Sunday, September 15, 2013

September 16-20, 2013

World Geography
Mon. 9/16 -- How important is it to save the Amazon rain forest?  Reading p. 245-247 -- Make three columns.  Find five bullets of facts about the Amazon rain forest,  five facts related to saving the rain forest (may include reasons to save) and five facts to develop or use the rain forest.  In class we will watch a video to add to this list.  Test Review out.
Tue. 9/17 -- Review for the test on Wednesday -- Test review sheet will be due Wed.
Wed. 9/18 -- Test on Latin America.  The test will include a short essay (two paragraphs). 
Thur. 9/19 --  Political map on Europe. Discuss the regions of Europe and how to group the countries to make learning them easier. 
Fri. 9/20 -- DVD on France from pilot guides (PBS)

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 9/16 -- Greek Drama, making masks.  We will also review for the quiz on Tuesday.
Tue. 9/17 -- Qz. on the Golden Age of Greece.  Worksheet on the Peloponnesian War.  Why do two wars frame the Golden Age?  Maybe read a small excerpt from Pericles Funeral Oration.
Wed. 9/18 -- Brief introduction to Alexander the Great.  Divide into groups to tackle different aspects of Hellenistic Culture.  Each group will make a poster and do a presentation.
Thur.  9/19 -- Finish posters -- Presentations
Fri. 9/20 -- Review day for Greece
Monday 9/23 -- TEST on Greece

Mon. 9/16 -- Handout on demand and QD with descriptions of the different factors that effect demand.  Student teams of 4 will pick a project and develop a questionnaire that will look at how different factors affect the demand and QD for that product.  The questions need to be approved by the end of the period.  Interviews tonight.
Tue. 9/17 --  Data collected by the groups will be used to analyze D/QD factors.  Student groups will analyse data and make conclusions based on the data. 
Wed. 9/18 -- Mini-lecture on Marginal Utility and elasticity of demand.  Questions p. 112-113, main ideas 17-22 and 24.  thinking critically #25.
Thur. Notes on Supply and the Law of Supply.  Video on supply.
Fri. 9/20 -- Guided Reading worksheet on chapter 6 (Prices).  page 142-158 in the text.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Ms. Fenton! Remember me from your 2nd period Economics class last year? I wanted to discuss with you the current events in the world so I could get a more educated opinion on things.
    Email me at:
