Tuesday, December 27, 2016

January 4-6, 2017

Welcome to 2017!

AP Human Geography
Wed. 1/4 -- Your AP Essays on Malthus and Religious clusters in the U.S are both due today. We will grade one together (so you see how they are graded) and I will grade one.  New calendar for chapter 7 -- Ethnicity and introductory notes.
Thur. 1/5 -- Quick review on ethnicity and race and spatial relationships.  Look up data from the U.S. census from various cities and states.  Color code a map.
Fri. 1/6 -- PP notes on the history of ethnic distributions in the U.S.
HW: Key Issue 3 p. 238-239 worksheet on nationalities.

AP Art History 
Wed. 1/4 -- Notes on the Baroque in Italy and Spain.  Take card #90 off your list.  We will do it with the New World set.
Thur. 1/5 -- DVD on Caravaggio.  This DVD provides good background on patronage issues, tempermental artists, and the social setting of the Italian Baroque. Caravaggio is very interesting.
Fri. 1/6 -- Notes on the Baroque in the Netherlands and Flanders.  You can now do 9 of the 10 art cards for the Baroque unit.
HW: Work on Art Cards.  Baroque set due 1/10. 

Wed. 1/4 -- Read p. 494-499 on Absolute and Comparative Advantage.  Notes on trade.  Why do nations trade?
Thur. 1/5 -- A comparison chart on ways to limit trade.  We will have two ends of a spectrum -- protectionism and free trade arguments.  Students will also define tariff and quota. p. 501-505.
Fri. 1/6 -- Mini Lecture on the history of global trade agreements and the WTO.  Mini-projects on WTO issues and trade disputes.  Presentations today and Monday. 

Friday, December 9, 2016

December 12-16, 2016

Wow.  Unusual Snowy week.  See changes to calendar below -- updated on 12/15

AP Human Geography
Mon. 12/12 -- No School -- Snow Day
Tue. 12/13 -- Religious Conflict -- intro notes and questions on three key religious conflicts.
Wed. 12/14 -- Lecture on religious conflicts . Review for Quiz.
Thur. 12/15 -- No School -- Snow Day 

Fri. 12/16  -- QZ: Chapter 6. Notebook #5 DUE. 
Monday and Tuesday will be to finish the holiday presentations.  We are now two days behind and will have some extra homework in the new year to make up the lost time. 

AP Art History 
Mon. 12/12 -- No School -- Snow Day
Tue. 12/13 -- The High Renaissance (lecture) -- Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael
Wed. 12/14 -- Primary source reading on the role of painter.  There are questions to go with the reading. Late Renaissance -- Titian and Pontormo.
Thur. 12/15 -- No School Snow Day  -  Work on the HR and LR cards.
Fri. 12/16 -- History of the Reformation.  Hopefully we will have enough time to watch some of Luther.  If not there is a shorter version on Khan academy. HW: Get your Northern Renaissance Cards ready -- pictures and labels.  You will only have Monday night to finish 4 cards.
Mon. 12/19 -- Notes on the Northern Renaissance. Finish cards tonight.  Quiz and Cards due tomorrow. 
Tue. 12/20 -- Open Card Quiz on the Renaissance.  This quiz will be more difficult than the last quiz, so I recommend excellent cards.  Questions will cover the all of the Renaissance cards. HR, LR and NR cards due (9 cards).

Mon. 12/12  --No School -- Snow Day
Tue. 12/13 -- Notes on Inflation.  Mini-skits on inflation topics. If you are absent you will need to read the section in Chapter 13 on inflation and familiarize yourself with the concepts.  The skit will be excused, not the knowledge :).  ECE moved to Wednesday.
Wed. 12/14 -- Powerpoint on unemployment -- how it is measured and types of unemployment.  Student partners will create a cartoon defining the five types of unemployment -- See pages 386-387 (Sources of unemployment). If you are absent, create a five cartoon project showing pictures of the five types of unemployment.  Define each type.  Economic Current Event #3 DUE by 4 p.m.
Thur. 12/15 -- No School -- Snow Day
Fri. 12/16 A short video on technological unemployment.  Review for the Economic policy test. Review sheets out.
Mon, 12/19-- A bit more review, game. Short test. There is no essay, just short answer questions on economic policy. Chapters 12-13.
Tue. 12/20 -- Supply-side and Demand-side policies -- Discussion, video and quick partner charts.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

December 5-9, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 12/5 -- Graphic organizer on the origin of religions. Small group projects.  Hw: Finish the graphic organizers p. 192-195, Ch 6, Key 2.
Tue. 12/6 -- Worksheet -- Map of the diffusion of Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.  HW: Review for the quiz.
Wed. 12/7 -- Assembly Schedule.  QZ: Key Issue 1-2 (Multiple-choice, 18 questions).  Know definitions, an basics of religions, branches - including distribution and diffusion.  Begin religious organization and space chart. This is a large group project.
Thur. 12/8 --  Finish religious organization and space chart, group discussion questions.
Fri. 12/9 -- Work Day for the holiday project. Chromebooks.

AP Art History 
Mon. 12/5 -- Introduction to the Renaissance. Early Northern Renaissance Notes.  Handout of the techniques of altar painting and engraving.
Tue. 12/6 -- Italian Politics city states map.
Wed. 12/7 -- Early Italian Renaissance. Short video on Medici and notes on Burnelleschi and Alberti -- architecture.
Thur. 12/8 -- EIR -- Paintings and sculpture.
Fri. 12/9 -- History of humanism and Savanarola.  Art cards on the Early Renaissance DUE.  Open card quiz. 

Mon. 12/5 -- Library work day -- HSBP and Corporation project.
Tue. 12/6 -- HSBP and Corporation project DUE no later than 3 p.m.
Wed. 12/7  -- Review Keynes and the output expenditure formula, quiz (open note). Notes on demographic trends and economic growth.  If you are home, skim pages 346-351(lesson 2 in chapter 12).
Thur. 12/8 -- Watch "Changing Geography of Jobs" form the EIP series.  Look up the video (a bit longer than five minutes).  You will then research a city in the U.S. that falls into either a brain hub or industrial capital.  Pick up the direction sheet.
Fri.12/9 -- Business cycle. Read p. 366-371, answer the questions. Get a copy of the questions from me if you are absent.

Monday, November 28, 2016

November 28 - December 2, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 11/28 -- Review for map final.  We will go over the physical features and begin the review of countries.
Tue. 11/29 -- Review for the map final. We will finish the review of countries and play a game to review the cities. :) Country- city bingo.  STUDY tonight for the final.
Wed. 11/30 -- Map Final
Thur. 12/1 Introduction to religion notes on the distribution of religions.
Fri. 12/2 -- Go over the Culture Test.  Religious diffusion worksheet with maps.  It is unlikely students will finish in class and completing the worksheet will be homework. DUE Monday.

