Tuesday, March 7, 2017

March 6-10, 2017

Sorry I am a bit late this week.  Lots of planning this week!

AP Human Geogprahy
Mon. 3/6 -- Go over the Agriculture test.  Begin the powerpoint on development statistics.  There is a handout with most of the definitions and some space to take notes during the lecture.
Tue. 3/7 -- Chart on development statistics.  This is similar to the earlier chart on health statistics but we will compare HDC with LDC numbers to look at the HDI.  Lots of practice.
Wed. 3/8 -- Reviewing statistics again, but adding in key issue 2 on gender statistics.  We will compare stats on gender and the GDI.  Happy International Women's Day!  HW: Review Key issues 1-2. Know that statistics.
Thur. 3/9 -- Quiz on development stats. Multiple choice with 14 questions.  Key issue 3 is on energy, so I have a great video on energy to watch today!  Notes.
Fri. 3/10 -- Models of development -- we will look at the international trade path to development, the self sufficiency path and compare it to Rostow's Model.  A worksheet.

AP Art History
Mon. 3/6 -- Test on Later European and Americas art 1720-1900.  Art Cards due on Impressionism to the Fin-de Siecle period.  9 cards due. 
Tue. 3/7 -- Review yesterday's test.  Introduction to the modern period.  Watch the Khan Academy video on Brancussi's "the Kiss."  Handout on the styles of -isms for this unit.  Notebook #9 DUE
Wed. 3/8 -- Work time on project for Modern Art.  Groups of various sizes (depending on the topic) will work on different styles with examples form the art card list.  You will make a slide show.
Thur. 3/9 -- Begin slide show presentations
Fri. 3/10 -- Finish slide show presentations.

Mon. 3/6 -- Internet Webquest on different government regulatory agencies.  People will work with a partner since there are only 14 agencies.
Tue. 3/7 -- Review day for the Microeconomics Test.
Wed. 3/8 -- Microeconomics TEST
Thur. 3/9 -- Mini-lecture on the history of unions.  There is a powerpoint slide sheet, but there a blanks that need to be filled in.  If you are absent get the notes and complete the sheet.  These notes are key for the open note quiz. Video segment on union action during the Great Depression.
Fri. 3/10 -- Worksheet on Labor and Wages.  You need to interview someone over the weekend about their job!


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