Saturday, September 29, 2012

October 1-5, 2012

Mon. 10/1 -- Guest speaker -- Trent Tyler from Google.  Video Conference.  Begin work on Market Failures assignment. To make-up read . 180-182 to find the five types of market failures.  On a piece of white paper write the definition for each.  Then use a newspaper to find examples of each type in the real world.  Glue the example (maybe a title and first paragraph) to the paper and explain how your example fits the definition examples for market failure.
Tue. 10/2 -- Library to research various regulatory agencies.  Worksheet with questions on the agencies.  Pick up one if you are absent.
Wed. 10/3 --  Finish the assignment on Market Failure.  Hand out the review sheet for the test.
Thur. 10/4 --Review for Micro-economics test.  Chapters 4-7 in text book. A review sheet will be provided in class.
Fri. 10/5 -- Test in Microeconomics, Chapters 4-7.

Art History
Mon. 10/1 --Finish Hellenistic sculpture books. Art Cards 21-28 are due (Classical and Hellenistic Greek).
Tue. 10/2 -- Review for Greece Test
Wed. 10/3 -- Greece Test
Thur. 10/4 -- Architecture analysis.  We will look at different building materials, spaces and purposes for buildings.  The lesson will also teach students how to "read" architectural plans. Understanding architecture is key to understanding the public buildings of Rome.
Fri. 10/5 -- Notes on the Etruscans and Italy before the Romans.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 10/1 -- DVD on the life of Julius Caesar.  Students will make a timeline of the dates of Caesar's life.  12 dates in the timeline required.
Tue. 10/2 -- Open note quiz on the History of Rome.  Reading about the Roman Empire p. 160-165.  There is a reading guide due with the reading assignment.
Wed. 10/3 -- DVD Engineering an Empire -- Diagrams of Roman buildings with notes.
Thur. 10/4 -- The Rise of Christianity -- worksheet and analysis questions on the back. p. 168-172.
Fri. 10/5 -- The Pax Romana notes and reading on the Fall of Rome.  Graphic Organizer on the Fall of Rome using pages 173-176. 


Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 24-28, 2012

Mon. 9/24 -- Open note quiz on chapter 6.  Worksheet on competitive structures.  Pick-up a worksheet and make-up the quiz if absent.
Tue. 9/25 -- Partner project creating an economic model for a product and creating a supply and demand curve.  Get a copy of the directions from Ms. Fenton
Wed 9/26 -- Movie: Tucker: A Man and his Dream.  This movie is about Preston Tucker who started a cre company after WWII.  The Tucker torpedo had many innovative features such as aerodynamic styling, anti-lock breaks, shatter proof glass and seat belts.  Tucker was indicted for securities fraud and only 50 cars were made.  We are looking at the themes of starting a company and getting the "four factors of production" or competition.
Thur. 9/27 -- Finish the movie
Fri. 9/28 -- Powerpoint on anti-turst lecislation, notes and discussing the problems with monopolies.Short written response to the movie due.

Art History
Mon. 9/24 -- Questions from the history book on the Golden Age of Greece.  p. 134-139.  Define- Classical art, Peloponnesian War and Socrates.  Do questions 3,5,6,7.  If absent you will need to check out a book to do the questions.
> Last day for vases and temples to be considered on time!
Tue. 9/25 -- QZ: Temple architecture, lecture on the Golden Age of Greece, Art Cards 13-20 are due Mostly Minoan/Mycenaean and archaic periods.
Wed. 9/26 -- Video:  Engineering and Empire -- Greece
Thur. 9/27 -- Summing up Greece.  Picture timeline with periods.
Friday 9/28 -- Lecture on Hellenistic sculpture.  It is a brief lecture since we are going to do research on Hellenistic art.  Partners will create an Hellenistic Art book, working on it today and Monday.
Mon. 10/1 -- Art Cards 21-28 are due -- Classical and Hellenistic periods.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 9/24 -- Worksheet on the Roman Republic.  You will need to borrow a copy of the Heath textbook to complete these questions.   Due and graded on Monday.
Tue. 9/25 -- Jigsaw reading on the culture of Rome.  Students will have a choice of several topics about Rome.  Students will read a minimum of two sections and write 8 sentence summaries.  They may do one more for extra credit.
Wed. 9/26 -- Awesome simulation on the Roman Republic.  We will get Roman names and jobs in the Roman government!   No make-up, but you will need to get a sheet stamped.
Thur. 9/27 -- Lecture on the growth of the Roman Republic.  Get notes.  There is also a handout on the Julio Claudian family with a few notes included.  These are part of the notes for the open note quiz next week -- so get them!
Fri. 9/28 -- DVD on Pompeii -- you get to do a timeline of the erruption!


Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17-21, 2012

Mon. 9/17 -- Today we will finish the interview project on factors affecting demand (see Chapter 4).  Each group will compile their data and create a a demand schedule and curve for the product.  We will also look at what factors most affected demand.  Those absent on Friday will create their own set of questions and read parts of chapter 4 p. 91-94 and 97-101.
Tue. 9/18 -- Lecture on Marginal utility and elasticity (copy a classmates notes). p. 112-113 main ideas 17-22, 24 and thinking critically 25.
Wed. 9/19 -- Notes on Supply, the Law of Supply and the Stages of Production.  Video from Economics USA.
Thur. 9/20 -- Guided reading worksheet for chapter 6 p. 142-158.  Pick up a Guided Reading worksheet if you are absent.
Fri. 9/21 -- Looking a subsidies and price supports.  We will prepare and perform skits on prices.  Students will work as part of a group.
Monday 9/24 -- Open note quiz on chapter 6.  Guided reading must be done by then.

