Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Jan. 4-8, 12016

Welcome to 2016!
Changes in RED (Snow Day) 

AP Human Geography
Mon. 1/4 -- Grade CRQ Essays on Malthus and Religious Distribution. Review test on Religion from December.
Tue. 1/5 -- New calendars. Intro to Ethnicities from Key 1; Assignment using U.S. Census to look at scale of ethnic distributions in the U.S.
Wed. 1/6 -- PP notes on history of ethnic distributions in the U.S. HW: Read p. 238-239 on Nationalism (with short worksheet); 6th period was not able to finish notes. Do the Nationalism worksheet, but Quiz Moved to Friday. 
Thur. 1/7 -- QZ: vocabulary from K1-2. (moved to Friday)  Group projects on Ethnic Conflicts.  We will have two days in the library - any other work will be done at home.  6th period some notes before going to the library. Due 1/13. HW:STUDY for Key Issue 1-2 vocabulary quiz. 
Fri. 1/8 -- QZ Key Issue 1-2 for chapter 7. Library -- Ethnic conflict projects;  HW: News article on taking Ramadi. Read with visible thinking notes -- Questions, ? Wow !  Circles -- Vocab

Ancient Medieval 
Mon 1/4 -- Crusades notes (worksheet with a lecture)
Tue. 1/5 -- DVD "Kingdom of Heaven"
Wed. 1/6 -- DVD "Kingdom of Heaven"  (Short day, ice)
Thur. 1/7 -- Finish DVD on "Kingdom of Heaven". Graphic Organizer on the Crusades -- Vocab review for quiz. Quizlet>Jonniefenton> church and crusades vocab.
Fri. 1/8 --  Quiz on church and Crusade vocabulary Notes from King to Parliament in England and the Magna Carta.  Students will read a section of the Magna Carta and identify parts that protect rights we still honor today.

Mon. 1/4 -- Read lesson 1 on absolute and comparative advantage p. 494-499. Lecture notes on trade.  Why do we trade anyway?
Tue. 1/5 -- Graphic organizer on ways to limit trade.  Students will use pages 501-505 to identify reasons for protection and free trade.  Each topic will have a graphic element.
Wed. 1/6 -- History of Trade (notes) and readings on WTO disputes.  Small group work.
Thur. 1/7 -- WTO presentations.  How does the WTO settle disputes? Complete the Currency converter and discuss the importance of exchange rates in trade. Currency Converter will be homework. 
Fri. 1/8 -- Qz: Trade history (open note); DVD   Tied at the Hip -- U.S.-China trade.  Notes will be taken with the DVD and turned in.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

December 14-18, 2015

AP Human Geography
Mon. 12/14 -- Presentations on religious organization (Key 3). Students will take notes on other presentations.
Tue. 12/15 -- Religious conflicts -- Notes, Reading p. 212-221, students will take their own notes on the section.
Wed. 12/16 -- Lecture on religious conflict in the Middle East including ISIS and north Africa.
HW: Review Chapter 6 for quiz.
Thur. 12/17 -- QZ: Chapter 6. Notebook #5 DUE (Chapter 6 Religion) Begin presentations on holidays.
Fri. 12/18 -- Finish presentation on holidays.

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 12/14 -- Review for Early Medieval Test.
Tue. 12/15 -- Early Medieval Test
Wed. 12/16 -- Age of Faith Notes, start cathedral histories
Thur. 12/17 -- Mini-project on Cathedrals,  Begin DVD "Cathedral"
Fri. 12/18 -- Finish DVD "Cathedral"

Mon. 12/14 -- Inflation mini-lecture, notes.  Inflation skits. p. 376, notes.
Tue. 12/15 -- Library -- Looking up the economic data for a country.  "Where would you like to live."
Wed. 12/16 -- PP notes on unemployment.  Cartoon on the five types of unemployment.  What do unemployment numbers mean?
Thur. 12/17 -- Review Economic policy
Fri. 12/18 -- Test on Economic policy. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

December 7-11, 2015

AP Human Geography
Mon. 12/7 -- We will look at a quick powerpoint  on the origin/hearths of various religions.  The assignment will be for a trio of students to make graphic organizers on the origins and major branches of Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.  Each member will complete one graphic organizer. The graphic organizers will be due Wednesday 12/9.
Tue. 12/8 -- Intro discussion and review on the hearths of various religions.  Students will complete maps showing the diffusion of these religions from their hearth to their current geographic distribution.
Wed. 12/9 -- Graphic Organizer is DUE,  Quiz on Key Issue 1 -2 on chapter 6.  It will be a multiple choice quiz.  We will begin a cooperative research project on the organization and space of various religions.  Each group member will have a specific task to complete.  We will work Wednesday and Thursday on this project. This will be DUE on Monday, 12/14
Thur. 12/10-- Time to finish project
Fri. 12/11 -- Chris Butler will be in the room to show us how to use your google accounts to work together on a presentation.  We will start with a simple presentation on religious holidays that will work in conjunction with our research into religious organization.  This powerpoint type presentation will be due next Thursday and Friday.

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 12/7 -- Lecture notes on Christendom.  Finish a few items on castles -- offense and defense strategies.
Tue. 12/8 --   Begin unit on Japan with a quick research project.  Brainstorm a list of ideas about Japan.  What is something you would like to know a little more about?  Go to the library and write a research letter about a topic in ancient or medieval Japanese history.
Wed. 12/9 -- Qz: Feudalism and Knights.  Introductory lecture on Japan with a little map. Notes.
Thur. 12/10 -- Video: "Memoirs of a Secret Empire" from the PBS Empires series.  We will watch the rise of Tokugawa.  Notes.
Fri. 12/11 -- Comparing Japan and Feudal Europe.  Notebook #5 Due.  Review sheets out.  We have a unit test on Tuesday, 12/15

Mon. 12/7 -- Corporation project OR HSBP. Library
Tue. 12/8 -- Corporation project OR HSBP. Library  Both projects are DUE today by 4 p.m.
Wed. 12/9 -- Review Keynes, out-put expenditure model, and CPI.  Quiz on Keynes -- this includes a bit more than Keynes and is multiple choice.  You will need to study the diagram we made in class on the out-put expenditure model! Read the notes.  Notes on demographic trends in the U.S.
Thur. 12/10/ -- ECE #2 DUE (it is worth 45 points).  Video on brain hubs from the federal reserve and a partner assignment using the chromebooks.
Fri. 12/11 -- Pages 366-371.  Questions on the LEI and business cycles.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

November 30-December 4, 2015

AP Human Geography
Mon. 11/30 -- Review countries and physical features for the Map Final.
Tue. 12/1 -- Review cities and countries for the Map Final
Wed. 12/2 --  Snow Day -- Change of plans -- Lecture -- Distribution of Religions.
Thursday 12/3 -- Substitute while I go to AVID training in Walla Walla.  Map Final -- There are 100 questions and each will be worth 1/2 point for a test total of 50 points.  There are approximately 10 picture questions, 15 physical features, 45 countries to find, and 30 cities to match.  You will have 55 minutes. I am willing to stay 10 minutes into lunch and 10 minutes after school. With a sub you will skip questions 1-10 and we will do them on Friday.
If there is another snow day -- Test on Friday.
Fri. 12/4 -- Go over the test on culture and language. Homework on Key Issue 1 from Chapter 6. Worksheet title "Distribution of religions" DUE Monday beginning of the period.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 11/30 -- Video on Vikings (about 30 minutes).  Readings on Vikings.  Six Summary/fact sentences and 2 sentences about what you found most interesting.  One is required, a second is for extra credit.
Tue. 12/1 -- Feudalism pyramid.  Reading p. 360-361, draw a Medieval manor (8 parts with labels) and write 6 sentences about life on the manor.  Do you copy out of the book.
Wed. 12/2 -- Lecture on knights and castles.  Vocab for quiz the following week. Pictures of Castles.
Thur. 12/3 --  Substitute while I go to AVID training in Walla Walla.  Castle Diagrams. You will work with a partner to create a diagram of a historic castle.  the assignment includes 5 details of the castle's history.
Fri. 12/4 -- More on castles, Reading on castles and sieges, How do you attack a castle and how do you defend?

Mon. 11/30 -- Corporation project (powerpoint) or HSBP -- Library
Tue. 12/1 -- Corporation project (powerpoint) or HSBP -- Library   This project is due 12/8.
Wed. 12/2 -- Read p. 440 on Keynes. Diagrams on the output-expenditure model, Video on Keynes.  This is a really bad day to miss!  We have an entire Keynes quiz.
Thur. 12/3 --   Substitute while I go to AVID training in Walla Walla. Write definitions for GDP and GNP. Color code maps to show GDP around the world.
Fri. 12/4 -- What is GDP and CPI -- using the BEA (Bureau of Economic Anaylsis) and learning about the CPI (Consumer Price Index)  Chromebooks in class.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

November 23-25, 2015

We have an early release on Wednesday and a few days off to celebrate Thanksgiving.  Have a nice rest. 

AP Human Geography
Mon. 11/23 -- Review for the Culture unit test.  I will hand out review sheets for Chapter 4 Culture and Chapter 5 Languages.  We will work in groups to create test questions to review and then take the class created test.
Tue. 11/24 -- Culture test.  The test is 55 questions long.  about 21 questions come from chapter 4 and 22 come from chapter 5.  Approximately 12 are review questions from chapters 1-3.  There is no essay question, just the multiple choice questions.
Wed. 11/25 -- Notebook #4 DUE.  Go over the Lingua Franca question.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 11/23 -- Video on the Dark Ages.  Diagram of St. Galls monastery with the parts color coded by function.
Tue. 11/24 -- Lecture on Charlemagne.  Quiz on Germanic tribes -- there is a vocabulary list to study.  Look under my name jonniefenton. The quiz is fill-in-the-blank with a word bank.
Wed. 11/24 -- Video on the Vikings

Mon. 11/23 -- Review for test on Banking and Finance
Tue. 11/24 -- Test on Banking and Finance.  The "essay" is a portfolio financial plan with a pie graph and explanation.
Wed. 11/25 -- TBA  

Sunday, November 15, 2015

November 16-20, 2015

AP Human Geography
Mon. 11/16 -- Video clip "The history of English in 10 minutes"  Notes on the video and the 10 chapters of English language history.  Map of the diffusion of English.
Tue. 11/17 -- Lecture on diffusion of English and dialects.  Website with different types of American English.  Notes.
Wed. 11/18 --  Quiz on Chapter 5-- Key issues 1-2. Video: In Search of the First Language. Questions with the video. 
Thur. 11/19 -- Why Preserve Local Languages, Key Issue 4, reading and worksheet. There is a small introductory Powerpoint.
Fri. 11/20 -- Global Dominance of English -- Lecture (about 25 minutes).   If you are absent read pp. 172-177.  What is a Lingua Franca?  HW: Write a CRQ response to the 2015 AP question on language. 

