Tuesday, January 23, 2018

January 23-26, 2018

AP Human Geography
Tue. 1/23 -- Go over the test.  Introduction to states notes.
Wed. 1/24 -- DVD "Inside North Korea" for about 15 minutes.  Then state theories -- you will get a handout about the Rimland and Heartland theories.  Finally a worksheet on the development of "states."  Early city-states to modern multi-ethnic states will be studied.
Thur. 1/25 -- Quick Grade of worksheet on the Development of States.  Ted Talk by Parag Khanna "Maps of Future Countries.  American Devolution activity with a small group.
Fri. 1/26 -- Soviet Union devolution.  Mini lecture and notes -- how to divide up the region around the Caucasus Mountains p. 272-273.  You have a map and get to design new countries.

Tue. 1/23 -- Go over the syllabus and policies.  Goods and Services Activity.  Interview 5 people about goods and services they have purchased in the last month.  Try and get five goods and five services from each person you interview.
Wed. 1/24 -- Get together with your group and go over the data.  Find the percentages of items purchased and then compare the real results to your hypothesis.  Share the results of your research.
Thur. 1/25 -- Begin Chapter 1.  Work with small groups on the vocabulary.  Each pair will have a vocabulary word/concept which they will explain to the entire class.  There is a vocabulary sheet to fill in and a puzzle for review.
Fri. 1/26 -- Finish vocab presentations.  Get to know you activity. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

January 16-19, 2018

AP Human Geography
Tue. 1/16 -- Table Challenge -- review day.  The test tomorrow has 60 questions. Approximately 44 have to do with Chapter 6 (Religion) and Chapter 7 (Ethnicity).  There are questions on Chapter 4 (Culture - vocab, define culture, folk vs popular culture, media) and Chapter 5 (Language - Indo-European family especially).  Study!! 
Wed. 1/17 -- Culture 2 Test; Notebook #6 DUE  I may move this to Finals if we are stressed for time.
Thur. 1/18 -- Finals periods 1,3,5 -- Shapes of States vocab -- fun project involving drawing and a really big piece of paper!
Friday 1/19 -- Final periods 2,4,6 -- Repeat

Tue. 1/16 -- Globalization presentations.  Each person will present the information they have discovered on globalization. 
Wed. 1/17 -- Review day and get notebook packets ready to turn in.
Thur. 1/18 -- No Economics today; Periods 1,3,5 meet
Fri. 1/19 -- Finals periods 2,4,6 -- ALL books due or fines will be issued.  Notebook packet #6 Due.
Test on international trade. 

Sunday, January 7, 2018

January 8-12, 2018

AP Human Geography
Mon. 1/8 -- Class time for projects on ethnic conflicts.  The assignment is posted on our Google Classroom page.  The presentations are all due on Wednesday 1/10, but only the Key Issue 3 presentations will go.  Presentations on Africa will be on 1/12 to break-up the time. 
Tue. 1/9 -- Ethnic Diversity in SW Asia.  Students will color a map of Iraq showing the different ethnic groups and complete a chart about SW Asia. p. 244-245 in the book. HW: Read pages 240-243 tonight.  Finish your presentation. Due tomorrow.
Wed. 1/10 -- Ethnic Conflict presentations due.  Students will have a note sheet to keep track of locations, ethnic groups and conflict types.  Today Lebanon, Sri Lanka, South Asia, Kurds.  HW: Reading on Kosovo.
Thur. 1/11 -- Worksheet on the Balkans.  Discuss Kosovo
Fri. 1/12 -- Presentations continue on Africa > Sudan, Somalia, Rwanda and the Congo.  If you have not read all of Key Issue 3 and Key Issue 4 you need to read it this weekend.  The test is on Wednesday 1/17.  Remind me to hand out Chapter 7 review sheets :)

Mon. 1/8 -- About 10 minutes to finish the Trade T-charts on protection vs Free Trade. Review vocabulary and introduce trade history with notes on Trade History.  Mini-projects on issues before the WTO. 
Tue. 1/9 -- Complete the WTO presentations.  Read pages 492-493 on international trade groups.  Scavenger hunt on trade facts with a partner.  Yes the first 4 teams that have all of the answers right will get a prize. 
Wed. 1/10 -- QZ: Chapters 17 open note quiz (see notes on the board to help you prepare). When you finish the quiz you will complete the worksheet on Economic Development p. 522-529 in the text. Due BOP on Thursday. 
Thur. 1/11 -- Grade Economic Development worksheet.  Introduce discussion on Globalization -- What are HDC an LDC countries.  How do we measure development?  Watch Crash Course Economics #16 on Globalization, Trade and Poverty.  Look for an idea you would like to research more about.  Break into small groups for research. 
Fri. 1/12 -- Finish research and build slide shows for presentations.  Begin presentations.