Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4-7, 2012

Tue. 9/4 -- Barter simulation (no make-up for the activity).  Discussion about the different types of economic systems -- Economic System Chart Due.  Review of vocabulary words from chapt. 1.
Wed. 9/5 -- Chapter 1 vocab Quiz.  Power point notes on Capitalism and communism.  Review the advantages and disadvantages of a market economy.  If absent get a copy of the notes to complete and read p. 38 carefully. 
Thur. 9/6 -- Video on China.  What is a blended or mixed economy?  Complete the worksheet with the notes from the video.
Fri. 9/7 -- Research time in the library on the economic system of one country.  Students will complete a short report on the economy of a country.  Report DUE on Monday 9/10.

Art History
Tue. 9/4 -- Worksheet on the history of Mesopotamia.  Discussion of the key elements of culture that affect art of the Ancient Near East.
Wed. 9/5 -- Lecture on the art of the ANE.  Take good notes there is an open note quiz on Thursday.
Thur. 9/6 -- Quick quiz on ANE art and history -- open note. Partner Project on the history of Egypt.  Pairs will complete a chart outlining the history of the Old Kingdom and New Kingdom along with cultural factors relavant to art history.
Fri. 9/7 -- Lecture on the art of Egypt. 

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 9/4 -- Quick video on the Mycenaeans.  Begin Myceane project with group of 3-4 (mostly 4).  Project will be almost done by the EOP.
Wed. 9/5 -- Finish project on Mycenae.  Notes on the Iron Age in Greece.
Thur. 9/6 -- Comparision of Athens and Sparta (partners). Intro the Persian Wars -- just some discussion - no notes at this time.  Review the map of Greece.
Fri. 9/7 --  Quiz over Greece Map.  Map of Persian empire. The map shows the major stages of growth of Persia and there are some questions on Persia. 

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