Ancient Medieval
Mon 11/16 -- Finish Mongol Project.  Review Russia.  Review sheet for the test will be handed out.
Tue. 11/17 -- Review for the unit exam.
Wed. 11/18 -- Islam and the East Exam. Chapter 10-11.  Notebook #4 DUE.
Thur. 11/19 -- Reading pages 353-354, Map of Europe in 500 A.D. on p. 351, notes on Germanic tribes including the Franks.
Fri. 11/20 -- Monastaries in the Middle Ages, reading p. 353-355. Illuminated manuscripts with a short PowerPoint.

Mon. 11/16 -- Lecture on stocks and investing.  Review different types of investments from the 3-pocket organizer.
Tue. 11/17 -- What is important to keep in mind while investing?  Review the five basic investment considerations, complete an investment plan pie.
Wed. 11/18 -- Stock Research -- Each student will get a section of the NYSE and will do some research on stocks in their sections.  Stock research worksheet -- Chromebooks in class.
Thur. 11/19 -- Stock Profile. -- In depth research on a stock from your set from the previous day.  Written profile and research -- Library
Fri. 11/20 -- Finish stock research -- Project due on Friday -- worth 50 points. I will have the review sheets available for the exam on the coming Tuesday 11/24.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

November 9-13, 2015

I apologize for the blog posting being late this week.  I have been sick with bad cold.

AP Geography
Mon. 11/9 -- Introduction to Language -- Chapter 5.  Some notes and definitions.  Begin research project on language families.  Small student groups are researching different language families to create a presentation for the class.
Tue. 11/10 -- Continue research -- presentations on Thursday.
Wed. 11/11 -- Thank you Veteran's for your Service.
Thur. 11/12 -- Presentations,  If we have time a little of "In Search of the First Language." National Geographic video.
Fri. 11/13 -- Africa Map

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 11/9 -- Finish project poster on Legacies of Byzantium.  Begin presentations.
Tue. 11/10 -- Finish presentations.  Qz on Byzantium.  Worksheet on the Russian Empire. p. 307-311. Due on Thursday.
Wed. 11/11 -- Thank you Veteran's for your Service.
Thur. 11/12 -- Reading: Primary Chronicle,  Powerpoint notes on Russian History.  Engineering an Empire -- Russia. DVD.
Fri. 11/13 -- Mini poster project with a partner on the Mongols.  If you are absent get a copy of the directions.  We will look at the history, culture and rule of the Mongol Khanate in Russia.

Mon. 11/9 -- Tools of Monetary policy lecture.  Video on the Federal Reserve "The Power of Money."
Tue. 11/10 -- Quiz -- open note on banking and the Federal Reserve.  Worksheet on the financial system using graphic organizer format.
Wed. 11/11 -- Thank you Veteran's for your Service.
Thur. 11/12 -- Three-pocket organizer on financial asset types.  Student pairs will read about assets, make cards, and assign risk levels to the types of assets. Current Event #1 DUE. 
Fri. 11/13 -- Risk Assessment //  DUE today.  Finish Three- Pocket organizer.

Monday, November 2, 2015

November 2-6, 2015

AP Human Geography
Mon. 11/2 -- Read p. 122-125.  Powerpoint of different styles of houses in the U.S. Use the test p. 124 to complete the map of diffusion of US house styles.  The map has a small jpeg of the first three house styles.  You will draw the lines of diffusion, figure 4-25.  Look at the other types of houses on page 125.  Use the picture you took of your house and write a 5 sentence description of your home.  Include the materials.
Tue. 11/3 -- Read p. 132-133 -- Amish and Indian folk culture.  Video on the Aborigines of Australia -- questions with the video.  HW: Study key issues 1-2 on chapter 4 for the quiz.
Wed. 11/.4 -- Quiz on Key Issues 1-2 on Chapter 4 Diffusion and Access notes
Thur. 11/5 --  Graphic Organizer on Sustainability issues for popular cultures.  HW: Study for the Asia map quiz.  This includes both Asia and SW Asian maps.
Fri. 11/6 -- Quiz on Asia.  Map Final information.

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 11/2 -- Finish map on the spread of Islam.  Slide show on Islamic Art.  Map is due today.
Tue. 11/3 -- Contributions of Islamic Culture p. 274-279.  Write two sentences about 7 topics from the section.  The project needs three graphic elements.  If absent you will probably want to see the sample on the board.
Wed. 11/4 -- Map of Constantinople.  Begin "Engineering an Empire" notes
Thur. 11/5 -- Finish map of Constantinople with DVD notes as additions.  Lecture notes on Byzantium.
Fri. 11/6 -- Begin 2-day project on Byzantine legacies -- group poster work.  We will present on Monday the 9th.

Mon. 11/2 --  Money and Monetary Systems worksheet.
Tue. 11/3 -- Modern Marvels video on the U.S. Mint.  questions with the video.
Wed. 11/4 -- Grade Money and Monetary systems worksheet.  Powerpoint on bank history.  The timeline needs 12 events with -- 5 need added descriptions of why they are significant.
Thur. 11/5 -- Finish the timeline.  Watch "Your Bank has Failed" from 60 Minutes.
Fri. 11/6 -- Fed structure and responsibilities chart.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

October 26-30, 2015

AP Human Geography
Mon. 10/26 -- Go over the unit 2 test on Population and Migration.  Introduction to culture notes.
Tue. 10/27 -- Culture research -- Students will be divided into three groups and each person will take part of a project.  We will use Culturegrams to find out information about the material traits,, customary beliefs and social forms of one culture. If absent pick up a set of directions with the website information.
Wed. 10/28 -- Quick activity on material culture.  Students will be given a cultural item and will have to figure out where it is from and what it means.  In-Class reading on Key Issue 1-2 of chapter 4 on Culture.  There is a reading note sheet to complete.
Thur. 10/29 -- Complete the reading guide.  Activity today is on food -- vocabulary food taboo and tenoir.  We will try some samples of ethnic foods.
Fri. 10/30 -- Notebook #3 DUE. Asia Map Day! Map #6, This will probably turn into homework.  HW: Take a picture of your house for Monday's activity on housing!

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/26 -- Complete a comparison on Rome and China (with the class).  Review sheet on the Asian Empires unit.
Tue. 10/27 -- Review game and TEST on Asian Empires, Notebook #3 DUE.
Wed. 10/28 -- Introduction to Islam -- "Islam: Empires of Faith" DVD with notes on the founding of Islam and the life of Mohamed.
Thur. 10/29 -- Rise of Islam worksheet.  Vocabulary review game.
Fri. 10/30 -- Qz. on Islam vocabulary.  Begin the map on the expansion of Islam.

Mon. 10/26 -- Video on how to read graphs from the FRBSF.  Worksheet using local and state revenue and expenditures and graphs.
Tue. 10/27 -- Read pages 417-422 and take really good notes!  Use the notes on an open-note quiz on the National Debt.
Wed. 10/28 -- Review day for Labor and Government Unit,
Thur. 10/29 -- Labor and Government Test. Chapters 9 and 14.
Fri. 10/30 -- Scavenger Hunt on Money facts.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

October 19-23, 2015

If you are in MARCHING BAND or have another pre-arranged school absence -- talk to be before you go!

AP Human Geography
Mon. 10/19 -- Class creation of a timeline about the migration crisis in Europe.  We will look at push and pull factors and what is being done to handle the thousands of migrants.  Students will read a news story and make a section of the timeline to contribute to the class.  If you are absent: Read the news on the migration crisis in Europe.  has excellent coverage. We also read three migration stories.  I have copies. 
Tue. 10/20 -- Mini-lecture with notes on migration/borders.  Complete the worksheet on the U.S. -Mexico border and immigration.  
Wed. 10/21 -- Review unit 2 -- chapters 2 and 3
Thur. 10/22 -- Unit 2: Population and Migration test.  There are 38 multiple choice questions and one short essay. 
Fri. 10/23 -- Map Day #5 -- SW Asia

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/19 -- Finish Hinduism and Buddhism poster.  Quiz on the three religions we have studies so far -- Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism.  
Tue. 10/20 -- Notes on the history of China. -- Chinese zodiac and characters. Poster on Hinduism and Buddhism DUE. 
Wed. 10/21 -- DVD: "Engineering and Empire: China"  We will take notes similar to our Roman Engineering -- sketches of the Great Wall and the tomb at Xian and written notes from the DVD.  
Thur. 10/22 -- Review Chinese philosophies -- write school rules according to each philosophical stance (there is a chart to complete).  Then watch about 20 minutes of a biography on Confucius -- take additional notes. 
Fri. 10/23 -- Worksheet on Han China.

Mon 10/19 -- Presentations on tax cartoons and discuss the meaning of the words.   Tax chart notes on different types of taxes -- applying the vocabulary to the real world of taxes.  
Tue. 10/20 -- Quiz tax vocabulary, chapter 14, lesson 1. Finish tax chart on different types of taxes and turn that in.  Make a chart comparing/contrasting the Flat Tax and VAT tax -- p. 406-407. Describe both types of taxes and write two pros and two cons for each. 
Wed. 10/21 -- Handout on the Federal Budget.  DVD; IOU USA. -- on the Federal Debt. 
Thur. 10/22 -- Library research on the Budget.  Student teams will research different parts of the discretionary budget to look at how money is spent.  They will collect information on a sheet to use in a class meeting to cut the budget. 
Fri. 10/23 -- Mini-Congress and budget cutting. This is a class activity.  If you are absent see me about an alternative assignment.  

