Monday, December 15, 2014

December 15-19, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 12/15 -- Review sheet on Asia.  We will review the three short answer questions that will make up the 15 points for the essay.  Q1:  Mahatma Gandhi and non-violent civil disobedience. Q2: China, population, population control and one-child families. Q3: Tradition and change in Japan
Tue: 12/16 -- Asia test.
Wed. 12/17 -- Map of SE Asia (Thailand to the Philippines).  Discussion of the region. 
Thur. 12/18 -- Project on SE Asia with a partner.  The project will include a mini-map, some history and culture along with a travel site.  There are full directions if you are absent.
Fri. 12/19 -- Quiz on SE Asia -- some time to finish the project.

Mon. 12/15 -- Lecture on comparative advantage and absolute advantage.  There is a note sheet with graphs that you will need to pick up and copy notes from for the quiz on Friday.  We got done a little early to facilitate turning in corporation projects and GDP maps.
Tue. 12/16 -- Prepare a t-chart that compares arguments for protection vs ideas about free trade.  There are five major ideas presented in the text 9p. 448-452) -- Do not do National Pride.  For each idea (National Defense) you will need an image (tank) and the protection and free trade stance. Define tariff and quota on the back.
You may work alone or with a partner.
Wed. 12/17 -- Mini-lecture on the WTO.  WTO project with a small group.  Each group will get an issue that was brought before the WTO (News articles).  You will read the article and describe the issue and its resolution.  Each group will present to the class.
Thur. 12/18 -- Finish presentations.  Review for the quiz (or take it if you are gone early). Reading about the Federal Budget deal.
Fri. 12/19 -- QZ: Trade, WTO and some historyOpen note!  Reading on globalization.

Art History
Mon. 12/15 -- Lecture on the High Renaissance -- yes da Vinci, Michelangelo :) Art Cards for the EIR due 80-89.
Tue. 12/16 -- Small group projects on Patronage during the High Renaissance.  We will look at specific patrons, artists and pieces of art.  Groups of 4 are preferred.  There are specific directions for each group member. You need the hand-out.
Wed. 12/17 -- Finish the project -- Reflections
Thur. 12/18 -- Venice lecture -- this is pretty short.
Fri. 12/19 -- Venice again -- we will look at some Venetian landmarks and color them.  We are learning the word colorists and enjoying a pre-vacation day.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

December 8-12, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 12/8 -- DVD -- Discovery Atlas on China -- questions to complete with the video.  We will discuss the region of East Asia. 
Tue. 12/9 -- intro -- Reading on the Three Gorges Dam p. 628-630; worksheet on the history of China.  p. 635-639 in the text.  Finish with watching a short segment of the Tianamen Square coverage from CNN.
Wed. 12/10 -- Korea worksheet (quite short about 25 minutes to finish).  Video on North Korea called "Inside North Korea"  No video questions.   REVIEW YOUR MAP FOR THE QUIZ.
Thur. 12/11 -- QZ: East Asia Map. Japan history timeline -- four people per group.  Each person will complete one part of the timeline - we will have hand-outs in class to read.  Each timeline needs four dates and one illustration.  The sections will be taped together.   If you are absent get one essay and complete one segment of the assignment. 
Fri. 12/12 -- VD Living Treasurers of Japan (intro).  Web notes on Japan 651-655.  Web notes have student use each sub heading to take notes in a graphic organizer. Pages 651-655.  Students need four history notes, four economic notes, Three culture notes and three "life today" notes. 

Mon. 12/8 -- Finish cartoons on types of unemployment.  Review for the Economic Policy Test.
Tue. 12/9 -- Quick review game before the test.  Test on Economic Policy.
Wed. 12/10 -- Library -- Corporation PowerPoints or HSPB.
Thur. 12/11 -- Same thing.
Fri. 12/12 -- GDP maps -- look up GDP for various countries and create maps of wealth from around the world.  If you are at home, print an outline map (blank) for a continent) and label 10 countries. If you use the World Fact Book look up : Per Capital GDP; internet users; male life expectancy.  Make a table on the back of the paper with this information. Color your map according to the per capita GDP: 50-40 K = Blue; 40-30 K = Red; 30-20 K = Yellow; 20-10 K = Green; 10-5 K = Purple and less than 5,000 is Orange.  K= thousand.
 Corporation projects and HSBP are due today.

Art History
Mon. 12/8 -- Early Italian Architecture notes; video clip on Brunelleschi's dome in Florence.
Tue. 12/9 -- People of the Renaissance graphic organizer.  Northern Renaissance art cards due. 73-79.  BROWN.
Wed.  12/10 -- Finish the graphic organizer.  Watch video on early Florence and the Medici family. 
Thur. 12/11 -- EIR painting and sculpture notes.  Handout on Linear perspective in art. 
Fri. 12/12 -- Quiz on Early Italian Renaissance art (open note).  DVD on Botticelli's Birth of Venus.  Brief discussion of Savanarola.   EIR cards are due on Monday 80-89.


Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1-5, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 12/1 -- Worksheet on Indian history p. 567-572.  Review activity for the quiz on south Asia.
Tue. 12/2 -- QZ: South Asia map; Graphic organizer on the religions of South Asia -- Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism.  The graphic organizer will be similar to the one completed on the three religions of SW Asia. 
Wed. 12/3 -- Movie: Gandhi.  Questions about Gandhi and non-violent resistance.  Discussion.
Thur. 12/4 -- Read pages 578-579 about Cyclones in South Asia.  Notes on issues in South Asia from population and weather to political issues in Pakistan.
Fri. 12/5 -- Read p. 606-607 about East Asia.  Map of East Asia -- if possible; read about floods p. 640-641.  The map is due today!

Mon. 12/1 -- Inflation skits.  If you are absent -- Read pages 361-367. On page 367 do questions 2, & 5 Define: Demand pull inflation, Cost push inflation, Wage-Price Spiral inflation and Excessive monetary growth inflation.
Tue. 12/2 -- Notes on Demographics and building wealth.  Questions about business cycles.  Get a copy of my questions, I do not like the questions in the book.
Wed. 12/3 -- Library research the economic status of one country.  I have a list and copy of the directions.  We will look at measures such and GDP and growth to determine which countries would be fun to live in. 
Thur. 12/4 -- Economic Current Event DUE.  Library for research on the Corporation Project.  Juniors who are waiving consumer economics will work on the career research requirement for graduation.
Fri. 12/5 -- Quick PowerPoint on the definitions associated with unemployment.  Student pairs will make a cartoon set showing the differences between the five types of unemployment.  The assignment can also be done solo -- you need a cartoon theme, definitions, pictures and word balloons.  I often have unemployed Santas, elves and reindeer. p. 372-373 in the text for the five types.

Art History
Mon. 12/1 -- Review day, slides and questions from the review sheet.  Remember the essay is on cathedrals and their role in the Middle Ages.
Tue. 12/2 -- Romanesque and Gothic test, notebook #5 Due
Wed. 12/3 -- Analyzing painting -- review how we look at paintings and then a group work on several examples.
Thur. 12/4 -- The Renaissance in the North -- notes.
Fri. 12/5 -- Map of Italian city-states in the Renaissance and a little history for Milan, Florence, The Papal States and Venice.  It's always fun to color a map  on Friday :)


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Changes due to Snow Day 11/20

World Geography
Thursday  11/20 -- Snow Day
Friday 11/21 -- Library day for research paper.  4th period will have their outlines due today.  5th period will get their outlines back.  5th period is on schedule for papers to be due on Tuesday 11/25.
Monday 11/24 --  4th period will have the Computer on Wheels in the room to do research.  The outlines will be returned with helpful comments.  The Global Issues Paper will be Due Tuesday, 11/25, but I will accept papers late on Wednesday without a penalty.  Essentially the extra day is only for people who are here on Wednesday.  This will apply to both periods because they missed a work day.
5th period --  CBA Paper questions and map of India.
Tue. 11/25 -- Global Issues Papers (CBA) due by 3:30 p.m.  Each school day the papers are late they will loose one letter grade.  I stop at taking off 25 points.  Worksheet on the environments of South Asia. PowerPoint notes and pictures of South Asia (will return to the maps today).
Wed. 11/26 -- Half Day due to Thanksgiving.  [I will take papers without a late penalty until today.  SEE ABOVE]  DVD India Revealed. 

Thursday 11/20 -- Snow Day
Friday 11/21 -- Test on Banking and Finance.  
Monday 11/24 -- Introduce GDP and per capita GDP. Diagrams on John Keynes and the output expenditure model.  Video and discussion on Keynes
Tue. 11/25 --  Library -- Measuring GDP in the US and looking at the Consumer Price index.  Review Keynes for the quiz.
Wed. 11/26 -- Keynes Quiz. -- It is open note and multiple choice. 

Art History
Thursday 11/20 -- Snow Day
Friday 11/21 -- Lecture on Gothic Italy -- notes to finish the big set of art cards.  PowerPoints are due by Saturday at noon.  You may e-mail them to me.
Mon. 11/24 -- High Middle Ages History -- Day 1 -- Graphic organizer and notes on the history of the high middle ages -- Joan of Arc to the Black Death.
Tue. 11/25 -- Group Work comparing the 12th and 14th century.  AC: 61-72 Gothic Due -- A BIG SET this time.  Plan ahead!
Wed. 11/2 -- Review sheet out for the holiday.  QZ: on Romanesque and Gothic art -- slide based quiz and you can use your cards! -- 20 minutes :)
Monday 12/2 -- Test Review Day
Tuesday. 12/2 -- Test on Romanesque and Gothic -- Notebook #5 Due.  * I will make a new calendar with adjustments included!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 17-21, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 11/17  -- Global Issues paper -- Day 1 -- I will carefully go through the requirements of the paper and bibliography.  Students will sign-up for topics and do one reading about their topic.  This paper is the state CBA on Human-Environment interaction.  It is due on Tuesday 11/25 by 3:30 P.M.  If you miss school this day, plan on coming in before or after school for help!
Tue. 11/18 -- Global Issues Day #2 -- Library for research
Wed. 11/19 -- 4th period -- Introduction to South Asia and map of South Asia.  5th period -- Global Issues Day #3 -- outline due. 
Thur. 11/20 -- 4th period --  Global Issues Day #3 -- outline due.  5th period -- Introduction to South Asia and map of South Asia.
Fri. 11/21 -- Global Issues Paper Day #4 -- this is the last school work day.  You will need to finish the paper at home.  It is due on Tuesday 11/25 by 3:30 p.m. The paper is worth 100 points.