AP / Art History
Mon. 11/28 -- Notes on Gothic and Late Medieval Italy.  Handout on manuscript production in Paris.  AC: 48-55 DUE (black) -- Late Antique, Byzantine, Early Medieval.
Tue. 11/29 -- Virtual Tour of Cathedrals and regional cathedral styles -- Chartres, Salisbury and Orvieto.  Chromebooks to look up the difference in the regional styles and a quick talk.
Wed. 11/30 -- Review for the Early Europe through 1400 test.  Study and finish art cards.
Thur. 12/1 -- TEST: Early Europe to 1400.  Art Cards 58-64 DUE (Gold).
Fri. 12/2 -- Introduction to the Renaissance and how to study Painting notes/activity.

Mon. 11/28 -- HSBP or Corporation Project. Work Day #1 in the library.
Tue. 11/29 --  HSBP or Corporation Project. Work Day #2 in the library.
Wed. 11/30 -- Define GDP notes on how to evaluate economic performance.  Color maps of the world according to GDP. Look at gapminder.org.
Thur. 12/1 -- Read p. 440 (Keynes biography).  Who is John Maynard Keynes?  What is Keynesian economics?  Notes on the Output-Expenditure formula.  What makes up GDP?  Short video on Keynes.
Fri. 12/2 -- The components of GDP -- using the Bureau of Economic Analysis.  Second activity to look at the CPI (Consumer Price Index) and to complete some research on inflation.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

November 21-23, 2016

Thanksgiving is this Week!

AP Human Geography
Mon. 11/21 -- Review for the unit test on culture and language -- chapters 4-5.  From previous chapters know types of diffusion and the demographic transition model.  Lingua Franca CRQ DUE. 
Tue. 11/22 -- Unit test -- Chapters 4-5 -- 55 multiple choice questions.
Wed. 11/23 -- Go over the test, Collect notebook #4 and hand out review lists for the map test next week.

AP / Art History
Mon. 11/21 -- Diagrams on parts of cathedrals.  We will make study diagrams similar to the project form the Greek Temples.
Tue. 11/22 - Notes on Medieval Europe and the Romanesque.  This will cover four AP art pieces which includes out one Romanesque cathedral.
Wed. 11/23 -- Quiz over cathedral vocabulary -- again it will be similar to quizzes on Greek temples and Islamic mosques.

Mon 11/21 -- Review for Banking and Finance Test.  The Stock Research assignment is DUE today.
Tue. 11/22 -- Banking and Finance Test
Wed. 11/23 -- Fiscal Crisis 2008 -- causes and lessons learned? 

Friday, November 11, 2016

November 14-18, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 11/14  -- We will watch "A History of English in 10 Minutes" which goes through 10 chapters of the spread of English.  Stopping and starting the on-line video, student will complete the chart showing key changes to English.  On the other side is a world map.  Mark on the map stages 1-9 and label each line. Text p. 154-157. Around the edges of the map write the following: German invasion, Norman invasion, Diffusion to North America. Write 3-4 bullets from the information in the text. In the bottom corners of the map: Explain the Nomadic Warrior Hypothesis and Sedentary Farmer Hypothesis.
Tonight on the National Geographic Channel a series on colonizing Mars begins. You might want to watch a little, we do a big project on Mars after the AP test. HW: Review for quiz. Know the language families well - especially Indo-European. 
Tue. 11/15 -- QZ: Chapter 5, Key 1-2. Notes on Dialects of English and language diffusion. (Chapter 5, Key 3)
Wed. 11/16 -- Video "In Search of the First Language", notes on preserving local languages.
Thur. 11/17 -- Preserving Languages worksheet. Chapter 5, Key 4.
Fri. 11/18 -- Notes Global English/ Lingua Franca Key Issue 4 pages 172-177. HW: write CRQ Lingua Franca. DUE Monday! 

AP: Art History
Mon 11/14 -- Review for unit test.
Tue. 11/15 -- Unit test on Asia.  I will focus on China and Japan, but the test will include works form Islam and South Asia.
Wed. 11/16 -- Internet search: Christian themes in Medieval and Renaissance art. Iconography.
Notebook #4 DUE.
Thur. 11/17 -- Notes on Late Antiquity. Mini-project on Latin and Greek floor plans.
Fri. 11/18 -- Notes on Byzantine art and video on Hagia Sophia.

Mon 11/14 -- Making an investment plan. Introduction to stocks and stock reports.
Tue. 11/15 -- Lecture on stocks and picking portfolios.  ECE #2 DUE by 4 p.m.
Wed. 11/16 -- Stock Research -- narrow your list to 5.
Thur. 11/17 -- LIBRARY -- Narrow your list to 1 and write a stock analysis.
Fri. 11/18 -- Second day in the library.  All stock research DUE today. 

Sunday, November 6, 2016

November 7-11, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 11/7 -- Introduction to Language Notes Chapter 5, Key Issue 1 (p. 143-149). Begin language research project. Students will work in pairs.
Tue. 11/8 -- Complete Language Research project
Wed. 11/9 -- Presentations on languages families and branches.  Students will take notes on a copy of a language family tree.  Work is over Key Issue 2, pages 150-157.
Thur. 11/10 -- Veteran's Day Assembly Schedule.  Map Day 7, Africa Map.  Because of the schedule, students will probably have some homework. Map DUE Monday.
Fri. 11/11 -- Veteran's Day.  Thank you Veteran's for your service to our country.

AP Art History
I have made some changes to the calendar.  Corrections are on the board in class and here.
Mon. 11/7 -- Chinese landscape painting.  A quick overview and the work of Fan Kuan. Mini painting project.
Tue. 11/8 -- Finish Chinese and Korean Art.  5 slides including the Forbidden City.
Wed. 11/9 -- Begin Japan -- look at painting and print-making.
Thur. 11/10 -- Webquest on Japanese gardens and temples.  AC: China (purple)
Fri. 11/11 -- Veteran's Day.  Thank you Veteran's for your service to our country.

Mon. 11/7 -- We got a bit behind on Friday due to the great enthusiasm for show and tell :). We are catching up today.  Fed chart on responsibilities and structure.  Notes on Monetary Policy. Again there is a chart to fill out.
Tue. 11/8 -- Watch about 10 minutes of "The Power of Money".  Take an open note quiz on chapter 16 -- Banking and the Fed. Begin Unit on Finance Read p. 304-309, graphic organizer to complete.
Wed. 11/9 -- Types of Financial Assets, Three pocket organizer -- project to be completed with partner -- each person does 6 cards for the project.
FINAL NIGHT -- Risk Assessment DUE Thursday. 
*Take the quiz and PRINT OUT your risk score. 
Thur. 11/10 - Finish project -- discuss different types of assets. RISK QUIZ DUE
Fri. 11/11 -- Veteran's Day.  Thank you Veteran's for your service to our country. 