Sunday, October 11, 2015

October 12-16, 2015

AP Human Geography
Mon. 10/12 -- Worksheet on Key Issue 1 -- Migration basics -- Migration history map for the U.S.
Notebook #2 DUE
Tue. 10/13 -- Obituary Activity -- Students will look at obituaries and find the birth and death locations of 12 people.  For each person complete the data on the chart.  Age, birth place, death place. Students will then use a map of the U.S. to plot the internal migration patterns.
Wed. 10/14 -- Powerpoint notes on Migration, Key Issue 2.  Review pages 79-91 tonight for a vocabulary quiz on Thursday.
Thur. 10/15 -- Vocab QZ on Key Issues 1-2 for chapter 2 on migration. Reasons for migration -- short activity and video.
Fri. 10/16 -- QZ. Europe and Russia map (same format as the American's quiz).  Begin Mapping the Refugee Crisis activity from Brown University.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/12 -- Review for Rome test
Tue. 10/13 -- Rome Test
Wed. 10/14 -- Introduction to India.  Notes on the early history of India and the foundation religions.  Worksheet on the Indus River Valley -- p. 44-49 in the textbook.
Thur. 10/15 -- Team poster project on Hinduism and Buddhism.  If you miss one day you can join a group.  If you miss two days you will do the alternative assignment.  Poster due on Monday the 19th.
Fri. 10/16 -- Day two on the poster.

Mon. 10/12 -- Mini-lecture on union history.  Video notes on "Striking Back" history of labor activities in the mid 1940's.  How do we see unions today?
Tue. 10/13 -- Worksheet on Unions and Wage Theory.  The worksheet has questions where you conduct an interview with someone about their job. Decide which theory of wages is most reflected in that job's salary and benefits.
Wed. 10/14 -- Collective Bargaining Simulation.  If absent:  Current event summary on a union action.
Thur. 10/15 -- Open note QZ on sections 9.1-9.2.  Read pages 259-265, chapter 9, lesson 3.  On p. 265 do questions 1-6 -- these are the section review questions.
Fri. 10/16 -- Taxation Basics Chapter 14, section 1.  Tax vocabulary and tax cartoons. p. 400-405. We will partner up and make political cartoons out of the tax vocabulary for this lesson.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

October 5-9, 2015

AP Human Geography
Mon. 10/5 -- Reading in class on Ebola.  Worksheet on the stages of the Epidemiologic transition.  The stages are fairly similar to the DT model.
Tue. 10/6 -- DVD notes on "Population Paradox" part three on Africa.  We will look at various diseases in Africa and map there concentration and density. We will look for patterns.
Wed. 10/7 -- Students will use various sources within the text to complete a chart on factors contributing to health and life expectancy.  Students will predict which stage of the ET model different countries have achieved.
Thur. 10/8 -- Review chapter 2.  We will brainstorm a list of topics from chapter 2 using our notebooks as a guide.  Students will have about 30 minutes to take review notes on a 5X8 card as a study tool for the end-of-period quiz. 
Fri. 10/9 -- Map Day 4.  Russia and it's neighbors from the former Soviet Union.

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 10/5 -- Sharing from the reading activity on Rome.  Pax Romana worksheet p. 160-165.  If we have time we will watch a segment from Ben Hur on the hippodrome. Culture reading due.
Tue. 10/6 -- DVD "Engineering and Empire: Rome.  We will watch 3 segments from the episode on the Colloseum, Hadrian's Wall and the Pantheon.  Students will sketch each monument and write five bullet notes about it.
Wed. 10/7 -- The Rise of Christianity worksheet -- time line and questions.  The birth of Christianity happens during the early years of the Roman empire.  We will look at the overlap of the two in history.
Thur. 10/8 -- Pax Romana lecture -- notes.  Graphic organizer on the Fall of Rome and the legacies of Rome.  If you are absent you will need to get a copy of the directions.  NOTEBOOK #2 is DUE.
Fri. 10/9 -- Finish the graphic organizer on Rome and discuss the fall of the Empire.  Words to know: Romulus Augustus, Constantine, Diocletian, Atilla, Huns, Eastern/Western Empire, Byzantium, Mercenaries, Inflation, Pax RomanaQZ: Fall of Rome (fill in the blanks).

Mon. 10/5 -- Market Failures: discuss and define.  Newspaper project where students will find real examples of market failure and then explain how these examples fit the definition.  Powerpoint on market failures.
Tue. 10/6 -- Library -- Regulatory Agency Internet Quest
Wed. 10/7 -- Review Day
Thur. 10/8 -- 1st (senior class meeting) 3rd review game day
Fri. 10/9 -- Microeconomics test.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

September 28- October 2 2015

AP Human Geography
Mon. 9/28 -- Reading pages 50-55, reading questions in class. Quick demonstration of and a homework assignment from the website.  Pick up questions and gapminder activity if absent.
HW: Gapminder activity.
Tue. 9/29 -- DVD "Population Paradox" section on India.  15 minutes.  Small group activity with population pyramids.  We will look at several pyramids and try to find trends and possibly identify countries with that pyramid.  HW: Map a CDR and CBR graph for Mexico and Sweden.  Data provided in class.  I will give graph paper or you can do the assignment on the computer.
Wed. 9/30 -- Lecture notes on the demographic transition model.  Questions on the Mexico and Sweden graphs and the DT model.
Thur. 10/1 -- TED talk: "Global Population, Box by Box" Watch it if you are absent. p. 58-63 Population trends.  We will divide up the topics and make little presentations in class.  If you are absent, read the section and take notes to make-up the assignment.
Fri. 10/2 -- Map Day -- Europe map. Map due by Monday.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 9/28 -- Introduction to Rome. Reading packet on the Roman Republic with questions.
Tue. 9/29 -- Simulation on the government of Rome.  p. 156/157 in text to read about the Republic.  We will have issues and solve them in the way of the ancient Republic.
Wed. 9/30 -- PowerPoint lecture on the growth of the Republic and transition to the Empire.  Roman Rulers handout. .
Thur. 10/1 -- Video on Julius Caesar -- make a timeline of Caesar's life.
Fri. 10/2 -- QZ: Roman History (open note); Jigsaw on Roman culture -- reading packets on Roman army, games, entertainment, family, religion.  Students will write short summaries on two packets. 

Mon 9/28 -- QZ: Chapter 6 reading. Competitive Structure worksheet.
Tue. 9/29 -- Movie: Tucker: A Man and his Dream  Video response question, due Friday.
Wed. 9/30 -- Finish movie:  Tucker: A Man and his Dream
Thur. 10/1 -- Partner project creating an Economic Model.  Pairs will choose a simple product and make a model listing inputs, with a supply and demand graph.  It also includes questions about elasticity and future growth.  Pick up a set of questions if absent.  You will be solo for homework.
Fri. 10/2 -- PowerPoint notes on monopolies.  Reading economic news.  DUE: Video response on Tucker.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

September 21-25, 2015

AP Human Geography
Mon. 9/21 -- Map of Latin America Due.  Review for the Chapter 1 unit test. I will hand out a review guide and we will do a review activity with groups.
Tue. 9/22 -  Chapter 1 Test.  There are 35 multiple choice question and one essay.
Wed. 9/23 -- Read introduction together, p. 45. Mapping worksheet on population concentrations. Comparison between arithmetic, physiological and agricultural density.  Notebook #1 DUE
Thur. 9/24 -- Explaining density challenges.  Review for North and South America map quiz.
Fri. 9/25 --  [Special schedule for PLC and Pep Assembly, 35 minute periods] Quiz over North and South America (yes countries, cities and physical features). Reading topographic maps.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 9/21 -- True/False Quiz on the Golden Age of Greece.  Worksheet on the Peloponessian War -- we will examine the geography of Athens and Sparta and look at the fighting of the war.
Tue. 9/22 -- Begin Hellenistic Greece project.  Students will be in groups of four and will examine different aspects of Alexander the Great and Hellenistic culture.  Groups will make a poster and do a presentation. Notebook #1 DUE
Wed. 9/23 -- Finish posters, do presentations
Thur. 9/24 -- Review for Greece test, Study tonight!
Fri. 9/25 -- [Special schedule for PLC and Pep Assembly, 35 minute periods] -- Greece Test.  I have modified the test to make sure we can finish in 35 minutes!

