Saturday, November 23, 2013

November 25-27, 2013

Have a nice Thanksgiving Break! 
World Geography
Mon. 11/25 -- Worksheet on the landscape of South Asia. p. 551-555, Reading pages 560-560.  DVD India Revealed.  The DVD has questions to complete.
**  I will help with questions about the paper and show a sample.
Tue. 11/26 -- PowerPoint on South Asia (map quiz review) Worksheet on the history of India p. 567-572.  Review for the map quiz tomorrow.
Global Issues Paper Due by 3:30 p.m.  Any e-mails must be followed by a printed paper.  I will not print papers (use the library or Career Center). It is worth about 200 points.
Wed. 11/27 -- Quiz over South Asia.  Finish India Revealed DVD.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 11/25 -- Finish Viking projects and do presentations.  Introduce Feudalism.  Students will read pages 360-363.  Write definitions for all blue words,  diagram a European feudal pyramid. Use bullets to describe what life is like in a manor (about 8 bullets).
Tue. 11/26 -- Lecture on Castles and Knights. Reading about siege technology.  Quiz Review day.
Wed. 11/27 -- Qz. on Feudalism and knights.  Short PowerPoint and worksheet on Illuminated manuscripts.

Mon. 11/25 -- Finish GDP maps.  Introduce Keynes and the output-expenditure model.  Diagram of the components of GDP.  Video clip on Keynes.
Tue. 11/26 -- Library -- Internet quest on GDP and CPI (consumer price index). We might need to catch up a little on Keynes before we go.
Wed. 11/27 -- Open-note quiz on Keynes.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

November 18 -22, 2013

Mon. 11/18 -- Directions for CBA (Classroom Based Assessment) Each student will write a short research paper on an example of Human Environment Interactions.  Students will have a list of topics to select from for the paper.  Directions and a rubric will be provided.  The paper is due Tuesday, 11/26/13
Tue. 11/19 -- Library Day for research and reading
Wed. 11/20 -- Library Day -- paper outline is due today at the end of the period.
Thur. 11/21 - Break from the paper, Map of South Asia (introduce Asia unit).  I will spend a little time today in class showing students how to use a nice website to help create a bibliography for the paper. 
Fri. 11/22 -- Last day in the library. 

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 11/18 -- Return to Europe after the fall of Rome.  Map of Europe in 500. Read pages 353-357 to understand how Roman culture and Germanic culture blend in Europe.  Introduce the Frankish empire.
Tue. 11/19 -- DVD "The Dark Ages" about monasteries and general facts about the early Middle Ages (EMA) in Europe.  Students will color code a map of the monastery of St. Gall to learn about the varied functions monasteries played in the EMA.
Wed. 11/20 -- Lecture on Charlemagne.  DVD "The Dark Ages" to show Charles Martel, the Battle of Tours and Charlemagne.  Mostly notes today. 
Thur. 11/21 -- Qz: Germanic kingdoms (fill-in-the-blank).  Video on Vikings. Notes from the video on Vikings.  We will also draw a Viking longship!
Fri. 11/22 -- Group projects on Viking culture.  If absent choose one of the following topics to write a short (250 word) report about: Viking runes and rune stones, Vikings longships, Viking burial customs, Viking exploration.  In class small groups will be working on a topic of their choosing.

Mon. 11/18 -- We are in the computer lab to work on a stock profile for one particular stock.  Students started the project on Friday by selecting 5 stocks from the NYSE and doing some preliminary research.  Students today will choose one of these 5 stocks and really learn about the company, writing a short profile.
Tue. 11/19 -- Review worksheet
Wed. 11/20 -- Review activity
Thur. 11/21 -- Test on chapters 10 and 14 (banking, the Fed and investing)
Fri. 11/22 -- Introduce GDP, definitions and explanations.  Students will complete a GDP map of a continent.  If absent print an outline map of one continent (Europe for example).  Select 10 countries and look up their GDP, number of TV's per person, and male life expectancy.  Label the countries on the map and make a chart showing the data.  Color the countries according to the key.  +50K - 40K = Blue, 40k-30k = red, 30k-20k= yellow; 20k-10k = green; 10k-5k= purple and less than 5k is orange.