Mon. 11/17 -- Catch up in room day, review for the test.
Tue. 11/18 -- Guest speaker -- Steve Scott, VP at DA Davidson in Kennewick.  He will show you how to analyze stocks using a sheet of valueline data. 
Wed. 11/19 -- Review day 2
Thur. 11/20 -- Test on Banking and Finance
Fri. 11/21 -- Notes on GDP and GNP, continent maps.  If you are going to be gone pick up a map and set of directions.  Briefly you will choose 10 countries on your map (pick up a map)  and look  up the per capita GDP, televisions/thousand and life expectancy male.  Make a table on the back of the map.  Color the countries according to the per capita GDP -- Above 40,000 = BLUE; 40,000-30,000 = RED; 30,000-20,000 = Yellow; 20,000-10,000 - Green; 10,000-5,000 = Purple and less than 5,000 = Orange

Art History
Mon. 11/17 -- Cathedral Project Day 1 -- library to work on PowerPoint.  AC 55-60 DUE today. -- Romanesque period.
Tue. 11/18 -- Lecture on Gothic Art and regional art styles. 
Wed. 11/19 -- Library Day 2 for the PowerPoint 
Thur. 11/20 -- History of the High Middle Ages.  Lecture on the High Middle Ages and the disasters of the 14th Century.
Fri. 11/21 -- Discussion on the regional styles of Gothic.  Lecture (short) on Late Gothic Art.  Maybe a little bit of a video -- PowerPoint on Cathedrals due.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

November 10-14, 2014

We have a very special schedule this week

Monday -- Veteran's Day Assembly Schedule:  45 minute periods
Tuesday -- No School -- Veteran's Day  - A Big THANK YOU to all Veteran's
Wednesday -- Regular Schedule
Thursday -- Half day for parent teacher conferences (Middle School) -- periods 1,2,3 only
Friday --   Half day for High School Parent Teacher Conferences 1-3 p.m.  -- periods 4,5,6 only

World Geography
Mon. 11/10 -- Review Day for the test -- Planning the essay and review activity.  The essay will ask students two write about 3 issues in Africa that slow economic development -- we have discussed environmental problems (deforestation, desertification, poaching, Niger delta oil) poverty and debt load, education and brain drain and various health issues.
Tue. 11/11 -- No School
Wed. 11/12 -- Africa test with a longer essay.
Thur. 11/13 -- World Geography will not meet today
Fri. 11/14 -- Semester map review day -- we will review our maps so far and plan for the semester final.  Students will pair up and complete maps within a set amount of time. 

Mon. 11/10 --  Worksheet on how to read a stock report.  We will also use the risk assessment (due last Friday) to complete an investment portfolio for each student.  The choices in the portfolio must match an investment goal (retirement) and their level of risk tolerance.
Tue. 11/11 -- No School
Wed 11/12 -- Library for stock research
Thur. 11/13 -- Library to write a stock profile -- both parts are due on Monday 11/17.
Fri. 11/14 -- Economics will not meet today.

Art History
Mon. 11/10 -- Finish the cathedral map and discuss.  Review the calendar and challenges for this unit -- YES we have a test the Monday after Thanksgiving.   Begin vocabulary work on cathedral vocabulary.  We will look at slides to see the vocabulary words in action!
Tue. 11/11 -- No School
Wed. 11/12 -- Finish the cathedral vocab projects -- Review cathedral vocabulary at the end of class.
Thur. 11/13 -- Quiz on Cathedral terms.  Lecture on Romanesque Art. 
Fri. 11/14 -- Art History does not meet on this day.

Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3-7-, 2014

World Geography
Mon 11/3 -- Powerpoint and notes on the history of Africa.  We have a sheet to complete during the lecture.  Finish the Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe video from Friday.
Tue. 11/4 -- Environmental issues in Africa -- video and notes on each issue.  We will look at biodiversity on Madagascar, the drying of Lake Chad and the Ndoki park (poaching).  Students will take notes -- if you are absent you need to borrow someone's notes and copy them.
Wed. 11/5 -- Reading National Geographic article on Aids,  Students will read pages 461-467 and complete the worksheet on economic and health issues in Africa.  Due today.
Thur. 11/6 -- CLOSE reading on Ebola news from West Africa.  Discuss reading and issue.  Form groups and brainstorm a list of four issues/problems in Africa and details about each issue.  If you are absent -- choose three issues/reasons why African economies are typically poor.  Look at the human environment interaction on page 424, your notes from the video on the environment, and Africa today issues on pages 461-467.  For each reason provide 5 supporting details (facts) to explain why this issues hurts economies in Africa.
Fri. 11/7 -- Review sheet for the test.  [The test is Wednesday 11/12.]

Mon. 11/3 -- Federal Reserve chart and structure.  The charts shows the organization of the Federal Reserve and the major duties of the Fed.  Watch "Eye of the Storm" -- which is old but highlights the Fed's role in supplying money in times of disaster.
Tue. 11/4 -- Tools of Monetary policy: lecture with a graphic organizer to complete.  Fed video "The power of Money" and how the Fed controls inflation by raising interest rates or spurs the economy by lowering interest rates. 
Wed. 11/5 -- Open note quiz on banking history and the Fed.  Read pages 289-294 and take notes > what are financial intermediaries and describe the four basic investment considerations.
Thur. 11/6 -- Types of Financial assets -- making a three pocket organizer with different types of investment ranked according to their level of risk.  Economic Current Event #1 DUE.
Fri. 11/7 -- Finish project -- Discuss type of investments.  RISK ASSESSMENT due today.

Art History
Mon. 11/3 -- Notes and pictures on the Mini-unit on Islamic Art.  Cards 49-54 due today.
Tue. 11/4 -- Review for EMA test.
Wed. 11/5 -- Test over early Christian, Byzantine and EMA art.  -- It is a three page test so it will not take the entire period.  Notebook #4 DUE.  Cathedral map after the test.
Thur. 11/6 -- Video: Cathedral
Fri. 11/7 -- History of the 11-12th century -- notes on the "Age of Faith"


Sunday, October 26, 2014

October 27-31, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 10/27 -- Worksheet on pages 424-437 -- Human environment interactions in Africa.  PowerPoint on the regions of Africa -- reviewing the physical map and discussing the varied environments of Africa.
Tue. -- Political map of Africa.  I will take time to explain how the Africa quiz will be organized so students will know how to approach their study time.  Go over the SW Asia Test.
Wed. 10/29 -- African tribes -- books from the library.  If a student is absent they will need to go to the library to check out a book on an African tribe.  There is a worksheet to go along with the book.
Thur. 10/30 -- Parade of Flags for Africa -- map review again!
Fri. 10/31 -- Quiz on Africa map, Video on Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe. There are questions to go with the video.

Mon. 10/27 -- Money and Monetary systems worksheet.  We will learn about commodity money, the gold standard and greenbacks :) Go over the economics test from Friday.
Tue. 10/28 -- FRBSF module on Invest in what is next -- on-line unit and feedback forms.
Wed. 10/29 -- Video: Modern Marvels, The US Mint,  with questions.
Thur. 10/30 -- Watch a bit of "It's a Wonderful Life" PowerPoint on the history of banks.  Begin a timeline on bank history either solo or with a partner.
Fri. 10/31 -- Finish the time line. Watch 60 minutes "Your bank has failed" which shows the FDIC closing a bank. 

Art History
Mon. 10/27 -- Christendom graphic organizer and floor plan of St. Gall monastery from Switzerland.  What is the role of the church and monasteries in Europe in the Middle Ages?  How does this role show itself in the art of the period?
Tue. 10/28 -- Early Middle Ages lecture.  About 25 minutes from a video on Vikings.  AC: 42-48 are due (Early Christian and Byzantine --Yellow set).
Wed. 10/29 -- Medieval Fusion art activity.  We will look at types of migratory period art and show how ideas/styles from one group move and are blended to create a new style in the early Middle Ages.
Thur. 10/30 -- Carolingian art lecture. 
Fri. 10/31 -- Library -- research assignments on Islamic Art. >> There are art cards 49-54 due on Monday and be prepared to comment on your piece of art during the lecture.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 20-24, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 10/20 -- Short lecture about Islam (basic beliefs, division of Sunni and Shia).  Complete the ethnic map Iraq showing the divisions within the country.  Also highlight Baghdad, Kirkuk, Arbil, Mosel and the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. 
Tue. 10/21 -- Guest speaker -- Jon Lobdell -- Mr. Lobdell is the principal at Chief Joseph Middle School and part of the Army reserves -- he served in Mosel during operation Iraqi Freedom and will share information on ISIS/ISIL and life in Mosul.
Wed. 10/22 -- Review for the Middle East unit test
Thur. 10/23 -- Test on the Middle East -- if done early begin the physical map of Africa.
Fri. 10/24 -- Physical map of Africa which includes the climate zones of the continent.

