Monday, December 17, 2012

December 17-21, 2012

Mon. 12/17 -- Read introduction to trade p. 441-443. Lecture on absolute advantage and comparative advantage.  Read. 446 the Virgin Group.
Tue. 12/18 -- Make a T-Chart comparing the ideas of protectionism and free trade.  Use the text p. 448-452 to provide information for the chart.  As you read please look carefully each section has the protectionist argument first and then the free trade argument -- they are clear in the reading, but you need to read.  The heading says "arguments for protection" but in the reading it has both.  Do the first five blue headings.  Define Tarrif and Quota.
Wed. 12/19 -- Short lecture (w/ notes) on trade history and the WTO.  We will then divide into groups and look at different conflicts with the WTO.  You will have to get an article from me and do a summary to make up this work. Get a copy of the notes.
Thur. 12/20 -- Open note quiz on trade.  Economic Development worksheet.
Fri. 12/21 -- Fiscal Cliff Activity

Art History
Mon. 12/17 -- Notes on the High Renaissance.  Big Day (Leonardo, et al.)
Tue. 12/18 -- Movie "The Agony and the Ecstasy"  This is a classic movie staring Charleton Heston as Michelangelo -- he paints the Sistine Ceiling.
Wed. 12/19 -- Day 2 of the movie
Thur. 12/20 -- Venetian painting notes -- Titian and Giorgione
Fri. 12/21 -- Great Debates in Art History -- color vs line

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 12/17 -- Introduction to the Crusades.  You will receive a yellow packet on the Crusades which we will use for FOUR days.  Today will be the introduction and lecture part.  We will also look at several primary source readings.
Tue. 12/18 -- Movie: Kingdom of Heaven"  The movie is about the fall of Jerusalem to Saladin and the beginning of the third Crusade.
Wed. 12/19 -- Finish the movie
Thur. 12/20 -- Sum up the Crusades.  Notes on the Age of Faith
Fri. 12/21 -- Qz: Church and the Crusades.  Small assignment on Cathedrals.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

December 10-14, 2012

Mon. 12/10 -- Computer lab to work on corporation projects and culminating portfolios.  Corporation projects are due today at 3:30 p.m..  
Tue. 12/11 -- Last day in the computer lab for culminating portfolios. 
Wed. 12/12 -- Economic Current Event #3 due today.  I will weight it twice the points, making it worth 60 points in the grade book. In class we are looking at types of unemployment.  Make a cartoon showing the five types of unemployment. Read pages 369-375.  The five sources of unemployment are on pages 372-373 (but will will also discuss how unemployment is measured and the effects of unemployment).  Make a cartoon that clearly illustrates each type of unemployment,
Thur. 12/13 -- Review for test
Fri. 12/14 -- Economic Policy Test, Chapters 12-13

Art History 
Mon. 12/10 -- Finish the graphic organizer on the Renaissance.  Watch about 30 minutes of "Medici Godfathers of the Renaissance."  Take notes
Tue. 12/11 -- Early Italian Renaissance architecture.  Video from Engineering an Empire on Brunelleschi. Notes.
Wed. 12/12 -- Early Italian Renaissance -- sculpture and painting.  Hand out on one-point perspective.
Thur 12/13 -- Artistic Techniques -- engraving, fresco and more -- special project.
Fri. 12/14 -- Quiz on the Early Renaissance (Flanders, France and Italy). DVD on Botticelli and the Primivera. Art Cards: EIR 81-90 DUE.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 12/10 -- Introduction to Japan, notes.  Comparing European and Japanese Feudalism.
Tue. 12/11 -- Video on Japan, notes on Tokugawa's rise to power.   NOTEBOOK #5 DUE
Wed. 12/12 -- Letter on Japan, library research (you need a set of directions if you are absent.
Thur. 12/13 -- Review for unit test
Fri. 12/14 -- Test on Middle Ages

Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 3-7, 2012

Mon. 12/3 -- Computer lab to work on Corporation Project powerpoints.  Students will have four days to complete this research.  Each group will turn in a power point on an American corporation, showing it products, financials, career opportunities, current issues and good works.  Full directions are available in class.
-- Some students will use this time to work on their culminating portfolios.  The CP binders are part of graduation requirements.
Tue. 12/4  -- Corporation research and CP binders
Wed. 12/5 -- Corporation research and CP binders
[Thursday and Friday on the calendars are reversed -- switch 126 and 12/7]
Thur. 12/6 -- Measuring inflation (CPI).  Reading p. 363 and skits on the causes and types of inflation.  IF you are absent then read p. 361-367 Do question #2 and then describe the four causes of inflation.  Turn in your work.
Fri. 12/7 -- What is the business cycle?   Brief notes on the business cycle. Read p. 353-359. Do questions 2,3,4, and 7.  Read p. 360. 
** Note the Corporation research project is due by 3:30 p.m. on Monday 12/10 (we will have the day in class).  Also the third Economic current event is due on 12/12/12. 

Art History
Mon. 12/3 -- Test on the High Medieval period -- Romanesque and Gothic art
Tue. 12/4 -- Analyzing painting:  How do you analyze a painting?  What is subject, context and symbolism to look for in art.  Notes.
Wed. 12/5 -- Early Northern Renaissance Art (ENR) lecture.  Notes will introduce the context of the Renaissance in northern Europe. 
Thur. 12/6 -- Map of the Italian city states.  Students will complete a map and take notes on the major Italian city -states that will figure in the history of art.  If you finish at home: Do Rome, Florence and Venice for your notes, look on-line, focus on the years from 1400-1525 and take four bullet notes for each city-state.  Finish the map.
Fri. 12/7 -- Art Cards on the ENR are due. Graphic organizer on the Italian Renaissance and the Quatrocento.  Get the graphic organizer form and use the text and pictures to learn the background of the Renaissance.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 12/3 --Finish presentations on the Vikings.  What is Feudalism in Europe and how did it develop?  Feudalism activity and discussion of early Medieval feudalism.  English royal family with Alfred the Great (family tree for fun)
Tue. 12/4 -- Lecture on Castles and Knights.  Reading "The Art of Courtly Love," primary source document.  Students will read the rules and choose three that are still good, three that need minor edits, and three that are quite out of date.  If absent copy the notes and collect a copy of "The art of Courtly Love," to complete the assignment.
[Another calendar switch -- move 12/7 up to Wednesday and shift Wed and Thur to Thur and Fri.
Wed. 12/5 -- Quiz on Feudalism and knights vocab.  Mini-lecture on lay investiture and reading of the letters from Henry the IV to Gregory the VII about the controversy.  Students will re-write the letters in their own words as a summary. 
Thur. 12/7 -- Finish letters, starts Castles, technology and sieges.  Students pairs will make a model of a medieval castle on tag board with construction paper and write about the history of that castle. Handouts on each castle provided in class.
Fri. 12/8 -- Finish castles and read about siege weapons (hopefully).

Saturday, November 24, 2012

November 26-30, 2012

[Test make-up available in class on Monday or after school on Tue.]
Mon. 11/26 -- Notes on the calculation of GDP and GNP (get notes from a classmate). Complete a GDP search of a Continent map.  Get the directions and a map and borrow an almanac or use the World Fact Book at the CIA website. Pages 320-324 discuss GDP/GNP.
Tue. 11/27 -- Read page 428 about John Maynard Keynes.  Lecture on the output expenditure model. We have a diagram in class we will use to lecture/discuss the model.  In the text use p. 325-327. Video on Keynes and the Depression.
Wed. 11/28 -- Lecture on population and growth in the US. Mini-presentations on demographic data in small groups. If absent read p. 329-335 Questions on p. 335. 3-5.
Thur. 11/29 -- Qz on Keynes.  Library to do an internet quest on inflation and the CPI. 
Fri. 11/30 -- Read p. 346.  Each student will be assigned a country to research which focused on the output expenditure formula and economic growth.

Art History
Mon. 11/26 -- Notes on the High Middle Ages.  There is a sheet to copy the notes onto.
Tue. 11/27 -- Lecture on Late Gothic Art.  Review Gothic Regional Styles on a nice purple sheet on the Gothic.  Possible see a shor video segment.
Wed. 11/28 -- Qz. on Gothic Art, Art Cards 62-73 are DUE.  Begin project on the disasters of the 14th century.
Thur. 11/29 --  Group work on the disasters of the 14th century. Review sheet out.
Fri. 11/30 -- Review day, TEST on Monday
Mon. 12/3 -- Unit Test on Romanesque and Gothic

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 11/26 -- Map of the Germanic Kingdoms, Notes on p. 353-357, p. 357 Define: Middle Ages, Franks, Monastery, Carolingian Dynasty. Do questions 3,4,5,7 Do the questions on the back of the page.
Tue. 11/27 -- Video notes, Dark Ages. Monasteries and St. Gall diagram.  If absent you will need a diagram and a color coding key.
Wed. 11/28 -- Reading on manuscript illumination, Lecture on Charlemagne -- notes.
Thur. 11/29 -- Qz. Germanic Kingdoms, Vikings notes and video
Fri. 11/30 -- Group porjects on the Vikings.  If you are absent then write a short report on an aspect of viking life (weapons, religon, mythology, exploration in Canada, runes, etc.).  About 200-250 words, list your sources. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November 19-21, 2012

Sorry to post this so late!!

