Monday, October 31, 2016

October 31 - November 4, 2016

Welcome: Parent Teacher Conferences are Thursday 11/3 from 4-7 p.m. in the Eyre Gym. 

AP Human Geography
Mon. 10/31 -- Aborigine Video -- questions to answer during the video. National Geographic "Australia's Aborigines."  Make sure you have a house picture for Tuesday.
Tue. 11/1 -- Pictures of houses in Richland.  Describe your house.  Reading p. 122-125. The houses are on pages 125. You will make a diffusion map of housing styles p. 124 and identify your house's style from the power point.  Read pages 122-123 for folk houses and sacred spaces in houses.
Wed. 11/2 -- Qz on Chapter 4, Key Issue 1-2 -- vocabulary and multiple choice.  Know the difference between folk and popular culture traits.   Notes on Access Issues (Key Issue 3)
Thur. 11/3 -- Graphic organizer on Sustainability issues for popular culture. Chapter 4 review sheet out. Some review time.  HW: Study for the Asia map quiz which will include the Asia Map and the SW Asia maps.  
Fri. 11/4 -- Map Quiz.

AP / Art History 
Mon. 10/31 -- Presentations on Temples.  Each group will do the presentation on the temple.  Points for the slide show and presentation.
Tue. 11/1 -- Review Islam and South Asia art. 
Wed. 11/2 -- Short test on Islam and South Asian Art.  DVD section on the Terra Cotta warriors at Xian. -- Qin tomb. South Asian Art Cards due -- lavender.
Thur. 11/3 -- Chinese tomb and religion.  Qin, Han and Tang dynasties.
Fri. 11/4 -- Art history timeline for China.

Mon. 10/31 -- Worksheet on Money and Monetary Systems.  Chapter 10
Tue. 11/1 -- Video -- Modern Marvels -- Mints. -- Questions with the video.
Wed. 11/3 -- Short segment of "It's a Wonderful Life." PowerPoint notes on history of banking in the U.S. Start the timeline on banking history in the U.S. -- partner project with 12 events.  The top five events need reasons why they are important in U.S. bank history.  For example the Banking Act of 1933 established the FDIC.
Thur. 11/4 -- Video: "Your Bank has Failed" on the FDIC selling a bank during the financial crisis. 
Finish the Banking history timelines.
Fri. 11/3 -- Introduction to the Federal Reserve -- Chart on the Fed's organization and duties.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

October 24-28, 2016

NOTE: Friday is the end of the 1st quarter. 

AP Human Geography
Mon. 10/24 -- Go over the test on Population and Migration.  Introduction to culture -- some notes and definitions from Chapter 4, Key issue 1.
Tue. 10/25 -- Research on Culture, Teams of three will explore material traits, customary beliefs and social forms.  Work with the chromebooks. There is a research sheet to complete.
Wed. 10/26 -- Identify items of material culture and relate to culture.  There will be a collection of items from different places we will do a quick 15 minute search and then show and tell about the items.  Begin the chart on folk and popular culture.
Thru. 10/27 -- Finish the chart on folk and popular culture.  Food and culture -- tasting.
Fri. 10/28 -- Map of Asia. Notebook #3 DUE. 

Extra Credit:  You may chose one of the two options. 
1) Ethnic food day, bring a small sample of an ethnic food (a bite for 24 people).  Know the name of the food, country.  (sign up in class)
2) Current Event:  Find a news article having to do with geography (diffusion, migration, population, politics, culture, etc.) I like for international news.  Print the article, read it, write an 8 sentence summary and then a 5 sentence analysis using your knowledge form AP Human Geography.  Vocab words are great. 

AP/ Art History 
Mon. 10/24 -- Project on the three types of mosquest (hypostyle, four-iwan, central-dome). Label diagrams, read about different mosques.
Tue. 10/25 -- Notes on luxury items of the Persian and Ottoman periods.  We will do five cards today! Notes and stamp. Hand out a vocab list.
Wed. 10/26 -- Notes on Hinduism and Buddhism.  Label diagrams of Buddha and Shiva. Qz: on mosque vocabulary. 
Thur. 10/27 -- Research project on a temple. Chromebook slide set. Notebook #3 DUE; Art cards on Islam DUE.
Fri. 10/28 -- Research project on a temple. Chromebook slide set.

Mon. 10/24 -- Federal tax and spending pie graphs.  Each person will work with a partner, but the grade is for their own graph.  There is a question to answer.
Tue. 10/25 -- Read and take notes on p. 417-422 (From Deficits to Debt), Chapter 10.  Tke good notes, you may use them on an open note quiz during class.
Wed. 10/26 -- Review for test.
Thur. 10/27 -- TEST on Labor, Government taxes and spending.  Chapters 10 and 14. Review sheet due.
Fri. 10/28 -- Current Event #1 day.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

October 17-21, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 10/17 -- Continue work on migration.  Stories of migrants in Europe from National Geographic magazine.  Reading on current migration into Germany "The New Face of Europe" -- mark up. Migration push/pull activity.
Tue. 10/18 -- Notes on border, immigration and brain drain.  Activity on the US-Mexico border.
Wed. 10/19 -- Review for the unit test
Thur 10/20 -- Unit test on Population (chapter 2) and Migration (chapter 3)
Fri. 10/21 -- Map of SW Asia (Middle East)

