Sunday, October 9, 2016

October 10-14, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 10/10 -- Migration basics worksheet with a map to show the stages of migration to the U.S. Key issue 1 of chapter 3 p. 79-83.
Tue. 10/11 -- Obituary activity -- Students will use obits from local papers to tract the internal migration in the United States.  Obits provide information about where someone was born and where they died.  We will make a chart with this information and then map the migration paths.
Wed. 10/12 -- PowerPoint notes on Key Issue 2 -- Where do people migrate within a country.  HW: Review p. 79-91 Key Issue 1-2 for a vocabulary quiz. 
Thur. 10/13 --  Qz: Key issue 1-2 vocab. Reasons for migration.  A short video about "guest workers" in the UAE and push and pull factors for migration. Reading p. 92-95 in class.
HW: Study your maps
Fri. 10/14 -- Qz on the Russia and Europe map. A bit of review before and then the quiz.  We are doing a special map of the Syrian refugee crisis today.

AP/ Art History 
Mon. 10/10 -- AC on Greece DUE;  Notes on the Etruscans.
Tue. 10/11 -- Lecture and activity on architecture -- how to read floor plans and figure out buildings.
Wed. 10/13 -- Video and chromebook activity on Pompeii including the House of the Vettii and the House of the Faun.
Thur. 10/14 -- Roman architecture -- Flavian Ampitheater, Market of Trajan and the Pantheon.  Build big or go home!
Fri. 10/15 -- Roman sculpture -- Roman patrician, Augustus, and the Battle Sarcophagus. We will describe elements of verism and propaganda in art.

Mon. 10/10 -- Read pages 250-258; Worksheet on Labor and Wages.  HW: Interview someone about their job. 
Tue. 10/11 -- Grade Labor and Wages worksheet.  Collective Bargaining simulation.
Wed. 10/12 -- Open note quiz on Chapter 9 sections 1 and 2 (p. 259-265).  You may use your PP notes and worksheet.  Reading on employment trends p. 259-265. do questions 1-6 on page 265.
Thur. 10/13 -- Taxation basics -- Create a political cartoon highlighting one of the taxation concepts from section 1 in chapter 14.  Students will work with partners.  We will present the vocabulary in class and finish on Friday.
Fri. 10/14 -- Mini-lecture on taxes and a chart on different types of taxes.

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