Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 28-December 2, 2011

Mon. 11/28 -- Map of SE Asia.  Due Tuesday.
Tue. 11/29  -- Powerpoint of SE Asia (map review).  Begin SE Asia project with a partner.  If absent on Tuesday I will give you a short version on Wednesday.  If absent both days see Wednesday for full assignment.
Wed. 11/30-- In class complete the partner project on SE Asia.  If absent do the following: Read pages 705-709.  Define mandala.  Write five facts about history (include both colonialism and independnece)  Write five facts (sentences) about the economy. Write five sentences about culture.  Look on the internet and find 2 places in the region that you would like to visit.  List and describe these two places to visit. Turn in these notes.
Thur. 12/1 -- QUIZ on SE Asia.  Map of Australia and New Zealand.
Fri. 12/2 -- Video -- Australia.  Get a copy of the questions and copy from a classmate.  Turn in

Mon. 11/28 -- Definition of GDP and GNP (look up or copy from a classmate).  GDP map assignment (get directions from me and a map:)
Tue.  11/29 -- Notes on the Output expenditure model and John M. Keynes.  Get a copy of the diagrams and copy from a classmate.  You must do this as these notes are necessary for the Quiz on Monday the 5th.
Wed.  11/30 -- Lecture on Demographics and Economic growth.  Groups of three will make presentations on a set of demographic data.
Thur. 12/1  -- computer lab either Corporation project or work on the Culminating Portfolio.
Fri. 12/2 -- Exact same as Thursday

Ancient Medieval
Mon. 11/28  -- Finish the map of Europe in 500.  Complete the map and write notes about the Franks, Visagoths and Vandals on the back of the map.  Look up facts on-line if you are absent.  You need three historical facts for each group for a total of 9 facts.
Tue. 11/29 -- Video notes on the "Dark Ages".  copy from a classmate.  Get a map of the monastry of St. Gall.  Color code the parts of the monastry.  Get the color code from me or a classmate.
Wed. 11/30 -- Notes on Charlemange
Thur. 12/1 -- QZ. on the Germanic kingdoms. Video on the vikings, notes on Viking expansion.
Fri. 12/2 -- Small group projects on Vikings.  Students will work in six groups on one aspect of Viking culture and present this information to the class.  Absent students will be assigned a topic and will write a 15 sentence summary.

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