Monday, February 13, 2017

February 13-17, 2017 Updated

AP Human Geography
Mon. 2/13 -- Test over Political Geography with Review from Chapter 1
Tue. 2/14 -- Introduction to agriculture (chapter 10), Map of crop and animal hearths.  HW: Reading the Worst Mistake in the history of the Human Race." Read for evidence that agriculture was good and bad for humans. Notebook #7 DUE
Wed. 2/15 -- Ice Day #9 
Thur. 2/16 -- Small group discussion on "The Worst Mistake." Chart on the difference between commercial and subsistence agriculture. Go over the test.
Fri. 2/17 --Notes on food and nutrition.  What are food deserts?  HW: Reading p. 352-355. 
Tue. 2/21-- Begin agriculture in the Developing World project.

AP Art History
Mon. 2/13 -- Test on the Americas and Africa.  Notebook #7 DUE. Art Cards on Africa Due.
Tue. 2/14 -- Lecture notes on the Rococo and Natural styles.  Handouts on Rococo and Gainsborough.
Wed. 2/15 -- Ice Day #9 -- HW: Timeline of France from Louis XIV to Napoleon. I will attach the assignment to the Google classroom page if you want to get started.
Thur. 2/16 -- Short lecture on Neoclassical style and a video with project on Monticello.
Fri. 2/17 -- Notes on the Romantic period.
[Art Cards for Rococo, Natural and Neoclassical -- yellow set, due on Tuesday 2/21]
Have a nice President's Day Monday.

Mon. 2/13 -- Graphic Organizer on the American Free Enterprise system.  reading pages 72-75 and 82-86.
Tue. 2/14 -- Review for Unit 1 Test on Economic concepts
Wed. 2/15 -- Ice Day #9 -- Study for the test. 
Thur. 2/16 --  Test on Economic concepts.  Essay question will focus on the AFE system.
Fri. 2/17 Begin microeconomics -- What is demand.  Some notes and begin demand project. Interview people to complete the questionnaire over the weekend.
Have a nice President's Day Monday.
Tue. 2/21 -- Finish demand project.

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