Mon. 9/21 -- Finish project on factors that affect demand.  Students will have completed interviews over the weekend and will compile their interview data.  Project due today. Go over Unit 1 test.  Read p. 100-101 Law of Demand and cell phones.
Tue. 9/22 -- Mini-lecture on demand elasticity. Get notes or read chapter 4, lesson 3 p. 114-119.
Questions p. 122-123  #1,3,6,9,11,15. Due end of the period, grade in class.
Wed. 9/23 -- Supply -- Mini-lecture on supply -- schedule and curve.  What factors affect supply? Video from Economics USA.  How does advertising make products more popular, affecting supply and demand.
Thur. 9/24 -- Reading guide for Chapter 6.  Read chapter 6 in class and complete the reading guide.  The guiding guide may be used for the open note quiz on Monday.
Fri. 9/25 -- [Special schedule for PLC and Pep Assembly, 35 minute periods] Skits on prices.
[Note: Open note quiz on prices on Monday 9/28]

Sunday, September 13, 2015

September 14-18, 2015

AP Human Geography
Mon. 9/14 -- Mini-reports on different examples of diffusion. Students will partner to find out information on different examples of diffusion.  There is a list of topics to choose from and a cart of chromebooks to use for research.  We will roll the dice to see who gets to present.
Tue. 9/15 -- PowerPoint on Sustainability ~ Key Issue 4 in Chapter 1.  Students will take notes on the PP.  At the end of the period we will look at USGS topographic maps for Richland, learning how to read contour lines, highways and terrain.  We will identify the highest point on the map and color a little.
Wed 9/16 -- Reading mark up on National Geographic article "Treading Water" about water issues in Florida.  Vocabulary review tonight for the quiz. Review Key Issues 3-4 p. 20-37 -- I will only quiz words we used in class -- worksheet, powerpoint, or discussion.
Thur. 9/17 -- QZ: Vocab p. 20-37. Quiet Reading, p. 36-37 -- Modifying the Environment the Netherlands and South Florida.  Discuss both examples of environmental change.  Watch Ted Talk ( on oceans "Save the Oceans, Feed the World!" by Jackie Savitz. Notes and graphic organizer sustainability and the Oceans.
Fri. 9/18 -- Map Day 2 -- Latin America.
HW: Weekend: Read chapter review p. 38-41.  Test on Tuesday 9/22

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 9/14 -- Watch DVD: "Engineering and Empire: Persia" Take notes on Persia.  Add to the notes on Persia about the Persian Wars with Greece.
Tue. 9/15 -- DVD: "The Last Stand of the 300" from the history channel.  We will note 12 reasons the Greeks manage to defeat Persia in a war, in spite of the relatively small Greek army.
Wed. 9/16 -- PowerPoint on the Golden Age of Greece. Reading p. 134-139 -- find the name of 10 famous Greeks and describe what they did.  Each description must be unique (you cannot write playwright 4 times or philosopher 3 times.
Thur. 9/17 -- Worksheet on the Parthenon.  Watch a DVD "Engineering an Empire: Greece" and add 5-6 additional notes about the Parthenon to the margins of the worksheet. Discuss Arete and Art.
Fri. 9/18 -- Greek Drama Masks.  Get a copy of the directions for make-up.
NOTE: T/F /Quiz on the Golden Age of Greece on Monday 9/21.

Mon. 9/14 -- Present country reports [They are DUE today, assigned on Thursday 9/10.]  Read p. 87-90 and discuss the goals in various economies.  Student groups of 2-3 will create a chart on Capitalism, Communism and Socialism ranking the importance of each goal in the economy.  They will explain the placement of their goals.
Tue. 9/15 -- Read p. 72-75 on the American Free Enterprise system.  Individual will create a graphic organizer on the characteristics of the AFE and the roles of the AFE model. Define consumer sovreignty.
Wed. 9/16 -- Review for Unit 1 test
Thur. 9/17 -- Unit 1 test
Fri. 9/18 -- Demand project.  We will take  some notes on demand and then create a questionnaire about factors affecting demand and quantity demand.  Make sure you grab a note sheet (to fill out) and can join a group for the work.

Monday, September 7, 2015

September 8-11, 2015

AP Human Geography

Tue. 9/8 --  Vocab list p. 14-18 -- Define: Place, location, site, situation, and toponym. Assignment on regions.  This is a ledger size piece of paper to pick up in class.  Finish the GIS map tonight.
Wed. 9/9 -- Book log-in handed out.  Finish the regions project.  Due: GIS map. Homework: Study vocabulary from Chapter 1, Key issues 1-2 p. 5-19.
Thur. 9/10 -- QUIZ: vocab p. 5-19. Key Issue 3.  Discuss and define Globalization.  How has the economy and culture experienced globalization? Project on space and diffusion. Vocab to learn: space, density, concentration, and pattern.  Draw a distribution of shapes that explains the above terms. Define each word. More diagrams on relocation and expansion diffusion.  There are directions in class.
Fri. 9/11 -- Map of the US and Canada. 

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 9/8 -- DUE: Cultures of Mountains and Seas worksheet p. 123-126.  Quick video to introduce the Mycenaeans.  Group project to make a map of Mycenae.
Wed. 9/9 -- Finish Mycenae map. PP notes on Iron Age Greece.
Thur. 9/10 -- Make a comparison chart of Athens and Sparta.  Review map for geogrpahy quiz on Friday. Read a small section of Lycurgus.
Fri. 9/11 -- Qz Geography of Greece.  Introduce Persia and work on map of Persia. 

Tue. 9/8 -- Barter simulation.  Types of economic systems chart -- traditional, market and command types of economic systems. 
Wed. 9/9 -- Vocabulary quiz on chapter 1 -- study the words from your Chapter 1 list.  PP notes on Mixed economic systems.  Read p. 44 --  Make a list of the disadvantages and provide one way the United States tries to minimize this disadvantage -- work with a partner.
Thur. 9/10 -- Country Research in the library.  Each student will have a different country to research follow the directions and use to find the answers.  Country research due Friday: 9/11
Fri. 9/11 -- Watch "Emerging Powers: China" complete the video watching guide.

Monday, August 31, 2015

September 1-4, 2015

AP Human Geography
Tue. 9/1 -- Syllabus and Class policies. Activity on the Five Themes of Geography and writing a description of Richland.  Please try to have syllabus letter signed by Friday, 9/4.
Wed. 9/2 -- Powerpoint on Map Projections.  Students will work with a set of maps in small groups to compare various projections. Chart due.  HW: Find a map that shows some data that you are interested in -- population, fire, power plants, chloropleth or cartogram.  DUE: Thur.
Thur. 9/3 -- Notes on the types of maps.  Small group activity showing maps and discussing different styles of making maps.  "Maps" PP for notes on history of map making and scale.
Fri. 9/4 -- GIS mapping.  We will use to make a three layer map.  I will demonstrate how to use the software in class and students will use computers to try the software.  They will make maps over the long weekend which are due on Wednesday, 9/9.

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 9/1 -- Syllabus and class policies.  Group work to try and come up with the five characteristics of civilization. Please try to have syllabus letter signed by Friday, 9/4.
Wed. 9/2 -- Introduction to Greece (A powerpoint to watch). Map of Greece and timeline of Greek history.
Thur. 9/3 -- Minoans (Europe's earliest civilization) Reading of the myth of the minotaur and notes on the Minoans.  There is a graphic organizer to use for the notes.
Fri. 9/4 -- DVD: "Minotaur Island" we will watch about 25 minutes of the DVD.  Then check out books and start on the first reading assignment p. 123-126 called "Cultures of the Mountains and the Sea"

Tue. 9/1 -- Syllabus and Class policies.  Please try to have syllabus letter signed by Friday, 9/4. Goods and services project.  Students will need to interview 5 other students about the types of goods and services they have purchased in the last month.  We will write an hypothesis and compare predictions on male and female buying patterns.  Interviews due Wednesday.
Wed. 9/2 -- Compile data on goods and services project. Write a letter of introduction.
Thur. 9/3 -- Chapter 1 Vocab projects.  Students pairs or maybe even some singles will draw a mini-poster to teach one vocabulary word for chapter 1.  We will probably finish the posters today and even do five of the vocab words.
Fri. 9/4 -- Finish the vocab project presentation.  Vocab puzzle for practice.  [Vocab Quiz on Wednesday 9/9.]

Sunday, May 31, 2015

June 1-5, 2015

World Geography
Mon. 6/1 -- Review for SE Asia and Oceania test.  Review sheet due
Tue. 6/2 -- Review game for unit test -- Jeopardy.  Essay practice
Wed. 6/3 -- Test on SE Asia and Oceania.  Map packet due. 
Thur. 6/4 -- FINAL for Seniors.  Begin picture review and physical features.  World Map due.
Fri. 6/5 -- City Review -- Finish the picture set.

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 6/1 -- Review for Final.  Teams will review sections from the semester and share them with classmates.
Tue. 6/2 -- Ultimate Review Jeopardy
Wed. 6/3 -- Ancient Medieval Final
Thur. 6/4 -- Video n the 100 years war and Joan of Arc
Fri. 6/5 --Remaining juniors will pick a battle from the set provided and complete a battle project. They will describe the stages of the battle, draw a battle map and present the battle information to the class.  The presentations will be Wednesday 6/10 (during the finals period.)

Art History 
Mon. 6/1 -- Begin Museum project -- Student groups will plan a museum exhibit.  They will pick a theme for the exhibit and then develop art descriptions for different pieces of art to display in the exhibit.  We will have three days to work on the exhibit.
Tue. 6/2 -- Library -- Museum project
Wed. 6/3 -- Museum project DUE 
Thursday -- Seniors gone for practice -- Juniors plan TBA

Monday, May 25, 2015

May 26-29, 2015

World Geography
Tue. 5/26 -- Video with questions "Australia Revealed"
Wed. 5/27 -- PowerPoint notes on Australia and New Zealand, introduction to Oceania.  Read p. 698-701 and discuss human-environment interaction -- invasive species, Bikini Atoll and Polynesian explorers.
Thur. 5/28 -- Map of Oceania, video segment from "Planet in Peril" about sea-level rise and island nations.
Fri. 5/29 -- Issues of Oceania and Australia. Worksheet p. 712-715, Reading from "Victim's of Progress" listening activity.

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 5/26 -- Finish the 50 facts about the Middle Ages projects.  Worksheet on "Changes in Medieval Society." Both due Wednesday at the latest. 
Wed. 5/27 -- Disasters of the 14th century -- notes on the Avignon Papacy, Black Death and 100 Year's war.  Notebook #6 DUE
Thur. 5/28 -- Short video on the Black Death.  Review sheet for the test.
Fri. 5/29 --  Test on the High Middle Ages,  Books DUE.

Art History
5/26-5/29 -- Painting project on an artist from the "Modern" era we have studied.  Remember to bring a canvas or canvas board for painting.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 18-22, 2015

We have another modified schedule this week for SBAC testing.  
Monday and Tuesday -- Delayed start so periods 1-3 on Monday and 4-6 on Tuesday.  Thursday we do not have school.  