Monday, October 31, 2016

October 31 - November 4, 2016

Welcome: Parent Teacher Conferences are Thursday 11/3 from 4-7 p.m. in the Eyre Gym. 

AP Human Geography
Mon. 10/31 -- Aborigine Video -- questions to answer during the video. National Geographic "Australia's Aborigines."  Make sure you have a house picture for Tuesday.
Tue. 11/1 -- Pictures of houses in Richland.  Describe your house.  Reading p. 122-125. The houses are on pages 125. You will make a diffusion map of housing styles p. 124 and identify your house's style from the power point.  Read pages 122-123 for folk houses and sacred spaces in houses.
Wed. 11/2 -- Qz on Chapter 4, Key Issue 1-2 -- vocabulary and multiple choice.  Know the difference between folk and popular culture traits.   Notes on Access Issues (Key Issue 3)
Thur. 11/3 -- Graphic organizer on Sustainability issues for popular culture. Chapter 4 review sheet out. Some review time.  HW: Study for the Asia map quiz which will include the Asia Map and the SW Asia maps.  
Fri. 11/4 -- Map Quiz.

AP / Art History 
Mon. 10/31 -- Presentations on Temples.  Each group will do the presentation on the temple.  Points for the slide show and presentation.
Tue. 11/1 -- Review Islam and South Asia art. 
Wed. 11/2 -- Short test on Islam and South Asian Art.  DVD section on the Terra Cotta warriors at Xian. -- Qin tomb. South Asian Art Cards due -- lavender.
Thur. 11/3 -- Chinese tomb and religion.  Qin, Han and Tang dynasties.
Fri. 11/4 -- Art history timeline for China.

Mon. 10/31 -- Worksheet on Money and Monetary Systems.  Chapter 10
Tue. 11/1 -- Video -- Modern Marvels -- Mints. -- Questions with the video.
Wed. 11/3 -- Short segment of "It's a Wonderful Life." PowerPoint notes on history of banking in the U.S. Start the timeline on banking history in the U.S. -- partner project with 12 events.  The top five events need reasons why they are important in U.S. bank history.  For example the Banking Act of 1933 established the FDIC.
Thur. 11/4 -- Video: "Your Bank has Failed" on the FDIC selling a bank during the financial crisis. 
Finish the Banking history timelines.
Fri. 11/3 -- Introduction to the Federal Reserve -- Chart on the Fed's organization and duties.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

October 24-28, 2016

NOTE: Friday is the end of the 1st quarter. 

AP Human Geography
Mon. 10/24 -- Go over the test on Population and Migration.  Introduction to culture -- some notes and definitions from Chapter 4, Key issue 1.
Tue. 10/25 -- Research on Culture, Teams of three will explore material traits, customary beliefs and social forms.  Work with the chromebooks. There is a research sheet to complete.
Wed. 10/26 -- Identify items of material culture and relate to culture.  There will be a collection of items from different places we will do a quick 15 minute search and then show and tell about the items.  Begin the chart on folk and popular culture.
Thru. 10/27 -- Finish the chart on folk and popular culture.  Food and culture -- tasting.
Fri. 10/28 -- Map of Asia. Notebook #3 DUE. 

Extra Credit:  You may chose one of the two options. 
1) Ethnic food day, bring a small sample of an ethnic food (a bite for 24 people).  Know the name of the food, country.  (sign up in class)
2) Current Event:  Find a news article having to do with geography (diffusion, migration, population, politics, culture, etc.) I like reuters.com for international news.  Print the article, read it, write an 8 sentence summary and then a 5 sentence analysis using your knowledge form AP Human Geography.  Vocab words are great. 

AP/ Art History 
Mon. 10/24 -- Project on the three types of mosquest (hypostyle, four-iwan, central-dome). Label diagrams, read about different mosques.
Tue. 10/25 -- Notes on luxury items of the Persian and Ottoman periods.  We will do five cards today! Notes and stamp. Hand out a vocab list.
Wed. 10/26 -- Notes on Hinduism and Buddhism.  Label diagrams of Buddha and Shiva. Qz: on mosque vocabulary. 
Thur. 10/27 -- Research project on a temple. Chromebook slide set. Notebook #3 DUE; Art cards on Islam DUE.
Fri. 10/28 -- Research project on a temple. Chromebook slide set.

Mon. 10/24 -- Federal tax and spending pie graphs.  Each person will work with a partner, but the grade is for their own graph.  There is a question to answer.
Tue. 10/25 -- Read and take notes on p. 417-422 (From Deficits to Debt), Chapter 10.  Tke good notes, you may use them on an open note quiz during class.
Wed. 10/26 -- Review for test.
Thur. 10/27 -- TEST on Labor, Government taxes and spending.  Chapters 10 and 14. Review sheet due.
Fri. 10/28 -- Current Event #1 day.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

October 17-21, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 10/17 -- Continue work on migration.  Stories of migrants in Europe from National Geographic magazine.  Reading on current migration into Germany "The New Face of Europe" -- mark up. Migration push/pull activity.
Tue. 10/18 -- Notes on border, immigration and brain drain.  Activity on the US-Mexico border.
Wed. 10/19 -- Review for the unit test
Thur 10/20 -- Unit test on Population (chapter 2) and Migration (chapter 3)
Fri. 10/21 -- Map of SW Asia (Middle East)

AP/Art History
Mon. 10/17 -- Ancient Mediterranean Review
HW: Finish Roman Cards, study for the test!
Tue. 10/18 -- Ancient Mediterranean Test; AC for the Etruscans and Rome DUE

Mon. 10/17 -- Lecture on Taxes, tax chart -- vocab review.  Section 1 vocab quiz.  There is a quizlet made under Jonniefenton -- Tax vocab.
Tue. 10/18 -- Introduce the Federal Budget -- Budget numbers for 2016.  DVD: IOU USA
Wed. 10/19 -- Budget research for mini-Congress activity
Thur. 10/20 -- Cutting the budget -- mini-Congress activity.  We will attempt to trim $50 billion from discretionary spending. Whole class activity.
Fri. 10/21 -- Alternative types of taxes, p. 406-410. Describe Flat and VAT taxes with a pro/con list. Create a timeline of tax reform in the U.S. Exit Ticket VAT

Sunday, October 9, 2016

October 10-14, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 10/10 -- Migration basics worksheet with a map to show the stages of migration to the U.S. Key issue 1 of chapter 3 p. 79-83.
Tue. 10/11 -- Obituary activity -- Students will use obits from local papers to tract the internal migration in the United States.  Obits provide information about where someone was born and where they died.  We will make a chart with this information and then map the migration paths.
Wed. 10/12 -- PowerPoint notes on Key Issue 2 -- Where do people migrate within a country.  HW: Review p. 79-91 Key Issue 1-2 for a vocabulary quiz. 
Thur. 10/13 --  Qz: Key issue 1-2 vocab. Reasons for migration.  A short video about "guest workers" in the UAE and push and pull factors for migration. Reading p. 92-95 in class.
HW: Study your maps
Fri. 10/14 -- Qz on the Russia and Europe map. A bit of review before and then the quiz.  We are doing a special map of the Syrian refugee crisis today.

