 -- Lecture on the Pax Romana and the fall of Rome.  Reading from Tacitus on the Germans.
CHANGES:  I am making the following changes to the calendar.
Monday 10/7 -- NOTEBOOK #2 DUE,  Fall of Rome graphic organizer.
Tue. 10/8 -- QZ on the Fall of Rome, legacies of the Roman world activity  
Wed. 10/9 -- Review for Test on Roman Unit
Thur. 10/10 -- TEST on Rome

Mon. 9/30 -- Finish economic models and discuss the quiz on chapter 6.  Power point notes on monopolies and anti-trust legislation.  Why are monopolies bad for the economy?
Tue. 10/1 -- Market failures -- define market failures.  Newspaper assignment on market failures.  Students will find examples of market failure (inadequate information, resource immobility, public goods and externalities p. 180-181).  Cut out the article and attach to a piece of paper.  Define the types of externalities and explain why your articles fit that type.
Wed. 10/2 -- Library to do an Internet quest on various regulatory agencies.  Students will work with partners when possible (there are only 13 regulatory agencies).
Thur. 10/3 -- Test Review day
Fri. 10/4  -- Microeconomics test!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 23-27, 2013

World Geography
Mon. 9/23 -- Look at a power point for Europe and discuss the regions of Europe.  Begina a project on the regions. Students will work with a partner to learn a little about the regions.  Each person will take two regions (p. 288 has a map).  For each region list 4-5 countries.  Then using the text (p. 289-315) write 2 sentences about the history, economy, culture and daily life in that region.  There will be 8 sentences per region, so each student will write 16 sentences.
Tue. 9/24 -- Finish regions project.  If we have time we will review cities and countries today.
Wed. 9/25 -- Read page 282-285 on Human-Environment Interaction.  If absent define: dike, polder, and seaworks. Do all parts of question #3.  The rest of the period we will complete the physical map of Europe.  DUE today.
Thur.  9/26 -- Map review all day for Europe.  We will complete a "map puzzle"  The class will be in two groups will different countries (puzzle pieces) to color and put into the map.
Fri. 9/27 -- Europe Quiz.  Begin Russian regions project.   [PLC/ Pep Assembly -- short period]

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 9/23 -- Test over Greece
Tue. 9/24 -- Introduction to Rome.  Read pages 130-137 in the Heath book [copies in the room, not our regular textbook].  Worksheet on the basics of the Roman Republic.
Wed. 9/25 -- Roman Republic activty  -- A class activity to experience the government of Rome.  Students will be divided into Patricians and Plebeians and take part in various parts of the Roman republic system of government.
Thur. 9/26 -- Lecture on the transition between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire -- Julius Caesar and Octavian.  Handout on the Julio-Claudian family. 
Fri. 9/27 -- Jigsaw reading on various topics on Rome.  Make up: Pick up a packet from me.  You will read the packet and write an 8 sentence -- most interesting facts sheet.  Do two packets.  [PLC/ Pep Assembly -- short period]

Mon. 9/23 -- Skits on prices and how different factors (surplus, price ceilings) effect prices.  Review chapter 6 for the quiz on Tuesday.
Tue. 9/24 -- Quiz on Chapter 6 -- open note.  Assignment on competitive structures.  Comparision boxes -- If absent pick up a sheet from me.
Wed. 9/25 -- Begin video "Tucker: a Man and His Dreams".
Thur.  9/26 --  Finish the movie.  - a short movie response is due on Friday.
Fri. 9/27 --  Partner project on creating a product and determining elasticity.  Movie response DUE.  [PLC/ Pep Assembly -- short period]

Sunday, September 15, 2013

September 16-20, 2013

World Geography
Mon. 9/16 -- How important is it to save the Amazon rain forest?  Reading p. 245-247 -- Make three columns.  Find five bullets of facts about the Amazon rain forest,  five facts related to saving the rain forest (may include reasons to save) and five facts to develop or use the rain forest.  In class we will watch a video to add to this list.  Test Review out.
Tue. 9/17 -- Review for the test on Wednesday -- Test review sheet will be due Wed.
Wed. 9/18 -- Test on Latin America.  The test will include a short essay (two paragraphs). 
Thur. 9/19 --  Political map on Europe. Discuss the regions of Europe and how to group the countries to make learning them easier. 
Fri. 9/20 -- DVD on France from pilot guides (PBS)

