Monday, December 15, 2014

December 15-19, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 12/15 -- Review sheet on Asia.  We will review the three short answer questions that will make up the 15 points for the essay.  Q1:  Mahatma Gandhi and non-violent civil disobedience. Q2: China, population, population control and one-child families. Q3: Tradition and change in Japan
Tue: 12/16 -- Asia test.
Wed. 12/17 -- Map of SE Asia (Thailand to the Philippines).  Discussion of the region. 
Thur. 12/18 -- Project on SE Asia with a partner.  The project will include a mini-map, some history and culture along with a travel site.  There are full directions if you are absent.
Fri. 12/19 -- Quiz on SE Asia -- some time to finish the project.

Mon. 12/15 -- Lecture on comparative advantage and absolute advantage.  There is a note sheet with graphs that you will need to pick up and copy notes from for the quiz on Friday.  We got done a little early to facilitate turning in corporation projects and GDP maps.
Tue. 12/16 -- Prepare a t-chart that compares arguments for protection vs ideas about free trade.  There are five major ideas presented in the text 9p. 448-452) -- Do not do National Pride.  For each idea (National Defense) you will need an image (tank) and the protection and free trade stance. Define tariff and quota on the back.
You may work alone or with a partner.
Wed. 12/17 -- Mini-lecture on the WTO.  WTO project with a small group.  Each group will get an issue that was brought before the WTO (News articles).  You will read the article and describe the issue and its resolution.  Each group will present to the class.
Thur. 12/18 -- Finish presentations.  Review for the quiz (or take it if you are gone early). Reading about the Federal Budget deal.
Fri. 12/19 -- QZ: Trade, WTO and some historyOpen note!  Reading on globalization.

Art History
Mon. 12/15 -- Lecture on the High Renaissance -- yes da Vinci, Michelangelo :) Art Cards for the EIR due 80-89.
Tue. 12/16 -- Small group projects on Patronage during the High Renaissance.  We will look at specific patrons, artists and pieces of art.  Groups of 4 are preferred.  There are specific directions for each group member. You need the hand-out.
Wed. 12/17 -- Finish the project -- Reflections
Thur. 12/18 -- Venice lecture -- this is pretty short.
Fri. 12/19 -- Venice again -- we will look at some Venetian landmarks and color them.  We are learning the word colorists and enjoying a pre-vacation day.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

December 8-12, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 12/8 -- DVD -- Discovery Atlas on China -- questions to complete with the video.  We will discuss the region of East Asia. 
Tue. 12/9 -- intro -- Reading on the Three Gorges Dam p. 628-630; worksheet on the history of China.  p. 635-639 in the text.  Finish with watching a short segment of the Tianamen Square coverage from CNN.
Wed. 12/10 -- Korea worksheet (quite short about 25 minutes to finish).  Video on North Korea called "Inside North Korea"  No video questions.   REVIEW YOUR MAP FOR THE QUIZ.
Thur. 12/11 -- QZ: East Asia Map. Japan history timeline -- four people per group.  Each person will complete one part of the timeline - we will have hand-outs in class to read.  Each timeline needs four dates and one illustration.  The sections will be taped together.   If you are absent get one essay and complete one segment of the assignment. 
Fri. 12/12 -- VD Living Treasurers of Japan (intro).  Web notes on Japan 651-655.  Web notes have student use each sub heading to take notes in a graphic organizer. Pages 651-655.  Students need four history notes, four economic notes, Three culture notes and three "life today" notes. 

Mon. 12/8 -- Finish cartoons on types of unemployment.  Review for the Economic Policy Test.
Tue. 12/9 -- Quick review game before the test.  Test on Economic Policy.
Wed. 12/10 -- Library -- Corporation PowerPoints or HSPB.
Thur. 12/11 -- Same thing.
Fri. 12/12 -- GDP maps -- look up GDP for various countries and create maps of wealth from around the world.  If you are at home, print an outline map (blank) for a continent) and label 10 countries. If you use the World Fact Book look up : Per Capital GDP; internet users; male life expectancy.  Make a table on the back of the paper with this information. Color your map according to the per capita GDP: 50-40 K = Blue; 40-30 K = Red; 30-20 K = Yellow; 20-10 K = Green; 10-5 K = Purple and less than 5,000 is Orange.  K= thousand.
 Corporation projects and HSBP are due today.

Art History
Mon. 12/8 -- Early Italian Architecture notes; video clip on Brunelleschi's dome in Florence.
Tue. 12/9 -- People of the Renaissance graphic organizer.  Northern Renaissance art cards due. 73-79.  BROWN.
Wed.  12/10 -- Finish the graphic organizer.  Watch video on early Florence and the Medici family. 
Thur. 12/11 -- EIR painting and sculpture notes.  Handout on Linear perspective in art. 
Fri. 12/12 -- Quiz on Early Italian Renaissance art (open note).  DVD on Botticelli's Birth of Venus.  Brief discussion of Savanarola.   EIR cards are due on Monday 80-89.


Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1-5, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 12/1 -- Worksheet on Indian history p. 567-572.  Review activity for the quiz on south Asia.
Tue. 12/2 -- QZ: South Asia map; Graphic organizer on the religions of South Asia -- Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism.  The graphic organizer will be similar to the one completed on the three religions of SW Asia. 
Wed. 12/3 -- Movie: Gandhi.  Questions about Gandhi and non-violent resistance.  Discussion.
Thur. 12/4 -- Read pages 578-579 about Cyclones in South Asia.  Notes on issues in South Asia from population and weather to political issues in Pakistan.
Fri. 12/5 -- Read p. 606-607 about East Asia.  Map of East Asia -- if possible; read about floods p. 640-641.  The map is due today!

Mon. 12/1 -- Inflation skits.  If you are absent -- Read pages 361-367. On page 367 do questions 2, & 5 Define: Demand pull inflation, Cost push inflation, Wage-Price Spiral inflation and Excessive monetary growth inflation.
Tue. 12/2 -- Notes on Demographics and building wealth.  Questions about business cycles.  Get a copy of my questions, I do not like the questions in the book.
Wed. 12/3 -- Library research the economic status of one country.  I have a list and copy of the directions.  We will look at measures such and GDP and growth to determine which countries would be fun to live in. 
Thur. 12/4 -- Economic Current Event DUE.  Library for research on the Corporation Project.  Juniors who are waiving consumer economics will work on the career research requirement for graduation.
Fri. 12/5 -- Quick PowerPoint on the definitions associated with unemployment.  Student pairs will make a cartoon set showing the differences between the five types of unemployment.  The assignment can also be done solo -- you need a cartoon theme, definitions, pictures and word balloons.  I often have unemployed Santas, elves and reindeer. p. 372-373 in the text for the five types.

Art History
Mon. 12/1 -- Review day, slides and questions from the review sheet.  Remember the essay is on cathedrals and their role in the Middle Ages.
Tue. 12/2 -- Romanesque and Gothic test, notebook #5 Due
Wed. 12/3 -- Analyzing painting -- review how we look at paintings and then a group work on several examples.
Thur. 12/4 -- The Renaissance in the North -- notes.
Fri. 12/5 -- Map of Italian city-states in the Renaissance and a little history for Milan, Florence, The Papal States and Venice.  It's always fun to color a map  on Friday :)