Monday, September 29, 2014

September 29-October 3, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 9/29 -- Finish Russia Regions project (about 15 min.).  Watch DVD: Russia from Pilot Guides with questions.
Tue. 9/30 -- Map of Russia and the Republics
Wed. 10/1 -- Grade Russia and the Republics map in class.  Read about the nuclear accident at Chernobyl p. 368.  Complete the history of Russia worksheet p. 361-367.
Thur. 10/2 -- PowerPoint on Russia with review map questions.  Reading about the Russian Environment on pages 353-356 -- there are questions with the reading.  Review the map for QZ.
Fri. 10-3 -- Parade of flags -- Russia and the Republics.  (We use almanacs in the room to research the countries in the region and draw their flag.  Qz: Russia and the Republics map.

Mon 9/29 -- Partner project on creating a product and determining the demand elasticity.  If you are absent you will need a copy of the directions to complete the assignment -- it can be done solo.
Tue. 9/30 -- Monopolies and market failure -- brief PowerPoint on types of market failures -- inadequate competition (monopolies), inadequate information. externalities, public goods and resource immobility.  Student teams will look for examples of these types of market failure in the newspaper, cut out the article, define the market failure, and explain how your example fits the definition.  p. 179-183.
Wed. 10/1 -- Review day
Thur. 10/2 -- Microeconomics Test
Fri. 10/3 -- History of Unions PowerPoint with notes,  short video with the Memorial Day Massacre and the Southern textile strikes.

Art History
Mon. 9/29 -- Finish presentations on Hellenistic art -- short presentations on individual pieces of art. Begin review for the test.
Tue. 9/30 -- Test review
Wed. 10/1 -- Test on Greek art
Thur. 10/2 -- Analyzing architecture -- materials and how to read a floor plan!
Fri. 10/3 -- Italy before the Romans -- the Etruscans

Saturday, September 20, 2014

September 22-26, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 9/22 -- Work on the Europe Regions project that we just started on Friday.  Students will have the entire period to finish.  We are looking at the four regions of Europe -- North, West, Central and Mediterranean and making a project to compare them.
Tue. 9/23 -- Reading p. 282-286 on "Human-Environment Interaction" in Europe -- topics include polders, Venice and acid rain.  Most of class we will work on the physical map of Europe. If not finished in class this map will be due on Wednesday. 
Wed. 9/24 -- Review Europe map with the puzzle maps.  I have blank countries in Europe.  Students will work in groups to review locations and try to make an accurate map.  Five maps per class so they will be in groups of about 6-7.
Thur. 9/25 -- QZ: Europe map ( Begin Russia, read p. 357 and start Russia Regions project.  Russia and the Republics are divided into three regions.  Pairs of students will find which countries are in each region, the total population and something about the history, economy and culture. 
Fri. 9/26 --  [On Pep Assembly schedule] -- Finish the regions project for Russia and the Republics.  News from Ukraine if possible for discussion.

Mon 9/22 -- QZ: Open note (worksheet) on chapter 6 -- Prices.  Competitive Structures worksheet.
Tue. 9/23 -- "Tucker: A Man and his Dreams" movie
Wed. 9/24 -- "Tucker: A Man and his Dreams" movie
Thur. 9/25 -- Video response (about 200 words DUE.  There are two questions to choose from for your response.  Library for a regulatory agency internet quest.  Pairs of students will look up regulatory agencies (FDA, SEC, EPA) and find out what they do.
Fri. 9/26 -- Debrief Tucker, discuss monopolies and oligolopies.  Reading from the news.

Art History
Mon 9/22 -- Reading on the Golden Ages of Greece.  We will begin with a Greek history overview and then read using the Ancient World History text.  p. 134-139.  Define Classical art, Peloponnesian War, Socrates.  Q. 3,5,6,7. Temple Vocab diagrams due.
Tue. 9/23 -- Lecture on the art of the Greek Golden Age. AC 13-20 are due. 
Wed. 9/24 -- QZ. on Temple Architecture terms. Video on Engineering an Empire Greece.
Thur. 9/25 -- Review of Bronze Age through classical Greece.  Small timeline projects with pictures to insert for artistic periods.
Fri. 9/26 -- Lecture on Hellenistic Art


Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 15-19, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 9/15 -- Review for Latin American test.
Tue. 9/16 -- Latin American test.  Remember that you will write a 3 paragraph essay on the country you have been studying for this unit.  Look over your resource map and think about what you learned from the culture gram.
Wed. 9/17 -- Europe introduction and political map
Thur. 9/18 -- Video n France -- Pilot Guides with questions.
Fri. 9/19 -- PowerPoint on the regions of Europe.  Begin Regions project with a partner.  If you are absent pick up a copy of the directions for the regions project.