Mon. 11/19 -- I collected late stock market research from last week.  We reviewed for the exam on chapters 11 and 14 (Banking and Finance).  I demonstrated some graphs and we checked the work from Friday.  Finished the period with a short round of jeopardy.
Tue. 11/20 -- Test on Banking and Finance unit
Wed. 11/21  2nd and 3rd period guest speaker Omar Vaishnavi from Blue Mountain Capital (New York investment firm where he is an analyst in a hedge fund). 6th period -- The constitutionality of the Federal Reserve (McCoullough v Maryland)

Art History
Mon. 11/19 -- Back to the Library to work on powerpoint project on Medieval cathedrals.
Tue. 11/20 -- Lecture on Gothic art -- Art Cards are due on Wed. 11/28
Wed. 11/21 -- Final time on the powerpoint, turned into Ms. Fenton during class or e-mailed by Saturday (for a few groups with technical issues).

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 11/19 -- Review sheet for the test, group work on the essay question.
Tue. 11/20 -- A very short round of connect four and then the test on Islam and the East.
Wed. 11/21 -- Map of Europe in 500 (we will continue this on Monday.)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 13-16, 2012

Tue. 11/13 --Begin work on investigating stocks.  Students will each recieved a range or stocks to look at.  From this section, they will then select 5 to research on-line.  They will find the price, 52-week range, profile the stock and look at their 5-year trends.  Students will complete a worksheet showing this research.
Wed 11/14 -- 2nd and 3rd meet in the computer lab.  From yesterday's stock list, choose your best stock for more research.  You will use yahoo finance or a similar website to research the compnay's earninings and product news.  Complete a full company profile -- you will need a copy of the directions.
Thur. 11/15 -- 6th period see above
Fri. 11/16 -- Stock profiles and research DUE.  Complete work on the review sheet.  We have a test scheduled for Tuesday, 11/20.

Art History
Tue. 11/13 -- Slides on cathedral architecture.  Complete vocabulary diagrams similar to the project on Greek temples. You will need an architecture sheet to complete this work.
Wed. 11/14 -- only periods 1,2,3
Thur. 11/15-- Qz on Cathedral terms.  Lecutre on Romanesque art, notes for notebook.  I will show one of the cathedral powerpoints from a previous year.
Fri. 11/16 -- Begin power point project on Romanesque and Gothic Cathedrals.  Students will have 2.5 class periods to complete the project.  11/16, 11/19 and a half period on 11/21.  The projects are due on Wednesday 11/21 (right before Thanksgiving break.)

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 11/13 -- Power point on Russian history, Engineering and Empire on Russia. Notes on The Cathedral of the Assumption and St. Basils.  If absent copy notes from a classmate.
Wed. 11/14 only periods 1,2,3
Thur. 11/15 -- Mongols project.  A bit of history and culture on the Mongols and the expansion of the group into Russia. The project is planned for partners and students will read about the four Mongol Khanates, Genghis Khan and Mongol culture.
Fri. 11/16 -- Summary of Russia with a timeline.  For the timeline use pages 307-311 in the book and your worksheet and notes on Russia.  Make a horizontal timeline of Russia.  Choose 10 important events on the timeline and note why they are significant -- dont just list Ivan III made Tzar (why was Ivan the Great important?).  Students may work with a partner.  Hand out review sheets. -- We have a unit test on Tuesday, 11/20.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

November 5-9, 2012

Mon. 11/5 -- Lecture on Monetary Policy and the tools of monetary policy.  Class will read an article on monetary policy and discuss.  May watch some of the video on the "Power of Money"
Tue. 11/6 -- Open Note quiz on Chapter 14.  It is T/F and pretty hard.  You will want your worksheet on Money and monetary standards, notes on banking history, chart on the federal reserve and the notes on monetary policy. Read p. 289-294 on investing.  Define: Certificate of Deposit, Financial Intermediary, Pension, and describe the four basic investment considerations.
Wed. 11/7  -- Economic Current Event #3 is Due.  Begin project on investment tools. We will look at different types of investments and then assess the risk level of the investment. Three pocket project.
Thur. 11/8 -- Finish Three-Pocket Project.  Introduction to reading a stock market report. Make sure you do the risk quiz.  See Friday or your calendar.
Fri. 11/9 -- Lecture on Stocks, What is a portfolio, diversification etc.  DUE: Risk Assessment --   Make sure you print out the final page.

Art History
Mon. 11/5 -- Lecture on Art of Islam,  hand out and start the review papge
Tue. 11/6 -- Review for the test.  Back of review page, slide game.
Wed. 11/7 -- Test on Christian, Byzantine and Early Medieval Art. Notebook #4 Due
Thur. 11/8 -- Video "Cathedral"
Fri. 11/9 -- Age of Faith Notes, Cathedral map

Ancient Medieval History
Mon. 11/5 -- Map of Constantinople (There is a copy in the folder for those absent).  Watch Video from Engineering an Empire and add to the map notes.
Tue. 11/6 -- May need more time to finish the video.  Lesson Lecture on Byzantinum.  Notes for notebook.
Wed. 11/7 -- Begin two-day project on the legacy of Byzantium.  What are the major legacies of Byzantium from the lecture yesterday?  Divide into 6 groups -- each group will take one legacy and make a poster.  The posters will be presented in class on Thursday.
Thur. 11/8 -- Present posters.  Review of Byzantium for quiz.
Fri. 11/9 -- Quiz on Byzantium.  Reading of a primary source: "The Primary Chronicle."  Discussion of primary source bias.  Reading p. 307-311 from the book.  Complete reading guide.  Collect a reading guide from the folders if you are absent.  Complete for your notebook.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 29 to November 2, 2012

Mon. 10/29 -- Worksheet on Money and Monetary Standards.  Complete worksheet, due on Tuesday.
Tue. 10/30 -- [Calendars Out] Video on US Mints,.  There is a video note/worksheet.  Get a copy and complete it using a classmates notes. Extra Credit Opportunity: AP Government is putting on a mock debate between President Obama (Ian Gephart) and Mitt Romney (Tyler Salyer) It is in the auditorum at 7 p.m. Free.
Wed. 10/31 --  Show money, Watch a segment of "It's a Wonderful Life" Powerpoint on Banking history (pick up a copy). Create a timeline showing the history of banking and mints in the US.  Use the dates from the notes, worksheet and text.  Find 10 key dates and put it on the timeline.
Thur. 11/2 -- Finish the bank timeline, Watch "Your Bank has Failed"   Discuss
Fri. 11/2 -- Chart on the structure and responsibilites of the Federal Reserve.  Video "Eye of the Storm" about how the Fed deals with a crisis.

Art History
Mon. 10/29 -- Color Code the Monastery of St. Giles, and complete the questions on the back about Feudalism, p. 360-363 in the Blue history book.
Tue. 10/30 -- Notes on Early Medieval Art.  Start Video on the Vikings from Nova.
Wed. 10/31 -- Finish the video.  Project on the Early Medieval art -- Medieval Fusion.  The project involves looking at different examples of early Medieval art and finding component elements.
Thur. 11/1 -- Lecture on Carolingian Art.
Fri. 11/2 -- Research on Islamic Art -- Partners will research different pieces of art. We are going to the library.

Ancient Medieval History
Mon. 10/29 -- Video on "Islam Empire of Faith"  Students will list 12 facts from the video about the beginning of Islam that are new pieces of information.
Tue. 10/30 -- Reading a part of the Qur'an.  Students complete the worksheet on the "Rise of Islam" Review vocabulary for quiz on Wednesday.
Wed. 10/31 -- Quiz on Islam vocbulary .  Map on the Growth of Islam.
Thur. 11/1 -- Finish the map.  Reading on the Dome of the Rock, p. 266.  Start a project on the contributions of Islamic culture.  Student pairs will read pages (p. 274-279) and identify 7 contributions of Islamic culture.  For each write two sentences and add three graphic elements. We will finish on Friday.
Fri. 11/2 -- Finish project.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 22-26, 2012

Last Week of the 1st Quarter

Mon. 10/22 -- Finish pie graphs from Friday on state and local spending.  Summarize highest areas of federal, state and local spending.  Read p. 274- Public Education. SEE Tomorrow!
Tue. 10/23 -- In class reading of page 277-283 on the National Debt.  Students will take notes on the reading and use the notes on a open book quiz.  May start note-taking the night before. QZ: on the National Debt.
Wed. 10/24 -- Review Day
Thur. 10/25 -- TEST: Labor and Government
Fri. 10/26 -- Money Scavenger Hunt -- Library * End of the First Quarter.