AP/ Art History 
Mon. 10/10 -- AC on Greece DUE;  Notes on the Etruscans.
Tue. 10/11 -- Lecture and activity on architecture -- how to read floor plans and figure out buildings.
Wed. 10/13 -- Video and chromebook activity on Pompeii including the House of the Vettii and the House of the Faun.
Thur. 10/14 -- Roman architecture -- Flavian Ampitheater, Market of Trajan and the Pantheon.  Build big or go home!
Fri. 10/15 -- Roman sculpture -- Roman patrician, Augustus, and the Battle Sarcophagus. We will describe elements of verism and propaganda in art.

Mon. 10/10 -- Read pages 250-258; Worksheet on Labor and Wages.  HW: Interview someone about their job. 
Tue. 10/11 -- Grade Labor and Wages worksheet.  Collective Bargaining simulation.
Wed. 10/12 -- Open note quiz on Chapter 9 sections 1 and 2 (p. 259-265).  You may use your PP notes and worksheet.  Reading on employment trends p. 259-265. do questions 1-6 on page 265.
Thur. 10/13 -- Taxation basics -- Create a political cartoon highlighting one of the taxation concepts from section 1 in chapter 14.  Students will work with partners.  We will present the vocabulary in class and finish on Friday.
Fri. 10/14 -- Mini-lecture on taxes and a chart on different types of taxes.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

October 3-7, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 10/3 -- Epidemiologic transition Stages 1-5, possible stage 5. p. 64-67, worksheet. Reading mark-up on Ebola.
Tue. 10/4 -- Worksheet DUE; Grade in class. Mapping activity on diseases -- Cholera Malaria, Ebola, to describe patterns. Look for stage 5 connections (travel, poverty, population). Chromebooks in class.
Wed. 10/5 -- DVD "Population Paradox" Diseases.  Students will use maps in the textbook to find health statistics for several countries in the world.  They will use the statistics to predict life expectancy. Homework: Make your Chapter Quiz review card.
Thur. 10/6 --  Review activity -- brainstorm lists for chapter 2.  What should be on the card?
Chapter two quiz. Multiple choice and graphing, worth 24 points. 
Fri. 10/7 -- Europe map, HW: Finish map

AP/ Art History
Mon. 10/3 -- Temple Architecture, I will introduce the vocabulary of temples and students will create diagrams to show all of the vocabulary.
Tue. 10/4 -- Finish Temples, notes on Kore to Doryphoros. Greek figures in art.
Wed. 10/5 -- The Golden Age and the Acropolis, a bit of pottery.
Thur. 10/ -- QZ: Temple vocabulary. Hellenistic sculpture notes.
Fri. 10/7 -- Review Greek styles with constructed timelines. You will receive a blank with a set of pictures.  Put the right pictures in each section and identify the characteristics of each artistic style.
NOTE: Greek Art Cards are due MONDAY 10/10

Mon. 10/3 -- Market failures -- short lecture on types of market failure. Read  p. 192--195 in the text if you are absent for this information.  Complete a newspaper project on four types of market failures.  If you are absent you will need a copy of the directions from the powerpoint.
Tue. 10/4 -- Regulatory Internet Quest.  Student pairs will looks up information on different types of U.S. regulatory agencies.  They will learn about the origin of the agency and its role in the economy.  Use chromebooks in class.
Wed. 10/5 -- Test review day.
Thur. 10/6 -- Microeconomics Unit Test
Fri. 10/7 -- Lecture notes on the history of Unions.  A short video on strikes during the Great Depression. 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

September 26-30, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 9/26 -- Reading questions p. 50-55; Chapter 2, Key Issue 2. This section has a lot of statistics for measuring population growth, etc. There will be questions posted on the document camera.  If you are absent, ask for a copy of the questions.  Demonstration of gapminder.org.  HW: Gapminder activity on population. 
Tue. 9/27 -- DVD "Population paradox" section on India.  Small group activity of population pyramids.  HW: Students will construct graphs showing the CDR and CBR over time of Mexico and Sweden.  I will give then the data and graph paper.  Year on the horizontal axis and CDR/CBR on the vertical axis.  Use two different colors (one for CBR one for CDR) and make a key.  There is more data for Sweden than Mexico. There are some models on p. 56-57.
Wed. 9/28 -- Lecture on the demographic transition model. Questions on the Sweden/Mexico graphs and how they relate to the model. HW: finish the questions if necessary. Questions due Thur.
Thur. 9/29 -- TED talk "Global Population, Box by Box" Slowing population growth trends p. 60-63
Fri. 9/30 -- Map Day #3 -- Russia and neighbors.

Art History/AP Art History 
Mon. 9/26 -- New Kingdom Lecture, Handout on Ramses the Great and Abu Simbel.
Tue. 9/27 -- Project to compare traditional Egyptian style with Amarna period.  Work with a partner. There are pictures and a handout.
Wed. 9/28 -- Qz. Ancient Near East and Egypt.  Art Cards for Egypt due. 
Thur. 9/29 -- Key lecture: How to study sculpture.  Notes mostly.
Fri. 9/30 -- Introduction to Greece. Map, style periods, What is an agora?

Mon. 9/26 -- QZ: open note quiz on chapter 6.  The notes are the guided reading we did on Thrusday 9/22.  These are safely in my basket.  Comparing types of Competitive structures -- Pure competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, monopoly (4 types).
Tue. 9/27 -- DVD: "Tucker a Man and his Dream"
Wed. 9/28 -- DVD: "Tucker a Man and his Dream" Tucker response due Friday 9/30
Thru. 9/29 -- Partner project on creating a product and determining elasticity.
Fri. 9/30 -- PP notes on anti-trust history. Tucker response due.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

September 19-23, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 9/19 -- Review for the chapter 1 test on Tuesday. We will divide up sections of the review sheet and become experts to teach the class.  Extra review on concentration, density and pattern. Double check notebooks.
Tue. 9/20 -- Test: Chapter Concepts; Notebook #1 DUE
Wed. 9/21 --Population density worksheet, chapter 2; key issue 1.
Thur. 9/22 -- Go over the test. Review for the Europe map.  Population worksheet DUE.
Fri. 9/23 -- Qz: North and South American maps. What is a CRQ and how to define, identify, describe and explain.  Cards and movies.