World Geography
Mon. 5/18 -- No class for World Geography
Tue. 5/19 -- Introduce Australia and New Zealand.  "Speaking Australian" team contest form.  Map of Australia and New Zealand.
Wed. 5/20 -- Travel project on Australia and New Zealand.  You will need to sign up for a topic and pick up directions if you are absent.  Essentially you will sign up for one of Australia's or New Zealand's regions and find two interesting places to travel. You will present one place to the class and have a small picture print-out to attach to our travel map.  Presentations on Friday.
Thur. 5/21 -- No School
Fri 5/22 -- Travel Presentations

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 5/18 -- Today we will cover the Battle of Hastings.  First a quick summary of the battle in the classroom, then outside to divide into Normans, Vikings and Saxons to re-create the battle.  We will charge through the basic battle plan a few times.  Then up to the room to watch a bit of "Battlefield Britain - Hastings."  This is available from u-tube and you can watch at home.  It is 59 minutes long, but you can start at 35:00 to see the main battle between the Saxons and Normans. 
Tue. 5/19 -- Repeat for periods 4-6
Wed. 5/20 -- Notes on English history "Evolving government of England."  Read the Magna Carta and highlight 5 rights protected in 1215 that are still rights we protect today.  Class discussion
Thur. 5/21 -- No School
Fri. 5/22 -- Social History of the Middle Ages.  This project will be the basis for the final essay in the course.  Read materials in text "Changes in Medieval Society" p. 387-391 to write down 50 facts about life in the Middle Ages.  We will work in groups of four and have additional materials in class. If you're excused, then you can write 30 facts on your own.  Do not copy.  Include a theme illustration.

Art History 
All week -- Watching "Monument's Men" and discussing art theft.
Note:  Wednesday is the last day I will accept any late work for the Modern Art unit.
Friday all books are due or I will start placing fines your accounts -- starting with the seniors.   

Monday, May 11, 2015

May 11-15, 2015

World Geography
Mon. 5/11 -- Review sheet and review day for the Asia test.  Review sheet is due on Tuesday.
Tue. 5/12 -- Test over Asia -- three short essays on 1) Gandhi  2)  population and 3)  tradition and change in Japan.
Wed. 5/13 -- Introduced SE Asia and Oceania.  Map of SE Asia to complete.
Thur. 5/14 -- SE Asia Project.  If you are absent there is a worksheet to do instead.  Make sure to pick one up from me.
Fri. 5/15 -- Powerpoint on SE Asia pictures.  Map quiz over SE Asia.  Any extra time will be used to complete the project.

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 5/11 -- Lecture notes over the Crusades.  Primary reading Urban's "Call to the crusades"  and the "Massacre at Acre."  Lecture notes will need a stamp.
Tue. 5/12 -- DVD:  "Kingdom of Heaven"
Wed. 5/13 -- DVD "Kingdom of Heaven"
Thur. 5/14 -- Summary of the Crusades.  Graphic organizer and a worksheet on the Reconquista.
Fri. 5/15 -- Lecture notes on the Age of Faith.  Worksheet on Gothic Cathedrals.  There are 6 cathedrals to choose from.  You will read some history of the cathedral and diagram the parts of a Gothic cathedral.  The worksheet is worth points and must be made up promptly for full credit.

Art History 
Mon. 5/11 -- Finish Powerpoint on Modern artist.  Share presentations with me by Friday 5/15 at 3 p.m.  We will also make-up some missing quizzes.
Tue. 5/12 -- Review for Modern Test -- slide day.  AC: 92-98 DUE -- The very last set :)
Wed. 5/13 -- Review for Modern Test -- review worksheet.
Thur. 5/14 -- Modern Art Test; Notebook #5 DUE
Fri. 5/15 -- Modern PowerPoint due. Fete Gallant 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

May 4-8, 2015

World Geography
Mon. 5/4 -- A bit of time to finish the maps of East Asia.  DVD from Discovery Atlas on China with questions. 
Tue. 5/5 -- China Worksheet. Reading on the Three-Gorges Dam or video on Tianamen Square. Worksheet due by the end of the period. 
Wed. 5/6 -- Korea worksheet.  Watch "Inside North Korea" for about 25 minutes.  
Thur. 5/7 -- QZ. East Asia. Timeline on Japan with a team of four.  Each person will be responsible for their part of the project.  Due end of the period. If you are absent you must get a section of the timeline and complete your own segment.  Timeline segment must have four dates and an illustration that illustrates the events. 
Fri. 5/8 -- Web notes on Japan. p. 651-655.  If you are absent read the section and do the section review questions. Video on the living treasures of Japan. 
Note unit test is Tuesday 5/12.

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 5/4 -- QZ: Feudalism vocabulary ( -- search JonnieFenton and study).  Introduction of Japan History.  Notes -- Review notebooks they are due tomorrow. 
Tue. 5/5 -- DVD: "Secret Memoirs of an Empire" -- Japanese history. Notebook #5 DUE. 
Wed. 5/6 -- Japan research letters.  Each student will have a chance to do a little research and write me a letter about something in Japanese history they are interested in.  The letter needs two sources that must be cited.  Letters range from leaders -- Ieyasu Tokugawa to Noh theater to katana swords.  There are directions if you are absent. 
Thur. 5/7 -- Review day for the exam. 
Fri. 5/8 -- Early Middle Ages exam.  

Art History 
Mon. 5/4 --  Qz on Modern styles (matching).  Work on how to score well on the 30-minute essay. 
Tue. 5/5 -- History activity for reviewing dates for the AP exam.  Get to know the centuries :)  What type of art was popular in the 17th century. 
Wed. 5/6 -- Library -- Modern artist power point.  Team or solo activity. 
Thur. 5/7 -- AP TEST DAY.  Best of good luck!.  We will review non-European art in class.  There was a vote.  Have a good lunch and do not panic when the odd question comes up!
Fri. 5/8 -- Library -- Modern Art PowerPoint -- day 2.  The powerpoint is due on Monday by the end of the final work day. We will have time Monday to work. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27 - May 1, 2015

Special Schedule on Wednesday and Thursday for 11th grade SBAC testing.  See school website for details. 

World Geography
Mon. 4/27 -- Graphic organizer on the religions of South Asia.  This is similar to the graphic organizer on the religions of SW Asia with a few changes.  Remember you need a graphic icon to indicate each category.  The categories are 1) Date founded, 2) basic beliefs, 3) founder, 4) holy book, 5)place of worship (building), 6) festivals, and 7) symbol.  The symbol may be by the title.
Tue. 4/28 -- Movie "Gandhi" segments of the end of the movie.  Three questions in response to the video and non-violent protest.
Wed. 4/29 -- No class, periods 1-3 for SBAC
Thur. 4/30 -- PowerPoint lecture on issues in South Asia (population, natural disasters, and politics) We will finish the period with some review for the map quiz.
Fri. 5/1 -- Qz. South Asia map.  Map of East Asia.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 4/27 -- Feudalism simulation.  Reading pages 360-363 Diagram the manor on page 362 -- include all 8 parts; Define manor.  Take notes on life on a manor.  You need six sentences that reflect all three pages of the reading.  Get the vocab words.
Tue. 4/28 -- Lecture on castles and knights.  There are some vocab words to learn for the quiz. We will discuss the offense and defense of castle sieges.
Wed. 4/29 -- SBAC testing periods 1-3 only -- castle diagram
Thur 4/30 -- SBAC testing periods 4-6 only -- castle diagram
Fri 5/1 -- Mini-lecture on lay investiture and Henry IV and Gregory VII.  We will read and summarize letters (primary sources) from the two leaders.  If you are absent you will need notes and one of the letters to summarize.
Monday 5/4 -- Vocab quiz:  Lord, Vassal, Serf, Knight, Fief, Page, Squire, Tournaments, Chivalry, Motte, Troubadour, and Song of Roland -- matching

Art History
Mon. 4/27 -- Library to work on practice AP questions.  Students will work in pairs and research an AP question and use google docs to type up a summary of their research including an image.  Full directions provided in class.  E-mail the google doc from the library or home: Due by Tuesday morning. 
Tue. 4/28 -- Finish sculpture list from Friday.  Assignment to compare two different sculptures with a comparison chart -- blue paper.
Semester 1 Review session 5-7 p.m.
Wed. 4/29 -- SBAC test -- periods 1-3;  Art Cards 85-91 DUE mid-century modern.  Review modern styles with artists, pictures and definitions.  Card game.
Thur. 4/30 --  SBAC -- periods 4-6  [One week until the AP TEST
Fri. 5/1 -- Later Modern Architecture and art -- Powerpoint notes and hopefully a short video if we have time.  Semester 2 Review session 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

April 20-24, 2015

World Geography
Mon. 4/20 -- Last library day for the Global Issues paper.  Meet in the library.
Tue. 4/21 -- Map review day.  We will review maps from 3rd quarter and talk about the final. 
Wed. 4/22 -- Map of South Asia.  Chromebooks will be in the room.  The Global Issues paper is being granted a 1 day extension. 
Thur. 4/23 -- Worksheet on the landforms of South Asia.  pages 551-555 and 560-563.  DVD: India Revealed  (Varanasi and Daravi) Global Issues Paper due by 3 p.m.
Fri. 4/23 -- Powerpoint and pictures of South Asia.  History of India worksheet p. 567-572. 

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 4/20 -- Monasteries -- Diagram of St. Gall that will be color coded by function of the space.  Homework (possible) -- Illuminated manuscripts (worksheet). pages 353-355. 
Tue. 4/21 -- Lecture on Charlemagne.  Notes on a picture of Charlemagne.  Video on the Early Middle Ages (Charlemagne, Church, and Battle of Tours).
Wed. 4/22 -- Quiz on the Germanic Kingdoms.  Fill-in-the-blank with a word box.  Video on Vikings -- Nova.  Some notes from the video and a great drawing of a Viking longship.
Thur. 4/23 -- Viking group project -- Students will divide into groups and choose a topic about the Vikings (Religion, Society, War, Exploration, Longships, Runes).  Each group will have about 60 minutes to make a poster on the subject to present to class.  Due Friday.
Fri. 4/24 -- Viking presentations

Art History 
Mon. 4/20 -- Review non-European Art.  Pairs of people will have 10 minutes to study up on a piece of art.  They will take turns giving a 2-minute talk on each piece of art. 
Tue. 4/21 -- Architecture Review Day -- Group project with a large piece of paper and a huge list of diagrams to complete. Each diagram is worth points and the project gets as many points as it earns during class -- timed.  I will make up the teams.
Wed. 4/22 -- Modern Sculpture -- Lecture with notes and a handout on remaining sculptures. 
Thur. 4/23 -- Modern Painting from 1945 to about 2000.  Notes and a quick discussion on social criticism in art. ART CARDS 77-84 DUE today. 
Fri. 4/24 -- Sculpture Review Day -- We will play a game.  Same teams as Tuesday. 

