Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Jan 17 -20, 2017 Updated again

This plan will cover some of the additional days due to the extension of the semester. I like to call it plan G 2.0.  This plan includes the additional "ice days" on Wednesday and Thursday.

AP Human Geography
Tue. 1/17 -- Correct worksheet on Ethnic Cleansing in the Balkans.  PP to review and correct Ethnic conflict reading notes from the past weekend.  Add notes as needed to your assignment.  List of topics and questions for the test on Thursday.
Wed. 1/18 -- Ice Day 
Thur. 1/19 -- Ice Day -- Review on your own for the Religion & Ethnicity Test.  Test Breakdown: Chapter 4 (Culture) - 9 questions, Chapter 5 (Language) -- 9 questions, Chapter 6 (Religion) -- 21 questions, Chapter 7 (Ethnicity) -- 21 questions.  No specific review questions from chapters 1-3.
 Friday 1/20-- Introduction to political geography.  HW: Worksheet on the Origins of States. Review for the Unit test.
Tue. 1/24 -- Culture Unit Test. NOTEBOOK #6 DUE. 

AP Art History
Wed. 1/18 -- Ice Day
Thur. 1/19 -- Ice Day
Fri. 1/20 -- Introduction to Art of the Americas.  Map of art in North and South America. Study for the Final over the weekend.

Tue. 1/24 -- Final. There are 100 questions.  You may come in early if you would like more time than 55 minutes.
Wed. 1/25 -- Notebook #6 DUE

Tue. 1/17 -- Globalization, notes and video (Deserted in the Sands).
Wed. 1/18 -- Ice Day
Thur. 1/19 -- Ice Day
Fri. 1/20 --  T-Chart on Globalization, Review Trade quiz, Begin review sheet and finish at home.
Tue. 1/24 -- International Economics TEST
Wed. 1/25 -- Chromebooks -- Resource Issues Energy
Thur. 1/16 -- Townhall Discussion/ Debate about Resource Issues

Monday, January 9, 2017

Jan. 9-18

Here are my new thoughts about a schedule.  Hopefully we are done with Snow Days.  I call this plan G (Go) because I don't like plan F.  Economics still has the most wiggle room. 

AP Human Geography
Mon. 1/9 -- No School Snow
Tue. 1/10 -- No School Snow
Wed. 1/11 -- No School Snow
Thur. 1/12  Map and notes on ethnicities and nationalities in SW Asia.  p. 245-246.  Complete the map showing the major ethnic groups in Iraq and the chart on neighboring countries.
HW: Worksheet on nationalities.  STUDY tonight for the quiz on Chapter 7, key issue 1-2.  This is ethnic distribution and ethnic diffusion in the United States.  There are 15 questions, incluidng 8 vocab words and 7 multiple choice questions.  Know Plessey vs Ferguson and Brown vs the Board of Education.
Fri.  1/13 -- Quiz on Ethnicity, Key issue 1-2.  Worksheet on the Balkans.  Discussion of Kosovo and a reading from the news. HW: Reading about Ethnic Conflict.  Key Issue 3 p. 240-243 (Ethnic competition) and dividing ethnicities.  Reading p. 252-255. Ethnic cleansing in Sub-Saharan Africa. There is a sheet to take notes on the reading
Tue. 1/17 -- Review of Ethnic conflict and weekend reading.
Wed. 1/18 -- Unit review prepare for the test.
Thur. 1/19 -- No class -- finals schedule. STUDY for the TEST.
Fri. 1/20 -- Test on Culture -- focus on chapters 6-7; Notebook #6 DUE

AP Art History 
Mon. 1/9 -- No School Snow
Tue. 1/10 -- No School Snow
Wed. 1/11 -- No School Snow
Thur. 1/12 -- Versailles notes and pictures -- Art Cards on the Baroque DUE
Fri. 1/13 -- Architecture review day
Tue. 1/17 -- European Slide Review, Notebook #6 DUE
Wed. 1/18 -- Non-European Slide Review
Thur. 1/19 -- Art History Final Test.  100 Multiple choice questions and two short essays.

Mon. 1/9 -- No School Snow
Tue. 1/10 -- No School Snow
Wed. 1/11 -- No School Snow
Thur. 1/12 --  Presentations on the WTO issues. HW: worksheet on Economic development. We will grade at the beginning of class tomorrow.
Fri. 1/13 -- Quiz on trade and trade history (open note). Grade Economic Development worksheet.  A short set of notes on Trade Cooperatives.
Tue. 1/17 -- Costs and Benefits of Globalization.  Comparison chart.  Lecture on Globalization.
Wed. 1/18 -- Review for test on International Trade
Thur. 1/19 -- Test on International Trade.