Monday, November 28, 2016

November 28 - December 2, 2016

AP Human Geography
Mon. 11/28 -- Review for map final.  We will go over the physical features and begin the review of countries.
Tue. 11/29 -- Review for the map final. We will finish the review of countries and play a game to review the cities. :) Country- city bingo.  STUDY tonight for the final.
Wed. 11/30 -- Map Final
Thur. 12/1 Introduction to religion notes on the distribution of religions.
Fri. 12/2 -- Go over the Culture Test.  Religious diffusion worksheet with maps.  It is unlikely students will finish in class and completing the worksheet will be homework. DUE Monday.

AP / Art History
Mon. 11/28 -- Notes on Gothic and Late Medieval Italy.  Handout on manuscript production in Paris.  AC: 48-55 DUE (black) -- Late Antique, Byzantine, Early Medieval.
Tue. 11/29 -- Virtual Tour of Cathedrals and regional cathedral styles -- Chartres, Salisbury and Orvieto.  Chromebooks to look up the difference in the regional styles and a quick talk.
Wed. 11/30 -- Review for the Early Europe through 1400 test.  Study and finish art cards.
Thur. 12/1 -- TEST: Early Europe to 1400.  Art Cards 58-64 DUE (Gold).
Fri. 12/2 -- Introduction to the Renaissance and how to study Painting notes/activity.

Mon. 11/28 -- HSBP or Corporation Project. Work Day #1 in the library.
Tue. 11/29 --  HSBP or Corporation Project. Work Day #2 in the library.
Wed. 11/30 -- Define GDP notes on how to evaluate economic performance.  Color maps of the world according to GDP. Look at
Thur. 12/1 -- Read p. 440 (Keynes biography).  Who is John Maynard Keynes?  What is Keynesian economics?  Notes on the Output-Expenditure formula.  What makes up GDP?  Short video on Keynes.
Fri. 12/2 -- The components of GDP -- using the Bureau of Economic Analysis.  Second activity to look at the CPI (Consumer Price Index) and to complete some research on inflation.

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