Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 7-11, 2013

Mon. 1/7 -- Discuss Fiscal Cliff legislation.  Introduce Globalization p. 501-507, Questions p. 507 Q 2-6.
Tue. 1/8-- Watch DVD "People's Republic of China" trade links between China and the US.Students will take notes showing the connections between China and the US in trade.  10 connections needed in notes, borrow and copy for grade
Wed. 1/9 -- Notes on Regional Trade Cooperatives (EU, NAFTA etc.) Hand out reading on the European Union Debt Crisis (hopefully some time for silent reading).
Thur. 1/10 -- Project on the European Debt Crisis.  We will do a jigsaw where students with different articles (see Wednesday) will write and share about the Debt crisis. Discussion at the end of the period.
Fri. 1/11 -- Global Resource Issues -- We will read articles from National Geographic about resource issues (from Tuna to fracking). Students will take notes and read today.  -- Assignment continues with presentations on Monday. 

Art History
Mon. 1/7 -- Review characteristics of the Renaissance.  Powerpoint and review of notebook.  Students will complete a map showing the Age of Exploration.  What new cultures will begin to affect art and government in Europe?
Tue. 1/8 -- Review sheet for the Renaissance. AC 91-100 are DUE :) the last set for the semester.
Wed. 1/9 -- Art review for the Renaissance.  We will look at the 25 slides for this unit and practice some unknowns.  Review vocabulary words.
Thur. 1/10 -- Renaissance art test
Fri. 1/11 -- Art of the Americans.  Powerpoint show and art project.  AP students will have an assignment attached to this period.  Notebook #6 DUE

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 1/7 -- England :) Notes on the foundation of the parliment in England.  Primary Source reading from the Magna Carta -- What rights from the Magna Carta are still part of our world today?
Tue. 1/8 -- Social History Project -- Groups will complete a project on the social history of Europe in the 12th century.  Students will also read the section in the book and complete the worksheet. p. 387-392
Wed. 1/9 -- Second day on Social History project
Thur. 1/10 -- Disaster of the 14th century.  Short video on the Black Death. Notes will be taken using a graphic organizer for this lecture.
Fri. 1/11 -- This s a change from the calendar -- we are so lucky that I have an awesome new book on battles.  Students will work in small groups to briefly describe on of the major battles of the Hundred Year's War.  Groups will average 4 members and will show the tactics of the battle.  We will then take notes on the Hundred Year's War inserting battles as they come.  If you are gone get a copy of the notes and write a brief battle analysis of the Battle of Agincourt or the Seige of Orleans.


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