Sunday, October 27, 2013

October 28 - November 1, 2013

World Geography
Mon. 10/28 -- Desertification, Sahel and African Environment worksheet, pages 424-427. PP pictures of Africa.
Tue. 10/29 -- Political Map of Africa.  Review maps at the end of class.
Wed. 10/30 -- African Tribes -- Each student will use one of the 35 African tribal books in class to read about different tribes.  They will draw a picture of a house and put it on the class map. Discuss the physical environment of Africa. If absent you will have to go to the library and check-out a book to do this on your own time.
Thur. 10/31 -- Parade of Flags in Africa (Quiz Review)
Fri. 11/1 -- African Map Quiz. Power point on the history of Africa.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/28 -- Reading the Qur'an.  Worksheet the Rise of Islam (p. 263-268).  *Game for vocab review.
Tue. 10/29 -- Qz. on Islam vocab.  Map on the Growth of Islam.  What factors made Islam spread successfully in North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula?
Wed. 10/30 -- Some time to finish the map if needed.  Reading p. 266 on the Dome of the Rock and slide show on Islamic art.  Begin Culture project on Islam.
Thur. 10-31 -- Islam culture project -- Partners will create a project that features 8 contributions from the Islamic Culture (algebra to optics to framing stories and arabesques).  Read pages 274-279.  Write two sentences from each contribution.  Add three graphic elements to help you remember.  You must include the House of Wisdom.
Fri. 11/1 -- Map of Constantinople.  Notes from the reading and Hagia Sophia.  Get a make-up set of directions if you are absent.  Here is the list of items to put on the map (p. 302). Wall of Theodosius, Wall of Constantine, Golden Gate, Gate of Charisius, Mese, Forum of Theodosius, Hoppodrome, Hagia sophia, Great Palace, Sea Wall, Golden Horn.

Mon. 10/28 --  Money scavenger hunt in the library
Tue. 10/29 --  Worksheet on Money and Monetary standards. This covers pages 384-397.
Wed. 10/30 -- Video: Modern Marvels U.S. Mint with questions during the video. Questions do that day.
Thur. 10/31 -- Movie clip "It's a Wonderful Life" and a short review on banking.  Partners will create a timeline of banking history in the U.S. There will be 10 events on the timeline and 3 will have be be described for their significance.
Fri. 11-1 --  Watch "Your Bank has Failed."  What happens when banks fail?  How do they work.  Look at some local banks and services they offer.  See me for make-up.


Saturday, October 19, 2013

October 21-25, 2013

World Geography
Mon. 10/21 -- Reading about Afghanistan.  Looking at maps and background information on the country.  Guest speaker: Steven Dyer.
Tue. 10/22 -- Test Review day
Wed. 10/23 -- Test on SW Asia.  The test format will include multiple choice and matching questions.  Students will also answer and essay about 1 piece of culture (religion, writing, or art) and 1 source of conflict (oil, Israel/Palestine, or Afghanistan).
Thur. 10/24 -- Physical map of Africa.
Fri. 10/25 -- DVD on Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe.  Questions to complete.  (End of the 1st quarter)

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/21  -- DVD notes on Engineering in China -- focusing on the Great Wall and the Tomb of the Qin emperor at Xian.
Tue. 10/22 - Han Dynasty worksheet. I will hand out the test review today.
Wed. 10/23 -- Comparison to Rome.  Test Review day
Thur. 10/24 -- Probably a short review game and the the Test on Asian Empires.  This is the only test without an essay question during the year.  Notebook #3 DUE.  Last grades for the 1st Quarter.
Fri. 10/25 -- Video: Islam Empire of Faith about the foundation of Islam and the early history of the religion.  New calendar and introduction of new unit.

Mon. 10/21 -- Finish Federal spending and tax pie graphs.  Go to the library to work on research for department spending.
Tue. 10/22 -- Mini-congress where the class will work to cut about $50 billion in Federal spending from discretionary items.  Students will be graded on their participation and quality of their discussion. Students will be paired for research and discussion.
Wed. 10/23 -- US Debt. Read page 277-283 and take notes.  You can use your own notes on the open note quiz.  Due before the end of the period.
Thur. 10/24 -- Review Day
Fri. 10/25 -- Test over unions, government spending and taxes. [Last grade on the 1st quarter]