Saturday 5/25 -- AP Practice Exam from 9-12 Saturday morning. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

April 13-17, 2015

World Geography
Mon. 4/13 -- Review day for the test.  Remember the essay on the Africa test will ask students to write about three issues (problems in Africa) We have looked at poverty, economic development, health care, AIDS, and a slough of environmental issues -- desertification, oil in Nigeria, biodiversity in Madagascar, Lake Chad, and poaching in central Africa.
Tue. 4/14 -- Test on Africa, sign up for CBA topics
Wed. 4/15 -- Global Issues paper -- directions, examples and reading day 1.
Thur. 4/16 -- Meet in the library for CBA research
Fri. 4/17 -- Chrome books in the classroom for CBA research.  A rough outline of your paper is due at the end of the period.
Wednesday, 4/22 -- Global Issues paper is DUE.  It is worth 100 points.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 4/13-- Powerpoint notes on Russian History.  Video n early Russia (25 minutes) All notes will go together for one stamp.
Tue. 4/14 -- Mongol project with a partner.  Get a copy of the directions if you are absent.  Basically it is a map of the Mongol empire, history of Genghis Khan and Mongol customs.
Wed. 4/15 -- Review for Islam and the West test.  We will divide up into groups and brainstorm ideas for the essay.
Thur. 4/16 -- Test on Islam, Byzantium and Russia.  For the essay, students will write on the geography, history and culture of one of the four groups we studied in this unit (Muslims, Byzantium, Russia or the Mongols).
Friday 4/17 -- Map of Europe in 500 AD -- Welcome to the kingdoms!  Notebook #4 DUE
If Absent: Complete the map of Europe in 500.  On the back of the map write 3 bullets EACH for the Franks and Visogoths (kingdoms on the map).  Both groups can be found on-line.  Find facts between the years 500 and 1000. 

Art History 
Mon. 4/13 -- African art.  Everyone will do an art card on Africa.  Due Friday 4/17. Go over the test on Impressionism et at.
Tue. 4/14 -- Modern Art Styles.  Discussion with slides on the different styles of art in the 20th century.
Wed. 4/15 -- Modern painting lecture 1900-1945. Notes
Thur. 4/16 -- Picasso and the Power of Art (Guernica) Quiz on the video.
Fri. 4/17 -- Modern Architecture lecture.  Video on the Sagrada Familia. African art card due.

Friday, April 3, 2015

April 6-10, 2015

Welcome Back to School

World Geography
Mon. 4/6 -- Video on Botswana, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. Questions due with the video.  A quick review of the physical features of Africa.
Tue. 4/7 -- Powerpoint on the history of Africa.  There is a note sheet to complete with the questions.
Wed. 4/8 -- Health and Economic issues in Africa.  Reading on AIDS from National Geographic.  Textbook pages 461-467 on health and economic development in Africa.  There is a worksheet with questions on this section.
Thur. 4/9 -- DVD segments on environmental issues in Africa.  We will cover biodiversity in Madagascar, the drying of Lake Chad, and poaching in central Africa.  For each segment students will take five notes.
Fri. 4/10 -- ASB Assembly/PLC Friday (35 minute classes) -- Small group activities on issues in Africa.  Each small group with four people will identify 4 problems and provide four supporting details about the issue.  Graphic elements are required.  Issues in Africa will be the topic for the essay question on Tuesday 4/14 test.   Band students -- We have spent a few days talking about problems in Africa from the Sahel to Malaria, Aids and poaching.  Choose THREE problems and write an essay outline for the upcoming test.  p. 424-427 and 461-467 will help -- also try and remember from the DVD on Thursday.  For the outline write a topic and five supporting details for each of your three African problems.  It should look a bit like the DVD notes today.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 4/6 -- Map of Constantinople.  Students will draw a map of Constantinople and identify key landmarks (Hagia Sophia, Mese, Hippodrome) events (Nika Riots) and people (Justinian) with additional notes.  Get a copy of the directions if absent.
Tue. 4/7 -- Short video on Constantinople (add notes to map) and lecture on Byzantium (more notes).
Wed. 4/8 -- Groups of four will create a poster highlighting one of the legacies of Byzantium.  There are handouts available in class.  If you are absent pick up the sheet on the Hagia Sophia and answer the questions.  Presentations tomorrow.
Thur. 4/9 -- Presentations on Byzantium.  Quiz on Byzantium (multiple choice -- the presentations will work as a review for the quiz.
Fri. 4/10 -- ASB Assembly/PLC Friday (35 minute classes) --  Reading the Primary Chronicle.  Introduction to Russia p. 307-311 worksheet to complete with reading.

Art History 
Mon. 4/6 -- Japanese art day with Ukiyoe prints.  We will paint, color and use pastels.  Mrs. K will be our guest.
Tue. 4/7 -- Video on Van Gogh AC 69-76 are due (Post-Impressionism). 
Wed. 4/8 -- Chart on the Avant Gard and Fin de Siecle culture.  Review sheet for the test handed out. NOTE: Most of the class will be attending a senior meeting.  The chart is due on 4/9. 
Thur. 4/9 -- Review for the test.
Fri. 4/10 -- ASB Assembly/PLC Friday (35 minute classes) --Test on Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism.  I am taking one essay question off of the test to accommodate the short period.
Monday 4/13 -- Japanese card due.   

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 23-27, 2015

This is the last week of the 3rd quarter.  I will end the quarter in my grade book on Wednesday 3/25.  Work collected later in the week will be recorded for 4th quarter.
Next week: Spring Break

World Geography
Mon. 3/23 -- Physical maps of Africa DUE (we worked on them Friday).  Questions on the Sahel. p. 424-427 with a worksheet.  PowerPoint on the regions of Africa. There will be a north, south, central, south and east note sheet with the PP.
Tue. 3/24 -- Political Map of Africa.  I will return the physical maps today and we will also do some review.
Wed. 3/25 -- African tribal groups.  I have a set of books from the library (40 books to choose from) about different tribes in Africa.  Students will use the books to complete a worksheet about the group, draw a house, and place the house on a class map.
Thur. 3/26 -- Parade of Flags, Africa.  More map review!
Fri. 3/27 -- [30 minute classes due to assembly and CIPA lesson]: Map Quiz on Africa.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 3/23 -- Video "Islam: Empire of Faith" Notes will be taken with the video and we will discuss the material for the upcoming unit.
Tue. 3/24 -- Reading from the Qur'an.  Based on the video from the previous day, we will discuss the reading in terms of Muhammad's life.  Short worksheet on the "Rise of Islam" p. 263-268.  Game to review vocabulary.   All of the vocab for the quiz is on the "Rise of Islam" worksheet.
Wed. 3/25 -- QZ: Islam Vocabulary. Map on the growth and spread of Islam. 
Thur. 3/26 -- Partner activity -- What are the cultural legacies of Islam?  Pages 274-279.  Student partners will pair up and make a graphic organizer.
Pages 274-279 Islamic Culture. Describe (two sentences each) 7 innovations attributed to Islamic cultures.  One must be the HOUSE OF WISDOM.  Look at astronomy, literature, art architectures, medicine, math, science, and philosophy. Your "poster" must include three graphic elements which may range from algebra formulas to drawings.  Solo project if you are absent.
Fri. 3/27 -- Finish the Cultural Culture assignment.  Reading on the Dome of the Rock, p. 266. If we have time -- Islamic Art slide show.

Art History
Mon. 3/23 --  Lecture on Impressionism.
Tue. 3/24 -- Video on Impressionism, notes on the various shows the Impressionists organized.
Wed. 3/25 --  Qz. on Realism and Impressionism (slides) open card quiz.  Art Cards on Realism and Impressionism due (RED set);  Post-Impressionists activity.
Thur. 3/26 -- Lecture on Post-Impressionism, notes
Fri. 3/27 -- Looking at Japanize prints and how Japanese art influenced Impressionism and Post-Impressionism.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

March 16-19, 2015

Tuesday 3/17 -- Happy St. Patrick's Day
Friday 3/20 -- No School, Spring professional day

World Geography
Mon. 3/16 -- Current event day (Iraq/Syria and ISIL); Also some beautiful Arabic art to balance out the conflict of the region.  The unit test is Wednesday the 18th and will allow students to choose a conflict and area of culture to write about (two paragraphs).  Review sheet out.
Tue. 3/17 -- Review Day (work on review sheet, outline the essay)
Wed. 3/18 -- Unit test on SW Asia.  Again students will write and essay on culture and conflict in SW Asia.  For culture we have covered: Islam, Arabic writing and Islamic art; For conflict we have looked at the Persian Gulf War (oil); Israel and Palestine and Iraq and ISIL.  Students should choose one topic from each list for their essay.
Thur. 3/19 -- End of quarter map review day -- We are about half way through the semester.  I will take a day to review the maps we have finished.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 3/16 -- Chinese philosophies.  We have a sheet on the three philosophies founded in China.  Student groups of 2 or 3 will write school rules to match each philosophy.  We will conclude by watching a section of a biography on Confucius.
Tue. 3/17 -- Han China reading p. 200-207 and worksheet.  The worksheet is due in class today.
Wed. 3/18 -- Compare China and Rome.  Review sheet out.
Thur. 3/17 -- Test on Asian Empire Unit.  Notebook #3 DUE. 