Mon. 10/20 -- Library for research on spending by department.  We will use the research in a mini-Congress to cut parts of the US budget.  Students will work in assigned groups and see what different departments spend money on.  There is a sheet to collect research information that will be due on Tuesday.
Tue. 10/21 -- Mini-Congress -- US Budget cutting simulation.
Wed. 10/22 -- National Debt Read pages 277-283 and take notes,  use the notes on a quiz before the end of class.
Thur. 10/23 -- Review day for the test
Fri. 10/24 -- Economic test on Labor and Government

Art History
Mon. 10/20 --Japanese art and story telling. Notes on early Japanese art and a comparison activity between Sanjo Palace and the Tale of Genji.
Tue. 10/21 -- Japanese temple team activity.
Wed. 10/22 -- Religious themes in Medieval and Christian art -- 1000 names in one day!  Learn to recognize the iconography of many religious partings of Europe.  We will use the Web Gallery of Art to look at examples and see common themes.
Thur.  10/23 -- Early Christian art lecture and diagrams of basic floor plans of the Latin Cross and Central Plan churches. 
Fri. 10/24 -- Open note quiz on Christian themes.  Notes of Byzantine art.

Friday, October 10, 2014

October 13-17, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 10/13 -- Finish the regions pamphlet.  A quick look at the Arabic language and a few examples of Islamic art and architecture.  There are two handouts if pick up if you are absent.
Tue. 10/14 -- PowerPoint with graphic organizer on the oil and the Middle East.  Students will also read pages 529-531 and complete a worksheet on oil as a resource.
Wed. 10/15 -- Three religions of the Middle East and a graphic organizer.  If you are absent pick up the handout on the religions and directions for the graphic organizer.   We have a quiz tomorrow.  Try  and practice the Mid-East map.
Thur. 10/16 -- QZ: SW Asia.  Video "Arab Gulf States" with questions.
Fri. 10/17 -- Some slides on the creation of Israel and then students will read pages 510-513 in the text and answer questions on Israel. 

Mon. 10/13 -- Taxation basics -- Vocabulary from chapter 9, section one. We will make political cartons and then teach/share the vocab words. If absent pick up the word list and use pages 229-236 to define the vocab.
Tue. 10/14 -- Finish vocab words.  Mine-lecture on the different types of taxes -- students will complete a chart showing taxes from federal, state and local level.
Wed. 10/15 -- Vocab quiz over section 9.1.  From the text read pages 246, 251-253. Review Questions p. 256-257; Reviewing main ideas 17-23,27 and Choose 28 or 34.
Thur. 10/16 -- Introduce the Federal budget.  Watch IOU USA.
Fri. 10/17 -- State and Local spending worksheet.

Art History
Mon. 10/13 -- Video on Engineering and Empire.  Diagram notes.
Tue. 10/14 -- Lecture on the Late Empire and the Rise of Christianity.  If there is time we will watch a video segment on the Basilica of Constantine.
Wed. 10/15 -- Architecture facts quiz (T/F).  Reading pages 168-176 and create a graphic organizer for your notes.  Discussion of the Fall of the Roman Empire. [Pages 168-176 are in the blue history text  -- 10 event timeline for the history of Christianity.  And five reasons for the fall of Rome.]
Thur - 10/16 --10/16 -- Review slides and comparison chart prep.
Fri. 10/17 -- Test on the Etruscans and RomeAC 34-41 (Pax Romana and Late Empire) Due
Mon. 10/20 -- Narrative in Art -- Cross cultures with Japanese story scrolls. 
Tue. 10/21 -- Japanese temples. Notebook #3 DUE

Saturday, October 4, 2014

October 3-10, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 10/6 -- Review for the test on Europe and Russia.  The essay will have students compare the regions of Europe and Russia in very broad strokes -- Geography, history and environmental issues.
Tue. 10/7 -- Test on Europe and Russia
Wed. 10/8 -- Map of SW Asia (Middle East) -- We will skim pages 478-485.  We will also read pages 487-490.  The map is due on Thursday.
Thur. 10/9 -- Regions project on SW Asia.  Students will make a pamphlet on the regions with a map and small drawing.   They will have a bit of time on Monday the 13th to complete the project if needed.
Friday 10/10 -- No School -- Fall professional day

Mon. 10/6-- Worksheet on wages and labor. pages 203-213 from the textbook.  HOMEWORK:  You will interview someone about their job.  We are examining wages and wage theory, so are trying to learn why people earn what they earn.
Tue. 10/7 -- Grade labor and wages worksheet, Collective bargaining assignment.  Students going on the construction field trip are excused from this activity.  Your name must be on the list!
Wed. 10/8 -- Open note quiz: 8.1-8.2 (notes on union history and labor and wages worksheet). We will look at current events about unions, dividing into groups, reading and then making brief presentations.
Thur. 10/9 -- First period -- Senior meeting; Third period -- finish current events, review tests and calendar.
Friday 10/10 -- No School -- Fall professional day

Art History
Mon. 10/6 -- History of Rome PowerPoint, and a handout on Roman rulers.  This information will be on an open note quiz on TUESDAY.  Go over the Greece test.
Tue. 10/7 -- Open note quiz on the history of the Roman Republic (multiple choice). Lecture on the art of the republic -- frescoes and Roman villa design.
Wed. 10/8 -- AC 29-33 are due.  Art project on Roman painting styles.  Come and feel confident about your drawing skills. 
Thur. 10/9 -- Lecture on architecture and sculpture for the Pax Romana period.
Friday 10/10 -- No School -- Fall professional day


Monday, September 29, 2014

September 29-October 3, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 9/29 -- Finish Russia Regions project (about 15 min.).  Watch DVD: Russia from Pilot Guides with questions.
Tue. 9/30 -- Map of Russia and the Republics
Wed. 10/1 -- Grade Russia and the Republics map in class.  Read about the nuclear accident at Chernobyl p. 368.  Complete the history of Russia worksheet p. 361-367.
Thur. 10/2 -- PowerPoint on Russia with review map questions.  Reading about the Russian Environment on pages 353-356 -- there are questions with the reading.  Review the map for QZ.
Fri. 10-3 -- Parade of flags -- Russia and the Republics.  (We use almanacs in the room to research the countries in the region and draw their flag.  Qz: Russia and the Republics map.

Mon 9/29 -- Partner project on creating a product and determining the demand elasticity.  If you are absent you will need a copy of the directions to complete the assignment -- it can be done solo.
Tue. 9/30 -- Monopolies and market failure -- brief PowerPoint on types of market failures -- inadequate competition (monopolies), inadequate information. externalities, public goods and resource immobility.  Student teams will look for examples of these types of market failure in the newspaper, cut out the article, define the market failure, and explain how your example fits the definition.  p. 179-183.
Wed. 10/1 -- Review day
Thur. 10/2 -- Microeconomics Test
Fri. 10/3 -- History of Unions PowerPoint with notes,  short video with the Memorial Day Massacre and the Southern textile strikes.

Art History
Mon. 9/29 -- Finish presentations on Hellenistic art -- short presentations on individual pieces of art. Begin review for the test.
Tue. 9/30 -- Test review
Wed. 10/1 -- Test on Greek art
Thur. 10/2 -- Analyzing architecture -- materials and how to read a floor plan!
Fri. 10/3 -- Italy before the Romans -- the Etruscans

Saturday, September 20, 2014

September 22-26, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 9/22 -- Work on the Europe Regions project that we just started on Friday.  Students will have the entire period to finish.  We are looking at the four regions of Europe -- North, West, Central and Mediterranean and making a project to compare them.
Tue. 9/23 -- Reading p. 282-286 on "Human-Environment Interaction" in Europe -- topics include polders, Venice and acid rain.  Most of class we will work on the physical map of Europe. If not finished in class this map will be due on Wednesday. 
Wed. 9/24 -- Review Europe map with the puzzle maps.  I have blank countries in Europe.  Students will work in groups to review locations and try to make an accurate map.  Five maps per class so they will be in groups of about 6-7.
Thur. 9/25 -- QZ: Europe map ( Begin Russia, read p. 357 and start Russia Regions project.  Russia and the Republics are divided into three regions.  Pairs of students will find which countries are in each region, the total population and something about the history, economy and culture. 
Fri. 9/26 --  [On Pep Assembly schedule] -- Finish the regions project for Russia and the Republics.  News from Ukraine if possible for discussion.

Mon 9/22 -- QZ: Open note (worksheet) on chapter 6 -- Prices.  Competitive Structures worksheet.
Tue. 9/23 -- "Tucker: A Man and his Dreams" movie
Wed. 9/24 -- "Tucker: A Man and his Dreams" movie
Thur. 9/25 -- Video response (about 200 words DUE.  There are two questions to choose from for your response.  Library for a regulatory agency internet quest.  Pairs of students will look up regulatory agencies (FDA, SEC, EPA) and find out what they do.
Fri. 9/26 -- Debrief Tucker, discuss monopolies and oligolopies.  Reading from the news.

Art History
Mon 9/22 -- Reading on the Golden Ages of Greece.  We will begin with a Greek history overview and then read using the Ancient World History text.  p. 134-139.  Define Classical art, Peloponnesian War, Socrates.  Q. 3,5,6,7. Temple Vocab diagrams due.
Tue. 9/23 -- Lecture on the art of the Greek Golden Age. AC 13-20 are due. 
Wed. 9/24 -- QZ. on Temple Architecture terms. Video on Engineering an Empire Greece.
Thur. 9/25 -- Review of Bronze Age through classical Greece.  Small timeline projects with pictures to insert for artistic periods.
Fri. 9/26 -- Lecture on Hellenistic Art


Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 15-19, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 9/15 -- Review for Latin American test.
Tue. 9/16 -- Latin American test.  Remember that you will write a 3 paragraph essay on the country you have been studying for this unit.  Look over your resource map and think about what you learned from the culture gram.
Wed. 9/17 -- Europe introduction and political map
Thur. 9/18 -- Video n France -- Pilot Guides with questions.
Fri. 9/19 -- PowerPoint on the regions of Europe.  Begin Regions project with a partner.  If you are absent pick up a copy of the directions for the regions project.

