Ancient Medieval
Mon. 3/25 - DVD on the Great Wall and the Qin Emperor Tomb. Legacies paper (75 points) DUE
Tue. 3/26 -- Worksheet on Han China, compare Han China to Rome chart
Wed. 3/27 -- Review for Test
Thur. 3/28 -- Test over China and India. This will be the last assignment counting on the third quarter. Notebook #3 DUE.
Fri. 3/29 -- [Pep Assembly Schedule] DVD from the PBS series Empires: Islam. We will be watching a shorter section than usual due to the schedule.
Mon. 3/25-- Review for the SW Asia Test
Tue. 3/26 -- SW Asia Test. Fun facts about Africa :)
Wed. 3/27 -- Map on the physical features of Africa. We will color the climate zones and answer some questions about the environment.
Thur. 3/28 -- Questions on the Sahel. p. 424-427. Powerpoint on the regions of Africa.
Fri. 3/29 -- [Pep Assembly Schedule] DVD on Morocco
Art History
Mon. 3/25 -- Lecture on Impressionism. Notes for notebook, looking at styles.
Tue. 3/26 -- Japan and Impressionism. Looking at Ukioye prints.
Wed. 3/27 -- Video on Impressionism, there are notes to take. Art Cards 58-68 are DUE these are the cards on Realism and Impressionism.
Thur. 3/28 -- Open note quiz on Impressionism; Round Robin Activity on Post-Impressionism.
Fri. 3/29 -- [Pep Assembly Schedule] -- Fast Paced lecture on Post-Impressionism. I am sorry to say I didn't know about the pep assembly when I planned this day, but we will forge on. After all there are only a few P-I people.
Mon. 3/25 - DVD on the Great Wall and the Qin Emperor Tomb. Legacies paper (75 points) DUE
Tue. 3/26 -- Worksheet on Han China, compare Han China to Rome chart
Wed. 3/27 -- Review for Test
Thur. 3/28 -- Test over China and India. This will be the last assignment counting on the third quarter. Notebook #3 DUE.
Fri. 3/29 -- [Pep Assembly Schedule] DVD from the PBS series Empires: Islam. We will be watching a shorter section than usual due to the schedule.
Mon. 3/25-- Review for the SW Asia Test
Tue. 3/26 -- SW Asia Test. Fun facts about Africa :)
Wed. 3/27 -- Map on the physical features of Africa. We will color the climate zones and answer some questions about the environment.
Thur. 3/28 -- Questions on the Sahel. p. 424-427. Powerpoint on the regions of Africa.
Fri. 3/29 -- [Pep Assembly Schedule] DVD on Morocco
Art History
Mon. 3/25 -- Lecture on Impressionism. Notes for notebook, looking at styles.
Tue. 3/26 -- Japan and Impressionism. Looking at Ukioye prints.
Wed. 3/27 -- Video on Impressionism, there are notes to take. Art Cards 58-68 are DUE these are the cards on Realism and Impressionism.
Thur. 3/28 -- Open note quiz on Impressionism; Round Robin Activity on Post-Impressionism.
Fri. 3/29 -- [Pep Assembly Schedule] -- Fast Paced lecture on Post-Impressionism. I am sorry to say I didn't know about the pep assembly when I planned this day, but we will forge on. After all there are only a few P-I people.