Sunday, September 25, 2016

September 26-30, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 9/26 -- Reading questions p. 50-55; Chapter 2, Key Issue 2. This section has a lot of statistics for measuring population growth, etc. There will be questions posted on the document camera.  If you are absent, ask for a copy of the questions.  Demonstration of  HW: Gapminder activity on population. 
Tue. 9/27 -- DVD "Population paradox" section on India.  Small group activity of population pyramids.  HW: Students will construct graphs showing the CDR and CBR over time of Mexico and Sweden.  I will give then the data and graph paper.  Year on the horizontal axis and CDR/CBR on the vertical axis.  Use two different colors (one for CBR one for CDR) and make a key.  There is more data for Sweden than Mexico. There are some models on p. 56-57.
Wed. 9/28 -- Lecture on the demographic transition model. Questions on the Sweden/Mexico graphs and how they relate to the model. HW: finish the questions if necessary. Questions due Thur.
Thur. 9/29 -- TED talk "Global Population, Box by Box" Slowing population growth trends p. 60-63
Fri. 9/30 -- Map Day #3 -- Russia and neighbors.

Art History/AP Art History 
Mon. 9/26 -- New Kingdom Lecture, Handout on Ramses the Great and Abu Simbel.
Tue. 9/27 -- Project to compare traditional Egyptian style with Amarna period.  Work with a partner. There are pictures and a handout.
Wed. 9/28 -- Qz. Ancient Near East and Egypt.  Art Cards for Egypt due. 
Thur. 9/29 -- Key lecture: How to study sculpture.  Notes mostly.
Fri. 9/30 -- Introduction to Greece. Map, style periods, What is an agora?

Mon. 9/26 -- QZ: open note quiz on chapter 6.  The notes are the guided reading we did on Thrusday 9/22.  These are safely in my basket.  Comparing types of Competitive structures -- Pure competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, monopoly (4 types).
Tue. 9/27 -- DVD: "Tucker a Man and his Dream"
Wed. 9/28 -- DVD: "Tucker a Man and his Dream" Tucker response due Friday 9/30
Thru. 9/29 -- Partner project on creating a product and determining elasticity.
Fri. 9/30 -- PP notes on anti-trust history. Tucker response due.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

September 19-23, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 9/19 -- Review for the chapter 1 test on Tuesday. We will divide up sections of the review sheet and become experts to teach the class.  Extra review on concentration, density and pattern. Double check notebooks.
Tue. 9/20 -- Test: Chapter Concepts; Notebook #1 DUE
Wed. 9/21 --Population density worksheet, chapter 2; key issue 1.
Thur. 9/22 -- Go over the test. Review for the Europe map.  Population worksheet DUE.
Fri. 9/23 -- Qz: North and South American maps. What is a CRQ and how to define, identify, describe and explain.  Cards and movies.

AP Art History/ Art History
Mon. 9/19 -- History of Mesopotamia. Reading p. 29-34 in Ancient World History book. Go over the test questions.
Tue. 9/20 -- Lecture on the art of Mesopotamia.
Wed. 9/21 -- Egyptian history p. 35-41 with a map of Egypt.  Many juniors will be gone this day due to ASVAB testing.  They will need to make-up the map, but I will help them with the questions.
Thur. 9/22 -- Old Kingdom Egypt -- Pyramids and ka statues. Notes.
Fri. 9/23 --Diagramming the Great Pyramids, Palace of Persepolis and the Great Temple at Karnak.
Art Cards: Ancient Mesopotamia DUE

Mon. 9/19 -- Complete demand project. Create a demand schedule and curve by averaging data from  your interviews.
Tue. 9/20 -- Mini-lecture-- Marginal utility and elasticity.  Questions from the textbook p. 122-123, questions 1,3,6,9,11 and 15.  Write complete sentences.
Wed. 9/21 -- ASVAB testing for juniors.  The seniors will look at current events and economics.
Thur. 9/22 - Notes on supply.  Guided reading worksheet for chapter 6 p. 154-173.
Fri. 9/23 -- Skits on prices. Small group project. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

