Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Jan. 4-8, 12016

Welcome to 2016!
Changes in RED (Snow Day) 

AP Human Geography
Mon. 1/4 -- Grade CRQ Essays on Malthus and Religious Distribution. Review test on Religion from December.
Tue. 1/5 -- New calendars. Intro to Ethnicities from Key 1; Assignment using U.S. Census to look at scale of ethnic distributions in the U.S.
Wed. 1/6 -- PP notes on history of ethnic distributions in the U.S. HW: Read p. 238-239 on Nationalism (with short worksheet); 6th period was not able to finish notes. Do the Nationalism worksheet, but Quiz Moved to Friday. 
Thur. 1/7 -- QZ: vocabulary from K1-2. (moved to Friday)  Group projects on Ethnic Conflicts.  We will have two days in the library - any other work will be done at home.  6th period some notes before going to the library. Due 1/13. HW:STUDY for Key Issue 1-2 vocabulary quiz. 
Fri. 1/8 -- QZ Key Issue 1-2 for chapter 7. Library -- Ethnic conflict projects;  HW: News article on taking Ramadi. Read with visible thinking notes -- Questions, ? Wow !  Circles -- Vocab

Ancient Medieval 
Mon 1/4 -- Crusades notes (worksheet with a lecture)
Tue. 1/5 -- DVD "Kingdom of Heaven"
Wed. 1/6 -- DVD "Kingdom of Heaven"  (Short day, ice)
Thur. 1/7 -- Finish DVD on "Kingdom of Heaven". Graphic Organizer on the Crusades -- Vocab review for quiz. Quizlet>Jonniefenton> church and crusades vocab.
Fri. 1/8 --  Quiz on church and Crusade vocabulary Notes from King to Parliament in England and the Magna Carta.  Students will read a section of the Magna Carta and identify parts that protect rights we still honor today.

Mon. 1/4 -- Read lesson 1 on absolute and comparative advantage p. 494-499. Lecture notes on trade.  Why do we trade anyway?
Tue. 1/5 -- Graphic organizer on ways to limit trade.  Students will use pages 501-505 to identify reasons for protection and free trade.  Each topic will have a graphic element.
Wed. 1/6 -- History of Trade (notes) and readings on WTO disputes.  Small group work.
Thur. 1/7 -- WTO presentations.  How does the WTO settle disputes? Complete the Currency converter and discuss the importance of exchange rates in trade. Currency Converter will be homework. 
Fri. 1/8 -- Qz: Trade history (open note); DVD   Tied at the Hip -- U.S.-China trade.  Notes will be taken with the DVD and turned in.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

December 14-18, 2015

AP Human Geography
Mon. 12/14 -- Presentations on religious organization (Key 3). Students will take notes on other presentations.
Tue. 12/15 -- Religious conflicts -- Notes, Reading p. 212-221, students will take their own notes on the section.
Wed. 12/16 -- Lecture on religious conflict in the Middle East including ISIS and north Africa.
HW: Review Chapter 6 for quiz.
Thur. 12/17 -- QZ: Chapter 6. Notebook #5 DUE (Chapter 6 Religion) Begin presentations on holidays.
Fri. 12/18 -- Finish presentation on holidays.

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 12/14 -- Review for Early Medieval Test.
Tue. 12/15 -- Early Medieval Test
Wed. 12/16 -- Age of Faith Notes, start cathedral histories
Thur. 12/17 -- Mini-project on Cathedrals,  Begin DVD "Cathedral"
Fri. 12/18 -- Finish DVD "Cathedral"

Mon. 12/14 -- Inflation mini-lecture, notes.  Inflation skits. p. 376, notes.
Tue. 12/15 -- Library -- Looking up the economic data for a country.  "Where would you like to live."
Wed. 12/16 -- PP notes on unemployment.  Cartoon on the five types of unemployment.  What do unemployment numbers mean?
Thur. 12/17 -- Review Economic policy
Fri. 12/18 -- Test on Economic policy. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

December 7-11, 2015

AP Human Geography
Mon. 12/7 -- We will look at a quick powerpoint  on the origin/hearths of various religions.  The assignment will be for a trio of students to make graphic organizers on the origins and major branches of Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.  Each member will complete one graphic organizer. The graphic organizers will be due Wednesday 12/9.
Tue. 12/8 -- Intro discussion and review on the hearths of various religions.  Students will complete maps showing the diffusion of these religions from their hearth to their current geographic distribution.
Wed. 12/9 -- Graphic Organizer is DUE,  Quiz on Key Issue 1 -2 on chapter 6.  It will be a multiple choice quiz.  We will begin a cooperative research project on the organization and space of various religions.  Each group member will have a specific task to complete.  We will work Wednesday and Thursday on this project. This will be DUE on Monday, 12/14
Thur. 12/10-- Time to finish project
Fri. 12/11 -- Chris Butler will be in the room to show us how to use your google accounts to work together on a presentation.  We will start with a simple presentation on religious holidays that will work in conjunction with our research into religious organization.  This powerpoint type presentation will be due next Thursday and Friday.

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 12/7 -- Lecture notes on Christendom.  Finish a few items on castles -- offense and defense strategies.
Tue. 12/8 --   Begin unit on Japan with a quick research project.  Brainstorm a list of ideas about Japan.  What is something you would like to know a little more about?  Go to the library and write a research letter about a topic in ancient or medieval Japanese history.
Wed. 12/9 -- Qz: Feudalism and Knights.  Introductory lecture on Japan with a little map. Notes.
Thur. 12/10 -- Video: "Memoirs of a Secret Empire" from the PBS Empires series.  We will watch the rise of Tokugawa.  Notes.
Fri. 12/11 -- Comparing Japan and Feudal Europe.  Notebook #5 Due.  Review sheets out.  We have a unit test on Tuesday, 12/15

Mon. 12/7 -- Corporation project OR HSBP. Library
Tue. 12/8 -- Corporation project OR HSBP. Library  Both projects are DUE today by 4 p.m.
Wed. 12/9 -- Review Keynes, out-put expenditure model, and CPI.  Quiz on Keynes -- this includes a bit more than Keynes and is multiple choice.  You will need to study the diagram we made in class on the out-put expenditure model! Read the notes.  Notes on demographic trends in the U.S.
Thur. 12/10/ -- ECE #2 DUE (it is worth 45 points).  Video on brain hubs from the federal reserve and a partner assignment using the chromebooks.
Fri. 12/11 -- Pages 366-371.  Questions on the LEI and business cycles.