Monday, September 4, 2017

September 5-8, 2017

AP Human Geography
Tue. 9/5 -- Notes on map projections and problems with scale and percentages.  Identify and share map printed last week. Go over Arcgis map work if there are questions.  HW: Arcgis Map Due tomorrow. 
Wed. 9/6 -- Arcgis Map DUE.  Group project on regions of Washington State.  Review vocabulary for lesson 1-2.  Read lesson 2 p. 14-19.  HW: Study for the vocabulary quiz. 
Thur. 9/7 -- Review regions together.  Vocab quiz (matching) on lessons 1-2 in chapter 1. Finish Regions project (on the big piece of paper)
Fri. 9/8 -- Map Day 1: North America (Anglo part) the U.S. and Canada.  HW: Finish map if needed, Due Monday.

Tue. 9/5 --  Bartering simulation.  Complete a chart on the basic economic systems -- traditional, market and command.  HW: Study Chapter 1 vocabulary (notes and puzzle) for a matching quiz.
Wed. 9/6 -- Qz: Vocabulary chapter 1; PP notes on economic systems Socialism, Communism and Capitalism.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of Capitalism (Market).
Thur. 9/7 -- Mixed systems -- Research on Chromebooks.  HW:  If you do not finish in class the assignment is homework.  We will do an activity with the data tomorrow.
Fri. 9/8 -- Present country reports.  Economic goals and ranking systems.  We have some notes on the 7 economic goals and small groups will rank the importance or lack of importance of goals in various systems.  Yes Blake this is for you!!

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