Saturday, February 16, 2013

February 19-22, 2013

Ancient Medieval
Tue. 2/19 -- Introduction to Rome. Reading and worksheet from the Heath text in classroom. pages 130-137.  You must borrow a copy of the chapter to make-up the assignment.  This is covered in our textbook, but not as well.
Wed. 2/20 -- Readings on different aspects of Roman culture.  Packets will be provided in class.  You may borrow a packet or do reaseach on the following three topics: Roman legions, Roman gods/religion/  or Roman entertainment (baths, theater).  If you read a packet you must do an 8 sentence summary for each packet (two required). If you choose the research option -- write a brief report 200 words (your own words) on the topic you chose.
Thur. 2/21 -- Roman Republic activity.  If you are gone read pages 156-157 and describe the postions of consuls, senate and dictator.  Compare to the United States of America (see chart on p. 157).
Fri. 2/22 -- Lecture on the transition between the Republic and Empire.  Get notes to copy.

Tue. 2/19 -- Reading pages 282-285.  Complete the physical map of Europe.
Wed. 2/20 -- Power point on Eastern Europe (notes to copy). Read pages 319-321 OR 323-325 and takes 10 notes.
Thur. 2/21 -- DVD France -- pilot guides.  Review map of Europe for Quiz on Friday.
Fri. 2/22 -- Quiz on Europe.  Russia Regions project with partners.  Get a copy of the directions if you are absent.  You will also need a small map of Russia and the Republics.

Art History
Tue. 2/19 -- Lecture on French Baroque.  open note quiz on the Baroque -- Art Cards 23-31 due.  The topic is the Netherlands and Flanders. 
Wed. 2/20 -- Library to work on Baroque architecture.  We have another webquest!
Thur. 2/21 -- Versailles map and notes to walk through Versailles.  Notebook #2 DUE
Fri. 2/22 -- Review for Baroque Test.
NOTE:  Monday we have a test on the Baroque and 5 art cards due -- 32-36.

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