AP Human Geography
Mon. 2/27 -- Correct "Challenges to Farming" Feed the Future assignment DUE. Lecture notes on Von Thunen model of agricultural markets (p. 378-379) in the text book. I handed out the review for the test this coming Friday.
Tue. 2/28 -- Strategies to increase world food supply. Watch TED talk "Four Fish we are Overeating" by Paul Greenberg. Begin a reading notes/chart on different methods to increase food production. This assignment will continue into Wednesday. p. 380-387
Wed. 3/1 -- Continue to look at ways to increase food production and to decrease the amount of wasted food. Issues of sustainability.
Thur. 3/2 -- Review day for the test.
Fri. 3/3 -- Test on agriculture with some review on food taboo (chapter 4) and types of density (chapter 2). NOTEBOOK #8 DUE. NO ESSAY ON THE TEST
AP Art History
Mon. 2/27 -- Introduction of Impressionism -- style sheet. Activity with paintings and style discussion. Begin video n the Impressionists.
Tue. 2/28 -- Video on the Impressionists. Begin lecture notes.
Wed. 3/1 -- Lecture notes on the Impressionists and Post impressionists.
Thur. 3/2 -- Symbolism and Fin-De Siecle culture -- Internet research.
Fri. 3/3 -- Review day for the test.
Mon. 3/6 -- Test on Later Europe and America. Notebook #8 DUE.
Mon. 2/27 -- Begin movie: "Tucker and Man and His Dreams" Writing assignment handed out on the movie. Students will choose one of two questions and write a response.
Tue. 2/28 -- Finish Tucker. Homework: Question due tomorrow.
Wed. 3/1 -- Finish Economic Structures worksheet. Partner project on an economic project. If you are gone this day you will have to work alone on the project. Get directions from me. Turn in Tucker Question.
Thur. 3/2 -- Notes on market failure. What are the different types of market failure. Project using newspapers and defining market failures.
Fri. 3/3 -- Monopolies and market failure.
Mon. 2/27 -- Correct "Challenges to Farming" Feed the Future assignment DUE. Lecture notes on Von Thunen model of agricultural markets (p. 378-379) in the text book. I handed out the review for the test this coming Friday.
Tue. 2/28 -- Strategies to increase world food supply. Watch TED talk "Four Fish we are Overeating" by Paul Greenberg. Begin a reading notes/chart on different methods to increase food production. This assignment will continue into Wednesday. p. 380-387
Wed. 3/1 -- Continue to look at ways to increase food production and to decrease the amount of wasted food. Issues of sustainability.
Thur. 3/2 -- Review day for the test.
Fri. 3/3 -- Test on agriculture with some review on food taboo (chapter 4) and types of density (chapter 2). NOTEBOOK #8 DUE. NO ESSAY ON THE TEST
AP Art History
Mon. 2/27 -- Introduction of Impressionism -- style sheet. Activity with paintings and style discussion. Begin video n the Impressionists.
Tue. 2/28 -- Video on the Impressionists. Begin lecture notes.
Wed. 3/1 -- Lecture notes on the Impressionists and Post impressionists.
Thur. 3/2 -- Symbolism and Fin-De Siecle culture -- Internet research.
Fri. 3/3 -- Review day for the test.
Mon. 3/6 -- Test on Later Europe and America. Notebook #8 DUE.
Mon. 2/27 -- Begin movie: "Tucker and Man and His Dreams" Writing assignment handed out on the movie. Students will choose one of two questions and write a response.
Tue. 2/28 -- Finish Tucker. Homework: Question due tomorrow.
Wed. 3/1 -- Finish Economic Structures worksheet. Partner project on an economic project. If you are gone this day you will have to work alone on the project. Get directions from me. Turn in Tucker Question.
Thur. 3/2 -- Notes on market failure. What are the different types of market failure. Project using newspapers and defining market failures.
Fri. 3/3 -- Monopolies and market failure.