Sunday, December 13, 2015

December 14-18, 2015

AP Human Geography
Mon. 12/14 -- Presentations on religious organization (Key 3). Students will take notes on other presentations.
Tue. 12/15 -- Religious conflicts -- Notes, Reading p. 212-221, students will take their own notes on the section.
Wed. 12/16 -- Lecture on religious conflict in the Middle East including ISIS and north Africa.
HW: Review Chapter 6 for quiz.
Thur. 12/17 -- QZ: Chapter 6. Notebook #5 DUE (Chapter 6 Religion) Begin presentations on holidays.
Fri. 12/18 -- Finish presentation on holidays.

Ancient Medieval 
Mon. 12/14 -- Review for Early Medieval Test.
Tue. 12/15 -- Early Medieval Test
Wed. 12/16 -- Age of Faith Notes, start cathedral histories
Thur. 12/17 -- Mini-project on Cathedrals,  Begin DVD "Cathedral"
Fri. 12/18 -- Finish DVD "Cathedral"

Mon. 12/14 -- Inflation mini-lecture, notes.  Inflation skits. p. 376, notes.
Tue. 12/15 -- Library -- Looking up the economic data for a country.  "Where would you like to live."
Wed. 12/16 -- PP notes on unemployment.  Cartoon on the five types of unemployment.  What do unemployment numbers mean?
Thur. 12/17 -- Review Economic policy
Fri. 12/18 -- Test on Economic policy. 

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