Mon. 9/15 -- Complete the Demand project -- Students were to complete four interviews on factors that affect the demand for a product.  We will compile that data and review demand and quantity demand.
Tue. 9/16 -- Mini-lecture on marginal utility and elasticity.  Review questions p. 112-113 Main ideas 17-22 and 24. Thinking critically #25.  Write complete sentences for your answers.
Wed. 9/17 -- Notes on Supply.  We will discuss the stages of production.  Video on Supply (also review the Law of Supply and Demand).
Thur. 9/18 -- Guided reading worksheet for chapter 6, page 142-158.  If you are absent you will need a copy of the worksheet to catch-up.  The worksheet is the "open-note" part of the open note quiz on Monday 9/22.
Fri. 9/19 -- Reading on subsidies and price supports p. 156-161.  We will divide up and skits on various factors affecting price.  If absent do the questions on page 161 #1 Deficiency payments only; 3, 5, and 7.

Art History
Mon. 9/15 -- Looking at Sculpture,  Handout and lots of pictures of sculptures!
Tue. 9/16 -- Lecture on Minoan and Mycenean art.  Reading "The Mask of Agamemnon" Note sheet.
Wed. 9/17 -- Qz on the Minoans and Mycenaean art.  Brief lecture on Archaic Greek pottery and architecture. Review Greek gods and heroes!
Thur. 9/18 -- Temple Architecture.  We will learn about 16 vocabulary words describing types of temples and parts of temples.  Today you will make a white diagram on dark paper to help you start learning the vocabulary.
Fri. 9/19 -- Finish the temples as needed.  Lecture on the transition from Archaic to Classical in sculpture.  Notes.
NOTE:  AC 13-20 are due on Tuesday the 23rd. We also have a quiz on the architecture vocabulary that day :)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 8-12, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 9/8 -- Latin America Resources Map.  Each student will be assigned a country in Latin America.  They will draw a map, color it according to elevation and include cities, physical features and 5 natural resources.  We will work in the library for two days.  The map is due on the 11th.
Tue. 9/9 -- Second work day for the map.
Wed. 9/10 -- History power point on Latin America with an included note sheet.  End of period we will review for the map quiz.
Thur. 9/11 -- Qz. over the Latin America Map.  Culture Shock Assignment -- students will continue their in-depth study of one country by reading the "Culture Gram" for that nation.  There are a few questions to accompany the reading.  Resource Maps Due
Fri. 9/12 -- Reading on the Amazon Rain Forest. Pages 245-247 and a short video.

Mon. 9/8 -- Country Reports are DUE.  We have a class project with the countries.  Read pages 43-46.  With a partner create a chart with all 7 economic goals.  Column 1 includes the goal and a definition. Columns 2-4 are labeled Capitalism, Socialism and Communism.  For each of these columns rank the priority of the goal within that economic system.  If this is confusing, get a copy of my example :)
Tue. 9/9 -- Read the section on pages 48-53.  In class we will make a graphic organizer.  If you are absent on page 53 do questions 2,3,4,5,and 7. Write complete answers.  American Free Enterprise is the essay for the exam.
Wed. 9/10 -- Review for the Unit Test
Thur. 9/11 -- Introductory concepts TEST. 
Fri. 9/12 -- Introduction to Demand and Quantity Demand.  First day of a two day project.  Students will create a questionnaire about factors that affect demand for a product.  They will question 5 people over the weekend.  Results are DUE on Monday.

Art History
Mon. 9/8 -- New Kingdom notes.  Handout on Ramses temple at Abu Simbel.  We will also take some time to prepare our notebooks -- which are due on Tuesday.  Monument Cards DUE.
Tue. 9/9 -- Amarna Period -- Partner project where we will make a nifty chart comparing Egyptian canon style with the Amarna period. Notebook Due.
Wed. 9/10 -- Review for the test
Thur. 9/11 -- Unit Test on the ANE and Egypt.  Art Cards 1-12 are DUE.  After the test we will start a map of Greece.
Fri. 9/12 -- Introduction to Greece -- a power point handout and finishing the map.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

September 2-5, 2014

World Geography
Tue. 9/2 -- Finish maps of Middle America -- the map is due today. Middle American and Caribbean Culture.  Group read p. 228-229.  Powerpoint with pictures and a note sheet on the Caribbean.  The notes are due.
Wed. 9/3 -- Map of South American.  Read pages 240-241. 
Thur. 9/4 -- Read pages 201-205.  Latin American landscapes power point to review both maps.  We will take notes with boxes (graphic organizer).  Map activity on page 206 if we have time.
Fri. 9/5 -- Video on the Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.  There are questions to answer with the video.

Tue. 9/2 --   Barter simulation activity.  Chart on economic systems. Pages 34-39 in the text to help with the assignment. Review for vocab 1 quiz.  To study go to and search for JonnieFenton (no spaces) Economic Concepts vocab list.
Wed. 9/3 -- Vocabulary quiz from Chapter one. Power point on Capitalism and Communism with a power point copy to fill in.  Discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of a market economy.
Thur. 9/4 -- Library to research one country and it's economy.  We will use the World FactBook produced by the CIA and available at if you need to finish at home. The research is due Friday 9/5.
Fri. 9/5 -- Video: China Emerging Powers -- there is a set of questions to go with the video.

Art History
Tue. 9/2 -- History of Mesopotamia.  We will use the old World History text and read pages 30-37 to complete the assignment.
Wed. 9/3 -- Lecture on the art of the Ancient Near East. 
Thur. 9/4 -- Short open-note quiz on material for card 1-5 (Paleolithic and Ancient Near East).  Egypt history project to complete with a group.  Discussion about Egyptian culture.
Fri. 9/5 -- Lecture on Old Kingdom Egypt -- Pyramids and a search for Eternity.  I will hand out a Monument Card and with luck we can finish them in class, but you might have to finish them at home.  Due Monday 9/8.  

Monday, August 25, 2014

August 26-29, 2014

Welcome to Hanford High School!

World Geography
Tue. 8/26 -- Introduction and class policies and syllabi handout.  Pre-Quiz on world oceans and continents. 
Wed. 8/27 -- Cartography discussion.  We will review longitude and latitude and basic map vocabulary (scale, key, prime meridian)  Define these five works if you are absent.  We will use map coordinates to find locations on the globe.  Quiz review of plate tectonics.
Thur. 8/28 -- Qz: on the Continents, Oceans and map vocab.  Review of the five themes of Geography. 
Fri. 8/29 -- Introduction of Latin America and explanation of map directions.  We will do our first map today with the Middle American Map.  Time in class to work on maps.
Tue. 8/26 -- Introduction and class policies and syllabi handout. Project on the Consumer Price Index.  Students will work in groups to gather data on prices for goods and services they consume.  We will create a CPI for students in south central Washington. Today students will create the list of items and homework will be to collect price data.
Wed. 8/27 -- Compile information to create a CPI baseline.  We will have different groups average prices for our market basket and then create an index.
Thur. 8/28 -- Books out today.  Partners will work on vocabulary words for chapter 1 in the economics book.  Each team will make a poster and then teach their word or concept.
Fri. 8/29 -- Finish vocabulary presentations.  Review using a vocabulary puzzle and then hand out the economic systems chart > finishing the chart will probably be homework.
Art History
Tue. 8/26 -- Introduction and class policies and syllabi handout. Slides of art and introduction ot art historical periods for this semester.
Wed. 8/27 -- Lecture/Discussion of visual elements.  How do we look at art and how do art historians describe art?  Review vocabulary on pages 6-12 in the Condensed version.
Thur. 8/28 -- What is art history and writing about art.  Lecture on art history looking at context, artists and art historical periods.  Writing assignment on art.  Don't worry it is short and you will be describing only one piece of art.
Fri. 8/29 -- Look at Paleolithic art :) and some theories for the meaning of paleolithic art.  Video segment on cave painting.  Art cards handout and "how to do".  Art Essay Due

Sunday, June 1, 2014

June 2-6, 2014

Congratulations Graduates! See you at the Toyota Center on Friday at 4:30 p.m.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 6/2 -- Notes on the 100 Years War and presentations on battles of the War.  We might see a little video on Joan of Arc and the Siege of Orleans.  If absent copy the notes and talk to me about the presentation points. 
Tue. 6/3 -- Review for the High Middle Ages Test.
Wed. 6/4 -- Notebook #6 DUE;  High Middle Ages Test.  All seniors will take the Final for Ancient -Medieval this day and will be excused for the unit test.  This is finals day for seniors in periods 1-3; seniors in period 4 the final can be taken today or tomorrow.
Thur. 6/5 -- Review for the Final.  Today will be divide into unit groups.  Each group will find five events, five people and five vocab words for their section to review with the class.  For example if you have Greece your group might pick : Minoan civilization. Battle of Thermopaylae, Golden Age of Greece, Alexander's Conquest, and Hellenistic period.  For Vocab -- Polis, Hoplite, etc..
Fri 6/6 -- Review using the group topics.  Review Game -- Helpful advice for a successful final.

