Mon. 9/17 -- Today we will finish the interview project on factors affecting demand (see Chapter 4). Each group will compile their data and create a a demand schedule and curve for the product. We will also look at what factors most affected demand. Those absent on Friday will create their own set of questions and read parts of chapter 4 p. 91-94 and 97-101.
Tue. 9/18 -- Lecture on Marginal utility and elasticity (copy a classmates notes). p. 112-113 main ideas 17-22, 24 and thinking critically 25.
Wed. 9/19 -- Notes on Supply, the Law of Supply and the Stages of Production. Video from Economics USA.
Thur. 9/20 -- Guided reading worksheet for chapter 6 p. 142-158. Pick up a Guided Reading worksheet if you are absent.
Fri. 9/21 -- Looking a subsidies and price supports. We will prepare and perform skits on prices. Students will work as part of a group.
Monday 9/24 -- Open note quiz on chapter 6. Guided reading must be done by then.
Art History
Mon. 9/17 -- Looking at Sculpture -- Lecture/Discussion on how to look at sculpture and to look for the purpose and context of sculptures. We have a lot of sculpture in Greece!
Tue. 9/18 -- Lecture on Minoan and Myceanaean art. We will look at lots of samples, but focus in on 4-5 key pieces of art.
Wed. 9/19 -- Short open note quiz about the Minoans and Mycenaeans. There is a map portion of this quiz that is NOT open note -- study your map of Greece. We will quickly look at Archaic art and then start our art project on Black or Red Figure pottery.
Thur. 9/20 -- Temple Architecture -- Vocabulary project on the terms associated with Greek Temples. We will make a diagram of a temple and our own working vocab:)
Fri. 9/21 -- Finish Temples. Very short lecture on Greek sculptures from Archaic to Classical.
Ancient Medieval
Mon. 9/17 -- Collect Notebook #1. Listening activity about Alexander and his horse. Quick interactive map on the conquests of Alexander the Great. We will start a 2-day project on Hellenistic Culture. Seven groups with each group working on a different topic for a presentation. The presentations will be on Tuesday.
Tue. 9/18 -- See Monday.
Wed. 9/19 -- Reveiw for test. Go over review sheet and play a review game.
Thur. 9/20 -- Test on Greek history
Fri. 9/21
Mon. 9/17 -- Today we will finish the interview project on factors affecting demand (see Chapter 4). Each group will compile their data and create a a demand schedule and curve for the product. We will also look at what factors most affected demand. Those absent on Friday will create their own set of questions and read parts of chapter 4 p. 91-94 and 97-101.
Tue. 9/18 -- Lecture on Marginal utility and elasticity (copy a classmates notes). p. 112-113 main ideas 17-22, 24 and thinking critically 25.
Wed. 9/19 -- Notes on Supply, the Law of Supply and the Stages of Production. Video from Economics USA.
Thur. 9/20 -- Guided reading worksheet for chapter 6 p. 142-158. Pick up a Guided Reading worksheet if you are absent.
Fri. 9/21 -- Looking a subsidies and price supports. We will prepare and perform skits on prices. Students will work as part of a group.
Monday 9/24 -- Open note quiz on chapter 6. Guided reading must be done by then.
Art History
Mon. 9/17 -- Looking at Sculpture -- Lecture/Discussion on how to look at sculpture and to look for the purpose and context of sculptures. We have a lot of sculpture in Greece!
Tue. 9/18 -- Lecture on Minoan and Myceanaean art. We will look at lots of samples, but focus in on 4-5 key pieces of art.
Wed. 9/19 -- Short open note quiz about the Minoans and Mycenaeans. There is a map portion of this quiz that is NOT open note -- study your map of Greece. We will quickly look at Archaic art and then start our art project on Black or Red Figure pottery.
Thur. 9/20 -- Temple Architecture -- Vocabulary project on the terms associated with Greek Temples. We will make a diagram of a temple and our own working vocab:)
Fri. 9/21 -- Finish Temples. Very short lecture on Greek sculptures from Archaic to Classical.
Ancient Medieval
Mon. 9/17 -- Collect Notebook #1. Listening activity about Alexander and his horse. Quick interactive map on the conquests of Alexander the Great. We will start a 2-day project on Hellenistic Culture. Seven groups with each group working on a different topic for a presentation. The presentations will be on Tuesday.
Tue. 9/18 -- See Monday.
Wed. 9/19 -- Reveiw for test. Go over review sheet and play a review game.
Thur. 9/20 -- Test on Greek history
Fri. 9/21
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