AP Art History/ Art History
Mon. 9/19 -- History of Mesopotamia. Reading p. 29-34 in Ancient World History book. Go over the test questions.
Tue. 9/20 -- Lecture on the art of Mesopotamia.
Wed. 9/21 -- Egyptian history p. 35-41 with a map of Egypt.  Many juniors will be gone this day due to ASVAB testing.  They will need to make-up the map, but I will help them with the questions.
Thur. 9/22 -- Old Kingdom Egypt -- Pyramids and ka statues. Notes.
Fri. 9/23 --Diagramming the Great Pyramids, Palace of Persepolis and the Great Temple at Karnak.
Art Cards: Ancient Mesopotamia DUE

Mon. 9/19 -- Complete demand project. Create a demand schedule and curve by averaging data from  your interviews.
Tue. 9/20 -- Mini-lecture-- Marginal utility and elasticity.  Questions from the textbook p. 122-123, questions 1,3,6,9,11 and 15.  Write complete sentences.
Wed. 9/21 -- ASVAB testing for juniors.  The seniors will look at current events and economics.
Thur. 9/22 - Notes on supply.  Guided reading worksheet for chapter 6 p. 154-173.
Fri. 9/23 -- Skits on prices. Small group project. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

September 12-16, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 9/12 -- Partner activity to research different types of diffusion.  Each pair will look up an example of diffusion and write a mini-report about what is it, where it began, and how did it spread to other places.  Due during class/presentations.
Tue. 9/13 -- Powerpoint notes on sustainability. If you are absent, I would recommend reading Key Issue 4 in chapter 1 in our text (p. 30-37).  You will also need to copy the notes from a classmate.
Wed. 9/14 -- Reading "Treading Water" from National Geography, February 2015.  The article is about rising waters in Florida.  We will mark up the text with careful reading.
** Study tonight:  quiz for key issues 3-4 , vocabulary and a few multiple-choice questions. 
Thur. 9/15 -- Qz: Key issue 3-4 from chapter 1. Ted talk: Save the oceans, feed the world," by Jackie Savitz. Watch the TED talk and take notes on the graphic organizer.
Fri. 9/16 -- Map Day 2 -- Latin America

AP Art History
Mon. 9/12 -- Notes on Melanesia and Micronesia.  Honoring gods and ancestors. Map showing South Pacific art locations DUE. 
Tue. 9/13 -- Polynesia -- Easter Island to Polynesian ahu'ula.  More notes on the South Pacific arts.
Wed. 9/14 -- Art project day -- Each student will get an piece of art to create for our review.  They can use materials to create a part of the piece, draw it... etc.
Thur. 9/15 -- Present the pieces of art as a review.
Fri. 9/16 -- Global Prehistory and the Pacific arts TEST. Notebook #1 DUE.

Monday 9/12 -- Country reports due: presentation of information. Read pages 87-90. Briefly describe the 7 economic goals and rank them in order of importance using the 3 economic systems (Communism, Capitalism, Socialism). I have more directions if you need help!
Tue. 9/13 -- Read pages 72-75 on the American Free Enterprise system.  Complete the graphic organizer using the text (p. 72-75 and 82-86).
Wed. 9/14 -- Review for unit 1 Economic concepts test
Thur. 9/15 -- Economic Concepts -- Unit 1 test
Friday 9/16 -- Begin demand -- notes and project directions.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September 6-9, 2016

AP Human Geography
Tue. 9/6 -- Introduction to place.  Answered questions about the GIS map -- Due by Friday the 9th.  Define: Place, Location., Toponym, Site and Situation from pages 14-15 in the text (use on-line edition).  Activity on the characteristics of regions.
Wed. 9/7 -- Regions project -- define the regions and color examples on the map.  p. 16-19 in text.  You need an assignment if you were absent.  Review vocabulary for the quiz.
Thur. 9/8 -- Quiz on vocabulary from Chapter 1, Key issues 1-2.  There is a list on the board in the room. Worksheet on globalization. Discuss distributions in space.
Fri. 9/9 -- Map Day 1 -- North America and Canada Map.  If you do not finish the map in class it is homework.  Due Monday 9/12.  All GIS maps due today. 

AP Art History 
Tue. 9/6 -- Notes and video on Stonehenge.  We will do some maps of Stonehenge and Durington Walls a nearby woodhenge. The video will provide examples of purpose -- from burials to solar alignments.
Wed. 9/7 -- Notes on prehistoric art from Asia and the Americas.  We will watch a short video from Khan Academy on the Jade cong from China.
Thur. 9/8 -- Notes on Pacific pieces of art.  Open Note quiz on Prehistoric Art in class.
Fri. 9/9 -- Map of the locations of art from the Pacific World.  You will have a map of the Pacific, a chrome book and list of locations to work with.  Directions included.

Tue. 9/6 -- Barter simulation. Types of economic systems chart.  Hand in the barter simulation. Quiz tomorrow -- Study!  There is a quizlet at www.quizlet.com.  Search my name: jonniefenton and the quiz is called "Economic concepts."
Wed. 9/7 -- Quiz on Vocabulary from Chapter 1.  Vocab Puzzle Due. Discuss the economic systems and the related government systems.  PP notes on "Mixed economies"  I have a note sheet printed and you just need to fill in the blanks.
Thur. 9/8 -- Research on one country from the list.  Pick a county and use the chromebooks for research. Country Research Due Monday 9/12.
Fri. 9/9 -- Video: "Emerging Powers: China"  Questions to answer with the video.

Monday, August 29, 2016

August 30- September 2

August 30- September 2

AP Human Geography
Tue. 8/30 -- Syllabus, Polices, Get to Know you activity. HW: Get Policies and Syllabus signed.
Wed. 8/31 -- Map projections -- notes and powerpoint.  Group work to create a chart with positives and negatives about different types of maps.  HW: Print a map tonight that shows some data you find interesting. 
Thur. 9/1 -- Definitions of different types of maps.  We will use cloropleth maps often!  Break into small groups to discuss your maps.  Some map presentations. HW: Read p. 5-13 tonight.
Fri. 9/2 -- Making maps using www.arcgis.com.  Directions on using the software.  You will make your own mashup map.  Due Wednesday 9/7. 

