Sunday, April 15, 2012

April 16-20, 2012

NOTE:  Ms. Fenton will be gone on Thursday 4/19 and Friday 4/20.  Students who will be absent should plan ahead particularly well this week!

Monday, 4/16 -- Lecture notes on the history of Africa.  Students absent on Friday will need to be prepared to make up the quiz on Africa. 
Tuesday 4/17 -- Video on Morocco --North Africa region
Wed. 4/18 -- Health Issues in Africa.  Reading from National Geographic on AIDS/HIV and a worksheet on other health issues.
Thur. 4/19 -- Great video clips on Environmental Problems in Africa.  Students will take notes on Madagascar, Lake Chad and the Ndoki Rain Forest. 
Fri. 4/20 -- Review for Test on Monday

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 4/16- Finish Legacies of Byzantium posters.  Presentations today! If you missed this project do the questions on p. 306, Questions 2, 4, 5,  and 8.
Tue. 4/17 -- QZ on the Byzantine Empire; The class will read a section from the Primary Chronicle and then complete the reading worksheet for pages 307-311 -- The Russian Empire
Wed. 4/18 -- Lecture notes on Russia, Engineering an Empire on early Russia through Ivan IV
Thur. 4/19 -- Partner project on the Mongols.  Team of two will complete an assignment on the Mongals and their empire during the Pax Mongolica.  The sub will have make-up lesson directions if you ask on Friday!
Fri. 4/20 -- Time line connecting the events within the unit.  Briefly students will choose three key dates for each culture (Islam, Byzantine, Russian and Mongol) and put them on a timeline EXPLAINING why each event was important.  If you are absent follow the above directions.

Mon. 4/16 -- DVD: Cracking the Maya Code.  Notes and stamp
Tue. 4/17 -- Quiz on Mesoamerican cultures (general).  Begin powerpoint project on Ancient American cities.  We will be in the library for three days.
Wed - Thur 4/18-4/19 -- Library Ancient American cities -- Due Friday the 20th.  E-mail projects.
Fri. 4/20 -- Video on Warriors of the Clouds,  Powerpoints DUE.

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