Have a nice Thanksgiving Break!
Mon. 11/25 -- Worksheet on the landscape of South Asia. p. 551-555, Reading pages 560-560. DVD India Revealed. The DVD has questions to complete.
** I will help with questions about the paper and show a sample.
Tue. 11/26 -- PowerPoint on South Asia (map quiz review) Worksheet on the history of India p. 567-572. Review for the map quiz tomorrow.
Global Issues Paper Due by 3:30 p.m. Any e-mails must be followed by a printed paper. I will not print papers (use the library or Career Center). It is worth about 200 points.
Wed. 11/27 -- Quiz over South Asia. Finish India Revealed DVD.
Ancient Medieval
Mon. 11/25 -- Finish Viking projects and do presentations. Introduce Feudalism. Students will read pages 360-363. Write definitions for all blue words, diagram a European feudal pyramid. Use bullets to describe what life is like in a manor (about 8 bullets).
Tue. 11/26 -- Lecture on Castles and Knights. Reading about siege technology. Quiz Review day.
Wed. 11/27 -- Qz. on Feudalism and knights. Short PowerPoint and worksheet on Illuminated manuscripts.
Mon. 11/25 -- Finish GDP maps. Introduce Keynes and the output-expenditure model. Diagram of the components of GDP. Video clip on Keynes.
Tue. 11/26 -- Library -- Internet quest on GDP and CPI (consumer price index). We might need to catch up a little on Keynes before we go.
Wed. 11/27 -- Open-note quiz on Keynes.