AP/ Art History 
Tue. 8/30 --  Syllabus and Policies.  Slide show to see what we will be studying first semester.  Prehistoric to Baroque art.  Take the syllabus/policies home for a signature.
Wed. 8/31-- Notes on the Visual Elements -- discuss on how to describe art.
Thur 9/1 -- Big Ideas in Art History -- Slides and discussion.
Fri. 9/2 -- Painting on Walls -- Cave painting in Europe and Africa.  Our first 3 slides :)

Tue. 8/30 -- Class Policies and syllabus.  Begin Goods and Services research.  HW: Interview five teens about buying habits. Get syllabus/policies signed by Friday.
Wed. 8/31 -- Finish goods and services data work.  May have to do some policies to finish up.
Thur. 9/1 -- Chapter 1 vocabulary project.  Partner up and make a simple poster to describe an economic vocab word or concept.  Begin vocab presentations
Fri. 9/2 -- Finish vocab presentations.  Vocab Puzzle. We will have a quiz over these words on 9/7.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

March 21-25, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 3/21 -- Begin project for siting a factory.  Students will work individually, but be part of a group to divide up the four types of factories.  Individual grades.  We will begin with some notes on Weber and then have three days in class to work.
Tue. 3/22 -- More siting a factory
Wed. 3/23 -- More siting a factory.  Due on Thursday, but if done early please turn it in.
Thur. 3/24 -- Notes on Labor, etc today.
Fri. 3/25 -- Small group jigsaw on air, water, and hazardous waste pollution.  We will work in groups of three.

World Geography
Mon. 3/21 -- Review handed out for test.  Finish notes on Oil.
Tue. 3/22 -- More test review, art and calligraphy topics.
Wed. 3/23 - TEST on SW Asia (aka Mid-East).  The essay topic is to write about conflict (oil, Israel, ISIS) and culture (art, religion) in the Middle East.
Thur. 3/24 -- Physical Map of Africa.
Fri. 3/25 -- Questions about the Sahel,  Pictures of Africa by region.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 3/21 -- Han China worksheet
Tue. 3/22 -- Compare Han China and Rome, Test Review
Wed. 3/23 -- TEST on Asian Empires, Notebook #3 DUE
Thur. 3/24 -- DVD: Empires of Faith: Islam -- Notes.
Fri. 3/25 -- Worksheet on Islam, review vocabulary 

Saturday, March 5, 2016

March 7-11, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 3/7 -- Finish notes on Development statistics.  Work on Development Chart using maps in the textbook.

* I am moving the geography test back a day to provide more review time for the test. 
Mon. 3/7 -- QZ: Russia and the Republics.  Review for Europe and Russia test
Tue. 3/8 --  The Essay is about the two separate areas of Europe we have been studying. Europe vs Russia and the Republics. Work on the planning and outline.  A little review game.
Wed. 3/9 -- Test on Europe and Russia.  Begin Middle East Map
Thur. 3/10 -- Finish the ME map, skim pages 478-485 on SW Asia and Read p. 487-490 together.
Fri. 3/11 -- PP on the regions of the Middle East.  Begin the regions pamphlet project.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 3/7 -- Review the Fall of Rome.  Vocabulary on the board and a Quiz over the section.  DVD on the Fall (about 6 minutes).  Collect notebook #2
Tue. 3/8 -- Review for Roman Test.  Divide the Republic and Empire periods.
Wed. 3/9 -- TEST on Rome
Thur. 3/10 -- Notes on the Indus Valley Civilization.  Worksheet to complete.
Fri. 3/11 -- TBD

Sunday, February 28, 2016

February 29- March 4, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 2/29 -- Go over the CRQ quiz and write a reflection. TED talk "Four fish we are overeating," by Paul Greenberg.  Begin cost/benefit analysis on ways to increase food production.
Tue. 3/1 -- Hand out review for test.  Finish cost benefit analysis.
Wed. 3/2 -- Review agriculture.  Other topics on the test will be types of density from chapter 2 and culture/food questions from chapter 4.
Thur. 3/3 -- Test on Chapter 10 Agriculture.
Fri. 3/4 -- Notebook #8 DUE 

World Geography
Mon. 2/29 --DVD: Russia from pilot guides.
Tue. 3/1 -- Map of Russia and the Republics -- yes this is the real map :)
Wed. 3/2 -- Worksheet on the history of Russia, Read about Chernobyl p. 368.  Map due in class -- we will grade together.
Thur. 3/3 -- PP on Russia with review questions. Stories about Russia.  Reading on Human Environment Interaction. including the Aral Sea. p. 353-356.
Fri. 3/4 -- Parade of Flags -- map review again -- NOTE the Russia and Republics map quiz is on Monday and the Europe Unit test is on Tuesday. 

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 2/29 -- DVD -- Biography of Julius Caesar -- we will make a timeline with 12 dates from his life during the DVD.
Tue. 3/1 -- QZ on Roman History -- open note.  New notes on the Pax Romana and reading guide for p. 160-165.
Wed. 3/2 -- DVD on Engineering an Empire -- Notes on three buildings and sketches of the building.
Thur. 3/3 -- The Rise of Christianity.  We will look at what we already know about Rome (class timeline) and then add in some events from the founding of Christianity.  Worksheet on "The Rise of Christianity" with questions on the back.
Fri. 3/4 -- Some notes on the fall of Rome and a reading from the historian Tacitus.  Begin the graphic organizer on the fall of Rome and the legacies of Rome.
NOTE:  Quiz on Monday on the Fall of Rome.  It is fill in the blank with a word bank.  Focus your study on Chapter 6 section 4 (p. 173-176)

Sunday, February 21, 2016

February 22-26, 2016

We have Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday.  Check out Hanford's web site for more information.

AP Human Geography
Mon. 2/22 -- Finish small group project on agriculture in the developing world.  Wow this is worth 46 points!!  Double check the assignment to make sure you are not missing anything.
Tue. 2/23 -- Notes and map on agriculture in the developed world.  HW: Review chapter 10, Key issue 2, p. 356-373
Wed 2/24 -- Webquest with book -- the challenges of subsistence agriculture.  I might be ready for a quiz.  Study subsistence agriculture.
Thur. 2/25 -- Models -- Markets, distance and Von Thunen. HW: Watch the TED talk "How food shapes our cities" by Carolyn Steel.  P/T conferences 4-7 p.m.
Fri. 2/26 -- Half day due to conferences -- What is the role of women in agriculture.  Read a speech and a weekend homework assignment on "Feed the Future" a government program designed to improve agriculture in developing countries.