Mon. 6/2 -- Presentations on resource issues. This is carried over from Friday.  Watch "when children do the work." This video is about child labor issues.
Tue. 6/3 -- Globalization benefits and costs.  Discussion.  Review sheet for the test.
Wed. 6/4 -- Collect textbooks.  Review game for the test.
Thur. 6/5 -- International Economics test.   : )  Thursday is the senior final period, but we will all take the test.
Fri. 6/6 -- Surprise. :) Happy graduation seniors!

Monday, May 26, 2014

May 27-30, 2014

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 5/27 -- Social History of the Middle Ages project.  This is a small group project where students will create a poster showing the history of ordinary lives in the high middle ages -- business, crafts, trades, guilds, universities and even music are possible topics.
Wed. 5/28 -- Second project day. Complete the worksheet Changes in Medieval Society p. 387-392.  This section will be the topic of the essay so read with attention.
Thur. 5/29 -- Notes on the disasters of the 14th century.  We will look at the Avignon Papacy, Great Schism and Black Death.  There should be enough time to watch some of "Scourge of the Black Death."
Fri. 5/30 -- The 100 Years War -- Notes and Joan of Arc.  We will divide into small groups do study battles of the 100 Years war.  Each group will study the battle, make a battle diagram and outline the key events of the battle.  We will finish the project and do presentations on Monday.

Tue. 5/27 -- DVD "Peoples Republic of Capitalism.  The DVD looks at trade links between China and the United states.  We will take notes with arrows to show the interconnectedness of the two economies.
Wed. 5/28 -- International trade groups -- Notes on international trade groups.  We will divide up to do a little research on some of these groups ranging from IMF to ASEAN.  If you are gone, copy the notes and then read on-line about NAFTA.  Write a 100 word summary describing NAFTA.
Thur. 5/29 -- Library for reading about Resource Issues. -- Each student will read an article from National Geographic about a resource issue (ranging from fracking to wolves).  Students will take notes on their reading. If you are absent I have directions to get onto the National Geographic website and read an article.
Fri. 5/30 -- Groups will get together to plan a presentation on the readings.


Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 12-16, 2014

Welcome to week 2 of AP testing.  I have again gone through assignments in detail so you can make up work at home.  Good luck!

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 5/12 -- Review day for the test.  If absent review the notebook and plan for the comparison between Charlemagne and Tokugawa (the essay for the test is a comparison chart).
Tue. 5/13 -- Test on Early Middle Ages If absent arrange a time after school or before school to take the test. Map on pilgrimages in the High Middle Ages.
Wed. 5/14 -- Finish pilgrimage map and notes on the Age of Faith.  If absent copy a class mate's notes.  We will look at pilgrimages, religious orders and cathedral building.
Thur. 5/15 -- Introduction to the Crusades. Lecture/worksheet on the crusades. We will also read two primary sources on the crusades -- on is  Urban's call for the 1st crusade and the second is a Muslim account of the Massacre at Acre.  If absent, get a copy of the worksheet and copy the notes.
Fri. 5/16 -- Mini-project on cathedrals -- Students will choose between 6 cathedrals and do a quick diagram and write up some information about history.  We will watch a bit of the PBS video called "Cathedral."  If absent, Select a cathedral worksheet from the counter and complete the questions.  You will need to look up a cathedral diagram on-line.

Mon 5/12 -- Review sheet for the test. Perhaps a little connect four at the end of class.  If absent get the review sheet.
Tue. 5/13 -- Economic Policy Test.  If absent make up the test.
Wed. 5/14 -- Economic Current Event #3 DUE (I will double the points in the grade book making this worth 60 points. Lecture on trade (handout).  If absent read pages 441-445 and make sure you understand Absolute and Comparative Advantage.  Get the handout and complete the graphs.  NOTE:This is a really bad day to miss.
Thur. 5/15 -- Barriers to International trade.  We will make a chart comparing trade arguments for protection with free trade arguments.  Make a three column chart,in one column put a protectionist point of view (POV) and in another column put a free trade POV -- Use pages 450-452 to find the information.  Make 5 rows -- National Defense, Infant Industries, Domestic Jobs, Keeping the Money at Home, Balance of Payments. For each of the rows you will have -- Protectionist POV, picture to remind you of the topic (defense) and Free Trade POV.  Define tariff and quota on the back. If absent read these directions carefully and do this (I can show you an example.)
Fri. 5/16 -- Mini lecture on the WTO.  Quick small group and share on different WTO issues.  If absent pick up a copy of the lecture notes.  (Good luck at districts track!)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 5-9, 2014

Good Luck on AP Tests this week.  I have been detailed in the blog so you can use it to make-up any missing assignments. 

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 5/5 -- Art of the Middle Ages -- Worksheet on Illuminated manuscripts.  We will look at some slides of manuscripts illumination and Viking interlace.  Note:  I will spend about 15 minutes reviewing how to use and how to create citations.  If absent refer to the purple sheet it has very clear directions. In honor of prom weekend -- I am moving the paper deadline to Thursday, May 8th. 
Tue. 5/6 -- Short lecture on Christendom and the lay investiture controversy.  In class we will take notes and then translate letters between Gregory VII (pope) and Henry IV (HRE).  If absent: Read pages 370-373 "The Power of the Church". On pages 373 do 1 (define), 3. 5 and 7.
Wed. 5/7 -- QZ: Feudalism and Knights vocabulary (see  JonnieFenton for list).  Lecture on Japan.  If absent: get the sheet and copy notes from a classmate.
Thur. 5/8 -- I will be gone this day -- Video notes on "Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire"  If absent copy the notes from a classmate.  Autobiography DUE today by 3:30 p.m.  All papers in the basket.
Fri. 5/9 -- Library to work on the Japan letter.  This is a short in class write on a topic having to do with Japanese history.  You will pick your open topic. If absent short version of directions:  The letter is addressed to me and should be 200 words long.  Use at least two sources for your research.  Double space if possible. Notebook #5 DUE.

Mon 5/5 -- Open note quiz on Keynes.  Go to the library to complete the Internet assignment on GDP and CPI.  If absent you can pick up the sheet early or the first day you are back to class.  The directions and URL information is on the assignment.
Tue. 5/6 -- What is a business cycle?  Brief discussion.  Read pages 353-359. Do questions 2,3,4,7 Due in class and we will grade today.  Easy to make-up.
Wed. 5/7 -- Library :) Research on economic conditions around the world.  Each student will be assigned a different country and they will look up economic factors having to do with land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship.  The will conclude with analysis of the future economic prospects of that country.  If absent (AP calc day -- pick up the sheet early -- it can be done at home on your computer)
Thur. 5/8 -- I will be gone this day -- Cartoons on different types of unemployment.  If absent: Read pages 372-373.  There are five types of unemployment.  For each type you will create a cartoon (they can be stand-alone or a series) that shows the type of unemployment.  You will need a caption with the definition.  Since we often do this in December (first semester) I often have seasonally unemployed Santa and technologically unemployed elves. 
Fri. 5/9 -- More details on unemployment -- How is the unemployment rate figured (p. 370-371)? Why is the unemployment rate understated?   What are the costs of economic instability and unemployment (p. 374).  If you are absent use your book to answer these questions.  We will also watch a 60 minute video " March of the Machines" original air date 1/13/13 -- You can probably watch it at CBS.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 28 - May 2, 2014

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 4/28 -- Library to work on research paper.  Students are writing about a historical figure in the 1st person, so I am calling the paper an autobiography.  It is worth 150 points and is due on Wednesday, May 7th.
Tue. 4/29 -- Library day 2
Wed. 4/30 -- Feudalism simulation. Reading pages 360-363 on Feudal manors.  Students will diagram a manor with the eight parts listed on p. 363.  Define Manor, create a map/diagram of a manor and label (manor house, village church, peasant collages, Demesne, crofts, mills, common pasture and woodland.  From pages 360-363 describe life on a manor with a minimum of 6 bullets.
Thur. 5/1 -- Lecture notes on castle and knights. Reading on sieges warfare/offense and defensive tactics.  This vocab will be on a quiz on 5/7.
Fri. 5/2 -- Library (last class day) for research and writing.
*Most of the writing for this project will be homework.  That is why there is a weekend and 5 more days to finish. 

Mon. 4/28 -- Test on Banking and Finance (I moved the test fro Friday) Be prepared to take the test today if you were on a field trip.
Tue. 4/29 -- Notes on how to figure out GDP and GNP.  Look and find data on 10 countries and color a map to show their per capita GDP.  Get a copy of an almanac and the key if you are absent.
Wed. 4/30 -- Video on the increasing income disparity in the U.S.  Research on different countries and their demographics of prosperity.  What makes some communities well off while others have high crime rates and low levels of education?
Thur. 5/1 -- Read p. 428 about Keynes.  Lecture on the out-put expenditure model and a color codes diagram.  Video on Keynes.  If absent:  Get a copy of the circular-flow diagram.  Read pages. 325-327.  According to Keynes the economy is divided into four sectors GDP=C+I-G+F (x-m).  Read and take notes on the four sectors.  Keynes argued the Great Depression would not fix itself -- that the C and I were too low.  Government spending was needed to jump-start the economy.
Fri. 5/2 -- Definition of the inflation rate.  Skits on vocabulary. Reading pages 366-367.  If absent do: p. 367 --  1) define. consumer price index (CPI); creeping inflation, hyper inflation, demand pull inflation, cost-push inflation and wage price spiral. Do question 2, 5 and 6.