Saturday, November 9, 2013

November 12-15, 2013

World Geography
Tue. 11/12 -- Review day for the test
Wed. 11/13 -- Test on Africa, essay on three problems in Africa. 
Thur 11/14 -- Half Day periods 1,3,5 (no World Geography)
Fri. 11/15 -- Half Day periods 2,4,6 --Map review day.  We will review maps from the first quarter and talk about the final.  Remember the final is 10% of the semester grade.

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 11/12 -- Finish Project on the Mongols -- Test review
Wed. 11/13 -- Review for the test on Islam and the East.  
Thur 11/14 -- Half Day periods 1,3,5  First Period -- Notebook #4 Due, Test on Islam and the East
Fri. 11/15 -- Half Day periods 2,4,6 --Sixth Period -- Notebook #4 Due, Test on Islam and the East

Tue. 11/12 -- Finish our three-pocket organizer with financial assets arranged by risk level.  Introduction to reading stock reports.  Look at Yahoo! Finance
Wed. 11/13 -- Stock and picking portfolios. -- Guest speaker Steve Scott, VP DA Davidson.
Thur 11/14 -- Half Day periods 1,3,5  Third Period -- Library to work on stock evaluation.
Fri. 11/15 -- Half Day periods 2,4,6 -- Second Period --  Library to work on stock evaluation.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 4-8, 2013

Mon. 11/4 -- Finish the video on Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe.  Power point notes (with worksheet) on the history of Africa.
Tue. 11/5 -  Video segments on environmental issues in Africa.  Notes on the different segments will be due at the end of the period.  If absent copy a classmates notes and turn it in. Segments are on biodiversity in Madagascar, Lake Chad and poaching.
Wed. 11/6 -- Health and Economic Issues: Reading from National Geographic on Aids in Africa.  Reading on health pages 465-467 in class.  Section on economic development pages 461-464.  Readings in the book have a worksheet.
Thur. 11/7 -- Grade the worksheet.  Table groups will work on lists of problems in Africa.  Mr. Mars will come talk to the class the last 20 minutes of the period about his trip to Africa.
Fri.  11/8 -- Veteran's Day Assembly (short class 35 minutes).  Review sheet out for Africa test.  Test is scheduled for Wednesday the 13th.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 11/4 -- Finish video on Constantinople; Lecture notes on Byzantium.
Tue. 11/5 -- Legacies of Byzantium.  Small group assignment.
Wed. 11/6 -- QZ. Byzantium (multiple choice). Introduce Russia with reading of the "Primary Chronicle" and reading 307-311 in the text with a worksheet.
Thur. 11/7 -- PowerPoint on the History of Russia.  Engineering an Empire: Russia.
Fri. 11/8 -- Veteran's Day Assembly (short class 35 minutes).  Begin partner project on the expansion of the Mongols (they conquer Russia) and the culture of the Mongols.  We will finish this on Tuesday. 

Mon 11/4 -- Introduction to the Federal Reserve system. Chart on the structure and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve: Video: "Eye of the Storm" 
Tue. 11/5 -- Tools of Monetary Policy, Monetizing the Federal debt.  More on the Fed "The Power of Money" 
Wed. 11/6 -- QZ: Open Note quiz on Chapter 14 (T/F Quiz).  Bring everything from this unit.  Guest Speaker Trent Tyler from Google.
Thur. 11/7 -- Read pages 289-294 Notes, discuss page 293 (how to invest and investment objectives).  Economic Current Event #1 DUE.  (We will do some partner grading in class)
Fri. 11/8 -- Veteran's Day Assembly (short class 35 minutes)  -- Types of Financial Assets organized by risk level Three pocket Organizer.
TAKE YOUR RISK QUIZ THIS WEEK: DUE TUESDAY 11/12 (Copy and Paste, not hypertext)