Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 17-21, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 11/17  -- Global Issues paper -- Day 1 -- I will carefully go through the requirements of the paper and bibliography.  Students will sign-up for topics and do one reading about their topic.  This paper is the state CBA on Human-Environment interaction.  It is due on Tuesday 11/25 by 3:30 P.M.  If you miss school this day, plan on coming in before or after school for help!
Tue. 11/18 -- Global Issues Day #2 -- Library for research
Wed. 11/19 -- 4th period -- Introduction to South Asia and map of South Asia.  5th period -- Global Issues Day #3 -- outline due. 
Thur. 11/20 -- 4th period --  Global Issues Day #3 -- outline due.  5th period -- Introduction to South Asia and map of South Asia.
Fri. 11/21 -- Global Issues Paper Day #4 -- this is the last school work day.  You will need to finish the paper at home.  It is due on Tuesday 11/25 by 3:30 p.m. The paper is worth 100 points.

Mon. 11/17 -- Catch up in room day, review for the test.
Tue. 11/18 -- Guest speaker -- Steve Scott, VP at DA Davidson in Kennewick.  He will show you how to analyze stocks using a sheet of valueline data. 
Wed. 11/19 -- Review day 2
Thur. 11/20 -- Test on Banking and Finance
Fri. 11/21 -- Notes on GDP and GNP, continent maps.  If you are going to be gone pick up a map and set of directions.  Briefly you will choose 10 countries on your map (pick up a map)  and look  up the per capita GDP, televisions/thousand and life expectancy male.  Make a table on the back of the map.  Color the countries according to the per capita GDP -- Above 40,000 = BLUE; 40,000-30,000 = RED; 30,000-20,000 = Yellow; 20,000-10,000 - Green; 10,000-5,000 = Purple and less than 5,000 = Orange

Art History
Mon. 11/17 -- Cathedral Project Day 1 -- library to work on PowerPoint.  AC 55-60 DUE today. -- Romanesque period.
Tue. 11/18 -- Lecture on Gothic Art and regional art styles. 
Wed. 11/19 -- Library Day 2 for the PowerPoint 
Thur. 11/20 -- History of the High Middle Ages.  Lecture on the High Middle Ages and the disasters of the 14th Century.
Fri. 11/21 -- Discussion on the regional styles of Gothic.  Lecture (short) on Late Gothic Art.  Maybe a little bit of a video -- PowerPoint on Cathedrals due.

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