Monday, January 27, 2014

January 27-31, 2014

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 1/27 -- Books will be handed out.  Comparison between the Minoans and Mycenaeans.  We will make a chart [location, excavator, city, two vocab words, three cultural details].  We will watch "Minotaur Island" and "Engineering an Empire: Greece" to take notes and fill in the comparison chart.  Brief discussion/summary. HW: Cultures of the Mountains and Sea p. 123-126
Tue. 1/28 -- Group project on Mycenae.  Make a map of the city and label the Lion Gate, megaron, Grave circle A and the Treasury of Atreus.
Wed. 1/29 -- PowerPoint on the Iron Age of Greece (notes). Review for the map quiz on Greece.
Thur. 1/30 -- QZ: Greece map. Reading from Lycurgus: Sparta.  Partner project to compare Sparta and Athens. (p. 128-131) * Cyberbulling lesson for 3rd period.  Slight alteration of schedule.
Fri/ 1/31 -- Introduce the Persian war.  Map on the expansion of the Persian empire and some questions on kings and culture. (p. 99-103) You will need a map if you are absent.

Mon. 1/27 -- Finish vocabulary presentations.  Vocabulary puzzle on the chapter.  Work on Economic systems chart.
Tue. 1/28 -- Bartering simulation -- Class members will have a role and then we will barter for items, adding money into the system to make the bartering easier.  Economic systems chart DUE
Wed/ 1/29 -- QZ: Chapter 1 vocabulary (matching). PowerPoint on Capitalism and Communism. Reading page 38 to examine the advantages and disadvantages of different economic systems.
Thur. 1/30 -- Video: "Emerging Powers: China" with worksheet.  Discussion of blended economies.
Fri. 1/31 -- Library to research on the economy of a country.  Each student will have one country and will look up economic and government facts to compare the success of different economic systems.  The country research is DUE on Monday.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 22-24, 2014

Welcome to Second Semester

Ancient Medieval
Wed. 1/22 -- Hand out and review class policies and syllabus.  Take these home and let your parents review them.  The half piece of paper attached (purple) should be signed and returned.  Class activity about the characteristics of civilization.  You will have to make a copy from a friend if you are absent. Label and place in notebook. A 1-inch notebook is required for class.
Thur. 1/23 -- Introduction to the time periods of Greece.  Complete a map of Greece and a timeline of Greek history.  Due on Friday.
Fri. 1/24 -- Lecture/discussion on the Minoans.  We will look at pictures from Crete and try to learn about the Minoans. Historians have not been able to translate linear A, so much of our understanding of the Minoans is from other sources and archaeology.  Complete notes/worksheet.

Wed. 1/22 -- Hand out and review class policies and syllabus. Take these home and let your parents review them. The half piece of paper attached (green) should be signed and returned.  Begin good and services project and collect your interview data.  Remember to interview 5 teens tonight about their buying habits.
Thur. 1/23 -- Get together in groups and compile your data.  Look at your hypothesis and write a conclusion, explanation and prediction.  Class discussion about data and writing.  Letter of introduction. 
Fri. 1/24 -- Books will be handed out today.  Vocabulary project for chapter 1.  Student teams (some solo in period 5) will work on vocabulary words from chapter 1.  They will make a simple poster and present these words to the class.  Vocab quiz coming on Wednesday 1/29.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 13-17, 2014

Welcome to Finals Week!

World Geography
Mon. 1/13 -- Review picture PowerPoint.  With the pictures we will make a list of the places we have studied, countries and regions.  Students will also complete the physical world review list and make a world physical map.{Rivers: Danube, Volga, Congo, Nile, Ganges, Chang Jiang Amazon.  bodies of Water: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, Mediterranean, Black Sea, Arabian sea, Caribbean Sea, Lake Baikal, Lake Victoria; Mountains: Alps, Himalayan, Andes; Deserts: Sahara, Andes; Islands: British Isles, West Indies, Java, and Places: Equator, Prime Meridian, Arabian Peninsula.C
Tue. 1/14 -- Review picture PowerPoint.  Cities review from the purple list I handed out.  We will match cities to countries and then play Bingo.
Wed. 1/15 -- Review picture PowerPoint.  Countries review from the purple list.  We will team up and review as many maps as possible in the class period.
Fri. 1/17 -- World Geography 4th period final is on Friday.  The final counts as 10% of the semester grade.  Study! Some nice websites are and  both have geography quizzes. 