Saturday, October 12, 2013

October 14-18, 2013

World Geography
Mon. 10/14 -- Finish the Regions Pamphlet we started on Friday. There is a set of make-up directions to get if you are absent.  Basically we are doing a mini-map of SW Asia (p. 502) and writing sentences that are fact (4 sentences)  and opinion (1 sentence) about each region p. 503-519.
The second part of the period will be used to learn about Arabic writing.
Tue. 10/15 -- Power point and notes in a graphic organizer about oil and politics in the Middle East. Students will complete a worksheet using reading on pages 529-531.
Wed. 10/16 -- We will make a graphic organizer about the three religions which started in the SW Asia (Judaism, Christianity and Islam).  Each student will complete one graphic organizer including graphic icons for each subject -- again pick up a full set of directions if absent.
Thur. 10/17 -- QZ SW Asia Map.  Video on the Arab Gulf States -- Video questions.
Fri. 10/18 -- Reading on Israel and Palestine and this history of the region.  Palestine as a new nation and defining a stateless nations. Reading/worksheet p. 510-513.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/14 -- Introduction to India and the planned cities of the Indus Valley Civilization. Reading Guide. 44-49.  Part A only 4 good bullets per box. Poster instructions, begin poster on Hinduism and Buddhism.
Tue. 10/15 -- Continue Poster
Wed. 10/16 -- Finish Poster  - Quick Religion review.
Thur. 10/17 -- Quiz Religions (Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism).  This is a matching quiz with the three religions as choices and facts about the religions that are matched.  Notes on the history of India.
Fri. 10/18 -- Introduction history of China power point. Notes stamp.  Small groups to discuss Chinese philosophies and how they compare/contrast in social settings.  Make a set of school rules that follow the different philosophies.

Mon. 10/14 -- Begin Chapter 9 with basic tax vocabulary.  Students will pair up and make a political cartoon about a vocabulary word.  Each pair will present the word and define it for the class. p. 229-236.
Tue. 10/15 -- Finish any words left.  Mini-lecture on taxes, types of taxes and a chart on the different types of taxes, including tax base and purpose.
Wed. 10/16 -- Quiz Tax Vocab. Read pages 246, 251-253. p. 256-257. Reviewing main ideas. 17-23, 27 and choose either 28 or 34.
Thur. 10/17 -- Introduce Federal Budget numbers. Watch IOU USA about the Budget and Debt.
Fri. 10/18 -- Federal Spending Pie Charts.


Sunday, October 6, 2013

October 7-10, 2013

No School this Friday because of teacher in-service!

World Geography
Mon. 10/7 -- Qz. on Russia and the Republics map, Review for unit test tomorrow.
Tue. 10/8 -- Unit Test on Europe and Russia.  Begin map of SW Asia also known as the Mid-East.
Wed. 10/9 -- Complete the map of the SW Asia, Reading pages 487-490 on the landforms of the region. What is SW Asia like?
Thur. 10/10 -- Regions pamphlet on the three regions of the SW Asia.  Regions PowerPoint and discussion.  Begin the pamphlet on the regions of the SW Asia. We will continue this project on Monday.
Fri. 10/11  -- No School

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/7 -- The Fall of the Roman Empire. Brief discussion and reading about the legacies of Rome.  Complete the graphic organizer. p. 173-176 is on the Fall of Rome.  Create a graphic Organizer with four boxes describing the fall of Rome.  Focus on major reasons and make sure to include the Germanic tribes.  Each box should have at least 2 sentences.   Middle level -- Rome Falls in 476 B.C.  Two bottom boxes will show legacies of Rome p. 178-183.  Choose two legacies and write at least 3 sentences analyzing why they are legacies.
Tue. 10/8 -- Legacies of Rome group activity.
Wed. 10/9 -- Review of Rome for test.
Thur. 10/10 -- Test on Rome.
Fri. 10/11 -- No School

Mon. 10/7 -- Power point notes on the history of unions in the U.S.  Video section on "Striking Back" from the Great Depression video. Notes from the video will add to the PowerPoint.
Tue. 10/8 -- Worksheet on Labor and Wages p. 203-213.  Why do people earn different salaries?  What factors affect income and job stability.  Remember to interview someone about their job tonight!
Wed. 10/9 -- Grade the worksheet.  Simulation on collective bargaining -- group activity (no make up).
Thur. 10/10 -- Open note quiz sections 8.1 and 8.2 (unions and wages). Reading about different issues on employment. If absent read p. 215-221 in the text and do the review questions at the end of the section. 
Fri. 10/11 -- No School