Mon. 9/15 -- Complete the Demand project -- Students were to complete four interviews on factors that affect the demand for a product.  We will compile that data and review demand and quantity demand.
Tue. 9/16 -- Mini-lecture on marginal utility and elasticity.  Review questions p. 112-113 Main ideas 17-22 and 24. Thinking critically #25.  Write complete sentences for your answers.
Wed. 9/17 -- Notes on Supply.  We will discuss the stages of production.  Video on Supply (also review the Law of Supply and Demand).
Thur. 9/18 -- Guided reading worksheet for chapter 6, page 142-158.  If you are absent you will need a copy of the worksheet to catch-up.  The worksheet is the "open-note" part of the open note quiz on Monday 9/22.
Fri. 9/19 -- Reading on subsidies and price supports p. 156-161.  We will divide up and skits on various factors affecting price.  If absent do the questions on page 161 #1 Deficiency payments only; 3, 5, and 7.

Art History
Mon. 9/15 -- Looking at Sculpture,  Handout and lots of pictures of sculptures!
Tue. 9/16 -- Lecture on Minoan and Mycenean art.  Reading "The Mask of Agamemnon" Note sheet.
Wed. 9/17 -- Qz on the Minoans and Mycenaean art.  Brief lecture on Archaic Greek pottery and architecture. Review Greek gods and heroes!
Thur. 9/18 -- Temple Architecture.  We will learn about 16 vocabulary words describing types of temples and parts of temples.  Today you will make a white diagram on dark paper to help you start learning the vocabulary.
Fri. 9/19 -- Finish the temples as needed.  Lecture on the transition from Archaic to Classical in sculpture.  Notes.
NOTE:  AC 13-20 are due on Tuesday the 23rd. We also have a quiz on the architecture vocabulary that day :)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 8-12, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 9/8 -- Latin America Resources Map.  Each student will be assigned a country in Latin America.  They will draw a map, color it according to elevation and include cities, physical features and 5 natural resources.  We will work in the library for two days.  The map is due on the 11th.
Tue. 9/9 -- Second work day for the map.
Wed. 9/10 -- History power point on Latin America with an included note sheet.  End of period we will review for the map quiz.
Thur. 9/11 -- Qz. over the Latin America Map.  Culture Shock Assignment -- students will continue their in-depth study of one country by reading the "Culture Gram" for that nation.  There are a few questions to accompany the reading.  Resource Maps Due
Fri. 9/12 -- Reading on the Amazon Rain Forest. Pages 245-247 and a short video.

Mon. 9/8 -- Country Reports are DUE.  We have a class project with the countries.  Read pages 43-46.  With a partner create a chart with all 7 economic goals.  Column 1 includes the goal and a definition. Columns 2-4 are labeled Capitalism, Socialism and Communism.  For each of these columns rank the priority of the goal within that economic system.  If this is confusing, get a copy of my example :)
Tue. 9/9 -- Read the section on pages 48-53.  In class we will make a graphic organizer.  If you are absent on page 53 do questions 2,3,4,5,and 7. Write complete answers.  American Free Enterprise is the essay for the exam.
Wed. 9/10 -- Review for the Unit Test
Thur. 9/11 -- Introductory concepts TEST. 
Fri. 9/12 -- Introduction to Demand and Quantity Demand.  First day of a two day project.  Students will create a questionnaire about factors that affect demand for a product.  They will question 5 people over the weekend.  Results are DUE on Monday.

Art History
Mon. 9/8 -- New Kingdom notes.  Handout on Ramses temple at Abu Simbel.  We will also take some time to prepare our notebooks -- which are due on Tuesday.  Monument Cards DUE.
Tue. 9/9 -- Amarna Period -- Partner project where we will make a nifty chart comparing Egyptian canon style with the Amarna period. Notebook Due.
Wed. 9/10 -- Review for the test
Thur. 9/11 -- Unit Test on the ANE and Egypt.  Art Cards 1-12 are DUE.  After the test we will start a map of Greece.
Fri. 9/12 -- Introduction to Greece -- a power point handout and finishing the map.