Tuesday, February 28, 2017

February 27 - March 3, 2017

AP Human Geography
Mon. 2/27 -- Correct "Challenges to Farming" Feed the Future assignment DUE.  Lecture notes on Von Thunen model of agricultural markets (p. 378-379) in the text book. I handed out the review for the test this coming Friday.
Tue. 2/28 -- Strategies to increase world food supply.  Watch TED talk "Four Fish we are Overeating" by Paul Greenberg.  Begin a reading notes/chart on different methods to increase food production.  This assignment will continue into Wednesday. p. 380-387
Wed.  3/1 -- Continue to look at ways to increase food production and to decrease the amount of wasted food.  Issues of sustainability.
Thur. 3/2 -- Review day for the test.
Fri. 3/3 -- Test on agriculture with some review on food taboo (chapter 4) and types of density (chapter 2). NOTEBOOK #8 DUE.   NO ESSAY ON THE TEST

AP Art History
Mon. 2/27 -- Introduction of Impressionism -- style sheet.  Activity with paintings and style discussion.  Begin video n the Impressionists.
Tue. 2/28 -- Video on the Impressionists. Begin lecture notes.
Wed. 3/1 -- Lecture notes on the Impressionists and Post impressionists.
Thur. 3/2 -- Symbolism and Fin-De Siecle culture -- Internet research.
Fri. 3/3 -- Review day for the test.
Mon. 3/6 -- Test on Later Europe and America.  Notebook #8 DUE.

Mon. 2/27 -- Begin movie: "Tucker and Man and His Dreams"  Writing assignment handed out on the movie.  Students will choose one of two questions and write a response.
Tue. 2/28 -- Finish Tucker. Homework: Question due tomorrow.
Wed. 3/1 -- Finish Economic Structures worksheet.  Partner project on an economic project.  If you are gone this day you will have to work alone on the project.  Get directions from me. Turn in Tucker Question.
Thur. 3/2 -- Notes on market failure.  What are the different types of market failure.  Project using newspapers and defining market failures.
Fri. 3/3 -- Monopolies and market failure.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

February 21-24, 2017

AP Human Geography
Mon. 2/20 -- President's Day NO SCHOOL
Tue. 2/21 -- Subsistence and Commercial Farming chart due. Begin project on agriculture in the developing world (mostly subsistence).
Wed. 2/22 -- Finish the project and catch-up on lecture notes.  HW: Reading tonight, page 356-365 which covers all types of subsistence agriculture.  One will be on the quiz tomorrow!
Thur. 2/23 -- Qz: CRQ essay format quiz on agriculture.  Notes on agriculture in the Developed world. Pages 365-373. HW: Farming Challenges worksheet [a collapsed assignment due to the ice day last week.].  DUE tomorrow.
Fri. 2/24 -- Reading on "The Role of Women in Agriculture in the Developing World." Homework over the weekend -- Feed the World Website. We are again caught up with the calendar. 

AP Art History
Mon. 2/20 -- President's Day NO SCHOOL
Tue. 2/21 -- Art cards on Rococo, Natural and Neoclassical [Yellow set] due today.  Project to review the 18th century in art. Go over the last test.
Wed. 2/22 -- Notes on Realism and period architecture.
Thur. 2/23 -- Notes on Photography.  Project on Photography.
Fri. 2/24 -- Open Note quiz on 18th century, Romantic and Realism.

Mon. 2/20 -- President's Day NO SCHOOL
Make sure you do your interviews over the weekend!
Tue. 2/21 -- Finish the Demand project.  Go over the test.
Wed. 2/22 -- Notes on Demand elasticity and Supply.  Guided reading worksheet on chapter 6. Finish for homework. Due Thursday. 
Thur. 2/23 -- Skits on prices -- works as a review!
Fri. 2/24 -- Open note quiz on chapter 6.  Weekend homework -- Competitive Structures -- Due Monday. 2/27.

Monday, February 13, 2017

February 13-17, 2017 Updated

AP Human Geography
Mon. 2/13 -- Test over Political Geography with Review from Chapter 1
Tue. 2/14 -- Introduction to agriculture (chapter 10), Map of crop and animal hearths.  HW: Reading the Worst Mistake in the history of the Human Race." Read for evidence that agriculture was good and bad for humans. Notebook #7 DUE
Wed. 2/15 -- Ice Day #9 
Thur. 2/16 -- Small group discussion on "The Worst Mistake." Chart on the difference between commercial and subsistence agriculture. Go over the test.
Fri. 2/17 --Notes on food and nutrition.  What are food deserts?  HW: Reading p. 352-355. 
Tue. 2/21-- Begin agriculture in the Developing World project.

AP Art History
Mon. 2/13 -- Test on the Americas and Africa.  Notebook #7 DUE. Art Cards on Africa Due.
Tue. 2/14 -- Lecture notes on the Rococo and Natural styles.  Handouts on Rococo and Gainsborough.
Wed. 2/15 -- Ice Day #9 -- HW: Timeline of France from Louis XIV to Napoleon. I will attach the assignment to the Google classroom page if you want to get started.
Thur. 2/16 -- Short lecture on Neoclassical style and a video with project on Monticello.
Fri. 2/17 -- Notes on the Romantic period.
[Art Cards for Rococo, Natural and Neoclassical -- yellow set, due on Tuesday 2/21]
Have a nice President's Day Monday.