World Geography
Mon. 2/22 -- Partner project on the regions of Europe.  Map of Europe DUE today.
Tue. 2/23 -- Partner project on Europe DUE today. Read p. 282-285 on human environment interaction.  Physical map of Europe -- rivers, mountains, etc.
Wed. 2/24 -- Physical map DUE; Europe Puzzle project -- small groups in class.  Hopefully a few notes on Eastern Europe.  STUDY for the Europe Quiz on Thursday.  It includes countries, cities and physical features.  
Thur. 2/25 --  Quiz on Europe map.  Introduce Russia, p. 257.  Partner project on the regions of Russia. P/T conferences 4-7 p.m.
Fri. 2/26 -- Half day due to conferences -- Finish regions project.

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 2/22 -- Introduction to Rome (sort of a lecture, more looking at pictures).  Worksheet on the Roman Republic, p. 155-158.
Tue. 2/23 -- Jigsaw on Roman Culture.  Students will choose two of the six choices on reading about Roman life.  They will write summaries of the two they selected.  -- 8 sentences; 6 very interesting things, and 2 on what they found most interesting.   Extra Credit possible.
Wed. 2/24 -- Roman Republic Simulation.  Government of Rome.  If you are absent there is quite a make up assignment -- pick it up!
Thur. 2/25 -- Lecture on the growth of the Roman Republic and the transition to the Empire.  P/T conferences 4-7 p.m.
Fri. 2/26 -- Half day due to conferences --  Roman Rulers handout. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

February 16-19, 2016

AP Human Geography
Tue. 2/16  -- Notes on the neolithic revolution and theories for agriculture.  A map of hearths of farming and livestock domestication.  Get a blank world map and essentially label/shade the five hearths and list all of the crops and animals domesticated.  maps on pages 348-349.
6th period homework:  Read "The Worst Mistakes in the history of the Human Race."  Diamond's thesis is that the development of agriculture was a huge mistake -- highlight evidence in the article to support his thesis.
Wed. 2/17 -- 4th period: Read "The Worst Mistakes in the history of the Human Race."  Diamond's thesis is that the development of agriculture was a huge mistake -- highlight evidence in the article to support his thesis. Class discussion.  HW: chart comparing commercial and subsistence agriculture.
6th period -- small group discussion of the article -- what evidence did you find.  Share out and list on the board.  In class complete the chart on commercial and subsistence agriculture.
Thur. 2/18 -- PowerPoint notes on nutrition and diet.  What is a food desert?  How is poverty linked to obesity in the U.S.
Fri. 2/19 -- Begin small group project on agriculture in the developing world.

World Geography
Tue. 2/16 -- Review sheet for the Latin America test.  We will go over the regions and economic resources.  The test essay is on the country student's studied.  They will write about the geography, resources, history and culture of their country.  The test includes vocab matching, multiple choice, a short answer question and the essay.
Wed. 2/17 --Test on Latin America -- some student may start the political map.
Thur. 2/18 -- Political map of Europe.
Fri. 2/19 -- PP on the regions of Europe (North, East, West and Mediterranean).  We will just start a partner project on these regions.

Ancient Medieval 
Tue. 2/16 -- Listening to the story of "Alexander and Bucephlus" and interactive map of Alexander's Empire.  Begin project on Hellenistic Greece.  Students are in groups preparing a short presentation on different aspects of Hellenism -- from Alexander's conquests to Hellenistic science and art.  Presentations will begin on Wednesday toward the end of the period.  Notebook #1 DUE
Wed. 2/17 -- Finish the project -- Begin presentations
Thur. 2/18 -- Review day of the Greece test -- will finish a few presentations
Fri. 2/19 -- Test o n Greece. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

February 8-12, 2016

Sorry my post is a day late.  It's been busy :)

AP Human Geography
Mon. 2/8 -- Finish timelines on NATO/EU and the Warsaw Pact. Due on Tuesday.
Tue. 2/9 -- Collect timelines on NATO/EU and the Warsaw Pact.  Interactive lecture on Terrorism.  This section of the text is quite a good short summary of several terrorist issues.  It is worth a re-read after the lecture p. 290-295.  Hand-out test review summaries.
Wed. 2/10 -- Review for the test.  We will spend some time on chapter 1 as well.  I expect we are a bit rusty on the vocabulary.
Thur. 2/11 -- Black History Month Assembly -- special schedule.  Test on Chapter 8 (about 35 questions) and chapter 1 (about 15 questions); Collect Notebook #7
Fri. 2/12 -- CRQ essay for the test (25 minutes)

World Geography
Mon. 2/8 -- Latin America Resource Maps.  Each students will have a country in LA to draw a map and color it topographically.  They will add on 5 resources produced in the country. This is a two day project.
Tue. 2/9 -- Day two in the Library to work on the maps.
Wed. 2/10 -- Resource map DUE;  PowerPoint on the history of Latin America.
Thur. 2/11 -- Large Resource Map -- The economy of Latin America.
Fri. 2/12 -- Reading on the Rain forest p. 245-247.  CNN video on Planet in Peril on rain forest issues. Hand out review sheet for the test. The test is scheduled for Wednesday 2/17.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 2/8 -- Turn in Persia Map.  Watch "Engineering an Empire: Persia"  Notes on the Persian War with Greece.
Tue. 2/9 --  "The Last Stand of the 300" about the Battle of Thermopylae.  We will  take notes looking for 12 reasons why the Greeks manage to win the second Persian war.
Wed. 2/10 -- PowerPoint notes on the Golden Age of Greece (and Golden Ages in general).  What are the characteristics of the period in Greece?  Read p. 134-139 and find 10 famous Greeks.  Write their names and their contributions.  Each must be specific -- do not write "he was a playwright" that is too vague.
Thur. 2/11 -- Architecture in the Golden Age -- Reading about the Parthenon.  Watch a section of "Engineering an Empire: Greece" on the Parthenon.  There is a mistake in the reading. Can you find it?
Fri. 2/12 -- QZ: the Golden Age of Greece.  Worksheet on the Peloponessian War.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

February 1-5, 2016

 AP Human Geography
Mon. 2/1 -- Power Point on Colonialism -- no notes.  Students receive a set of questions about a Colonial empire to answer.  Each also includes a map to color the size of the empire.
Tue. 2/2 -- Types of Boundaries graphic organizer for Key Issue 3.  Crossword puzzle to practice vocab words for the upcoming quiz.
Wed. 2/3 -- Vocab Quiz for chapter 8 Key issues 1-3. Turn in Colonial Empire questions and vocab map.  Notes on government. Homework: Gerrymandering activity Due Friday 2/5
Thur. 2/4 --Google Redistricting game -- complete two missions. I recommend mission 1 and 2 advanced.
Fri. 2/4 -- Begin timeline project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact. There are 12 organizations and events to place on the timeline.

