Saturday, October 1, 2016

October 3-7, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 10/3 -- Epidemiologic transition Stages 1-5, possible stage 5. p. 64-67, worksheet. Reading mark-up on Ebola.
Tue. 10/4 -- Worksheet DUE; Grade in class. Mapping activity on diseases -- Cholera Malaria, Ebola, to describe patterns. Look for stage 5 connections (travel, poverty, population). Chromebooks in class.
Wed. 10/5 -- DVD "Population Paradox" Diseases.  Students will use maps in the textbook to find health statistics for several countries in the world.  They will use the statistics to predict life expectancy. Homework: Make your Chapter Quiz review card.
Thur. 10/6 --  Review activity -- brainstorm lists for chapter 2.  What should be on the card?
Chapter two quiz. Multiple choice and graphing, worth 24 points. 
Fri. 10/7 -- Europe map, HW: Finish map

AP/ Art History
Mon. 10/3 -- Temple Architecture, I will introduce the vocabulary of temples and students will create diagrams to show all of the vocabulary.
Tue. 10/4 -- Finish Temples, notes on Kore to Doryphoros. Greek figures in art.
Wed. 10/5 -- The Golden Age and the Acropolis, a bit of pottery.
Thur. 10/ -- QZ: Temple vocabulary. Hellenistic sculpture notes.
Fri. 10/7 -- Review Greek styles with constructed timelines. You will receive a blank with a set of pictures.  Put the right pictures in each section and identify the characteristics of each artistic style.
NOTE: Greek Art Cards are due MONDAY 10/10

Mon. 10/3 -- Market failures -- short lecture on types of market failure. Read  p. 192--195 in the text if you are absent for this information.  Complete a newspaper project on four types of market failures.  If you are absent you will need a copy of the directions from the powerpoint.
Tue. 10/4 -- Regulatory Internet Quest.  Student pairs will looks up information on different types of U.S. regulatory agencies.  They will learn about the origin of the agency and its role in the economy.  Use chromebooks in class.
Wed. 10/5 -- Test review day.
Thur. 10/6 -- Microeconomics Unit Test
Fri. 10/7 -- Lecture notes on the history of Unions.  A short video on strikes during the Great Depression. 

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