Art History
Mon. 10/22 -- Test on Roman Art
Tue. 10/23 -- Library for an internet quest on themes and symbols in Christian art. These themes will be prominent from the Early Middle Ages to post Renaissance.
Wed. 10/24 -- Lecture -- Early Christian Art.  Partner work on architecture of the Greek and Latin Cross church styles.  Extra Credit -- Mini Mosaics.
Thur. 10/25 -- Open Note Quiz on themes of Christian art.  Lecture on Byzantine Art. Video on Hagia Sophia.-- Engineering and Empire.
Fri. 10/26 -- Video : The Dark Ages, p. 200-205 on pages 205 define monastery, abbot, ID: St. Patrick, Clovis and Benedict.  Do questions 1,3-5 and 7.
Art Cards due on Monday.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/22- -- Introduction of China -- Early dynasties to Qin. Get a copy of the notes from a classmate.  Worksheet on Chinese Philosophies and making school rules to match the philosophies.   Greco-Roman Legacies paper Due.
Tue. 10/23 -- DVD Engineering and Empire China -- Great Wall and Qin Tomb.
Wed. 10/24 -- Han China worksheet, p. 200-207.  Hand out test review
Thur. 10/25 -- China vs. Rome chart -- Finish Review
Fri. 10/26 -- Test India and China.  Notebook #3 Due.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

October 15-19, 2012

Mon. 10/15 -- [There is a sub today.]  Students will work on the vocabulary from chapter 9, section 1.  Student partners will be assigned one vocabulary work for the unit.  They will read the section in the book that describes the word and then create a political cartoon to demonstrate the word's meaning.  Partners will then present their word to class.  Student will have about 35 minutes to complete the cartoon -- we will start presentations today!
Tue. 10/16 -- Finish vocabulary presentations.  Lecture on the major types of taxes in the United States (federal, state and local).  Notes to complete and turn in for mark.
Wed. 10/17 -- Matching vocab Quiz for section 9.1.  Read paged 246 as group.  Read and discuss p.  251-253.  Complete the review questions on p. 256-257: Reviewing main ideas 17-23, 27 and choose eithe 28 or 34. 
Thur. 10/18 -- Federal Budget numbers, budget process.  Watch part of IOU USA.  Discussion about spending and debt.
Fri. 10/19 -- Begin working on spending pie graphs for State and Local Spening.  Students will work with a partner, which each completeing one of the pie charts.  We will finish on Monday.

Art History
Mon. 10/15 -- [There is a sub today.] Students will watch a DVD " Engineering and Empire: Rome." They will see segments on Colosseum, Trajan's Market, the Pantheon, and the Baths (which are a basilican plan building.)  Students will draw sketches and take notes. ** Prepare for the quiz on architecture for Tuesday.
Tue. 10/16 -- Roman Architecture QuizBe prepared for T/F questions about the great buildings of the Roman empire period.  Worksheet on the Rise of Christianity.
Wed. 10/17 -- Narrative in Art theme day -- Early Japan and the Tale of Genji. 
Thur. 10/18 -- Roman City video -- Students will watch the DVD and complete a plan of a Roman City and draw a Roman villa. 
Fri. 10/19 -- Review day for the test on Rome.  There is a review sheet and we will review the art by playing a game.  TEST is on MONDAY. 

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/15 -- Poster day 1 for the Poster on Buddhism and Hinduism
Tue. 10/16 -- Poster Day 2 for the Poster on Buddhism and Hinduism
Wed. 10/17 -- Library to work on Greco-Roman legacies paper,  Paper is due on October 22nd.
Thur. 10/18 -- Library to work on Greco-Roman legacies paper, Paper is due on October 22nd.
Fri. 10/19 -- Review of India, Asoka and religions,  Quiz on Religions of India and Christianity.  It is matching you will identify elements that go with each religion. 


Monday, October 8, 2012

October 8-12, 2012

Mon. 10/8 -- History of Unions in the United States.  There will be a short powerpoint lecture and a note sheet.  If absent get the sheet and fill in the notes.  We are also watching about 25 minutes of a video series on the Great Depression called "Strinking Back"  It focuses on union action prior to WWI and the creation of the NLRB.  Absent students will also need to borrow and copy these notes.  These notes can be used on the quiz Friday.  [Several students will be in the library making up a test.  They are also responsible for this work.]
Tue. 10/9 -- Worksheet on Labor and Wages.  Get a copy of the WK and do it. 
Wed. 10/10 -- Simulation on Collective Bargaining.  No make-up.
Thur. 10/11 Library time for the first economic current event assignment.  This writing assignment is due on Friday.  Students will write an analysis of a current bit of economic news.
Fri. 10/12 -- Quiz on chapter 8 (open note).  Read p. 222.  Read p. 215-221 on page 221 define giveback, two tier wage system, glass ceiling and set-aside contract. Do questions 2-5.  ECE #1 due by 3 p.m.

Art History
Mon. 10/8 -- Lecture on the history of Rome from its founding to the end of the Republic and the beginning of the empire.  Notes.
Tue. 10/9 -- Open note quiz on History of Rome.  Short lecture on painting in Rome (mostly from Pompeii).  Looking at Roman houses and domestic architecture.
Wed. 10/10 -- Diagrams and charts on Roman architecture and types of Roman painting.  Students will make a chart showing the fours styles of Roman painting.  For each style they will describe the style and draw a sketch of the style.  We will use oil pastels (or crayons at home). AC: 29-33 DUE.
Thu. 10/11 -- Lecture on Roman archtecture during the Empire -- also some sculpture.  We will do notes on all of the remaining art cards.  Its a long lecture-- we might have to finish on Friday.
Fri. 10/12 -- Finish lecture if necessary.  Read about the Pax Romana p. 162-165 in the text book.  Take bullet notes on the section.  Two bullets per paragraph.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/8 -- Finish graphic organizer on the Fall of Rome (discussion).  Look at the legacies of the Greco-Roman period. Qz on the fall of Rome.  Notebook #2 Due
Tue. 10/9 -- Library day on paper on the legacies of the Greco-Roman world.
Wed. 10/10 -- Review day for the test.
Thur. 10/11 -- Test on Rome
Fri. 10/12 -- Begin India -- Early Indus Valley civilization.


Saturday, September 29, 2012

October 1-5, 2012

Mon. 10/1 -- Guest speaker -- Trent Tyler from Google.  Video Conference.  Begin work on Market Failures assignment. To make-up read . 180-182 to find the five types of market failures.  On a piece of white paper write the definition for each.  Then use a newspaper to find examples of each type in the real world.  Glue the example (maybe a title and first paragraph) to the paper and explain how your example fits the definition examples for market failure.
Tue. 10/2 -- Library to research various regulatory agencies.  Worksheet with questions on the agencies.  Pick up one if you are absent.
Wed. 10/3 --  Finish the assignment on Market Failure.  Hand out the review sheet for the test.
Thur. 10/4 --Review for Micro-economics test.  Chapters 4-7 in text book. A review sheet will be provided in class.
Fri. 10/5 -- Test in Microeconomics, Chapters 4-7.

Art History
Mon. 10/1 --Finish Hellenistic sculpture books. Art Cards 21-28 are due (Classical and Hellenistic Greek).
Tue. 10/2 -- Review for Greece Test
Wed. 10/3 -- Greece Test
Thur. 10/4 -- Architecture analysis.  We will look at different building materials, spaces and purposes for buildings.  The lesson will also teach students how to "read" architectural plans. Understanding architecture is key to understanding the public buildings of Rome.
Fri. 10/5 -- Notes on the Etruscans and Italy before the Romans.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/1 -- DVD on the life of Julius Caesar.  Students will make a timeline of the dates of Caesar's life.  12 dates in the timeline required.
Tue. 10/2 -- Open note quiz on the History of Rome.  Reading about the Roman Empire p. 160-165.  There is a reading guide due with the reading assignment.
Wed. 10/3 -- DVD Engineering an Empire -- Diagrams of Roman buildings with notes.
Thur. 10/4 -- The Rise of Christianity -- worksheet and analysis questions on the back. p. 168-172.
Fri. 10/5 -- The Pax Romana notes and reading on the Fall of Rome.  Graphic Organizer on the Fall of Rome using pages 173-176. 


Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 24-28, 2012

Mon. 9/24 -- Open note quiz on chapter 6.  Worksheet on competitive structures.  Pick-up a worksheet and make-up the quiz if absent.
Tue. 9/25 -- Partner project creating an economic model for a product and creating a supply and demand curve.  Get a copy of the directions from Ms. Fenton
Wed 9/26 -- Movie: Tucker: A Man and his Dream.  This movie is about Preston Tucker who started a cre company after WWII.  The Tucker torpedo had many innovative features such as aerodynamic styling, anti-lock breaks, shatter proof glass and seat belts.  Tucker was indicted for securities fraud and only 50 cars were made.  We are looking at the themes of starting a company and getting the "four factors of production" or competition.
Thur. 9/27 -- Finish the movie
Fri. 9/28 -- Powerpoint on anti-turst lecislation, notes and discussing the problems with monopolies.Short written response to the movie due.

Art History
Mon. 9/24 -- Questions from the history book on the Golden Age of Greece.  p. 134-139.  Define- Classical art, Peloponnesian War and Socrates.  Do questions 3,5,6,7.  If absent you will need to check out a book to do the questions.
> Last day for vases and temples to be considered on time!
Tue. 9/25 -- QZ: Temple architecture, lecture on the Golden Age of Greece, Art Cards 13-20 are due Mostly Minoan/Mycenaean and archaic periods.
Wed. 9/26 -- Video:  Engineering and Empire -- Greece
Thur. 9/27 -- Summing up Greece.  Picture timeline with periods.
Friday 9/28 -- Lecture on Hellenistic sculpture.  It is a brief lecture since we are going to do research on Hellenistic art.  Partners will create an Hellenistic Art book, working on it today and Monday.
Mon. 10/1 -- Art Cards 21-28 are due -- Classical and Hellenistic periods.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 9/24 -- Worksheet on the Roman Republic.  You will need to borrow a copy of the Heath textbook to complete these questions.   Due and graded on Monday.
Tue. 9/25 -- Jigsaw reading on the culture of Rome.  Students will have a choice of several topics about Rome.  Students will read a minimum of two sections and write 8 sentence summaries.  They may do one more for extra credit.
Wed. 9/26 -- Awesome simulation on the Roman Republic.  We will get Roman names and jobs in the Roman government!   No make-up, but you will need to get a sheet stamped.
Thur. 9/27 -- Lecture on the growth of the Roman Republic.  Get notes.  There is also a handout on the Julio Claudian family with a few notes included.  These are part of the notes for the open note quiz next week -- so get them!
Fri. 9/28 -- DVD on Pompeii -- you get to do a timeline of the erruption!


Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17-21, 2012

Mon. 9/17 -- Today we will finish the interview project on factors affecting demand (see Chapter 4).  Each group will compile their data and create a a demand schedule and curve for the product.  We will also look at what factors most affected demand.  Those absent on Friday will create their own set of questions and read parts of chapter 4 p. 91-94 and 97-101.
Tue. 9/18 -- Lecture on Marginal utility and elasticity (copy a classmates notes). p. 112-113 main ideas 17-22, 24 and thinking critically 25.
Wed. 9/19 -- Notes on Supply, the Law of Supply and the Stages of Production.  Video from Economics USA.
Thur. 9/20 -- Guided reading worksheet for chapter 6 p. 142-158.  Pick up a Guided Reading worksheet if you are absent.
Fri. 9/21 -- Looking a subsidies and price supports.  We will prepare and perform skits on prices.  Students will work as part of a group.
Monday 9/24 -- Open note quiz on chapter 6.  Guided reading must be done by then.

Art History
Mon. 9/17 -- Looking at Sculpture -- Lecture/Discussion on how to look at sculpture and to look for the purpose and context of sculptures.  We have a lot of sculpture in Greece!
Tue. 9/18 -- Lecture on Minoan and Myceanaean art.  We will look at lots of samples, but focus in on 4-5 key pieces of art. 
Wed. 9/19 -- Short open note quiz about the Minoans and Mycenaeans.  There is a map portion of this quiz that is NOT open note -- study your map of Greece.  We will quickly look at Archaic art and then start our art project on Black or Red Figure pottery.
Thur. 9/20 -- Temple Architecture -- Vocabulary project on the terms associated with Greek Temples.  We will  make a diagram of a temple and our own working vocab:)
Fri. 9/21 -- Finish Temples.  Very short lecture on Greek sculptures from Archaic to Classical.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 9/17 -- Collect Notebook #1.  Listening activity about Alexander and his horse.  Quick interactive map on the conquests of Alexander the Great.  We will start a 2-day project on Hellenistic Culture. Seven groups with each group working on a different topic for a presentation. The presentations will be on Tuesday.
Tue. 9/18 -- See Monday.
Wed. 9/19 -- Reveiw for test.  Go over review sheet and play a review game.
Thur. 9/20 -- Test on Greek history
Fri. 9/21


Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10-14, 2012

Mon. 9/10 -- [We switched the assignment from Monday to Tuesday.]  Collected the country report assignments.  Students in class made a graphic organizer taking notes on pages 48-53.  Make up is to read p. 48-53 and on page 53 do questions 2,3,4,6 and 7.
Tue. 9/11 -- Class activity with the country reports.  then students will be in groups to study the social and economic goals Read p. 43-46.  Describe all 7 goals with examples. 
Wed. 9/12 -- Review for the Test.  There is a review sheet to help.
Thur. 9/13 -- Test in economics, chapters 1-2.
Fri. 9/14 -- Lecture on the factors of demand.  Begin demand project depending on the time available.

Art History
Mon. 9/10 -- Finish art lecture on Egypt.  I showed the class examples of different types of minerals and rocks that are used in statues to show how materials make a difference in the longevity of a work.  We then read the handout "The Object Speaks -- Ramses II."  Students were then assigned Egypt cards on a monument to work on in small groups.
Tue. 9/11 -- Project on Amarna Period style compared to standard Egypt.  Notebooks Due.
Wed. 9/12 --  Review for test.  We will go through key slides and review history.
Thur. 9/13 -- Ancient Near East and Egypt Test; map of Greece
Fri. 9/14 --  Introduction to Greece, geogrpahy and historical periods.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 9/10 -- DVD on the Persian Wars "Last Stand of the 300" How did the Greeks defeat Persia notes. 
Tue. 9/11 --PP notes on the golden Age of Greece. Reading p. 134-139. 
Wed. 9/12 -- DVD Engineering an Empire -- Greek architecture and the Parthenon
Thur. 9/13 -- Greek Drama project
Fri. 9/14 -- QZ. on the Golden Age, so history vocabulary.  Worksheet on the Peloponessian War,  Pericles Funeral Oration. 


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4-7, 2012

Tue. 9/4 -- Barter simulation (no make-up for the activity).  Discussion about the different types of economic systems -- Economic System Chart Due.  Review of vocabulary words from chapt. 1.
Wed. 9/5 -- Chapter 1 vocab Quiz.  Power point notes on Capitalism and communism.  Review the advantages and disadvantages of a market economy.  If absent get a copy of the notes to complete and read p. 38 carefully. 
Thur. 9/6 -- Video on China.  What is a blended or mixed economy?  Complete the worksheet with the notes from the video.
Fri. 9/7 -- Research time in the library on the economic system of one country.  Students will complete a short report on the economy of a country.  Report DUE on Monday 9/10.

Art History
Tue. 9/4 -- Worksheet on the history of Mesopotamia.  Discussion of the key elements of culture that affect art of the Ancient Near East.
Wed. 9/5 -- Lecture on the art of the ANE.  Take good notes there is an open note quiz on Thursday.
Thur. 9/6 -- Quick quiz on ANE art and history -- open note. Partner Project on the history of Egypt.  Pairs will complete a chart outlining the history of the Old Kingdom and New Kingdom along with cultural factors relavant to art history.
Fri. 9/7 -- Lecture on the art of Egypt. 

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 9/4 -- Quick video on the Mycenaeans.  Begin Myceane project with group of 3-4 (mostly 4).  Project will be almost done by the EOP.
Wed. 9/5 -- Finish project on Mycenae.  Notes on the Iron Age in Greece.
Thur. 9/6 -- Comparision of Athens and Sparta (partners). Intro the Persian Wars -- just some discussion - no notes at this time.  Review the map of Greece.
Fri. 9/7 --  Quiz over Greece Map.  Map of Persian empire. The map shows the major stages of growth of Persia and there are some questions on Persia. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 28-31, 2012

Tue. 8/28 -- Introduction: Syllabus and Class Policies -- Parent or Guardian needs to sign.
Begin Goods & Services research.  Remember to do the interviews tonight to collect your data.
Wed. 8/29 -- Finish Goods and Services research.  Discuss Economics and buying behavior.  Economics is about scarcity and studying how people deal with scarcity.  What does our data show about economics?  Turn in research.
Thur. 8/30 -- Hand out textbooks.  Vocabulary words for chapter 1.  Students in class will work with a partner on the vocabulary.  If absent then get the vocab sheet to complete and hand in.   Begin vocab presentation.
Fri. 8/31 -- Finish vocabulary presentation.  Complete vocab puzzles.  Vocab Quiz Wed. 9/5.

Art History
Tue. 8/28 --Introduction: Syllabus and Class Policies.  Parent or Guardian needs to sign.  Introduction to art historical periods for the first semester.  Notes that will be stamped.
Wed. 8/29 -- Lecture/Discussion on the visual elements.  We will look at art today and find words to describe and discuss art using the visual elements.  If you are absent pick up the sheet on the visual elements and use p. 6-12 condensed and p. xl-xlvi full edition to read about the visual elements.
Thur. 8/30 -- What is art history and how do we discuss context with a piece of art.  "Writing about Art" essay assigned and section about art to read.  Students will write about an assigned piece of art.
Fri. 8/31 -- Slide show and video on paleolithic art.  Art Cards for first unit assigned.  Art Essay DUE.

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 8/28 -- Introduction: syllabus and class policies -- parent or guardian needs to sign.  Five characteristics of a civilization -- scenarios and list.
Wed. 8/29 -- Intro to Greece -- Greek Map and a Time line of major events in Greek history.
Thur. 8/30 -- Minoans myth and power point about Knossos and other Minoan sites.  Fill in the sheet of notes with the power point.
Fri. 8/31 -- Finish notes on the Minoans and watch "Minotaur Island" about the Minoans.   We will brainstorm a list about the Minoans.  books will be checked out and reading p. 123-126 is assigned with a brief worksheet. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

May 29-June 1, 2012

Tue. 5/29 -- Travel project on Australia and New Zealand.  Each student will research three places to visit in each Australia or New Zealand.  They must pick one cultural spot (art, music, museum, botanical garden) one historic spot (colonial history, gold rush, native history) and one national park.  The paper should be 200-250 words long and include a listing of two different sources.
Wed. 5/30 -- Notes on Australia and New Zealand.  Reading p. 698-701.  Make a list of 3-4 bullets for each section in the reading.
Thur. 5/31 -- Map of Oceania.  Video on sinking islands in the Pacific.
Fri. 6/1 -- Review for the test on MONDAY.

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 5/29 -- Disaster of the 14th century project
Wed. 5-30 -- Disasters of the 14th century project.  Notes on the Avignon Papacy and the Great Schism.
Thur. 5/31 -- Notes on the Black Death -- video on the Scourge of the Black Death.  Notebooks due.
Fri. 6/1 -- Notes on the 100 Years War,  video on Joan of Arc.
** some of these deadlines were altered for the seniors in these classes.

