Saturday, November 24, 2018

November 26-30, 2018

AP Human Geography
Mon. 11/26 -- Review for Map Final, focus on physical features (you will get a list and map) and review countries.  Use the purple list of countries and cities to study.
Tue. 11/27 -- Review for Map Final -- Finish country review and work on the cities.  Study hard tonight!
Wed. 11/28 -- Map Final -- 90 questions in one hour.  15 physical features; 45 countries and 30 cities. 
Thur. 11/29 -- Go over the culture exam.  Introduction to religious distribution.  What is the difference between universalizing and ethnic religions?  Notes and maps :)
Fri. 11/30 -- Finish notes.  Worksheet on Distribution of Religions, Chapter 6, Key issue 1 p. 183-191. Finish worksheet for homework!

Mon. 11/26 -- Unemployment notes and graphic organizer.  Geofred unemployment maps.  If time DVD from 60 Minutes called "March of the Machines" and technological unemployment.
Tue. 11/27 -- Review for Economic Performance Test
Wed. 11/28 -- Economic Performance Test, Chapters 12-13; Notebook #4 DUE.
Thur. 11/29 -- Taxation Basics.  Vocabulary for chapter 14, lesson 1 p. 400-405.  We will make political cartoons and teach each other the words!
Fri. 11/30 -- Mini-lecture on types of taxes, review vocabulary. Complete the tax chart on different types of taxes. 
NOTE: Monday is a quiz over the tax vocabulary from chapter 14, lesson 1.

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