AP/Art History
Mon. 10/17 -- Ancient Mediterranean Review
HW: Finish Roman Cards, study for the test!
Tue. 10/18 -- Ancient Mediterranean Test; AC for the Etruscans and Rome DUE

Mon. 10/17 -- Lecture on Taxes, tax chart -- vocab review.  Section 1 vocab quiz.  There is a quizlet made under Jonniefenton -- Tax vocab.
Tue. 10/18 -- Introduce the Federal Budget -- Budget numbers for 2016.  DVD: IOU USA
Wed. 10/19 -- Budget research for mini-Congress activity
Thur. 10/20 -- Cutting the budget -- mini-Congress activity.  We will attempt to trim $50 billion from discretionary spending. Whole class activity.
Fri. 10/21 -- Alternative types of taxes, p. 406-410. Describe Flat and VAT taxes with a pro/con list. Create a timeline of tax reform in the U.S. Exit Ticket VAT

Sunday, October 9, 2016

October 10-14, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 10/10 -- Migration basics worksheet with a map to show the stages of migration to the U.S. Key issue 1 of chapter 3 p. 79-83.
Tue. 10/11 -- Obituary activity -- Students will use obits from local papers to tract the internal migration in the United States.  Obits provide information about where someone was born and where they died.  We will make a chart with this information and then map the migration paths.
Wed. 10/12 -- PowerPoint notes on Key Issue 2 -- Where do people migrate within a country.  HW: Review p. 79-91 Key Issue 1-2 for a vocabulary quiz. 
Thur. 10/13 --  Qz: Key issue 1-2 vocab. Reasons for migration.  A short video about "guest workers" in the UAE and push and pull factors for migration. Reading p. 92-95 in class.
HW: Study your maps
Fri. 10/14 -- Qz on the Russia and Europe map. A bit of review before and then the quiz.  We are doing a special map of the Syrian refugee crisis today.

AP/ Art History 
Mon. 10/10 -- AC on Greece DUE;  Notes on the Etruscans.
Tue. 10/11 -- Lecture and activity on architecture -- how to read floor plans and figure out buildings.
Wed. 10/13 -- Video and chromebook activity on Pompeii including the House of the Vettii and the House of the Faun.
Thur. 10/14 -- Roman architecture -- Flavian Ampitheater, Market of Trajan and the Pantheon.  Build big or go home!
Fri. 10/15 -- Roman sculpture -- Roman patrician, Augustus, and the Battle Sarcophagus. We will describe elements of verism and propaganda in art.

Mon. 10/10 -- Read pages 250-258; Worksheet on Labor and Wages.  HW: Interview someone about their job. 
Tue. 10/11 -- Grade Labor and Wages worksheet.  Collective Bargaining simulation.
Wed. 10/12 -- Open note quiz on Chapter 9 sections 1 and 2 (p. 259-265).  You may use your PP notes and worksheet.  Reading on employment trends p. 259-265. do questions 1-6 on page 265.
Thur. 10/13 -- Taxation basics -- Create a political cartoon highlighting one of the taxation concepts from section 1 in chapter 14.  Students will work with partners.  We will present the vocabulary in class and finish on Friday.
Fri. 10/14 -- Mini-lecture on taxes and a chart on different types of taxes.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

October 3-7, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 10/3 -- Epidemiologic transition Stages 1-5, possible stage 5. p. 64-67, worksheet. Reading mark-up on Ebola.
Tue. 10/4 -- Worksheet DUE; Grade in class. Mapping activity on diseases -- Cholera Malaria, Ebola, to describe patterns. Look for stage 5 connections (travel, poverty, population). Chromebooks in class.
Wed. 10/5 -- DVD "Population Paradox" Diseases.  Students will use maps in the textbook to find health statistics for several countries in the world.  They will use the statistics to predict life expectancy. Homework: Make your Chapter Quiz review card.
Thur. 10/6 --  Review activity -- brainstorm lists for chapter 2.  What should be on the card?
Chapter two quiz. Multiple choice and graphing, worth 24 points. 
Fri. 10/7 -- Europe map, HW: Finish map

AP/ Art History
Mon. 10/3 -- Temple Architecture, I will introduce the vocabulary of temples and students will create diagrams to show all of the vocabulary.
Tue. 10/4 -- Finish Temples, notes on Kore to Doryphoros. Greek figures in art.
Wed. 10/5 -- The Golden Age and the Acropolis, a bit of pottery.
Thur. 10/ -- QZ: Temple vocabulary. Hellenistic sculpture notes.
Fri. 10/7 -- Review Greek styles with constructed timelines. You will receive a blank with a set of pictures.  Put the right pictures in each section and identify the characteristics of each artistic style.
NOTE: Greek Art Cards are due MONDAY 10/10

Mon. 10/3 -- Market failures -- short lecture on types of market failure. Read  p. 192--195 in the text if you are absent for this information.  Complete a newspaper project on four types of market failures.  If you are absent you will need a copy of the directions from the powerpoint.
Tue. 10/4 -- Regulatory Internet Quest.  Student pairs will looks up information on different types of U.S. regulatory agencies.  They will learn about the origin of the agency and its role in the economy.  Use chromebooks in class.
Wed. 10/5 -- Test review day.
Thur. 10/6 -- Microeconomics Unit Test
Fri. 10/7 -- Lecture notes on the history of Unions.  A short video on strikes during the Great Depression.