Tue. 5/29 -- Second Day on the cultural regions in North America.  Students are working on projects they began on the 25th of May.
Wed. 5/30 -- Review for the test on social structures.
Thur. 5/31 -- Test on Social Structures.
Fri. 6/1 -- Project on the Navajo.  Each student is getting one section to read on the Navajo from a ethnology bt James Downs.  Students will read their section and plan a page for a powerpoint.  Ms. Fenton will put the power point together and then students will present their sections to the class.   This is part of our larger unit on the Navajo for the final week of school.

June 4-8, 2011

World Geogrpahy
Mon. 6/4/ --  Test on SE Asia and Oceania.  A review time before the test is planned.
Tue. 6/5 -- Final Review of countries  Three days with a power point showing pictures of slides that will be on the final.  There are 24 in the review powerpoint and 10 of those will be on the final. We will see 8 slides each day as an introduction.
Wed. 6/6 -- Final Review of cities. 
Thur. 6/7 -- Final Review on physical features, map due.
Friday 6/8 -- Semester Final  for 4th period.  These semester finals are 10% of the semester grade.
Monday 6/11 -- Semester Final for 1st period.

Ancient Medieval
Mon 6/4 -- Review for High Middle Ages Test.  We will spend part of class on a few sheet and part on a review game.
Tue. 6/5 -- High Middle Ages Test. 
Wed. 6/6 -- Review Activity for the Final.  We will divide into groups and make a review for each unit we have studied.  Each team will review vocabulary, events and major legacies of each section.
Thur 6/7 -- Review master Jepordy
Fri. 6/8 -- Semester Final for 2nd period.
Mon 6/11 -- Semester final for 5th period.

Monday 6/4 -- Introduction to Navajo sand painting.  We will look at a short power point explaining bout sand painting and each student will start their own project. 
Tue. 6/5 --   Day 2 of sand painting.  Classroom project on the Navajo.
Wed. 6/6 -- Final Day of Sandpainting
Thur. 6/7 -- A Thief of Time.  This is a PBS Mystery (non-rated) based on a series of books by Tony Hillerman.  Students will look for examples of Navajo culture portrayed in the video.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 21-25, 2012

Mon. 5/21 -- Introduction to SE Asia.  Complete the map of SE Asia.  This mapping assignment takes some time since there are a lot of countries to outline.
Tue. 5/22 -- Pictures of SE Asia to review the map.  Begin project on SE Asia.  If you are absent there is a worksheet the covers the same material.  Pick up a copy from the front of the room.
Wed. 5/23 -- Finish the project of SE Asia.  Asia map review for the quiz on Thursday.
Thur. 5/24 -- Quiz on SE Asia map.  Begin Australia with "Speaking Australian" activity.  Map of Australia and New Zealand.
Fri. 5/25 -- DVD:  Australia Revealed, with questions.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 5/21 -- DVD:  Kingdom of Heaven -- focus on the causes of the Crusades and seige warfare.
Tue. 5/22 -- Finish DVD -- If you are absent there are some make-up questions.  The make-up questions are also for students who elected not to watch the movie.
Wed. 5/23 -- Summary of the Crusades.  Finish the Crusades packet.  We will like the major crusades (causes and events).  Students will complete the work on the Reconquista (Reconquest of Spain).
Thur. 5/24 -- Notes on the Growth of the government of England (lecture).  Read the Magna Carta and discuss the rights protected in this first document of English Liberty.  Review vocabulary words for quiz on Friday.
Fri. 5/25 -- Quiz on Crusades and church vocabulary words.  Commercial Revolution worksheet p. 387-392. 

Mon. 5/21 -- Notes on the family and vocabulary of kinship.  Students will make a kinship diagram of three generations of their families.  Students will also draw examples of kinship systems from the Hawaiian, Eskimo and Iroquois systems.  Use p. 556-557 in your text to see these diagrams.  copy with the kinship terms labeled.
Tue. 5/22 -- Descent systems: Define descent group and unilineal descent. From pages 540-548.  Define Patrilineal, do a diagram and provide a detailed example of patrilineal descent.  Do the same for matrilineal and ambilineal. 
Wed. 5/23 -- Video and questions on the Aborigines of Australia.  Clans
Thur. 5/24 -- Quiz on family vocabulary and kinship systems.  Notes on religion from an anthropological context.  Reading on a relgious ceremony from a Native American tribe.
Fri. 5/25 -- Project on culture groups of the Americas.  Get a copy of the directions.  Will extend into our next class period on Tuesday.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 7 - 11, 2012

Mon. 5/7 -- Global Issues paper due. (Parents this is the CBA paper and worth 100 points in total).
Graphic organizer on the religions on India.  -- Get directions if absent.
Tue. 5/8- Read pages 578-579 Disasters Cyclones.  Notes on Isses in South Asia.  Read p. 593-595. On page 595 answer questions 3 a,b,c and 4. Turn in notes and questions.
Wed. 5/9 -- Read pages 606-607 Map of East Asia (DUE). Reading about Disasters: p. 640-641 -- Flooding on the Yangtse.
Thur. 5/10 -- Reading Three Gorges Dam, 628-630, China worksheet.  Video clip on Tianammen Square protest.
Fri. 5/11 -- DVD: Discovery Atlas: China with worksheet.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 5/7 -- Making a diagram of a medieval castle -- Discussion of castle defences. 
Tue. 5/8 -- QZ: Feudalism vocabulary (see noted from 5/3 and 5/4.  Mini-lecture on lay investiture and letters from Henry IV and Gregory VII.  We will divide into pairs.  Each pair will translate one letter from medieval language into something more modern.  One year someone did a rap! The final draft will be between 12 and 15 sentences long.
IF ABSENT: Read pages 370-373.  Define lay investiture and canon law. Page 373, do questions 3 and 5.  From page 372 write a 5-6 step sequence describing the conflict between Henry and Pope Gregory.  End with the Concordat of Worms.
Wed. 5/9 -- Intro notes on Japan, comparision between Japanese and European feudalism. 
Thur. 5/10 -- Video -- Japan Empires special.  Notebook Due at the end of class.
Fri. 5/11 -- Library -- Mini-research assignment on Japanese history or culture.  Students will do a quick bit of research into something about Japan that interests them and then write me a letter telling me what they discovered and why they found it interesting.  Directions available.

Mon. 5/7 -- Mbuti field notes III.  Stories that teach: readin Njobo the Elephant Hunter and two short stories.  How are cultural values taught to children?
Tue.  5/8 -- Video notes: Baka: People of the Forrest
Wed. 5/9 -- QZ: Mbuti and cultural facts.  Group assignments on Culture and Personalty.  Each group will prepare a presentation on different topics from Chapter 16.  Presentations on Thursday.
Thur. 5/10 -- Presentations and notes on Culture and Personality.
Fri.  5/11 -- Worksheet, Chapter 15 Language and Communication. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April 30 to May 4, 2012

Mon. 4/30 -- Watching the movie "Gandhi"  Discussion of non-violent civil disobeience.  Link to US history and Martin Luther King Jr.
Tue. 5/1 -- Watching the movie "Gandhi"  Discussion of the partition of India and the assassination of Gandhi.
Wed. 5/2 -- Library day #3 for the Global Issues paper.  Either an outline ofr 1st parargraph are due today.  Brief lesson on creating a "Works Cited" page. 
Thur. 5/3 --  Library day #4 for the Global Issues paper.  Last day in class.
Fri. 5/4 -- Review South Asia, powerpoint and map preparation.  Take map quiz of South Asia.
Monday 5/7 -- Global Issues Paper DUE

Ancient Medieval
Mon.  4/30 -- Notes on Charlemange.  If absent get the Charlemagne diagram and copy notes from a classmate.  Vocabualry words for quiz on Tuesday.
Tue. 5/1 -- Quiz on Germanic tribes.  Introduction to vikings,  Draw a viking longship.  Copy notes from the video. 
Wed. 5/2 -- Group project on Vikings.  Teams will prepare a presentation on different aspects of Viking history/culture and teach the class.  If absent: Look up one of these topics: Runes, Viking longships, Viking exploration (Iceland, Greenland). and write a 12 sentence summary on the topic.
Thur. 5/3 -- Feudalism p. 360-363.  Diagram a medieval manor. Make a simple diagram/map showing a manor p 362.  Include all 8 parts.  Add 6 bullets about life on a Medieval Manor.
Fri. 5/4 -- Lecture notes on Castles and Chivalry.  Reading "The Art of Courtly Love," re-writing the rules of love.  Keep 2 rules, re-write 2 rules and replace 2 rules.

Mon. 4/30 -- Begin reading on the Mbuti.  Reading as a group and completing Mbuti I notes including the "Crime of Cephu."
Tue. 5/1 -- Movie: "The Gods must be Crazy."
Wed. 5/2 -- Movie: "The Gods must be Crazy."
Thur. 5/3 -- Mbuti field note II Reading "The Molimo" and "The Good Death."
Fri. 5/4 -- Folklore and Enculturation.  We are going to the library to select an example of folklore.  Students will read the story and describe the moral.  How are stories used to teach.  There is a copy of the directions in the folders int he room.

Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23-27. 2012

World Geography
Mon. 4/23 -- Test over Africa
Tue. 4/24 -- Directions, topics and first reading assignment for Global Issues paper.  This paper is worth about 80 points.  Make sure you get directions and topics if you are absent!!!
Wed. 4/25 -- Full day in the library for research.
Thur. 4/26 --Introduction to South Asia -- Map of South Asia DUE.
Fri. 4/27 -- Worksheet p. 551-555 and p. 560-563.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 4/23-  Review for test.  We finished the test review, brainstormed ideas for the essay quesion and played a little review jeopardy.
Tue. 4/24 -- Test over Islam and the East, Chapters 10-11
Wed. 4/25 -- Map of Europe in 500 AD.  Reading pages 353-357 (outloud as a group, read them on your own!)  Notes of Germanic kingdoms on the back of the map (Franks, Visogoths and Vandals -- 3 bullets about the history of each).
Thur. 4/26 -- Video notes "The Dark Ages" Color code the monastery plan of St. Gall's.  Discussion of the roles of monasteries in the Middle Ages. 
Fri. 4/27 -- Pretty pictures of manuscript illumination.  Short worksheet on manuscripts. 

Mon. 4/23 -- Presentations on Ancient American cities.  Hand out the review sheet
Tue.  4/24 -- Lecture notes on the American Southwest and a short video on Chaco Canyon.  Maybe 1 more presentation
Wed. 4/25 -- Finish presentations -- review and possibly jeopardy type question game.
Thur. 4/26 -- Unit test on Prehistory most of the questions will be on the New World, but there will be a few general archaeology questions as well.
Fri. 4/27 -- Notes on "The Nature of Culture."  Get a note sheet and complete if absent.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

April 16-20, 2012

NOTE:  Ms. Fenton will be gone on Thursday 4/19 and Friday 4/20.  Students who will be absent should plan ahead particularly well this week!

Monday, 4/16 -- Lecture notes on the history of Africa.  Students absent on Friday will need to be prepared to make up the quiz on Africa. 
Tuesday 4/17 -- Video on Morocco --North Africa region
Wed. 4/18 -- Health Issues in Africa.  Reading from National Geographic on AIDS/HIV and a worksheet on other health issues.
Thur. 4/19 -- Great video clips on Environmental Problems in Africa.  Students will take notes on Madagascar, Lake Chad and the Ndoki Rain Forest. 
Fri. 4/20 -- Review for Test on Monday

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 4/16- Finish Legacies of Byzantium posters.  Presentations today! If you missed this project do the questions on p. 306, Questions 2, 4, 5,  and 8.
Tue. 4/17 -- QZ on the Byzantine Empire; The class will read a section from the Primary Chronicle and then complete the reading worksheet for pages 307-311 -- The Russian Empire
Wed. 4/18 -- Lecture notes on Russia, Engineering an Empire on early Russia through Ivan IV
Thur. 4/19 -- Partner project on the Mongols.  Team of two will complete an assignment on the Mongals and their empire during the Pax Mongolica.  The sub will have make-up lesson directions if you ask on Friday!
Fri. 4/20 -- Time line connecting the events within the unit.  Briefly students will choose three key dates for each culture (Islam, Byzantine, Russian and Mongol) and put them on a timeline EXPLAINING why each event was important.  If you are absent follow the above directions.

Mon. 4/16 -- DVD: Cracking the Maya Code.  Notes and stamp
Tue. 4/17 -- Quiz on Mesoamerican cultures (general).  Begin powerpoint project on Ancient American cities.  We will be in the library for three days.
Wed - Thur 4/18-4/19 -- Library Ancient American cities -- Due Friday the 20th.  E-mail projects.
Fri. 4/20 -- Video on Warriors of the Clouds,  Powerpoints DUE.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April 9-13, 2012

Mon. 4/9 -- Political map of Africa DUE.  We will also review the physical map of Africa and return completed physical maps to students. 
Tue. 4/10 -- African Tribe Project.  Student will each choose one of the African tribes from the encyclopedia set from the library.  Students will complete questions and draw a house.  Houses will be taped to the class map.  If you are ABSENT  you can try and use the internet, but it is easier and faster to check one of the books out from the library.  The questions were designed to match the books.
Wed. 4/11 -- Video notes on Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe. Due today.
Thur. 4/12 -- Parade of flags for Africa.  Each student will receive a different country to research.  We will quickly review the map, countries, cities and physical features.
Fri. 4/13 -- Africa Map QUIZ.  Review maps from previous units. 

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 4/9 --Complete the maps of Islam.  Read page 266, discuss Islamic art and look at a powerpoint slide show on art (maybe start Tuesday's assignment)
Tue. 4/10 -- Contributions of Islamic Culture.  Pairs of students will read p. 274-279 and describe 8 contributions of Islamic culture.  Three graphics are required and each team must do the House of Wisdom as one of their 8 contributions.  A description means at least two sentences.
Wed. 4/11 -- Map of Constantinople.  Get map if you are absent.
Thur. 4/12 -- Powerpoint lecture and notes on Byzantium.
Fri. 4/13 -- Legacy of Byzantium group projects.  Groups of 4-5 students will choose one of the major legacies of the Byzantine Empire.  They will prepare a poster describing the leagacy which they will present to class on Monday.

Mon. 4/9 -- Video: The Mystery of the First Americans (notes)
Tue. 4/10 -- Computer lab -- Internet assignment research on Kennewick man, American archaeological sites and NAGPRA.  Internet Quest type questions.
Wed. 4/11 -- Reading and questions "Who were the First Americans."  Discussion and clarification of the theories of settlement of the New World.
Thur. 4/12 -- Open note quiz (Mon-Wed materials) PP -- Introduction (chart notes) on the major civilizations of the New World.
Fri. 4/13 -- DVD: "Cracking the Maya Code"  Notes.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

March 26-30, 2012

Mon. 3/26 -- Today groups will finish their current events and three groups will present their information.  We will then work quietly on the review sheet for the test on Wednesday.  I move the test back a day to allow time for the current events. 
Tue. 3/27 -- Finish the presentations of SW Asian current event.  Complete the review for the SW Asian test and if time play a review game.
Wed. 3/28  -- TEST for SW Asia.  Fun facts about Africa assignment.  The test will be the last new grade recorded on third quarter.  Work on Thursday and Friday will be counted for Q4.
Thur. 3/29 -- Physical map of Africa.
Fri. 3/30-- Human environment worksheet on Africa. 

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 3/26 -- Research paper on Greco-Roman legacies due today by 3:30 p.m..   Review for Asian Empires test.
Tue. 3/27 -- Asian Empires test.  Notebook #3 Due. The test will be the last new grade recorded on third quarter.  Work on Wednesday to Friday will be counted for Q4.
Wed. 3/28 -- Video:  Empires of Faith Notes
Thur. 3/29 -- Reading from the Qu'ran and discussion.  Short worksheet on the Rise of Islam. p. 263-268,  Vocabulary review for quiz.
Fri. 3/30 -- Quiz on Islam Vocabulary.  Map on the Expansion of Islam (pp. 269-272.)

Mon. 3/26 -- Qz: Introduction to Archaeology.  (open note).  Reading "The Worst Mistake" and map on early domestication of plants and animals.
Tue.  3/27 -- Finish the map, notes on the Bronze Age
Wed. 3/28 -- Video on the Celts of Europe, video worksheet to complete
Thur. 3/29 -- Review for unit test. 
Fri. 3/30 -- Test on European Pre-History

Friday, March 16, 2012

March 19-23, 2012

Mon. 3/19 -- Notes on oil and politics (there is a handout to complete).  Reading pages 529-531. Worksheet from the book. Review SW Asia map.
Tue. 3/20 -- Qz SW Asia.  Video on the Arab Gulf States, questions to complete.
Wed. 3/21 -- Graphic Organizer on the Three Religions of the Middle East. Get a copy of the directions.
Thur. 3/22 -- Notes on Israel and Palestine. Reading pages 510-513.  There will be a short worksheet and notes to collect. 
Fri. 3/23  -- Current Events.  There will be several current event groups which will "jigsaw" different topics.  Each group in class will present a summary of their current event.  If you are absent, find a news article from the area of SW Asia and write a 12 sentence summary.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 3/19 -- Poster Project on Hindusim and Buddhism Due.  Go to the library to work on the paper on Greco-Roman Legacies.  Paper Due Monday 3/26.
Tue. 3/20 --  Qz. on the three religions we have studied (Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism).  The quiz will consist of statements about the religions and students will have to match the facts to the correct religion. Notes on Chinese Dynasties.  Begin a "making rules" assignment on Chinese philosophies.
Wed. 3/21  -- Finish Making Rules assignments (get a copy of the directions).  DVD on China (Great Wall and Qin Tomb)
Thur. 3/22 -- Computer lab to work on paper, handout on citations and Work Cited page.
Fri. 3/23 -- worksheet on Han China p. 200-207.

Mon. 3/19 -- Libary to work on the "Archaeological Mysteries" paper.  A short, relatively informal paper that will be be plagarized!
Tue. 3/20 -- Worksheet on Archaeological methods.  Reading by Fagan (packet handout).
Wed. 3/21 -- Lecture on Mesolithic Europe (notes to complete).  Students will have time to ready about Neolithic Lake Villages in class, but some may have to finish at home.  They will need to take great notes about what would be found in these lake side villages in France.  [NOTE: Student groups will need a large shoe box, rocks, twigs, etc..]
Thur and Fri. 3/22-3/23 -- Buidling Neolithic Lake Village Dioramas.  Hot glue guns will be used.  Be very careful.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 12-16, 2012

This week is HSPE testing which means late starts for 9th, 11th and 12th grade students (for the most part).  We are on altered schedules Tuesday-Friday.