World Geography
Mon. 2/1 -- Notes on the Caribbean. Read pages 228-229 on disasters.  The example is in the Caribbean.
Tue. 2/2 -- Map of South America.
Wed. 2/3 -- Powerpoint with pictures from Latin America.  We will use the powerpoint to help prepared for the quiz on Friday.  Try www.ilike2learn.com  for a map review quiz.  The quiz includes both middle and South America.
Thur. 2/4 -- Video on Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.  Questions to answer with the video.
Fir. 2/5 -- Qz: Latin American Map.  Culture Shock Assignment.

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 2/1 -- DVD on Mycenae.  Begin large map of the city of Mycenae.  If you are absent see me for directions and a hand-out.
Tue. 2/2 -- Finish Mycenae map.
Wed. 2/3 -- QZ Map of Greece.  Notes of Greek History. If you are gone, borrow notes copy them and write absent on top -- put in notebook.
Thur. 2/4 -- Athens vs Sparta comparison chart. Due Friday.
Fri. 2/5 -- Begin Persia with a map of Persia and information on Persian kings.

Monday, January 25, 2016

January 26-29, 2016

Welcome to the Second Semester!

AP Human Geography
Tue. 1/26 -- Power Point on Introduction to States, notes.  DVD "Inside North Korea" more notes added onto the lecture notes.
Wed. 1/27 -- Origin of States worksheet.
Thur. 1/28 -- Vocabulary: centripetal, centrifugal, devolution.  TED talk by Parag Khanna "Maps the futures of countries." American Devolution activity with a team of 3-4. Read p. 270-273 tonight.
Fri. 1/29 -- Mini-lecture on the break-up of the Soviet Union.  How are these regions organized?  What challenges does multiethnic Russia Face -- Caucasus. Map and discussion.

World Geography
Tue. 1/26 -- Introduction and pre-quiz,  Syllabus and policies review.
Wed. 1/27 -- Latitude and longitude.  Cartography and how to read maps,  Plate map and labels.
Thur. 1/28 -- QZ: continents and oceans -- 7 continents, oceans+ Med Sea, Equator and Prime Meridian. Five themes of geography work.
Fri. 1/29 -- Introduction to Latin America.  Middle American map.

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 1/26 -- Syllabus and policies.  What are the characteristics of civilization -- notes to make up if gone.  Copy from a classmate.
Wed. 1/27 -- Introduction to Greece.  Map of Greece and timeline.
Thur. 1/28 -- Reading the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur.  Power Point on the Minoan civilization with a short essay on the fate of  the Minoans as homework.
Fri. 1/29 -- DVD: "Minotaur Island' with notes.  What do we know about the Minoans?  Hand out books to take home and Homework p. 123-126 with a Reading guide -- "Cultures of the Mountains and Seas."

Monday, January 18, 2016

January 19-22, 2016

Finals are this week. -- Special Schedule on Thursday and Friday

AP Human Geography
Mon. No School -- MLK Day
Tue. 1/19 -- Unit Test on Culture.  Focus on chapters 6-7, but review chapters 4-5 also.  60 multiple choice questions..
Wed. 1/20 -- Notebook #6 Due; Last day for late, make-up, missing work.
Thur. 1/21  -- Periods 1,3,5 -- no geography
Fri. 1/22 -- The shapes of states.  We will learn the vocabulary for shapes of states, some examples of each style and the advantages, disadvantages of each shape. Last day for extra credit.

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. No School --  MLK Day
Tue. 1/19 -- Final Review -- group 5/5/5 work
Wed. 1/20 -- Review Jeopardy; Last day for late, make-up, missing work or extra credit.
Thur. 1/21 -- Periods 1,3,5 -- no Ancient Medieval
Fri. 1/22 -- Ancient Medieval Final

Mon. -- No School -- MLK day
Tue. 1/19 -- Presentations on resource issues,  Good and bad things about Globalization.  We will list five of each.
Wed. 1/20 -- Review for the International Economics Test.  Last day for late, make-up, missing work, or extra credit.
Thur. 1/21 -- Finals 1,3,5 -- International Economics Test 
Fri. 1/22 Periods 2,4,6 -- no Economics

Sunday, January 10, 2016

January 11-15, 2015

AP Human Geography
Mon. 1/11 -- Reading on news from Ramadi.  Students will color a thematic ethnic map from either Iraq or Afghanistan.  We will add some fronts from the ISIS war in Iraq and the US actions in Afghanistan. HW: Reading on Kosovo. 
Tue. 1/12 -- Partner Project (can be done solo) on the Ethnic Cleansing in Yugoslavia. Hw: read pages 240-243, Key Issue 3 in Chapter 7
Wed. 1/13 -- Cultural Interaction Powerpoints DUE. Begin with Lebanon, Sri Lanka, South Asia and the Kurds.  HW: Reading p. 252-255, Key Issue 4 in chapter 7.
Thur. 1/14 -- Cultural Interaction PowerPoints DUE. Sudan, Somalia, Rwanda and Congo.
Fri. 1/15 -- Review day for the upcoming unit test.  The test will focus on chapters 6-7 (Religion and Ethnicity) but will include review from Chapter 4 (Culture) and Chapter 5 (Languages).  HW: Study over the weekend. 
Mon. 1/18 - MLK Day -- No School
Tue. 1/19 -- Test

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 1/11 -- Begin Social History project on the Middle Ages
Tue. 1/12 -- Finish Social History project on the Middle Ages, Project due BOP: Wed. 1/13. Worksheet, Changes in Medieval Society, DUE Thur. 1/14
Wed. 1/13 -- Notes on the Disaster of the 14th Century.  -- Avignon Papacy, Hundred 'years War and the Black Death.  Hopefully 15 minutes of the "Black Death" video.
Thur. 1/14 -- Review for the High Middle Ages test.
Fri. 1/15 -- Test on the High Middle Ages  Notebook #6 DUE. 

Mon. 1/11 -- Read Economic Perspectives 520-521.  Worksheet on Economic Development, p. 522-529. Chapter 18, Lesson 1.
Tue. 1/12 -- Globalization Graphic Organizer.  Notes on Lesson 2, p. 531-539. See directions on the graphic organizer if you are gone.
Wed. 1/13 -- What is globalization?  Make a group definition on the board.  Notes in international trade organizations and the EU.
Thur. 1/14 -- Global Resource Issues -- readings from National Geographic.  I have copies in my room and also directions to get articles on-line.  Many topics to choose from. Economic Current Event #3 DUE
Fri. 1/15 -- Presentations on Resource Issues.