Mon. 5/5 -- Open note quiz on Keynes

Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 21-25, 2014

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 4/21 -- Reading pages 353-354 on the Germanic kingdoms.  Get the map of Europe in 500 and complete.  You will need to take notes on the back >> research the Franks, Vandals, and Visigoths between 450-750.  Write three historical bullets for each kingdom (total of 9 notes).
Tue. 4/22 -- Video on the Dark Ages (about 20-25 minutes) reading p. 353-355 review the life in a monastery.  Complete the diagram of St. Gall's monastery.  We are color coding the diagram to match the activities of the monastery. Get the color code from a classmate.
Wed. 4/23 -- Lecture notes on Charlemagne.  More video on Charlemagne and the Battle of Tours. 
Thur. 4/24 -- QZ: Germanic kingdom vocabulary (posted in room).  Video on the Vikings (drawing of a viking longship and video notes). 
Fri. 4/25 -- Reading "Saga of Eric the Red" -- Make a model of a Viking Ship and write a Viking name in Runes.

Mon. 4/21 -- Short lecture to review what we have learned about investing.  Students will make an investment pie based on their risk level.  Risk Assessment quiz is due TODAY  //
Tue. 4/22 -- Day 1 -- Library (picking a stock for investing) Students will get a section of the NYSE to research for stock investment.  Each student will get a different section so they don't overlap.  Using the NYSE they will look up 5 stocks and then narrow their list to one.
Wed. 4/23 -- Day 2 -- Each student will write a stock profile for one stock from their group.  The profile will include an analysis of the trends of the stock, a profile of the company and a look at analysts opinions.  It will conclude with an evaluation of the stock.
Thur. 4/24 -- Skype visit from Max Li (hopefully).  Review day.
Fri. 4/25 -- Banking and Finance test.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 14-18, 2014

Ancient Medieval

Mon. 4/14 -- Primary Source reading: "The Primary Chronicle" We will read an account of the conversion of Prince Vladimir or Kiev.  Students will then read pages 307-311 in the text and complete a reading guide for the material on Russia.
Tue. 4/15 -- PowerPoint on Russian history (notes).  "Engineering an Empire" notes on the Church of the Assumption (where tzars were crowned) and St. Basil's cathedral (where Ivan celebrated his victory in the Battle of Kazan).  The 8 towers represent the 8 days of the battle.
Wed. 4/16 -- Mini-project on the Mongols.  Student will use the text to make a map of the Mongol empire and summarize a brief history of Genghis Khan and the ruler ship of the Khanates. (p. 330-334) and read about Mongol culture.  If absent read the section and on page 334 do questions 4, 5, 6, 8.
Thur. 4/17 -- Assembly schedule (45 minute classes) : Review for the test.
Fri. 4/18 -- Assembly and PLC schedule.  Class will be 35 minutes long.  Test on Islam and the East.  Notebook #4 DUE.


Mon. 4/14 -- What is the Federal Reserve?  Money activity.  Reading pages 400-401 and 406-407.  Complete the chart on the Federal Reserve. Watch "Eye of the Storm" video from the Federal Reserve.   Culminating portfolio binders are due for "first-time" students working on the project.
Tue. 4/15 -- Tools of Monetary Policy lecture and another chart :). Monetizing the debt. Discussion. Video clip "The Power of Money"
Wed. 4/16 -- Open note quiz on Chapter 14.  Economic Current Event #2 DUE today.  Read p.  289-294.  How is money invested and how do you personally decide how to invest?
Thur. 4/17 -- Assembly Schedule -- Types of Financial Assets.  Three pocket organizer. (You will need directions and special paper for this.)
Fri. 4/18 -- Assembly schedule and PLC schedule -- Finish the assignment as needed.  Guest speaker Max Li (hopefully) live from Philadelphia.
Mon. 4/21 -- Risk Assessment DUE -- //

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7 -11, 2014

Ancient Medieval

Mon. 4/7 -- Partner activity where we do a project on the contributions of Islamic Culture. Using pages 274-279, students (solo or with a partner) will find 7 contributions of Islamic culture (art, architecture, science, medicine, math, philosophy, etc.) One must be the House of Wisdom.  Describe each contribution with 2 sentences.  The project must also have three graphic elements.
Tue. 4/8 -- Map of Constantinople in the year 550 AD.  I have a set of directions for those absent.  You will draw a map (p. 302), labeling major features of the city.  In spaces around the map you will describe Justinian and the Hagia Sophia (four bullets) and the Nika Riots/Hippodrome and city of Constantinople (three bullets). We will finish the notes using Engineering an Empire: Byzantium.
Wed. 4/9 -- Finish the map and video. PowerPoint notes on Byzantium.
Thur. 4/10 -- Small group project on the legacy of Byzantium.  Groups of 4-5 will concentrate on one of the legacies of Byzantium. Teams will make posters on their topics and present them to the class.
SENIORS at SENIOR MEETING -- Choose from the following list of topics -- Justinian and the Law Code, Hagia Sophia, Icons and Iconoclasm, beginning of the Eastern Orthodox church or St. Cyril and the alphabet.  Do research on-line and write 1-2 paragraphs about the topic.  Write between 150-200 words -- do NOT cut and paste.
Fri. 4/11 -- Poster presentations: Quiz on Byzantium.


Mon. 4/7 -- Work on either the Culminating Project or the Corporation PowerPoint.  Meet in the computer lab.
Tue. 4/8 -- Ditto
Wed. 4/9 -- Ditto
Thur. 4/10 -- Back in the room to review the history of banking we learned before break.  Student pairs will create a timeline showing the history of money and banking in the United States from the Colonial period until the Financial Crisis of 2008. The timeline will need 12 events.  Choose 4 of those events to write about explaining why they are key in the development of US banking.
Corporation PowerPoint Due
Fri. 4/11 -- Meet in the computer lab -- everyone will have time to update their culminating projects -- Seniors your interviews are on the 18th.
Upcoming Due dates
Monday 4/14 -- Culminating projects for those who started from scratch.
Wed. 4/16 -- The next Economic Current Event is Due


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Spring Break Post


Here are a few things for Spring Break
The risk quiz URL is:   //
The quiz deadline is Monday, 4/21

People who are starting their Culminating Portfolios
Supply list:  a 1" three-ring binder with a clear front cover.  (You will need to make a cover for the portfolio and insert into into the binder.)  Five tab dividers, and about 25 clear plastic sheet protectors. 

1) The Career Center is pulling the "best works" folders for the 15 students who are starting the CP. They will be available on Monday. 
2) Try and go to WOIS and take your two surveys over break.  It will give you a day head start.  The directions are on the yellow paper.
3) Pull together anything you have now -- seniors get a letter of acceptance from a college, job application or college application. Find and print copies of resumes.  Make an activity list and make sure your reading list is up-to-date. An activity list is literally a list of activities by year >> Freshmen year -- Key Club, Baseball, Soccer, French Club;  Sophomore Year ... etc.
4) I have updated transcripts for everyone.
5) All Seniors who are updating their CP -- Items to update include your biography (include senior year); activity list, reading list, and resume. (also put in the new transcript)

6). The Career Center has many forms available in word to make them easy to update.  Go to >> Career Center >> Culminating Project>> Forms and Guidelines

Have a great Spring Break!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 24-28, 2014

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 3/24 -- Test on Asian Empires. 
Tue. 3/25 -- Introduction of Islam; video notes "Islam Empire of Faith" Discussion.
Wed. 3/26 -- Worksheet on the Rise of Islam p. 263-268. Reading from the Qur'an. review game for vocabulary quiz.
Thur. 3/27 -- Qz: Islam vocabulary.  Map on the growth of Islam -- pick up a mapping assignment if you are absent.  *The quiz is the last assignment counting for the 3rd quarter. Today is the last day for any extra credit or make-up work for this quarter.
Fri. 3/28 -- Spring Pep Assembly.  Finish the map and reading about the Dome of the Rock, slides and some video of the Dome of the Rock and the Alhambra.
Have a nice Spring Break!

Mon. 3/24 -- Test Review
Tue. 3/25 -- Labor and Government Test
Wed. 3/26 -- Money and Monetary Policy worksheet.  We will begin class talking about money -- what forms money has taken and why we accept paper as a valuable note.  A little history about money in the United States.
Thur. 3/27 -- Video: "Modern Marvels and the US Mint"  More about money :)   Today is the last day for any extra credit or make-up work for this quarter.
Fri. 3/28 -- Spring Pep Assembly. Lecture on the history of money in the United States.  If possible with time constraints we will match a little bit of "Its a Wonderful Life," showing the run on the bank.
Have a nice Spring Break!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 17-21, 2014

Welcome to state testing -- HSPE Week.  Please see the school website for the schedule.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 3/17 -- Chinese philosophies. There is a worksheet to complete where you write rules or guidelines for school using the three philosophies.  We also will watch a video on Confucius -- so borrow the notes from the video.
Tue. 3/18-  HSPE --1, 2, 3 -- Worksheet on Han China.
Wed. 3/19 -- HSPE 4, 5, 6  -- Worksheet on Han China
Thur. 3/20 -- HSPE schedule -- Comparison sheet between China and Rome.  NOTEBOOK #3 is due today.
Fri.3/21  -- Review for the test. 
Mon.3/24 -- Test for Asian Empires unit.