World Geography
Monday 3/12 -- Collect maps of SW Asia.  Review map questions.  Read pages 487-490 together.  Skim and discuss vocab from 491-493.  Students will take notes on  a power point about the regions of SW Asia. 
Tuesday 3/13 -- Pamphlet of SW Asia regions.  Students will make a pamphlet of the regions of SW Asia.  the pamphlet includes a map showing the countires P. 502.  Label 16 countires, color the map to show the regions.  For each region draw a picture of the region, write 4 fact sentences and one opinion (commentary) sentence. p. 503-519.
Wednesday 3/14 -- Repeat for 1st period.
Thursday 3/15 -- Finish pamphlets.  Arabic culture.  We will look a little at art and Arabic writing.  There will be a handout to keep.
Friday 3/6 -- Repeat for 1st period.

Ancient Medieval
Monday 3/12 -- Begin India.  Read p. 44-49. Worksheet on the planned cities of the Indus.  How does Harappan culture match with teh characteristics of civilization from the first day?  On to pages 61-65.  Discuss Aryan invasion of India.  Begin project on Hinduism and Buddhism.  Student groups of 3-4 members will make a poster on Hinduism and Buddhism.  Materials and directions are provided in class.
Tuesday 3/13   Day 1 poster making 5th period
Wednesday 3/14 -- Day 1 poster making for 2nd period
Thursday 3/15 -- Day 2 poster making 5th period
Friday 3/16 -- Day 2 poster making 2nd period

Monday 3/12 -- Review day 2 for the exam.  If you are done with your review you can participate in the game.  Discussion of short essay questions.
Tuesday 3/13 -- No Class
Wednesday 3/14 -- Test on chapter 7-10 (more focus on 9-10).  Notebook #2 DUE.
Thursday 3/15 -- No Class
Friday 3/16 -- Begin European Prehistory unit:)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 5-9, 2012

Mon. 3/5 -- Parade of Flags activity/worksheet for Russia and the Republics.  Map review activity (study for the map quiz on Tuesday).
Tue. 3/6 -- Map Quiz on Russia and the Republics.  Review sheet for Europe and Russia section. If absent get the review sheet and complete it.  Due Thursday.
Wed. 3/7 -- Review game, outline the essay.
Thur. 3/8 -- Unit test over Europe and Russia and the Republics
Fri. 3/9 --  Map of SW Asia (Mid-East). 

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 3/5 -- Discussion on the Fall of the Roman empire Reading pl. 173-176.  Partners will create a graphic organizer on the fall of the Empire.  Get the directions from me. 
Tue. 3/6 -- QZ: Fall of Rome (fill-in the blank). Class activity comparing Greece and Rome.  We will be working on groups of 4 making large charts comparing the two cultures. If absent read p. 178-183 and do questions 3-7. 
Wed. 3/7 -- Library to begin research on paper about legacies of Greco-Roman culture. This paper is due on Monday 3/26. Notebook #2 DUE
Thur. 3/8 -- Review day for the test.  Review worksheet.
Fri. 3/9 -- Rome unit test.

Mon. 3/5 -- Internet lab on later species of Homo.  Complete the lab worksheet.
Tue. 3/6 -- Lecture on Paleolithic Art.  Oil pastel drawing of paleolithic art.
Wed. 3/7 -- Chapter 10 reading. Worksheet on Upper Paleolithic People (Cro Magnon)
Thur. 3/8 -- Tool chart, review tools.
Fri. 3/9 -- Tool Quiz.  Review sheet for the on Wednesday 3/14.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 27-March 2, 2012

Mon. 2/27 -- Video on Northern France.  Review maps for quiz on Tuesday. If absent, copy video questions from a classmate.
Tue. 2/28 -- QUIZ on Europe map.  Read p. 357 on Russia.  Begin Russia regions project. If absent get a small map of Russia and color it to match the three regions p. 360. do not lable the map, just color code the regions.  Glue the map onto a larger piece of paper.  For each region do the following.  Write down the names of the countries in the region.  Maximum of 5.  Find the total population (add the country populations together p. 342. Write one historic fact, one cultural fact and one economic fact. Pages 361-379 discuss each region. 
Wed. 2/29 -- Finish Region project.  DVD on Russia with questions.  Homework a history of Russia worksheet
Thur. 3/1 -- Read about Chernobyl p. 368.  Complete the map of Russia and the Republics.
Fri. 3/2 -- Power point on Russia and the Republics.  There are review questions to answer with the maps.  Read about the Aral Sea p. 353-356.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 2/27 -- Lecture on the transition from Roman republic to Roman empire.  Handout and notes on the Julio Claudian emperors.  copy all notes form a classmate.  You will need them for an open note quiz on Wednesday.
Tue. 2/28 -- Video on Julius Caesar.  We will make a timeline of Caesar's life as we watch the video. Stamp.
Wed. 2/29 -- QZ: History of Rome (open note).  Lecutre on the Pax Romana and a reading guide worksheet for pages 160-165.
Thur. 3/1 -- DVD on Engineering an Empire: Rome -- Notes will include diagrams and facts about major Roman engineering feats including the Flavian Ampitheater and Pantheon.
Fri. 3/2 -- Rise of Christianity worksheet.

Monday 2/27 -- Reading on new H. erectus sites.  We will discuss the development of bigger brains and make a cause > description > result chart. Pages 174, 177182-188 (brain expansion in H. habilis). cranial capacity in H. erectus p. 193, p. 201 (tools) . p. 205 (fire) p. 207 cultural development an p. 210 (language and symbols). Either write an essay about the cause>effect relationship for brain expansion or create a flow chart (with supporting details) for brain expansion.
Tue. 2/28 -- Chapter 7-8 review, worksheet and game.  You should study! Its like a mini-test.
Wed. 2/29 -- Chapter 7-8 quiz. Neanderthal lecture, picture sheet.
Thur. 3/1 -- Discovery video on Neanderthals
Fri. 3/2 -- Reading " Survivial of the Weakest" Theories on the extinction of Neanderthals.  Writing assignment on Nick Neanderthal.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 21-24, 2012

World Geography
Tue. 2/21 -- Read pages 282-285 on Human environment interaction. Write three sentences for each issue (polders, Venice and Acid Rain). PP notes on Europes regions (prep for lesson on Wednesday).
Wed. 2/22 -- Regions of Europe partner project. Divide a piece of paper into four parts, one for each region of Europe. Use the map on p. 288. For each region do the following. 1) List 5 countries in the region. Write one fact for history, culture, economy and modern life -- this mirrors the chapter set up. Use pages 289-315 for information.
Thur. 2/23 (modified schedule -- 90 minutes) Physical map of Europe (get a copy) Notes on a power point on Eastern Europe. Read either p. 319-321 (Balkans) OR p. 323-325 (pollution). Answer the main idea questions at the end of the section. Question #3 a-c.

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 2/21 -- Read pages 130-137 in the HEATH textbook (I have copies). Complete the worksheet.
Wed. 2/22 -- Read two packets on the culture of Rome Write an 9 sentence summary of each packet for a total of 18 sentences.
Thur. 2/23 -- (modified schedule -- 90 minutes). Details of the Roman Republic. Compare to US. Activity in class. If absent read p. 156-157 in the book. Write definitions for each of the blue vocabulary words on p. 157 (four words). Copy the chart on p. 157. -- You may summarize, but get the main points.
Fri. 2/23 -- Repeat Thursday

Tue. 2/21 -- Reading on Olduvai Gorge. Group activity on Homo habilis. (excused if you are not here -- but you are missing out!)
Wed. 2/22 -- DVD: Becoming Human -- Part 2 -- Borrow and copy notes.
Thur. 2/23 -- (modified schedule -- 90 minutes) Lecture on Homo erectus. Map of H. erectus sites in the Eastern Hemisphere. Reading on Homo floresis (hobbits).

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 13-17, 2012

World Geogarphy
Mon. 2/13 -- Rain Forest work.  We watched a video on the issue of developing or saving the rain forests.  Make-up -Read p. 245-247, do questions 1,3 and 4. First map review day: Latin America map.  A website with map quizzes for each continent or region.
Tue. 2/14 -- Reviw sheet for the test.  Get one from my room.
Wed. 2/15 -- TEST for Latin America.
Thur. 2/16 -- Political map of Europe.  Complete map and do the questions with the map.
Fri. 2/17 -- [35 min. period] Video on the "Enchanted cities of Europe"  Video Questions.

Mon. 2/13 -- Bipedal cartoons.  Read. 161-166 anf find 5 advangtages of bipedalism and 5 disadvantages of bipedalism.  Make a cartoon to illustrate 3 of each.
Tue. 2/14 -- Working on phylogenetic trees.  Read articple on Ardipithecus ramidus from Science.  Discuss evolutionary relationships between Ardi and Australopithecus.  Make a phylogenetic tree showing the relationships. Use p. 159 in the text to develop your own tree.  There are examples and time frames on that page.
Wed. 2/15 -- Review for the test.
Thur. 2/16 -- Unit 1 test on primates and australopithecus.
Fri. 2/17 -- [35 min. period] Introduce Homo habilis.  Questions from the book.