Art History
Mon. 9/17 -- Looking at Sculpture -- Lecture/Discussion on how to look at sculpture and to look for the purpose and context of sculptures.  We have a lot of sculpture in Greece!
Tue. 9/18 -- Lecture on Minoan and Myceanaean art.  We will look at lots of samples, but focus in on 4-5 key pieces of art. 
Wed. 9/19 -- Short open note quiz about the Minoans and Mycenaeans.  There is a map portion of this quiz that is NOT open note -- study your map of Greece.  We will quickly look at Archaic art and then start our art project on Black or Red Figure pottery.
Thur. 9/20 -- Temple Architecture -- Vocabulary project on the terms associated with Greek Temples.  We will  make a diagram of a temple and our own working vocab:)
Fri. 9/21 -- Finish Temples.  Very short lecture on Greek sculptures from Archaic to Classical.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 9/17 -- Collect Notebook #1.  Listening activity about Alexander and his horse.  Quick interactive map on the conquests of Alexander the Great.  We will start a 2-day project on Hellenistic Culture. Seven groups with each group working on a different topic for a presentation. The presentations will be on Tuesday.
Tue. 9/18 -- See Monday.
Wed. 9/19 -- Reveiw for test.  Go over review sheet and play a review game.
Thur. 9/20 -- Test on Greek history
Fri. 9/21


Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10-14, 2012

Mon. 9/10 -- [We switched the assignment from Monday to Tuesday.]  Collected the country report assignments.  Students in class made a graphic organizer taking notes on pages 48-53.  Make up is to read p. 48-53 and on page 53 do questions 2,3,4,6 and 7.
Tue. 9/11 -- Class activity with the country reports.  then students will be in groups to study the social and economic goals Read p. 43-46.  Describe all 7 goals with examples. 
Wed. 9/12 -- Review for the Test.  There is a review sheet to help.
Thur. 9/13 -- Test in economics, chapters 1-2.
Fri. 9/14 -- Lecture on the factors of demand.  Begin demand project depending on the time available.

Art History
Mon. 9/10 -- Finish art lecture on Egypt.  I showed the class examples of different types of minerals and rocks that are used in statues to show how materials make a difference in the longevity of a work.  We then read the handout "The Object Speaks -- Ramses II."  Students were then assigned Egypt cards on a monument to work on in small groups.
Tue. 9/11 -- Project on Amarna Period style compared to standard Egypt.  Notebooks Due.
Wed. 9/12 --  Review for test.  We will go through key slides and review history.
Thur. 9/13 -- Ancient Near East and Egypt Test; map of Greece
Fri. 9/14 --  Introduction to Greece, geogrpahy and historical periods.

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 9/10 -- DVD on the Persian Wars "Last Stand of the 300" How did the Greeks defeat Persia notes. 
Tue. 9/11 --PP notes on the golden Age of Greece. Reading p. 134-139. 
Wed. 9/12 -- DVD Engineering an Empire -- Greek architecture and the Parthenon
Thur. 9/13 -- Greek Drama project
Fri. 9/14 -- QZ. on the Golden Age, so history vocabulary.  Worksheet on the Peloponessian War,  Pericles Funeral Oration. 


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4-7, 2012

Tue. 9/4 -- Barter simulation (no make-up for the activity).  Discussion about the different types of economic systems -- Economic System Chart Due.  Review of vocabulary words from chapt. 1.
Wed. 9/5 -- Chapter 1 vocab Quiz.  Power point notes on Capitalism and communism.  Review the advantages and disadvantages of a market economy.  If absent get a copy of the notes to complete and read p. 38 carefully. 
Thur. 9/6 -- Video on China.  What is a blended or mixed economy?  Complete the worksheet with the notes from the video.
Fri. 9/7 -- Research time in the library on the economic system of one country.  Students will complete a short report on the economy of a country.  Report DUE on Monday 9/10.

Art History
Tue. 9/4 -- Worksheet on the history of Mesopotamia.  Discussion of the key elements of culture that affect art of the Ancient Near East.
Wed. 9/5 -- Lecture on the art of the ANE.  Take good notes there is an open note quiz on Thursday.
Thur. 9/6 -- Quick quiz on ANE art and history -- open note. Partner Project on the history of Egypt.  Pairs will complete a chart outlining the history of the Old Kingdom and New Kingdom along with cultural factors relavant to art history.
Fri. 9/7 -- Lecture on the art of Egypt. 

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 9/4 -- Quick video on the Mycenaeans.  Begin Myceane project with group of 3-4 (mostly 4).  Project will be almost done by the EOP.
Wed. 9/5 -- Finish project on Mycenae.  Notes on the Iron Age in Greece.
Thur. 9/6 -- Comparision of Athens and Sparta (partners). Intro the Persian Wars -- just some discussion - no notes at this time.  Review the map of Greece.
Fri. 9/7 --  Quiz over Greece Map.  Map of Persian empire. The map shows the major stages of growth of Persia and there are some questions on Persia.