Sunday, February 10, 2013

February 11-15, 2013

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 2/11 -- QZ: Golden Age of Greece, Discuss the end of the Golden Age and the Peloponnesian War (worksheet on the war).  Finish drama masks with extra time.
Tue. 2/12 -- Listen to story about Alexander and his horse and then look at an interactive map of the conquests of Alexander the Great.  Divide into groups and work on Hellenistic Greece project.  If you are absent you will have to do a scaled down version of the project on your own. Notebook #1 DUE
Wed. 2/13 -- Finish projects and do presentations
Thur. 2/14 -- Review for Greece Test
Fri. 2/15 -- Greece Test

World Geography
Mon. 2/11 --Review for the test
Tue. 2/12 -- Test on Latin America.  Introduce Europe. 
Wed. 2/13 -- Political map of Europe, discuss the regions of Europe. 
Thur. 2/14 -- Read p. 282-285, Power point on the regions of Europe.  Begin region projects with partners.
Fri. 2/14 -- Regions project of Europe.

Art History
Mon. 2/11 -- Lecture on Italian and Spanish painting.   Go over the exam
Tue. 2/12 -- Video on Caravaggio, notes
Wed. 2/13 -- Baroque art from the Netherlands, hopefully some segments from "Girl with a Pearl Earring" on mixing paint and using lenses. Art Cards 16-22 (Italy and Spain)
Thur. 2/14 -- I am watching time here, but I would like to make still-life portraits today.  Check later in the week to see if the timing works out ;)
Fri. 2/15 -- Lecture -- Baroque art in Catholic Flanders. Compare the Netherlands and Flanders.
Note Art Cards are due right after President's day.  Cards 23-31 on the Netherlands and Flanders.

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