Ancient Medieval
Mon 2/13  (two day project) Follow directions below for make-up. 
Read p. 142-145 -- Make a 10 step list of Alexander's conquests. From p. 145 read Alexander's Legacy and describe two legacies.
Tue. 2/14 -- Read p. 146-149.  Pick two of the sections (Alesxandria, Astronomy, Math/Physics, Philosophy or Art) Write a 3 sentence description for the two you choose on how Hellenistic culture contributed to those areas. That will be 6 sentences.
[Note: we did a group project and presented on each of these topics.]
Wed. 2/15 -- Finish presentations, review for Test
Thur. 2/16 -- Test on Greece
Friday 2/17 -- [35 min. period] video on Rome ) Pompeii

Saturday, February 4, 2012

February 6-10, 2012

Mon. 2/6 -- Library to work on Resource Maps.  Each student will draw a country in Latin America, creating pyhsical map with resources added.  Questions on the directions sheet may be completed using
Tue. 2/7 -- Second day to work on the Resource Maps -- They are DUE on Thursday 2/9.
Wed. 2/8 -- Video on Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.  Video questions are due.  If you are abent, get a copy of the questions and copy from a classmate. At the end of class we will review the map for the quiz.
Thur. 2/9 -- QUIZ on Latin American Map.  Resource Maps are DUE.  Class assignment are notes on the history of Latin America.  Notes are to be turned in, so if you are absent again copy notes from a classmate and turn in.
Fri. 2/10 -- Large class map on LA  resources.  Students will work on the culture of a country using culturegrams.  Directions to access on-line are on the assignment.  Students will do the same county they did the map on.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 2/6 -- Map of Persia (This was moved from the calendar schedule.) Video on the Persians.
Tue. 2/7 --  Quick notes from the board on the Persian Wars.  From the DVD students listed 12 reasons why the Greeks win the wars in spite of being very out numbered by the Persians.  Borrow notes and copy.
Wed. 2/8 -- Review the Persian Wars.  Notes on the Golden Age of Greece.  Students will discuss the advantages of Greek direct democracy and the goals of Pericles for Athens.  Homework: brief worksheet on the Parthenon.
Thur. 2/9 -- DVD on the Parthenon (about 20 minutes).  Divide into 8 groups and work on the culture of Greece.  Each person will be responsible for parts of the chart.
Fri. 2/10  Read second half of the play Medea in class.

Mon. 2/6 -- Video notes on the video "New Chimpanzees." Discussion of primate behavior.
Tue. 2/7 -- 4 poster presentations -- Chapter 6 reading on Australopithecus. Notes to complete.
Wed. 2/8 -- QUIZ on chapters 3, 5 (primates and early primates -- open note). Fossil locations map on Australopithecus. Maybe 2 more poster presentations.
Thur. 2/9 -- Video; "Becoming Human: Part I" HW: Read pages 161-166
Fri. 2/10 -- Skull Sculpting -- yes we are using clay and making skulls!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 30- February 3, 2012

Mon. 1/30 -- Qz on Continents and Oceans.  Work on the Five Themes of Geography.  For make-up Read pages 5-9. Define each of the five themes of geography and provide and example that is NOT in the book -- in other words think of an original example.
Tue. 1/31  --  Map Standards discuss and examples of how to do a map.  Middle America map.  If there is time Map skills handbook read p. 20-23.
Wed. 2/1 -- Read p. 228-229.  Power point notes on Caribbean culture.  Get a copy of Caribean chart, copy notes and turn in.
Thur. 2/2 -- Map of South America.  Read p. 240-241.  Review Middle America.
Fri.  2/3 -- Read p. 201-205 together.  PP on the regions of Latin America.  We will take notes on the terrain and review the maps.  Do map activity on p. 206. If you are absent take 10 notes on pages 201-205 to convince me you read it.  The notes should reflect all five pages :)

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 1/30 -- Greek Map DUE.  Minoan culture notes (boxes).  Write a theory for the fall of the Minoan civilization. 
Tue. 1/31 -- Video note -- Minotaur Island.  HW: Reading guide P. 123-126, 
Wed. 2/1 --  Group Project on Mycenae.  Review your map.
Thur. 2/2 --  QZ: Map of Greece and basic geography. PP notes on the Iron Age of Greece (early polis structure). 
Fri. 2/3 -- Comparison of Athens and Sparta.  Make a chart and compare using these factors: geographic setting, 2 historical bullets, government, education system, 3 daily life bullets and 2 disadvantages of each system.  p. 127-131 will help along with your notes. Compare Athens and Sparta

Mon. 1/30 --  Worksheet on Dating techniques in paleoanthropology.  Discuss the difference between absolute and relative dating.
Tue. 1/31 --  Handout on the primate order and power point.  Primate anatomy worksheet. Review for the quiz on biology and dating.
Wed. 2/1 -- QZ: biology and dating techniques.  Notes on early primates from a powerpoint.
Thur. 2/2 -- Library reserach day on famous anthropologists.
Fri. 2/3 -- Poster making day for anthropologists -- Poster due on Monday.

January 26-27, 2012

Thur.  1/26 -- Syllabus and Policies out.  Please have parent or guardian sign and return.  Class reviewed continents and oceans for quiz on Monday.
Fri. 1/27 --  Work on Cartography.  On the back of your map define: Latitude, Longitude, Equator, Prime Meridian and Map Key.  Find the following locations on your map and label. 1. 56 degrees N and 38 degrees E   2.  23 degrees N and 82 degrees W   3.  34 degrees S and 18 degrees E.
Diagram four types of plate boundaries (keep it simple). Bottom of page 38-39.

Ancient Medieval
Thur.  1/26  --  Syllabuse and Policies out.  Please have parent or guardian sign and return.  Class created a list of characteristics of chivilization.  Borrow and copy for notes.
Fri.  1/27 -- Map or Greece and timeline.

Thur. 1/26 -- Syllabus and Policies out. Please have parent or guardian sign and return. Notes on the subfields of Anthropology.  Get a note sheet and copy from a classmate.
Fri.  1/27 -- Review over biology.  Students received a list of vocabualry words and we reviewed genetics including punnett squares.  Come and see me if you need more review.  Simulation on Natural Selection -- get simulation sheet and put in notebook.  Read the sheet and complete the answers.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Janaury 17-20, 2012

Tue. 1/17 -- Final Review day 1 -- Review countries, look at pictures, purple list
Wed. 1/18 -- Final Review day 2 -- Review cities, look at pictures, purple list
Thur. 1/19 -- World Geography Final
Due to Snow -- Final moved to Tuesday, January 24th.  Practice with your maps and review the cities listed on the purple sheets.   You can practice maps and capitals at the following two websites.  I like 2 learn has many choices (continents, capitals) and free rice is more random.
Country Capital Review List
Tue. 1/17 -- Students will create lists of the advnatages and disadvantages of global trade.  For each side of the list you will need at least 5 ideas -- and two must be elaborated upon (Describe 2 in detail, 4-5 sentences).  Use text 502-518 for ideas and things we discussed in class.  Watch video "When children do the work."
Wed.  1/18 -- Review for the International Economics unit test
Thur. 1/19  Good luck on 1,3,5 finals
Fri. 1/20 -- Test on International Economics, Unit 5 chapters 16-18
Due to Snow -- Final moved to Wednesday January 25th.  Study your review sheet and make sure you understand the graphs with consumer and producer surplus.  

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 1/17 -- Unit test on the High Middle Ages
Wed. 1/18 -- Review day for the final.  We will review information from all units to "jog memories" for the final,  test taking tips.
Thur. 1/18 -- Ancient Medieval Final (open notebook, so remember to bring it.) All students will select a best work for the folders!
Due to Snow -- Final moved to Tuesday  January 24th.  Bring your notebooks for the final.
Return your books
Country Capital Review List

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 9-13, 2012

Mon. 1/9 -- Read p. 228-229 on Monserrat, Powerpoint on the Caribbean with notes. Questions on Mexico.  Review for Quiz.
Tue. 1/10 --  LA map quiz,  Culture shock assignment using Culutre Grams. 
Wed. 1/11 -- Rain forest issues, Planet in Peril and reading p. 245-247, start review
Thur. 1/12 -- Test review
Fri. 1/13 -- Latin America test,  begin review for final.  physical features worksheet

Mon. 1/9 -- Notes on trade cooperatives, tax zones and cartels.  Begin reading on the European Union debt issue.
Tue. 1/10 -- European Union debt in depth -- group activity.  Reading articles and developing a timeline for the EU debt crisis.
Wed. 1/11 -- Video: Peoples Republic of Capitalism -- Trade links between China and US. Notes
Thur. 1/12 -- Reading on resource issues.  Pick an article from a selection of National Geogrpahic articles on resources.  Read the article and prepare a list of 15 facts related to the resource issue from the article.
Fri. 1/13 -- Jigsaw on articles and presentations

Ancient Medieval
* Essay on the Crusades is due on either 1/9 or 1/10
Mon. 1/9 -- Social History of the Middle Ages,
Tue. 1/10 -- Finish Social History project. Worksheet on the Middle Ages
Wed. 1/11 -- French Kings and the Unification of France, 100 years war and Joan of Arc. Notes and video.
Thur. 1/12 -- QZ: Who is Who -- Kings of England and France, notes on the Great Schism and Black Death.  Video segment on the causes and symptoms of Bubonic Palgue.
Fri. 1/13 -- Test Review