Monday, August 29, 2016

August 30- September 2

August 30- September 2

AP Human Geography
Tue. 8/30 -- Syllabus, Polices, Get to Know you activity. HW: Get Policies and Syllabus signed.
Wed. 8/31 -- Map projections -- notes and powerpoint.  Group work to create a chart with positives and negatives about different types of maps.  HW: Print a map tonight that shows some data you find interesting. 
Thur. 9/1 -- Definitions of different types of maps.  We will use cloropleth maps often!  Break into small groups to discuss your maps.  Some map presentations. HW: Read p. 5-13 tonight.
Fri. 9/2 -- Making maps using  Directions on using the software.  You will make your own mashup map.  Due Wednesday 9/7. 

AP/ Art History 
Tue. 8/30 --  Syllabus and Policies.  Slide show to see what we will be studying first semester.  Prehistoric to Baroque art.  Take the syllabus/policies home for a signature.
Wed. 8/31-- Notes on the Visual Elements -- discuss on how to describe art.
Thur 9/1 -- Big Ideas in Art History -- Slides and discussion.
Fri. 9/2 -- Painting on Walls -- Cave painting in Europe and Africa.  Our first 3 slides :)

Tue. 8/30 -- Class Policies and syllabus.  Begin Goods and Services research.  HW: Interview five teens about buying habits. Get syllabus/policies signed by Friday.
Wed. 8/31 -- Finish goods and services data work.  May have to do some policies to finish up.
Thur. 9/1 -- Chapter 1 vocabulary project.  Partner up and make a simple poster to describe an economic vocab word or concept.  Begin vocab presentations
Fri. 9/2 -- Finish vocab presentations.  Vocab Puzzle. We will have a quiz over these words on 9/7.

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