Monday, September 19, 2011

September 19-23

Monday 9/19 -- Turned in maps of the physical environment of Russia and the Republics.  As a class we worked through the Russia and environment worksheet and 1-12 of the review slides.
Tuesday 9/20 -- Finished 13-20 on slides.  Turned in Russia and the Environment assignment.  Did history of Russia worksheet.  Watched the end of the video from last Thursday.
Wednesday 9/21 -- Review for test, test review sheet handed out to students.  REMEMBER to study for the test.  There is no class on Thursday.
Friday 9/23 -- Unit TEST on Europe and Russia and the Republics. (Test moved from Wednesday to Friday)

Monday 9/19 -- Finished the demand project.  Student partners completed the economics mystery assignment based on brand-name products.  See Ms. Fenton for project make-up.
Tuesday 9/20 -- Notes on elastic and inelastic demand.  What are the determinants of demand elasticity?  p. 112-113, main ideas 17-20, 22,24  and Critical Thinking, 25
Wednesday 9/21 -- Correct p. 112-113 (yesterday).  Notes on Chapter 5.  Make up read p. 117-123, p. 125 questions 2, 3, 7.
Thursday (2nd) Friday (6th) -- Complete the reading guide worksheet for Chapter 6 (skit #8).  This assignment may be used on the open note quiz on Monday the 26th.  Completed skits on various price factors to review the assignment.  There is not make-up for the skit. 
Ancient Medieval
Monday 9/19 --  Map of Greece and Timeline.  Looked at a powerpoint slide presentation on images from Greece related to the mapping assignment.  Map and Timeline due.
Tuesday 9/20  --Notes on the Minoan culture, Copy from a classmate. 
Wednesday 9/21 -- What is the difference between inference and conjecture? Discussion.  Complete the directions on the top of the Minoan Civilization notes.  Watch a video "Minotaur Island"  list 10 new pieces of information on the Minoans.
Thursday 9/22 -- Correct homework on the Mycenaeans (p. 123-126) Take the map Quiz on Greece.  Student groups completed a map of Mycenae diagraming the city and taking notes on the major features (Grave Circle A, Lion Gate, Treasury of Atreus and Megaron.  Look up the five underlined terms (on-line) and take four bullet notes on each to make up the assignment.

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