September 12-16, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 9/12 -- Partner activity to research different types of diffusion.  Each pair will look up an example of diffusion and write a mini-report about what is it, where it began, and how did it spread to other places.  Due during class/presentations.
Tue. 9/13 -- Powerpoint notes on sustainability. If you are absent, I would recommend reading Key Issue 4 in chapter 1 in our text (p. 30-37).  You will also need to copy the notes from a classmate.
Wed. 9/14 -- Reading "Treading Water" from National Geography, February 2015.  The article is about rising waters in Florida.  We will mark up the text with careful reading.
** Study tonight:  quiz for key issues 3-4 , vocabulary and a few multiple-choice questions. 
Thur. 9/15 -- Qz: Key issue 3-4 from chapter 1. Ted talk: Save the oceans, feed the world," by Jackie Savitz. Watch the TED talk and take notes on the graphic organizer.
Fri. 9/16 -- Map Day 2 -- Latin America

AP Art History
Mon. 9/12 -- Notes on Melanesia and Micronesia.  Honoring gods and ancestors. Map showing South Pacific art locations DUE. 
Tue. 9/13 -- Polynesia -- Easter Island to Polynesian ahu'ula.  More notes on the South Pacific arts.
Wed. 9/14 -- Art project day -- Each student will get an piece of art to create for our review.  They can use materials to create a part of the piece, draw it... etc.
Thur. 9/15 -- Present the pieces of art as a review.
Fri. 9/16 -- Global Prehistory and the Pacific arts TEST. Notebook #1 DUE.

Monday 9/12 -- Country reports due: presentation of information. Read pages 87-90. Briefly describe the 7 economic goals and rank them in order of importance using the 3 economic systems (Communism, Capitalism, Socialism). I have more directions if you need help!
Tue. 9/13 -- Read pages 72-75 on the American Free Enterprise system.  Complete the graphic organizer using the text (p. 72-75 and 82-86).
Wed. 9/14 -- Review for unit 1 Economic concepts test
Thur. 9/15 -- Economic Concepts -- Unit 1 test
Friday 9/16 -- Begin demand -- notes and project directions.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September 6-9, 2016

AP Human Geography
Tue. 9/6 -- Introduction to place.  Answered questions about the GIS map -- Due by Friday the 9th.  Define: Place, Location., Toponym, Site and Situation from pages 14-15 in the text (use on-line edition).  Activity on the characteristics of regions.
Wed. 9/7 -- Regions project -- define the regions and color examples on the map.  p. 16-19 in text.  You need an assignment if you were absent.  Review vocabulary for the quiz.
Thur. 9/8 -- Quiz on vocabulary from Chapter 1, Key issues 1-2.  There is a list on the board in the room. Worksheet on globalization. Discuss distributions in space.
Fri. 9/9 -- Map Day 1 -- North America and Canada Map.  If you do not finish the map in class it is homework.  Due Monday 9/12.  All GIS maps due today. 

AP Art History 
Tue. 9/6 -- Notes and video on Stonehenge.  We will do some maps of Stonehenge and Durington Walls a nearby woodhenge. The video will provide examples of purpose -- from burials to solar alignments.
Wed. 9/7 -- Notes on prehistoric art from Asia and the Americas.  We will watch a short video from Khan Academy on the Jade cong from China.
Thur. 9/8 -- Notes on Pacific pieces of art.  Open Note quiz on Prehistoric Art in class.
Fri. 9/9 -- Map of the locations of art from the Pacific World.  You will have a map of the Pacific, a chrome book and list of locations to work with.  Directions included.

Tue. 9/6 -- Barter simulation. Types of economic systems chart.  Hand in the barter simulation. Quiz tomorrow -- Study!  There is a quizlet at  Search my name: jonniefenton and the quiz is called "Economic concepts."
Wed. 9/7 -- Quiz on Vocabulary from Chapter 1.  Vocab Puzzle Due. Discuss the economic systems and the related government systems.  PP notes on "Mixed economies"  I have a note sheet printed and you just need to fill in the blanks.
Thur. 9/8 -- Research on one country from the list.  Pick a county and use the chromebooks for research. Country Research Due Monday 9/12.
Fri. 9/9 -- Video: "Emerging Powers: China"  Questions to answer with the video.