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 1/13 -- Test review for the High Middle Ages test.  The test is material on Chapter 14.  We will do a quick comparison between the 12th Century Renaissance and the problems of the 14th century.
Tue. 1/14 -- Test on the High Middle Ages.  The essay is on the social changes of the 12th century from banks to universities.
Wed. 1/15 -- Final Review day -- Review game and test strategy discussion.
Thur. 1/16 -- Finals for periods 1,3,5 so that is 1st period!
Fri. 1/17 -- Finals for periods 2,4,6, so that is 6th period. 

Mon. 1/13 -- On Friday students read articles from National Geographic about resource issues ranging from human and animals (land) to energy and water. Students will be grouped by topic and will prepare and give presentations using the information from their reading.
Tue. 1/14 -- Watch "When children do the Work."  Discussion on the negatives of globalization.  Student partners will then create T-Charts showing the positives and negatives on global trade.  Use pages 501-518 if you are at home to complete.
Wed. 1/15 -- Test Review day
Thur. 1/16 -- Finals for periods 1,3,5 so that is 3rd period!
Fri. 1/17 -- Finals for periods 2,4,6, so that is 2nd period. See you early in the morning.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 6-10, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 1/6 -- Today we begin Australia! We start with a Australian vocab challenge (yes mate!) and then do the map of Australia and New Zealand. 
Tue. 1/7 -- Video "Australia revealed" with worksheet. 
Wed. 1/8 -- PowerPoint to review both Australia and New Zealand.  Introduce South Pacific regions -- notes using a graphic organizer.  Read pages 698-701 on human environment interaction. 
Thur. 1/9 -- Short video clip on islands and rising sea levels in the South Pacific.  Review for the last test on SE Asia and Oceania.
Fri. 1/10 -- Test on SE Asia and Oceania.  Discussion of the final.
NOTE the World Geography final will be on Friday 1/17.  It counts for 10% of the semester grade.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 1/6 -- Notes on the growth and government of England. Reading of the Magna Carta -- Discuss CBA paper assignment. HW: Reading pages 387-392 with worksheet.
Tue. 1/7 -- What changes are happening in Europe in the 12th century?  Discuss reading assignment.  What is social history?  We will begin a two day social history project where students will work in groups looking at the developments in Europe during the 12th-13th centuries (banking, agriculture, learning, growing cities and a middle class). Students will work in groups of 3 or 4 students.  
Wed. 1/8 -- Finish social history project.
Thur. 1/9 -- Disasters of the 14th century -- the church and the 100 years war.  Short video on Joan of Arc.
Fri. 1/10 -- Notes on the Black Death and video.  Yes another disaster of the 14th century.  Notebook #6 DUE.
Mon. 1/13 -- Test on the High Middle Ages:  The essay will focus on the 12th-13th century and social/economic changes of that time.

Mon. 1/6 -- Review ideas on trade -- Worksheet on Economic Development. 
Tue. 1/7 -- QZ: (open note) on trade, history and development.  You will need notes on comparative/absolute advantage. trade history and worksheet on economic development. What is Globalization?  Create a definition.  Read pages 501-507 do questions 2-6 on page 507.
Wed. 1/8 --DVD "People's Republic of Capitalism"  Create a web showing trade connections between China and the United States.
Thur. 1/9 -- International Trade groups (notes on the EU and NAFTA). News reading on US and trade negotiations in the future.
Fri. 1/10 -- Library to read about resource issues from National Geographic. This reading will be turned into a presentation to the class on Monday.