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 9/16 -- Greek Drama, making masks.  We will also review for the quiz on Tuesday.
Tue. 9/17 -- Qz. on the Golden Age of Greece.  Worksheet on the Peloponnesian War.  Why do two wars frame the Golden Age?  Maybe read a small excerpt from Pericles Funeral Oration.
Wed. 9/18 -- Brief introduction to Alexander the Great.  Divide into groups to tackle different aspects of Hellenistic Culture.  Each group will make a poster and do a presentation.
Thur.  9/19 -- Finish posters -- Presentations
Fri. 9/20 -- Review day for Greece
Monday 9/23 -- TEST on Greece

Mon. 9/16 -- Handout on demand and QD with descriptions of the different factors that effect demand.  Student teams of 4 will pick a project and develop a questionnaire that will look at how different factors affect the demand and QD for that product.  The questions need to be approved by the end of the period.  Interviews tonight.
Tue. 9/17 --  Data collected by the groups will be used to analyze D/QD factors.  Student groups will analyse data and make conclusions based on the data. 
Wed. 9/18 -- Mini-lecture on Marginal Utility and elasticity of demand.  Questions p. 112-113, main ideas 17-22 and 24.  thinking critically #25.
Thur. Notes on Supply and the Law of Supply.  Video on supply.
Fri. 9/20 -- Guided Reading worksheet on chapter 6 (Prices).  page 142-158 in the text.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

September 9-13, 2013

Hanford High School open house is this week on Wednesday

Mon. 9/9  -- Latin America resources map.  Each student will be assigned a country in Latin America.  They will draw a map of the country, color is according to elevation and label 5 physical features, 3 cities (including the capital).  They will add symbols for the resources found in the country.  We will spend two days in the library.
Tue. 9/10 -- See Monday.
Wed. 9/11 -- Latin American Resources maps DUE.  Video on Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.  questions are due with the video; Map Review for the quiz tomorrow!
Thur. 9/12 -- Quiz on Latin American map.  Notes on the history of Latin America.  A note sheet/graphic organizer is provided for note-taking.
Fri. 9/13 -- Class work on the large resource map for Latin America.  Culture Shock Assignment using culture grams. Culture grams are a on-line and print resource about countries and their cultures.  We will look up greetings, crafts, and etiquette of various nations.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 9/9 -- Introduce Persia.  Time in class to complete map of the expansion of Persia.  Maps are due Tuesday 9/10.
Tue. 9/10 --  Video Engineering an Empire Persia (notes).  Discussion of Persian kings and the Persian Wars with Greece.
Wed. 9/11 -- DVD: The Battle of the 300 (a History channel version, not the rated R movie). Students will make a list of reasons why the Greeks win even when they are really outnumbered.  Brief discussion.
Thur. 9/12 -- Power point on the Golden Age of Greece.  Notes.  Reading pages 134-139.  Students will identify 10 famous Greeks and their contributions to the Golden Age.
Fri. 9/13 -- Worksheet on the Parthenon and Greek architecture.  DVD: Engineering an Empire: Greece -- a segment on the creation of the Parthenon.   We will add some notes to the worksheet from the engineering discussion in the video.

Mon. 9/9 -- Library time to work on a short economic research project on a country (each student has a different country).  Mostly we are collecting data, not writing a report.  I've had great reports turned in as a table.  DUE Tuesday 9/10.
Tue. 9/10 -- Present country reports  -- we circle the room comparing different statistics.  Reading about economic goals p. 43-46.  Divide into 7 groups to create a quick poster on each goal.  Poster presentations.  If you are absent list and describe each goal.
Wed. 9/11 -- American Free Enterprise System: p. 48-53.  on page 53 do questions 2,3,4,6,7. 
Thur. 9/12 -- Review for Unit 1 TEST
Fri. 9/13 -- Test over unit 1 -- Basic Concepts.