Mon. 3/17 -- Mini-Congress budget cutting simulation.  If you miss the simulation you still need to turn in your research.  Some simulation points cannot be made up.
Tue. 3/18- HSPE --1, 2, 3 -- No economics
Wed. 3/19 -- HSPE 4, 5, 6 --  Current Event #1 DUE. State and local spending questions using a bar graph.  The questions ask students to read a graph and do some math changing figures from percentages to value in dollars. ** Today we will go over the requirements for the Culminating Portfolio.  I have transcripts to hand out and CP directions and lists. 
Thur. 3/20 -- HSPE schedule  - Read pages 277-283, take notes on the National Debt -- history, effects and attempts to reform.  These notes will be used on the quiz on Friday. The quiz is fairly specific, so you will need the notes.
Fri. 3/24 -- Discuss the national debt and answer questions before the quiz.  Take the open note quiz on the national debt.  Hand out review sheets for the test on Tuesday 3/25

Friday, March 7, 2014

March 10-14, 2014

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 3/10 -- Begin three-day project on Hinduism and Buddhism.  We will review the religions in class on Monday and then create a poster on them during Monday-Wednesday.  If anyone is absent more than 1 day of the project they will do an alternate assignment.
Tue. 3/11 -- Poster day 2
Wed. 3/12 -- Poster project due today by 3 p.m.  Quiz on Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity.  the quiz includes basic facts about the religions and students will match the facts to the correct religion.
Thur. 3/13 -- Introduction to China. Notes on the early dynasties.  Discussion of the Chinese zodiac and learning to write a few Chinese characters.
Fri. 3/14 -- Ms. Fenton will be gone.  DVD on Engineering in China.  Takes notes on the Great Wall and the Tomb of Shi Huangdi.  Sketch the building and take 6 bullet notes on each.

Mon. 3/10 -- Mini-lecture to review vocabulary words and introduce different types of taxes.  Complete a chart on taxes that includes tax base, type of tax and effectiveness of tax.
Tue. 3/11 -- Quiz: vocabulary 9.1 (tax vocab from Friday). Matching quiz with one short answer question. Read pages 246 and 251-253. Review questions p. 256-257. Reviewing main ideas 17-23, 27 Choose 28 OR 34.
Wed. 3/12 -- Introduce the Federal Budget -- income and spending.  Discuss the budget process.  Watch part of IOU USA on government debt.
Thur. 3/13 -- Federal spending pie charts.  We will convert some data on Federal spending into pie charts and do some preliminary investigation on the purposes of that spending.  Get directions on the pie chart -- it is not hard, but you will convert percentages into degrees of a circle. Planning and discussion for the mini-congress
Fri. 3/14 -- Ms. Fenton will be gone.  Library research for the mini-congress.  Do you waste your time because the assignment and in-class discussion are on Monday.

March 3-7, 2014

Ancient Medieval
[Note: I have made changes to the calendar.  A new notebook calendar will be provided on Tuesday.]

Mon. 3/3 -- Graphic Organizer on the Fall of Rome and the legacies of Rome.  Begin class by reading primary source: Tacitus' Germania. Discuss a map of the Germanic tribes attack on western Rome.  Class time for partners to work on the graphic organizer.  If absent > get a copy of the directions.
Tue. 3/4 -- Watch a small segment of the "Story of Mankind" on the Germanic tribes.  Review the vocabulary for the Fall of Rome.  QZ. on the Fall of Rome, Notebook #2 Due.
Wed. 3/5 -- Review for the test.  Review sheet and game.
Thur. 3/6 -- Test on Rome.
Fri. 3/7 -- Begin Asian Empires unit.  We will start with a PowerPoint on the Indus Valley Civilizations and reading from the book. p. 44-49.  There is a worksheet (reading guide) to complete.  Do part A with 4 bullets per box.  Do NOT do part B.

Mon. 3/3 -- Lecture on the history of unions, There is a copy of PowerPoint slides for those absent, but they must fill in the blanks. Video: " Striking Back" on the Southern Textile Mill strikes and the Memorial Day massacre.  Some notes are required on both strikes.
>> Students received a assignment to watch a video on graphs and GDP.  The assignment is due on Thursday.  Go to and search for Using DataPost Graphs to Learn More about Gross Domestic Product. There is a set of questions with the video.
Tue. 3/4 -- Read p. 203-213 -- Worksheet on labor and wages.  Students need to interview someone about their job.  We are looking at wage theory.
Wed. 3/5 -- Collective bargaining simulation-  If you are absent you need to find an article on labor (strikes or collective bargaining) and read it.  Write a 75 word summary and 75 word analysis of the current event.
Thur. 3/6 -- Open note quiz on 8.1 and 8.2.  Group work on current issues affecting workers. Those in class will work on posters about labor issues.  If absent then --  read pages 215-221. p. 221 #1 Vocab -- giveback, two-tier wage system, glass ceiling and set-aside contract. Do 2-5 on page 221.
GDP video assignment due.
Fri. 3/7 --Presentations on the labor issues.  Class discussion on GDP video.  Tax vocabulary p. 229-236.  If absent get a sheet for the vocabulary.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 24-28, 2014

Conferences this week, February 28th.

Thur. 2/27 - periods 1, 2, 3 and Friday 2/28 periods 4, 5, 6

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 2/24 -- Video on Julius Caesar -- notes to create a 12 date timeline of Caesar's life.  If you are absent us the Internet to make a 12 date timeline -- include Gaul and his assassination.
Tue. 2/25 -- QZ: Open-note quiz on the history of Rome.  Short PowerPoint on the Pax Romana, Reading guide p. 160-165 with worksheet.
Wed. 2/26 -- DVD "Engineering an Empire"  We will make sketches and take notes on several Roman engineering accomplishments -- Flavian Ampitheater, Pantheon, Hadrian's wall and Trajan's Market.  Students will make a sketch of each and take 4 bullet notes.  If absent, copy notes from a classmate.
Thur. 2/27 --Due to conference schedule periods 1, 2 ,3 meet today.  Rise of Christianity -- A worksheet and time line for the history of Christianity as it weaves into the history of the Roman Empire. pages. 168-172.
Fri. 2/28. Due to conference schedule periods 4, 5, 6 meet today. Rise of Christianity -- A worksheet and time line for the history of Christianity as it weaves into the history of the Roman Empire. pages. 168-172.

Mon. 2/24 -- We will meet in the room and then go to the library for an assignment on U.S. regulatory agencies (EPA, SEC).  Student partners will research the work of these agencies. We need partners since there are only 13.  If absent you will need a set of research questions and pick an agency.  The FDA has a nice website.
Tue. 2/25 -- What are Market Failures?  A brief lecture on market failure and types of market failure.  To work with the new vocabulary (p. 180-182) we will write the definitions for (inadequate information, resource immobility, public goods and externalities) and then use local newspapers to find examples of each vocab word.  Cut out the article and write the definition and explain how the article fits the definition. Glue to a piece of typing paper.
Wed. 2/26 -- Review Day!
Thur. 2/27 -- No economics -- Conference Schedule.
Fri. 2/28 -- Micro-economics test

Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 18-21, 2014

Monday -- President's Day -- No School

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 2/18 -- Introduction to Rome.  Brief PowerPoint about Roman society and what students already know.  Reading p. 130-137 from DC Heath text to complete a reading guide on the remainder of the section (about half is covered in the PowerPoint -- so if you are absent you have more to do).  Discuss the map of Rome.
Wed. 2/19 -- Jigsaw on Roman Culture -- summaries of reading (choices from dinner and music to religion and army).  Students will write summaries and then share out information.
Thur. 2/20 --  Roman government simulation. If absent read pages 156-157.  Compare/contrast Rome during the Republic to the government of the U.S (see chart in text).  You will need 5 similarities and 5 differences on the chart.
Fri. 2/21 -- Lecture on the growth of the Roman republic and the transition to an Empire. copy notes if absent. Roman Rulers handout identifying good and poor early emperors.

Tue. 2/18 -- Open note quiz on Chapter 6 (prices).  Worksheet comparing competitive structures.  At the end of class we will do a quick matching game to ID the competitive structures. 
Wed. 2/19 -- Begin movie "Tucker: A Man and his Dream. " Students will write a response to the movie.  Question 1 asks how Tucker acquired the four factors of production to start his company.  Question 2 is about competition.  Get a copy of the questions.  Response is due on Friday 2/21
Thur. 2/20 -- Finish movie
Fri. 2/21 -- Collect move response. Partner project on creating a product -- this can be done solo is you are absent.  Pairs will choose a project -- make a  list of inputs, create a price and then construct a supply and demand curve.  the project includes looking at the three determinants of elasticity and predicting the future price of the product. There are detailed directions available. 

NOTE: Monday 2/24 -- We meet in the LIBRARY to research regulatory agencies.


Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 10-14, 2014

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 2/10 -- We have switched Friday's activity "Drama masks" to today.  Students will draw a Greek Style drama mask and decorate it with symbols and lines from a Greek play.  The options are "Medea,"  "Oedipus," and "Agamemnon."  Greek plays are often about justice!
Tue. 2/11 -- Rescheduled: Golden Age of Greece quiz -- it is 12 True/False questions.  Begin project on the Hellenistic period.  Students will get in groups of 4 and concentrate on an area of Hellenistic legacies -- presentations will follow.
Wed. 2/12 -- Finish projects and do presentations on Hellenistic legacies. Hand out review sheets.
Thur. 2/13 -- Review for Greece test.  Review sheets if you do not already have one.
Fri. 2/14 -- Test on Greece!

* This posting may alter at the week progresses.  I am trying to make up a 1/2 day for snow.
Mon. 2/10 -- Make questionnaires on demand and form groups for collecting interview data.  Short lecture on marginal utility and determinants of demand elasticity. DO interviews tonight!
Tue. 2/11 -- About 30 minutes to work on data and writing conclusions.  Begin questions page 112-113, Main ideas: 17-22, 24 and thinking Critically 25.  Finish for homework if necessary.  Due BOP on Wednesday.
Wed. 2/12 -- Grade questions from chapter 4.  Review law of demand.  Introduce supply.  Take notes on the supply curve and the stages of production. Video on supply/demand factors.
Thur. 2/13 -- Guided reading on price factors : Chapter 6.  Get the sheet from me.  Pages 142-158. 
Fri. 2/14 -- Skits on prices.