Art History 
Mon. 3/16 --  Review 18th Century test.  Finish Chinese timelines. AP students will be assigned two pieces of Chinese art to add to their green collection on non-European art.
Tue. 3/17 --  Short Lecture on Chinese Art.  Introduce modernism in Europe.
Wed. 3/18 -- Realism in France and the US.  Lecture notes.  AP students will practice a DBQ tonight on Courbet. 
Thur. 3/19 -- Introduction to Impressionism.  I have a short lecture with a chart on the Impressionist painters.  We will look at the characteristics of the style.  Then we will pass around unknown pictures and try to identify each artist's work.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

March 9-13, 2015

World Geography
Mon. 3/9 --  Finish Regions pamphlet -- about 30 minutes.  Brief discussion of Arabic writing and art. There are handouts to pick up if you are absent.
Tue. 3/10 -- PowerPoint on oil and conflict in SW Asia.  Notes and questions.  During the PowerPoint students will complete a timeline on the conflicts in Iraq/Iran.  There are questions on the back of the page 529-531 to answer.
Wed. 3/11 -- QZ on the SW Asia map.  DVD on the Arab Gulf states with questions. 
Thur. 3/12 -- Graphic organizer on the three religions founded in the Middle East. -- Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  Students will complete a graphic organizer showing the date, location, founder, holy book, places of worship and basic beliefs of each religion.  No partners. If you are absent you need to pick up detailed directions with an example.
Fri. 3/13 -- Israel and Palestine -- A short PowerPoint with maps of the occupied territories and history of Israel.  Reading with questions p. 510-513.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 3/9 -- Go over the test on Rome.  Poster on Hinduism and Buddhism.
Tue. 3/10 -- Work time on poster on Hinduism and Buddhism.
Wed. 3/11 -- Quiz on Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism.  Match facts to the correct religion. We will have a review that day in class and it is really helpful if you are there!  More time to finish the poster. -- plan for about 35 minutes.  Poster DUE.
Thur. 3/12 -- Introduction to China -- PP lecture about the early dynasties -- Shang to Han with some extra detail.  After the notes students will practice writing some Chinese characters and look at a Chinese calendar.
Fri. 3/13 -- DVD -- Engineering China -- Great Wall, Qin Emperor Tomb and the terra cotta warriors.  Sketches and notes from the video. (Similar to what we did for Roman engineering).

Art History
Mon. 3/9 -- Powerpoint on the history of photography -- a copy of the power point is provided.  Begin unit review.
Tue. 3/10 -- Ac: 48-57 (Romantic) DUE.  We will have an open card quiz, cards only no notes. We are way past halfway done with the cards!  More review.
Wed. 3/11 - Review for test on the RNR unit.
Thur. 3/12 -- Test on RNR unit. Notebook #3 Due.
Friday -- 3/13 -- Chinese art.  Timeline with dynasties and examples of art from each section. Two day project.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March 2-6, 2015

World Geography
Mon 3/2 -- Parade of Flags, review for Russia map quiz.  Remember to focus on the western republics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova).  Practice the cities and physical features. is pretty good with the Europe map in general.
Tue. 3/3 -- Russia and the Republics map Quiz.  Review sheet for the Europe test.
Note the essay will focus on comparing/contrasting Europe to Russia and the republics. 
Wed. 3/4 -- Europe and Russia unit test. Start the SW Asia (Middle East) map.
Thur. 3/5 -- Finish the map; Read pages 478-485 (intro and maps for the unit) and pages 487-490 (Landforms and Resources).
Fri. 3/6 -- PowerPoint on the regions of the SW Asia.  See page 502.  Regions pamphlet project -- you will need to pick up a copy of the directions if absent. We will have some time on Monday to finish this project.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 3/2 -- Fall of Rome graphic organizer.  Use pages 173-176 to describe four causes for the fall of Rome.  Each cause muse have two sentences of explanation.  One cause must be the Germanic tribes. I also recommend Diocletian's dividing of the Empire.  In two other boxes write about legacies of Rome p. 178-183.  Pick two ROMAN legacies (there are a few Greek ones mixed in) and write three sentences about each.
Tue. 3/3 -- Review the vocabulary words for the Fall of Rome.  Fill in the Blank Quiz with word bank. Story of Humankind -- Fall of Rome. Notebook #2 DUE.
Wed. 3/4 -- Review of Rome for the test. Discussion of Roman legacies.
Thur. 3/5 -- Test on Rome.
Fri. 3/6 -- India introduction, new calendar and some notes of the beginning of ancient India. Short reading guide p. 44-49 in the text. 

Art History 
 Mon. 3/2 -- Biography on Napoleon -- Video with some notes.
Tue. 3/3 -- Open note Quiz on the history of France (T/F).  Neoclassical art lecture.
Wed. 3/4 -- Library to work on American Art Project mini-PowerPoint.   Students will work with one partner and there is a list of choices.  All presentations will be done with Google presentations and shared with me.
Thur. 3/5 -- Romantic Art Lecture. Art Cards due 37-47 (Rococo, Natural and Neoclassical) purple and yellow set.
Fri. 3/6 -- American Art Project day 2.  Meet in the library. Project due Saturday by noon.
Romantic cards 48-57 are due on Tuesday the 10th.  You probably should do them over the weekend.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

February 23-27, 2015

This week we have parent/teacher conferences on Friday the 27th.  Come to the gym to meet with teachers from 1-3 p.m.

World Geography
Mon. 2/23 -- Finish the Russia Regions project.  A clip from the pilot guides DVD on Russia. 
Tue.  2/24 -- Full Map of Russia and the Republics.  Map due End of Period
Wed. 2/25 -- Read about Chernobyl p. 368 -- what happened?  Some pictures from National Geographic.  Worksheet about Russian History (fill in the blank).  A bit more of the video on Russia if time allows.  I want to show Star City and St. Petersburg.
Thur. 2/26 - No class this day because of parent teacher conference schedule.  Only periods 1-3 meet today and students are dismissed at 11 a.m.
Fri. 2/27 -- Pictures of Russia and questions.  Reading about the Aral Sea, Siberia and the railroad. p. 353-356 in the text. 
[Note: Russia map quiz is scheduled for Tue. 3/3 and the Europe test is the following day on 3/4.]

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 2/23 -- DVD on Julius Caesar -- we will make a timeline of Caesar's life, rise to power and death.  12 events on the timeline.
Tue. 2/24 -- QZ: History of Rome, (multiple choice, open note; make sure your notes are caught up.) Lecture on the Pax Romana and a reading guide for pages 160-165. 
Wed. 2/25 -- DVD:  Engineering an Empire -- Flavian Ampitheater, Parthenon, Hadrian's Wall and hopefully Trajan's forum.  Students will sketch each building and write 5 bullet notes for each.
Thur. 2/26 -- Classes 1-3 -- Parent-Teacher conference schedule.  Briefly on the rise of Christianity and a worksheet/timeline of Christianity and Rome.
Fri. 2/27 -- Classes 4-6 --  Parent-Teacher conference schedule.  Briefly on the rise of Christianity and a worksheet/timeline of Christianity and Rome.

Art History
Mon. 2/23 -- Test on the Baroque, Art Cards 32-36 -- France and England.
Tue. 2/24 -- Notebook #2 Due.  Lecture on the Rococo and rococo activity :)
Wed. 2/25 -- Enlightenment graphic organizer.
Thur. 2/26 -- Classes 1-3 -- Parent-Teacher conference schedule.  Powerpoint on the French Revolution and Reign of Terror; note sheet provided. 
Fri. 2/27 -- Classes 4-6 --  Parent-Teacher conference schedule -- No art history

Sunday, February 15, 2015

February 17-20, 2015

No School on Monday 2/16 -- Happy President's Day
I will be gone on Wednesday 2/18 for a meeting at the district office.

World Geography
Tue. 2/17 -- Read pages 282-285 (know the three basic examples, polders, Venice and Acid Rain). If you are at home, read with attention.  Physical Map of Europe.
Wed. 2/18 -- DVD: France pilot guide with questions.
Thur. 2/19 -- Map Review activity with puzzle maps of Europe. Small teams will cut apart pieces of a Europe puzzle and put the countries back together. 
Fri. 2/20 -- Europe Map Quiz -- countries, cities and physical features.  Intro to Russia 357, Begin Russia Regions Project.  There are copies of the directions for those who are absent.

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 2/17 -- Introduction to Rome; some power point with a worksheet.  You will finish the worksheet using the Heath textbook in class p. 130-137.  New Calendar for Rome out.
Wed. 2/18 -- Culture of Rome -- Students will choose two of six packets on Roman culture to read during class.  For each packet you will write an 8 sentence summary that is not copied from the packet.  The topics range from home and family to the arena/gladiator games.  You will turn in a total of 16 sentences with two packets. 
Thur. 2/19 -- Roman Republic Simulation.  If absent read pages 156-157 on the early republic.  Use the chart on page 157 to compare Rome to the US government.  Don't copy word for word, read and condense.  Understand the duties of the Consul, Senate vs Assembly, Tribunes,  and Praetors.
Fri. 2/20 -- Lecture on the transition from the Republic to the Empire.  Good stuff with Julius Caesar. Handout on the Julio-Claudian family tree.

Art History
Tue. 2/17 -- French Baroque slide lecture/ notes.  Art Cards 23-31 DUE (Netherland and Flanders).
Wed. 2/18 -- A walk through Versailles -- mini project.
Thur. 2/19 -- Web quest on Baroque architecture in the Library. Internet assignment. Notebook #2 DUE
Fri. 2/20 -- Review for the exam on Monday.
Mon. 2/23 -- Baroque exam; Art Cards 32-36 DUE (French Baroque).