Mon. 2/13 -- Graphic Organizer on the American Free Enterprise system.  reading pages 72-75 and 82-86.
Tue. 2/14 -- Review for Unit 1 Test on Economic concepts
Wed. 2/15 -- Ice Day #9 -- Study for the test. 
Thur. 2/16 --  Test on Economic concepts.  Essay question will focus on the AFE system.
Fri. 2/17 Begin microeconomics -- What is demand.  Some notes and begin demand project. Interview people to complete the questionnaire over the weekend.
Have a nice President's Day Monday.
Tue. 2/21 -- Finish demand project.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

February 6-10, 2017 -Update

Updated for Ice Day - Tests moved to Monday 10/13

AP Human Geography
Mon. 2/6 -- Timeline project over the EU, NATO and the Warsaw Pact.  Students can work alone or with a partner.  Chromebooks.
Tue. 2/7 -- Electoral Geography worksheet due.  Finish the timeline and discuss supranational organizations. Can you think of any examples?  Read page 290-295 to prepare for class tomorrow.
Wed. 2/8 -- Interactive lecture on Terrorism.
 Thur. 2/9 -- Ice Day again!
Fri. 2/10 -- Chapter 8 review.  Last day to turn in ReDistricting game for extra credit.
Mon. 2/13 -- Political Geography Test;multiple choice and a short essay
Tue. 2/14 -- Intro to agriculture, hearth map; Notebook #7 DUE

AP Art History 
Mon. 2/6 -- Notes on art of Early Africa.  Map of African art spots is DUE.
Tue. 2/7 -- Objects of Power Research -- by the end of the day turn in your art card with your project.
Wed. 2/8 -- Objects of power presentations.  Begin Review/finish notebooks.
Thur. 2/9 -- Ice Day
Fri. 2/10-- Unit Review
Mon. 2/13 -- Test on Americas and Africa. Art Cards on Africa DUE. Notebook #7 DUE

Mon. 2/6 -- PP on types of economic and political systems.  Hand out book codes for economics, check out books as needed.  Finish in class or at home: worksheet (chart ) on economic systems.
Tue. 2/7 -- Cart #103 -- Research on a countries economy.  Each student will have a different country.  Due Thursday 2/9.
Wed. 2/8 -- Watch "Emerging Powers: China"  Discuss the concepts of a mixed economic system.
Thur. 2/9 -- Ice Day :( I have 18 country economic reports turned in.  The rest of you need to finish the country reports. Yes I spend 2 hours getting all caught up on my economics grading!
Fri. 2/10 -- Present country reports.  Economic goals in different economic systems.  Read page 87-90 and define each goal if absent.
Mon. 2/13 -- Read p. 72-75 on the American Free Enterprise system.  Graphic organizer on the AFE. use paged 72-75 and pages 82-86.

Jan. 30 - Feb. 3, 2017

Welcome to Second Semester!

AP Human Geography
Mon. 1/30 -- Watch TED talk by Parag Khanna "Maps the futures of countries"  American Devolution activity.  HW: Read p. 270-273.
Tue. 1/31 -- Mini lecture on the breakup of the Soviet Union.  Notes.  Activity on the map of the Caucasus Mountain region, p. 272-273, fix the borders activity.
Wed. 2/1 -- Activity on Colonial Empires.  Questions posted on the Google classroom page. Do one one section.
Thur. 2/2 -- Discuss: Delimited, demarcated, administered. Hand out vocabulary list and practice vocabulary puzzle.  Worksheet on the types of boundaries.
Fri. 2/3 -- Quiz over Political vocabulary -- 16 questions , matching.  Short lecture on types of government.  HW: Worksheet on Electoral Geography (DUE TUE. 2/7) optional extra credit.
On-line game Redistricting game http://www.redistrictinggame.org/  Go to the game and play mission 1 or 2.  Document by a photo (with ID) or print re-districting approval with parent signature.

AP Art History
Mon. 1/30 -- New class -- class policies and intro to semester 2. AP -- Project on Ancient American cities.
Tue. 1/31 -- New Class -- Big Ideas in Art History. AP -- Finish Ancient American cities slide show.
Wed. 2/1 -- AP presentations on Ancient American cities.
Thur. 2/2 -- Open note quiz on Ancient American cities. Colonial Art slides (we finished the first 3)
Fri. 2/3 -- Colonial Art slides (we finished the last 3).  Introduce African art with map.

Mon. 1/30 -- Introduction and class policies and syllabus. Begin goods and services project
Tue. 1/31 -- Finish goods and services project.
Wed. 2/1 -- Begin vocab projects for chapter 1. Partners will make posters.  Present about the first 8 words.
Thur. 2/2 -- Finish presenting words,  Hand out the vocabulary puzzles. Students may study the words on quizlet.com  Search: jonniefenton   Economic concepts list.
Fri. 2/3 -- Quiz vocab chapter 1.  Bartering game.