Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 20-24, 2014

World Geography
Mon. 10/20 -- Short lecture about Islam (basic beliefs, division of Sunni and Shia).  Complete the ethnic map Iraq showing the divisions within the country.  Also highlight Baghdad, Kirkuk, Arbil, Mosel and the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. 
Tue. 10/21 -- Guest speaker -- Jon Lobdell -- Mr. Lobdell is the principal at Chief Joseph Middle School and part of the Army reserves -- he served in Mosel during operation Iraqi Freedom and will share information on ISIS/ISIL and life in Mosul.
Wed. 10/22 -- Review for the Middle East unit test
Thur. 10/23 -- Test on the Middle East -- if done early begin the physical map of Africa.
Fri. 10/24 -- Physical map of Africa which includes the climate zones of the continent.

Mon. 10/20 -- Library for research on spending by department.  We will use the research in a mini-Congress to cut parts of the US budget.  Students will work in assigned groups and see what different departments spend money on.  There is a sheet to collect research information that will be due on Tuesday.
Tue. 10/21 -- Mini-Congress -- US Budget cutting simulation.
Wed. 10/22 -- National Debt Read pages 277-283 and take notes,  use the notes on a quiz before the end of class.
Thur. 10/23 -- Review day for the test
Fri. 10/24 -- Economic test on Labor and Government

Art History
Mon. 10/20 --Japanese art and story telling. Notes on early Japanese art and a comparison activity between Sanjo Palace and the Tale of Genji.
Tue. 10/21 -- Japanese temple team activity.
Wed. 10/22 -- Religious themes in Medieval and Christian art -- 1000 names in one day!  Learn to recognize the iconography of many religious partings of Europe.  We will use the Web Gallery of Art to look at examples and see common themes.
Thur.  10/23 -- Early Christian art lecture and diagrams of basic floor plans of the Latin Cross and Central Plan churches. 
Fri. 10/24 -- Open note quiz on Christian themes.  Notes of Byzantine art.

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