Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27 - May 1, 2015

Special Schedule on Wednesday and Thursday for 11th grade SBAC testing.  See school website for details. 

World Geography
Mon. 4/27 -- Graphic organizer on the religions of South Asia.  This is similar to the graphic organizer on the religions of SW Asia with a few changes.  Remember you need a graphic icon to indicate each category.  The categories are 1) Date founded, 2) basic beliefs, 3) founder, 4) holy book, 5)place of worship (building), 6) festivals, and 7) symbol.  The symbol may be by the title.
Tue. 4/28 -- Movie "Gandhi" segments of the end of the movie.  Three questions in response to the video and non-violent protest.
Wed. 4/29 -- No class, periods 1-3 for SBAC
Thur. 4/30 -- PowerPoint lecture on issues in South Asia (population, natural disasters, and politics) We will finish the period with some review for the map quiz.
Fri. 5/1 -- Qz. South Asia map.  Map of East Asia.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 4/27 -- Feudalism simulation.  Reading pages 360-363 Diagram the manor on page 362 -- include all 8 parts; Define manor.  Take notes on life on a manor.  You need six sentences that reflect all three pages of the reading.  Get the vocab words.
Tue. 4/28 -- Lecture on castles and knights.  There are some vocab words to learn for the quiz. We will discuss the offense and defense of castle sieges.
Wed. 4/29 -- SBAC testing periods 1-3 only -- castle diagram
Thur 4/30 -- SBAC testing periods 4-6 only -- castle diagram
Fri 5/1 -- Mini-lecture on lay investiture and Henry IV and Gregory VII.  We will read and summarize letters (primary sources) from the two leaders.  If you are absent you will need notes and one of the letters to summarize.
Monday 5/4 -- Vocab quiz:  Lord, Vassal, Serf, Knight, Fief, Page, Squire, Tournaments, Chivalry, Motte, Troubadour, and Song of Roland -- matching

Art History
Mon. 4/27 -- Library to work on practice AP questions.  Students will work in pairs and research an AP question and use google docs to type up a summary of their research including an image.  Full directions provided in class.  E-mail the google doc from the library or home: Due by Tuesday morning. 
Tue. 4/28 -- Finish sculpture list from Friday.  Assignment to compare two different sculptures with a comparison chart -- blue paper.
Semester 1 Review session 5-7 p.m.
Wed. 4/29 -- SBAC test -- periods 1-3;  Art Cards 85-91 DUE mid-century modern.  Review modern styles with artists, pictures and definitions.  Card game.
Thur. 4/30 --  SBAC -- periods 4-6  [One week until the AP TEST
Fri. 5/1 -- Later Modern Architecture and art -- Powerpoint notes and hopefully a short video if we have time.  Semester 2 Review session 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

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