Saturday, February 1, 2014

February 3-7, 2014

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 2/3 -- Video notes on the Engineering of the Persian Empire.  Notes and discussion on the Persian Wars with Greece (some vocabulary and tactics for the wars).
Tue. 2/4 -- DVD: "300 Spartans". Notes listing the 10 reasons why the Greeks win the 2nd Persian War in 480 BC.
Wed. 2/5 -- Power point notes on Golden Ages -- and specifically the Golden Ages of Greece.  Reading pages 134-139 on the Golden Age. List four areas and identify 6 people important in the Greek Golden Age.  Example: Politics -- Pericles expanded the idea of democracy in Athens allowing more to participate in the government.  He worked to glorify the polis using art and drama.
Thur. 2/6 -- Activity on Greek Art.  DVD on the Architecture of the Parthenon.  Reading on the Parthenon and questions.
Fri. 2/7 -- Greek Drama -- Students will read a summary of a Greek play and then make a Greek style drama mask.  On the mask there are symbols from the play, lines and a moral from the story.  You will want a copy of the handout and directions to do this assignment.
NOTE: Monday 2/10 We have a QZ on the Greek Golden Age.

Mon. 2/3 -- Present country reports/statistics and turn in the work.  Divide into pairs and read about the economic and social goals in economics. p. 43-46.  If you are absent make a list of these goals and then define each.  Think back to the descriptions of Communism, Capitalism and Socialism  and rank where the goals fit in the systems.  For Example in Capitalism freedom is an important goal, but equity is not.  Match three goals to each system.
Tue. 2/4 -- American Free Enterprise Read p. 48-53.  Complete the graphic organizer handout.
Wed. 2/5 -- Review for the unit exam.  There is a review sheet and opportunity to review concepts in class.
Thur. 2/6 -- Take the Test. 
Fri. 2/7 -- Begin two-day project on Demand.  Today we will have notes on demand, the demand curve and factors that effect demand and quantity demand.  Student teams will write questions to evaluate the effect of these factors on the demand for a product.  Pick up a copy of the handout and directions if you are absent.

Monday, January 27, 2014

January 27-31, 2014

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 1/27 -- Books will be handed out.  Comparison between the Minoans and Mycenaeans.  We will make a chart [location, excavator, city, two vocab words, three cultural details].  We will watch "Minotaur Island" and "Engineering an Empire: Greece" to take notes and fill in the comparison chart.  Brief discussion/summary. HW: Cultures of the Mountains and Sea p. 123-126
Tue. 1/28 -- Group project on Mycenae.  Make a map of the city and label the Lion Gate, megaron, Grave circle A and the Treasury of Atreus.
Wed. 1/29 -- PowerPoint on the Iron Age of Greece (notes). Review for the map quiz on Greece.
Thur. 1/30 -- QZ: Greece map. Reading from Lycurgus: Sparta.  Partner project to compare Sparta and Athens. (p. 128-131) * Cyberbulling lesson for 3rd period.  Slight alteration of schedule.
Fri/ 1/31 -- Introduce the Persian war.  Map on the expansion of the Persian empire and some questions on kings and culture. (p. 99-103) You will need a map if you are absent.

Mon. 1/27 -- Finish vocabulary presentations.  Vocabulary puzzle on the chapter.  Work on Economic systems chart.
Tue. 1/28 -- Bartering simulation -- Class members will have a role and then we will barter for items, adding money into the system to make the bartering easier.  Economic systems chart DUE
Wed/ 1/29 -- QZ: Chapter 1 vocabulary (matching). PowerPoint on Capitalism and Communism. Reading page 38 to examine the advantages and disadvantages of different economic systems.
Thur. 1/30 -- Video: "Emerging Powers: China" with worksheet.  Discussion of blended economies.
Fri. 1/31 -- Library to research on the economy of a country.  Each student will have one country and will look up economic and government facts to compare the success of different economic systems.  The country research is DUE on Monday.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 22-24, 2014

Welcome to Second Semester

Ancient Medieval
Wed. 1/22 -- Hand out and review class policies and syllabus.  Take these home and let your parents review them.  The half piece of paper attached (purple) should be signed and returned.  Class activity about the characteristics of civilization.  You will have to make a copy from a friend if you are absent. Label and place in notebook. A 1-inch notebook is required for class.
Thur. 1/23 -- Introduction to the time periods of Greece.  Complete a map of Greece and a timeline of Greek history.  Due on Friday.
Fri. 1/24 -- Lecture/discussion on the Minoans.  We will look at pictures from Crete and try to learn about the Minoans. Historians have not been able to translate linear A, so much of our understanding of the Minoans is from other sources and archaeology.  Complete notes/worksheet.

Wed. 1/22 -- Hand out and review class policies and syllabus. Take these home and let your parents review them. The half piece of paper attached (green) should be signed and returned.  Begin good and services project and collect your interview data.  Remember to interview 5 teens tonight about their buying habits.
Thur. 1/23 -- Get together in groups and compile your data.  Look at your hypothesis and write a conclusion, explanation and prediction.  Class discussion about data and writing.  Letter of introduction. 
Fri. 1/24 -- Books will be handed out today.  Vocabulary project for chapter 1.  Student teams (some solo in period 5) will work on vocabulary words from chapter 1.  They will make a simple poster and present these words to the class.  Vocab quiz coming on Wednesday 1/29.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 13-17, 2014

Welcome to Finals Week!

World Geography
Mon. 1/13 -- Review picture PowerPoint.  With the pictures we will make a list of the places we have studied, countries and regions.  Students will also complete the physical world review list and make a world physical map.{Rivers: Danube, Volga, Congo, Nile, Ganges, Chang Jiang Amazon.  bodies of Water: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, Mediterranean, Black Sea, Arabian sea, Caribbean Sea, Lake Baikal, Lake Victoria; Mountains: Alps, Himalayan, Andes; Deserts: Sahara, Andes; Islands: British Isles, West Indies, Java, and Places: Equator, Prime Meridian, Arabian Peninsula.C
Tue. 1/14 -- Review picture PowerPoint.  Cities review from the purple list I handed out.  We will match cities to countries and then play Bingo.
Wed. 1/15 -- Review picture PowerPoint.  Countries review from the purple list.  We will team up and review as many maps as possible in the class period.
Fri. 1/17 -- World Geography 4th period final is on Friday.  The final counts as 10% of the semester grade.  Study! Some nice websites are and  both have geography quizzes. 

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 1/13 -- Test review for the High Middle Ages test.  The test is material on Chapter 14.  We will do a quick comparison between the 12th Century Renaissance and the problems of the 14th century.
Tue. 1/14 -- Test on the High Middle Ages.  The essay is on the social changes of the 12th century from banks to universities.
Wed. 1/15 -- Final Review day -- Review game and test strategy discussion.
Thur. 1/16 -- Finals for periods 1,3,5 so that is 1st period!
Fri. 1/17 -- Finals for periods 2,4,6, so that is 6th period. 

Mon. 1/13 -- On Friday students read articles from National Geographic about resource issues ranging from human and animals (land) to energy and water. Students will be grouped by topic and will prepare and give presentations using the information from their reading.
Tue. 1/14 -- Watch "When children do the Work."  Discussion on the negatives of globalization.  Student partners will then create T-Charts showing the positives and negatives on global trade.  Use pages 501-518 if you are at home to complete.
Wed. 1/15 -- Test Review day
Thur. 1/16 -- Finals for periods 1,3,5 so that is 3rd period!
Fri. 1/17 -- Finals for periods 2,4,6, so that is 2nd period. See you early in the morning.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 6-10, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 1/6 -- Today we begin Australia! We start with a Australian vocab challenge (yes mate!) and then do the map of Australia and New Zealand. 
Tue. 1/7 -- Video "Australia revealed" with worksheet. 
Wed. 1/8 -- PowerPoint to review both Australia and New Zealand.  Introduce South Pacific regions -- notes using a graphic organizer.  Read pages 698-701 on human environment interaction. 
Thur. 1/9 -- Short video clip on islands and rising sea levels in the South Pacific.  Review for the last test on SE Asia and Oceania.
Fri. 1/10 -- Test on SE Asia and Oceania.  Discussion of the final.
NOTE the World Geography final will be on Friday 1/17.  It counts for 10% of the semester grade.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 1/6 -- Notes on the growth and government of England. Reading of the Magna Carta -- Discuss CBA paper assignment. HW: Reading pages 387-392 with worksheet.
Tue. 1/7 -- What changes are happening in Europe in the 12th century?  Discuss reading assignment.  What is social history?  We will begin a two day social history project where students will work in groups looking at the developments in Europe during the 12th-13th centuries (banking, agriculture, learning, growing cities and a middle class). Students will work in groups of 3 or 4 students.  
Wed. 1/8 -- Finish social history project.
Thur. 1/9 -- Disasters of the 14th century -- the church and the 100 years war.  Short video on Joan of Arc.
Fri. 1/10 -- Notes on the Black Death and video.  Yes another disaster of the 14th century.  Notebook #6 DUE.
Mon. 1/13 -- Test on the High Middle Ages:  The essay will focus on the 12th-13th century and social/economic changes of that time.

Mon. 1/6 -- Review ideas on trade -- Worksheet on Economic Development. 
Tue. 1/7 -- QZ: (open note) on trade, history and development.  You will need notes on comparative/absolute advantage. trade history and worksheet on economic development. What is Globalization?  Create a definition.  Read pages 501-507 do questions 2-6 on page 507.
Wed. 1/8 --DVD "People's Republic of Capitalism"  Create a web showing trade connections between China and the United States.
Thur. 1/9 -- International Trade groups (notes on the EU and NAFTA). News reading on US and trade negotiations in the future.
Fri. 1/10 -- Library to read about resource issues from National Geographic. This reading will be turned into a presentation to the class on Monday.