Saturday, February 7, 2015

Feburary 2-6, 2015

On Wednesday 2/4 HHS is on a special ASSEMBLY Schedule

World Geography
Mon. 2/2 -- Latin America Resources Map -- Library.  Each student will get a country in Latin America to research.  They will draw a map, label cities and find resources.  There is a sheet of directions with the map assignment. 
Tue. 2/3 -- Day 2 on Latin America Resources Map -- Library
Wed. 2/4 -- [45-minute class - assembly schedule] History of Latin America PowerPoint with notes.  Review for LA Quiz on Thursday (I moved the quiz because of the assembly. If you want to review on-line try  Resource Maps DUE.
Thur. 2/5 -- Latin America Map Quiz.  Culture Shock Assignment.
Fri. 2/6 -- Saving the Rainforest. Reading pages 245-247 and a video from CNN on the Amazon Rainforest.

Ancient Medieval
Mon 2/2 -- Introduce Persia  with reading and a map.  Finish map in class.  -- The comparison of Athens and Sparta are due today. 
Tue. 2/3 -- Notes on the Persian Wars and a video on Persian Engineering (about 25 minutes).  You will take notes on the video -- the Persian Map is due today.
Wed. 2/4 --  [45-minute class - assembly schedule]  DVD: 300 Spartans from the History channel.  We will make a like of 12 reason why the Greeks win this war even though they are numerically overmatched.
Thur. 2/5 -- Golden Age of Greece -- Notes on what is a Golden Age.  Reading p. 134-139  List 10 famous Greeks and DESCRIBE their accomplishments.  The descriptions must be unique.  There are three playwrights and two historians.
Fri. 2/6 -- Greek art and architecture.  DVD on Engineering in Greece which focuses on the Parthenon.  A handout on the Parthenon to complete.  We add notes from the DVD to the handout.  A quick slideshow of Greek art.
[NOTE:  There is a True/False quiz on the Golden Age and Classical Greek history on Monday.  Review a little ;)]

Art History
Mon. 2/2 -- Library for work on French Chateau and some history of the French Renaissance.  I have prepared an internet research assignment to complete.  ART CARDS 8-15 DUE.
Tue. 2/3 -- Review for the 16the Century Quiz -- A review sheet and slide show.
Wed. 2/4 --  [45-minute class - assembly schedule] 16th Century Test. Notebook #1 DUE


February 9-13, 2015

Mon. 2/9 -- Review for Latin America test.  There is a new review sheet to study!
Tue. 2/10 -- Test over Latin AmericaThe essay will be on the country each student studied in depth.  Students made a resource map (physical geography) and read a culture gram on their country (cultural geography)  The essay will ask for geography, history and culture.
Wed. 2/11 -- Introduction to Europe.  Europe Political Map.
Thur. 2/12 -- PowerPoint on the regions of Europe.  What characterizes each region?  Begin Europe Regions project (this project is done with a partner).  If you are absent, pick up a copy of the directions.
Fri.  2/13 -- Finish Regions Project -- Due today.

Ancient Medieval
Mon 2/9 -- Qz on the Golden Age and Greek History (12 questions t/f)  Review the Golden Age of Greece notes.  Worksheet on the Peloponnesian War and reading from Pericles Funeral Oration.
Tue. 2/10 -- Alexander the Great -- discussion and interactive map of his conquests.  Small group project on Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic period.  Each group will have a different topic and will prepare a poster.  Presentations on Wednesday.
Wed. 2/11 -- Finish Hellenistic projects and do presentations.
Thur. 2/12 -- Review day for the test.  The essay will focus on the Golden Age of Greece -- how did it start, what was it, how did it end.  Essays will need supporting details.
Fri. 2/13 -- Test on Greece

Art History
Mon. 2/9 -- Lecture on Italian and Spanish painting from the Baroque -- Caravaggio to Valezquez.
Tue. 2/10 -- Video on Caravaggio -- he is run out of Rome for murder and dies in a swamp.  Quite a character!
Wed. 2/11 -- Lecture on the Dutch Baroque -- Rembrandt to Vermeer.  The Netherlands are Calvinist and have a very different style than many other countries.  AC 16-22 -- Italy and Spain. DUE today.
Thur. 2/12 -- Still Life projects (and anything else we are behind on :) Bring personal objects for the still life -- you are welcome to work with others.  Actually I suggest you work with others.  I will bring in some vases, fruit, flowers and material for backdrops.
Fri. 2/13 -- Art from Flanders -- Rubens and a section from the "Girl with the Pearl Earring" on making paint.


Saturday, January 24, 2015

January 26-30, 2015

World Geography
Mon. 1/26 -- Introduction to Latin America (LA) and a quick talk on how to do maps for geography.  Middle America map.
Tue. 1/27 -- Read pages 228-229; If at home look up five facts about the volcano on Montserrat.  Why are there volcanoes in the Caribbean?  PowerPoint on the Caribbean, notes on a graphic organizer to turn in.
Wed. 1/28 -- Read "comparing cultures" p. 240-241 Carnivals; if at home, look up 5 facts about the Carnival in Brazil.   What is a culture region?  Map on South America.
Thur. 1/29 -- PowerPoint to review the maps of middle and South America.  Notes will be in a grid box to highlight groupings. 
Fri. 1/30 -- Video questions about "Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands."

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 1/26 -- Video "Minotaur Island" write 12 new facts about the Minoans. Make a list of things we know about the Minoans.  Check out books.  Homework Reading Guide p. 123-126; introduction to the Mycenaeans "Cultures of the Mountains and the Sea."
Tue. 1/27 -- Grade homework.  Video Mycenaean Engineering. Begin project where student teams will create a map of Mycenae with notes about famous places around the citadel.  Groups of four.
Wed. 1/28 -- Finish Map, Review Greece map for quiz on Thursday.
Thru. 1/29 -- Qz: Map of Greece. PowerPoint on the Iron Age -- lots of vocabulary and history of Athens and Sparta.
Fri. 1/30 -- Reading: Lycurgus (primary source) Partner project comparing Athens and Sparta.  Get a copy of the directions if you are gone.

Art History
Mon. 1/26 -- Powerpoint on the Reformation -- Blue graphic organizer on the causes and effects of the Reformation.  Start DVD "Luther."
Tue. 1/27 -- DVD "Luther"
Wed. 1/28 -- Finish DVD "Luther"  Art Cards 1-7 DUE Mannerism.
Thur. 1/29 -- Slide Lecture on the Northern Renaissance. 
Fri. 1/30 -- Powerpoint on the Counter-Reformation.  DBQ on CR Art and Northern Art.   How do religious views change art in Europe?


Monday, January 19, 2015

Janaury 21-23, 2015

Welcome to Second Semester!

World Geography
Wed. 1/21 -- Syllabus and Policies (to be signed), Pre-Quiz on world map. 
Thur. 1/22 -- Cartography: Definitions and finding places on a globe.  Plate maps.
Fri. 1/23 -- Qz. on Oceans and Continents (also prime meridian and equator). What are the five themes of geography. Reading p. 5-9 in text.

Ancient Medieval
Wed. 1/21 -- Syllabus and Policies (to be signed). What are the characteristics of civilization?  Small group work on solving ancient problems.
Thur. 1/22 -- Introduce ancient Greece.  Map and timeline. 
Fri. 1/23 -- Minoans -- PowerPoint on the Minoan civilization and some theory-making n the fall of the Minoans.  I will give students some facts about the end of the Minoans and each will write a theory for the fall of the civilization.

Art History
Wed. 1/21 -- Syllabus and Polices (to be signed). Lecture on the visual elements in art (line, color, composition, form, space).  AP will be in room 2007 reading about Indian art (and taking notes).
Thur. 1/22 -- Architectural terms and a bit about the Renaissance.  Diagram work on vocabulary.  AP will be in room 2007 doing art cards on Indian art.  Due on Friday 1/23.
Fri. 1/23 -- Notes on Mannerism.

Friday, January 2, 2015

January 5-9, 2015

Welcome to 2015!

World Geography
Mon. 1/5 -- Introduce Australia and New Zealand -- Good day Mate vocab contest. Map of Australia and New Zealand!
Tue. 1/6 -- Discovery Atlas DVD -- Australia Revealed.  Questions to answer.  Wait until you see the camel races and sheep shearing.
Wed. 1/7 -- Power point with a graphic organizer for notes.  Review Australia and New Zealand and introduce the regions of the South Pacific.  Reading Human Environment Interaction p. 698-701.  NOTE: The essay on the test compares/contrasts Australia to New Zealand.  These notes are extremely helpful!
Thur. 1/8 -- Planet in Peril segment on Island in the South Pacific sinking.  Discussion of economic and environmental challenges in the region.  Review sheet for the test.
Fri. 1/9 -- Test over SE Asia and Oceania.

Mon 1/5 -- Economic Development discussion/brainstorm.  Economic Development worksheet p. 469-482 in the text.  If you missed the quiz on Friday -- today is the only time in class I will give for make-up. 
Tue. 1/6 -- Economic Development reading, groups for research.
Wed. 1/7 -- Class discussion on Economic Development. Why are some countries poor?
Thur. 1/8 -- Powerpoint lecture on international trade cooperatives and cartels with a focus on the EU and OPEC.  ECE #3 DUE (the points are doubled to 60 -- Do it!)
Fri. 1/9 -- Globalization issues readings from National Geographic in the library.  No more than 3 people per topic.  We will have a sign-up list. We will present on the reading in small groups on Monday and Tuesday next week.   To access on-line:  click The Magazine tab (red on left side) more tabs will appear.  Click the Archives tab (grey on right side).  Choose the year and then month you want.

Art History
Mon 1/5 -- Powerpoint on the Renaissance in Europe. -- It is an overview of what we covered before break.  Remind be to talk about Michelangelo and terribilita! Map of the discoveries of the New World. 
Tue. 1/6 -- Review for Renaissance Test. High Renaissance art cards due (90-99)  Congrats on finishing! 
Wed. 1/7 -- Review for Renaissance Test -- Slides
Thur. 1/8 -- Renaissance Art Test -- There are three short essay's -- one is a Document Based question set up in style like the AP test. 
Fri. 1/9 -- Notebook #6 DUE.  Lecture on the art of the New World.